Italian Gothic Horror Films (1980-1989)

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Italian Gothic Horror Films (1980-1989) Page 16

by Roberto Curti

  of Santa Priscilla, with Fragasso acting as a de

  n.a. Also known as: Terror en el convento (Spain),

  facto second unit director, if not even more, ac-

  L’autre enfer; Le couvent infernal (France).

  cording to his own words.

  Note: the tracks Dottor Frankestein, Notte,

  Upstairs, Bruno was shooting La vera storia della

  Le cascate di Viridiana are taken from the

  monaca di Monza, which was the “A” movie, so to

  Goblin LPs “Roller” and “Il fantastico viaggio

  speak, whereas in the vaults I was shooting the “B”

  del bagarozzo Mark.”

  movie, L’altro Inferno… . In fact, there was a real in-

  Strange and frightening things are happening

  terchange because the actors were the same and so

  at a convent headed by the stern Mother Vincenza:

  they moved from one set to the other, going upstairs

  necromancy rituals take place in the vaults, and

  and downstairs depending on the film in which they

  mysterious deaths ensue. The Mother Superior

  were requested to act. In short, they were two movies

  calls an exorcist, Father Inardo, who in turn asks

  tangled together … you know, sometimes I had to

  the help of a younger priest, Father Valerio. As

  go upstairs where Bruno was shooting to “steal” cans

  the latter finds out, the convent is inhabited by

  of film! I needed it to finish my movie, and often I

  an elusive presence, a young woman who falls in

  borrowed other material secretly. I was given very

  little, he had everything.2

  love with him. After witnessing more horrible

  murders, and escaping death himself, Father Va-

  If we take Fragasso’s words for granted, then, the

  lerio discovers that the young woman, Elisa, is

  process was the same as other movies the duo

  Mother Vincenza’s illegitimate daughter, and was

  made together, namely the W.I.P. diptych Vio-

  disfigured at an early age after being thrown into

  lenza in un carcere femminile (982) and Blade

  a hot cauldron by a nun. Elisa, who has strong

  Violent (983), and the Westerns Bianco Apache

  telekinetic powers, was exploited by Mother Vin-

  (986) and Scalps (986). On the other hand,

  cenza, who used her to dispatch all those who

  Mattei always maintained that Fragasso was al-

  learned about her secret. Now that he knows the

  ways an assistant director on these, and nothing

  truth, Father Valerio too becomes the target of


  Mother Vincenza’s fury…

  That said, the analogies between L’altro In-

  Shot in six weeks, at the same time, on the

  ferno and its model are limited to the title and

  same location and with part of the same cast as

  some visuals or situations, which is understand-

  La vera storia della monaca di Monza (980),

  able. According to Rome’s Public Cinemato-

  L’altro Inferno offers a good example of Bruno

  graphic Register, filming started on October 23,

  Mattei’s approach to filmmaking and his working

  979, and lasted through October and November,

  methods. He explained that “La Monaca was

  when very little was known about Argento’s film

  outsourced by [distributor] Stefano Film. Prac-

  besides its title and some set stills. Most notably,

  tically, we were the executive producers. There

  Inferno’s alchemist’s lair is reprised, albeit in a

  1981: L’altro


  Italian lobby card for L’altro Inferno (1981). Note the use of a similar font as Argento’s film.

