The Rover Boys in the Jungle; Or, Stirring Adventures in Africa

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The Rover Boys in the Jungle; Or, Stirring Adventures in Africa Page 11

by Edward Stratemeyer



  For the three Rover boys the Golden Star could not make the tripfrom Cedarville to Ithaca fast enough. They fretted over everydelay, and continually wondered if there was any likelihood oftheir missing the train which was to take them to Oak Run, thenearest railroad station to Valley Brook farm, their uncle's home.

  But the train was not missed; instead, they had to wait half anhour for it. During this time they procured dinner, although Dickfelt so strange he could scarcely eat a mouthful.

  "Uncle Randolph doesn't say much," he murmured to Tom. "He mighthave said more."

  "We'll know everything before we go to bed, Dick," answered hisbrother. "I don't believe Uncle Randolph would telegraph unlessthe news was good."

  They indulged in all sorts of speculation, as the train sped onits way to Oak Run. When the latter place was reached it wasdark, and they found Jack Ness, the hired man, waiting for themwith the carriage.

  "There, I knowed it," grinned Jack. "Mr. Rover calculated thatonly Dick would come, but I said we'd have 'em all."

  "And what is this news of my father?" questioned Dick.

  "It's a message as was picked up off the coast of Africky,"replied Ness. "Mr. Rover didn't explain very clearly to me. He'sa good deal excited, and so is the missus."

  "And so are we," remarked Sam. "Can it be that father is on hisway home?"

  "I calculate not, Master Sam. Leas'wise, your uncle didn't sayso," concluded the hired man.

  Never had the horses made better time than they did now, and yetthe boys urged Ness continually to drive faster. Swift River wassoon crossed--that stream where Sam had once had such a stirringadventure--and they bowled along past the Fox and other farms.

  "Here we are!" shouted Dick at last.

  "There is Uncle Randolph out on the porch to greet us!"

  "And there is Aunt Martha!" added Sam. "I do believe they lookhappy, don't you, Tom?"

  "They certainly don't look sad," was the noncommittal answer; andthen the carriage swept up to the horse-block and the three boysalighted.

  "All of you, eh?" were Randolph Rover's first words. "Well,perhaps it is just as well so."

  "We simply couldn't stay behind, uncle," said Sam. "And we aredying to know what it all means."

  "But you must have supper first," put in Aunt Martha, as she gaveone and another a motherly kiss. "I know riding on the carsusually makes Tom tremendously hungry."

  "Well eat after we have had the news," said Tom. "We're dying toknow all, as Sam says."

  "The news is rather perplexing, to tell the truth," said RandolphRover, as he led the way into the library of the spacious home."I hardly know what to make of it."

  "Who brought it?" questioned Dick.

  "It came by mail--a bulky letter all the way from Cape Town,Africa."

  "From father?"

  "No, from a Captain Townsend, who, it seems, commands the clippership Rosabel. He sent me one letter inclosing another. The firstletter is from himself."

  "And is the second letter from father?" burst out Tom.

  "Yes, my boy."

  "Oh, let us see it!" came in a shout from all three of the Roverboys.

  "You had better read the captain's communication first," answeredRandolph Rover. "Then you will be more apt to understand theother. Or shall I read it for the benefit of all?"

  "Yes, yes, you read it, Uncle Randolph," was the answer.

  "The letter is dated at Cape Town, and was written a little over amonth ago. It is addressed to 'Randolph Rover, or to Richard,Thomas, or Samuel Rover, New York City,' and is further marked'Highly Important-Do Not Lose or Destroy.'"

  "And what is in it?" asked the impatient Tom. "Do hurry and tellus, Uncle Randolph."

  And then his uncle read as follows:


  "I am a stranger to you, but I deem it my duty to write to you onaccount of something which occurred on the 12th day of April last,while my clipper ship Rosabel, bound from Boston, U. S. A., toCape Town, Africa, was sailing along the coast of Congo but a fewmiles due west from the mouth of the Congo River.

  "Our ship had been sent in by a heavy gale but the wind had gonedown, and we were doing more drifting than sailing to thesouthward when the lookout espied a man on a small raft which wasdrifting toward us.