  minor key, in the scenes set in the necromancer’s

  botched job. As Fragasso recalled, “we called

  lab (filmed, according to Mattei, inside Villa

  Goblin because they were very fashionable, and

  Mussolini, in an old shack all repainted in black

  asked them to write the music. But they asked

  and silver). The sight of a boiling cauldron be-

  for a lot of money, and we got a deal being able

  comes also the link to the solution of the

  to obtain the possibility of using stock music

  mystery, evoked by a childish drawing à la Pro-

  with a few modifications done specifically for

  fondo rosso; the moment where Father Valerio

  the film.”3 Mattei’s explanation was simpler: “I

  (Carlo De Mejo) notices a crazy nun combing

  am very good friends with Carlo Bixio, who was

  her hair in front of a mirror recalls the scene of

  their music publisher, and he gave me all the

  the spell in Suspiria; Franco Garofalo’s repellent

  music I wanted… . ”4

  caretaker Boris behaves toward animals with the

  Besides the odd Argento reference, the

  same cruelty as Kazanian, killing a cat for no

  story—concocted by Mattei and Fragasso, with

  reason (and decapitating a rooster, in one of

  the latter penning the script by himself—draws

  those lousy bits of animal cruelty not uncommon

  primarily from other sources, namely, as Mattei

  in Italian films of the period) and as a comeup-

  admitted, William Friedkin’s 973 classic The Ex-

  pance he ends up with his throat ripped apart

  orcist (“It was a time when it still had an im-

  by his own dog like the pianist (Flavio Bucci) in

  pact”), Brian De Palma’s Carrie and Richard

  Suspiria. On top of that, here and there Mattei

  Franklin’s Patrick. The latter had been a surprise

  and Fragasso try to color the scene with schemes

  hit in Italy, thanks also to an aggressive distri-

  akin to those seen in Argento’s 977 film, as far

  bution campaign and the replacing of Brian

  as their scarce budget would allow. Finally, the

  May’s soundtrack with music by Goblin (like

  score features ample extracts from two Goblin

  Dario Argento had done with Romero’s Martin,

  albums, Roller (976) and Il fantastico viaggio

  released in Italy as Wampyr), and spawned an

  del bagarozzo Mark (978): the music scarcely

  explicit sequel/rip-off, Patrick vive ancora. Elisa,

  blends with the visuals, and often feels like a

  the disfigured girl with telekinetic powers who

  4 1981: L’altro may well be the Devil’s daughter, is a mixture of

  Stoppi and Franco Garofalo bring a de-

  the characters in De Palma and Franklin’s films,

  mented intensity to their roles, whereas porn

  and her confrontation with her mother, played

  actress Sandy Samuel (a.k.a. Daniela Samueli)

  with crazed relish by Franca Stoppi, reprises

  pops up in a non- speaking part as a nun gone

  Carrie’s climax almost to the letter. Finally, not

  crazy, but she does not take her clothes off. Carlo

  to leave any stone unturned, a little zombie

  De Mejo looks rather uncomfortable as the al-

  movie touch was added toward the ending for

  coholic Father Vincenzo, who records his solil-

  good measure.

  oquies on a video camera and comes across the

  The script blends the various borrowings

  solution by way of some sort of “telepathic

  into a weird mystery plot, where one is never

  broadcast” not unlike the one experienced by

  sure whether the horrible events are the result

  the protagonists in John Carpenter’s Prince of

  of the devil at play or are conducted by a devilish

  Darkness (987), in one of the script’s most

  but human presence. In this sense, the film’s best

  bizarre twists. As for Paola Montenero, she

  scene is the one where the investigator, Father

  appears only in the pre- credit sequence set in

  Vincenzo, listens to the confession of an un-

  the convent’s vaults and delivers a monologue

  known woman (who we later learn is Elisa) who

  which reaches new heights in trash (“The geni-

  tells him she is in love with him, and barely es-

  tals are a door to evil! The vagina, the uterus,

  capes an attempt on his life, as a mysterious

  the womb … the labyrinth that leads to hell …

  hand drives a knife through the confessional.

  the devil’s tools… ”). The scene, barely related

  The priest runs out, only to find himself in the

  to the rest of the film, was performed by Mon-

  middle of the morning mass, with all the nuns

  tenero (who played a role in La vera storia della

  singing in a choir in church; he turns back to

  monaca di Monza but was not cast in L’altro In-

  the confessional, and sees the knife still vibrating

  ferno) as a personal favor to Mattei.7

  in the wood—a moment rendered with an ele-

  On top of that, the few gore scenes are

  gant change of focus which is one of the film’s

  cheap and crude: in the prologue, Montenero

  few attempts at stylish direction.

  starts an anatomy lesson on a dead female body

  Making use of a Gothic staple as the

  by sticking a scalpel in the corpse’s crotch, and

  convent location (but with barely any nod to the

  then rips the ovaries from her womb with her

  literary tradition of Ann Radcliffe and Matthew

  bare hands. But the low budget severely under-

  Lewis, for that matter), Fragasso and Mattei draw

  mines the makers’ efforts: when Elisa’s disfigured

  heavily from Catholic- related themes such as sin

  face is finally revealed, Pino Ferrante’s make- up

  and sexual repression, and play with religion and

  is so poor that it looks like the actress has

  blasphemy in a way not unlike the popular serial

  smeared her mouth with peanut butter. Another

  novels of the late 800 and early 900 (with a nod

  embarrassing moment is the flashback where

  to Manzoni’s story as well). This prompted the

  the newborn Elisa is thrown into a boiling pot

  newspaper La Stampa to pair L’altro Inferno with

  by the Mother Superior, on paper a truly shock-

  William Peter Blatty’s directorial debut The Ninth

  ing moment that shows how far Italian cinema

  Configuration (980), released in Italy around the

  could venture in terms of sheer cinematic excess.

  same time, labeling the two films as “fantatheo-

  It was Fragasso’s daughter, three months old at

  logical” in an article titled “Crisi mistica dell’hor-

  the time, who had the honor of playing the

  ror-cinema” (“Mystical crisis of horror cinema”).

  Devil’s infant offspring: “The baby was quiet

  Curiously, in the interview with Franca Stoppi

  while she was in her mother’s arms, but as soon

  that accompanied the piece, and which described

  as Franca Stoppi picked her up she started cry-

  her as an ex- mannequin-turned actress, L’altro

  ing. So, I had to repeat the scene many times,

  Inferno was mistakenly mentioned as Stoppi’s

  until eventually she fell asleep and I could film

  debut—whereas she had debuted in 976, in

  her quietly. Luckily, I had already done a close-

  Dino Risi’s Telefoni bianchi, and had played one

  up of her blue eyes, like those of the character

  of the main roles in Buio omega (979). The ac-

  as an adult.”8 Of course, the child was replaced

  tress didn’t correct the interviewer. “‘Were you

  by a baby doll for the scene’s climax, as no viewer

  satisfied with making your film debut in the role

  will fail to notice.

  of a nun, in a story which mixes parapsychology

  Predictably, the film was given a V.M.8 rat-

  and horror?’ ‘Every chance is good to make a

  ing, but the running time indicated in the official

  debut, provided that the character offers a min-

  papers differs from the version released in the-

  imum of opportunity to give one’s best.’”6

  aters, amounting to about 94 minutes instead of

  1981: Black


  88. Mattei signed it as “Stefan Oblowsky,” the

  Black Cat (Gatto nero) (The Black Cat)

  same a.k.a. as in La vera storia della monaca di

  Monza, where the Eastern European sounding

  D: Lucio Fulci. S: Biagio Proietti, based on

  surname was supposed to recall such masters of

  the short story by Edgar Allan Poe; SC: Biagio

  erotic cinema as Borowczyk.9

  Proietti, Lucio Fulci; DOP: Sergio Salvati (Tech-

  Even though the screening certificate dated

  novision—Eastmancolor, Telecolor); M: Pino

  July 980, L’altro Inferno was released in Italy

  Donaggio, conducted by Natale Massara (Ed.