  "On coming closer, we discovered that the man was white and thathe looked half starved. We put out a boat and rescued the poorcreature but he had suffered so much from spear wounds andstarvation that, on being taken on board of our ship, heimmediately relapsed into insensibility, and out of this we failedto arouse him. He died at sundown, and we failed, even to learnhim name or home address.

  "On searching the dead man's pockets we came across the enclosedletter, addressed to you, and much soiled from water. As you willsee, it is dated more than a year back and was evidently in thepossession of the man who died for some time. Probably he startedout to deliver it, or to reach some point from which it could bemailed.

  "I trust that the message becomes the means of rescuing theAnderson Rover mentioned in the letter, and I will be pleased tolearn if this letter of mine is received. The Rosabel sails fromCape Town to Brazil as soon as her cargo can be discharged andanother taken on.

  "Very truly yours,

  "JOHN V. TOWNSEND, Captain."

  As Randolph Rover ceased reading there was a brief silence, brokenby Tom.

  "So the man who died held a letter. And what is in that, UncleRandolph?"

  "I will read it to you, boys, although that is a difficult matter,for the writing is uneven and much blurred. On one part of thesheet there is a blot of blood--the blood, I presume--of thepoor fellow who was trying to deliver the communication."

  Unfolding the stained document, Randolph Rover bent closer to thetable lamp that he might read the more easily. As for the boys,they fairly held their breaths, that no spoken word might escapethem.

  "The letter is addressed to me," said the uncle. "But theenvelope is, as you can see, very much torn. I will read," and hedid so.

  "NIWILI CAMP, on the Congo,

  "July the 18th, 189--.


  "If, by the goodness of God, this reaches you, I trust that youwill set out without delay to my assistance.

  "I write under great difficulties, as a prisoner, of the Bumwotribe of natives, ruled by King Susko.

  "I have discovered the secret of a gold mine here, and the kingwill not let me go, fearing that I will tell the outside world ofmy discovery and bring the English or French here to slay him andhis followers. They know nothing here of Americans.

  "I entrust this to the care of an English sailor who is going totry to make his escape. I cannot go myself, having had my legbroken by a blow from one of my jailers.

  "I am sick and weak in body, and it may be that I will soon die.Yet I beg of you to do what you can for me. If I die, I trust youto be a father to my dear boys, Dick, Tom, and Sam, and ask Marthafor me to be a mother to them.

  "The king expects soon to remove to another camp at a place calledRhunda Konoka (the Water Well). Perhaps he will take me along, orelse he may slay me.

  "All those who were with me are dead excepting several natives whohave joined the Burnwo tribe.

  "Good-by, and do what you can until you are certain that I amdead.

  "Your loving brother,


  When Randolph Rover ceased reading he saw that there were tears inthe eyes of all of the boys, and that his wife was also crying.His own voice had had to be cleared continually. To all theletter was like a message from the grave.

  "And that is all?" questioned Dick, breaking the silence.

  "That is all, my boy--and the letter was written about a yearago!"

  "But we'll go in search of him!" put in Tom, quickly. "He may bealive yet."

  "I thought I would go," answered Randolph Rover, "and I thought,
possibly, that I might take Dick with me."

  "Oh, you must take me too!" burst out Tom. "I could never bear tobe left behind."

  "And you must take me," interrupted Sam. "We always go together,you know."

  At this talk Randolph Rover was somewhat taken aback. "All!" hecried. "Why, what would three boys do in the heart of Africa?"

  "Look for father!" cried Tom. "I shan't stay behind--you can'tmake me!" he went on half defiantly.

  "We have been through lots of adventures, uncle, you know that,"came from Sam. "We are not afraid."

  "But the danger, boys--" began the uncle.

  "What danger wouldn't we face for father's sake!" said Tom. "I'dgo through fire and water for him."

  "You had better let us all go," said Dick.

  "If you don't let Tom and Sam go, why, the chances are they'll--"

  "Run away and go anyway," finished Sam.

  "Oh, Uncle Randolph, say we can go; please do!"

  At this enthusiasm the uncle smiled sadly.

  "All-right, boys; as you are bound to have it so, you shall allgo. But don't blame me if the perils are greater than youanticipate, and if the undertaking costs one or more of you yourlives."


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