  only the following year to poor business, signal-

  Zita); E: Vincenzo Tomassi; PD: Francesco Cal-

  ing that the blatant filiation to Argento’s original

  abrese; ArtD: Massimo Antonello Geleng; CO:

  was not enough to guarantee commercial suc-

  Massimo Lentini; 2ndUD: Roberto Giandalia;

  cess, and that, most of all, unlike a decade earlier

  AD: Victor Tourjansky, David Del Bufalo; C:

  with the many gialli with animal- related titles,

  Franco Bruni, Roberto Forges Davanzati; AC:

  it was not possible to build a filone based on Ar-

  Maurizio Lucchini; MU: Franco Di Girolamo;

  gento’s Gothics. Times were changing, and au-

  AMU: Rosario Prestopino; Hair: Maria Pia Cra-

  diences were looking for a different type of hor-

  panzano; SP: Gianfranco Massa; SO: Ugo Celani;

  ror film, with more convincing special effects

  B: Eros Giustini; 1stAE: Rita Antonelli; 2ndAE:

  and better production values: L’altro Inferno was

  Pietro Tomassi; SE: Paolo Ricci; SOE: Fernando

  openly derided by the audience when screened

  Caso, Alvaro Gramigna; MA/STC: Nazzareno

  at the Trieste Film Festival. However, it was sold

  Cardinali; ChEl: Alfredo Fedeli; KG: Ennio Briz-

  in Spain0 and France and over the years it be-

  zolari; W: Palmina Tacconi; SS: Daniela Tonti.

  came something of a cult film. It even surfaced

  Cast: Patrick Magee (Prof. Robert Miles), Mimsy

  theatrically in the U.S., in the mid–�
��980s, as The

  Farmer (Jill Trevers), David Warbeck (Inspector

  Guardian of Hell.

  Gorley), Al Cliver [Pierluigi Conti] (Sgt. Wilson),

  Mattei and Fragasso’s next venture was the

  Dagmar Lassander (Lilian Grayson), Bruno

  gory zombie film Virus, released in Spain in No-

  Corazzari (Ferguson), Geoffrey Copleston (In-

  vember 980 and in Italy in August 98.

  spector Flynn), Daniela Doria [Daniela Cormio]

  (Maureen Grayson), Vito Passeri (Warehouse

  Watchman). PROD: Giulio Sbarigia for Selenia


  Cinematografica S.r.l. (Rome); PM: Ennio Ono-

  rati; GM: Renato Angiolini; UM: Antonio Da

  . Manlio Gomarasca and Davide Pulici, “Intervista a

  Bruno Mattei,” in Manlio Gomarasca and Davide Pulici

  Padova, Tommaso Pantano; ADM: Adalberto

  (eds.), Il sopravvissuto. Guida al cinema di Bruno Mattei.

  Spadoni. Country: Italy. Filmed on location in

  Nocturno Dossier #4, April 2006, 6.

  England (West Wycombe, Hambledon) and at

  2. Federico Caddeo and Laurent Lopéré, “Passion de-

  RPA—Elios, Cine International and De Paolis

  voreuse,” Mad Movies #7, May 200, p. 72.

  3. Ibid.

  In.Ci.R. Studios (Rome). Running time: 92 min-

  4. Gomarasca and Pulici, “Intervista a Bruno Mattei,”

  utes (m. 23). Visa n. 7632 (3.9.98); Rating:


  V.M.4. Release dates: 4.4.98 (Italy), .7.982

  . Lamberto Antonelli, “Crisi mistica dell’horror-cin-

  (Netherlands), .4.982 (Norway), 3.9.983

  ema,” La Stampa, January 9, 98.

  (France), 2.0.984 (USA); Distribution: Italian

  6. Lamberto Antonelli, “L’ex mannequin si fa suora,”

  La Stampa, January 9, 98.

  International Film (Italy); World Northal (USA).

  7. Gomarasca and Pulici, “Intervista a Bruno Mattei,”

  Domestic gross: 433,967,662 lire. Also known as:


  I kattens klør (Norway), Le chat noir (France), El

  8. Caddeo and Lopéré, “Passion devoreuse.”

  gato negro (Spain).

  9. “Probably a pseudonym,” cautiously conceded the

  reviewer in Corriere della Sera before slaughtering the film,

  In a small village in the English countryside,

  noting that “in these Italian subproducts we have now

  solitary researcher Robert Miles spends his days

  reached the point, with a procedure akin to pornographic

  in the company of a black cat, recording the voices


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