Italian Gothic Horror Films (1980-1989)

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Italian Gothic Horror Films (1980-1989) Page 30

by Roberto Curti

  Gothic cinema’s favorite twists, she has the same

  Shooting went on for four months, on 6mm

  features as a woman portrayed in an Etruscan

  (later blown up to 3mm for the theatrical re-

  mural painting, who also wears the same neck-

  lease), on location in Tuscany and partly in the

  lace (depicting a scorpion with two tails, hence

  U.S. The director decided to sign the film as

  the title) which has miraculously saved her life

  “Christian Plummer” (the first time he used an

  in a shootout. Far from being simply a red her-

  English pseudonym) in order to make the result

  ring, the supernatural becomes an integral part

  more commercially viable: the name “Sergio

  of the story, also by way of a mysterious old man

  Martino” was by then associated with comedy

  (Luigi Rossi, best known as the amiable lawyer

  after the series of amusing farces he had directed

  who addresses the audience and tell anecdotes

  since the mid–970s.

  about the main characters in Fellini’s Amarcord)

  The fate of Assassinio al cimitero etrusco

  who plays the “aulos” (the typical ancient wind

  was quite different from the one Martino had

  instrument similar to the flute) and acts as the

  envisioned while making it. Quartarete TV was

  link between the past and the present.

  attempting to enter the private television market

  Gastaldi’s script has a field day milking the

  as a competitor to Fininvest, but eventually its

  supernatural angle for all it’s worth, and the

  owners gave up, and the TV series, although

  scenes set in the Etruscan necropolis, recreated

  ready for broadcast, was shelved. The theatrical

  by Antonello Geleng at R.P.A.-Elios studios, have

  version was distributed earlier than expected, to

  an endearing fantasy- like quality that evokes the

  modest box- office (incidentally, the poster by

  Conan the Barbarian rip- offs made around the

  Enzo Sciotti recycled the same menacing long-

  same time (as well as Duccio Tessari’s Tex e il sig-

  haired, knife- wielding figure from Quella villa

  nore degli abissi, 98) but they also highlight one

  accanto al cimitero). In the late 980s the series

  of the film’s main issues, the attempt of covering

  was purchased by Reteitalia and reduced to a

  too many disparate bases in an effort to please

  80-minute, two- part version, Lo scorpione a due

  the mass audience.

  code, to be broadcast on Canale . This abridged

  Despite some good camerawork, the direc-

  version, reedited by Claudio Lattanzi, was never

  tion is mostly uninspired, and the story drags

  aired on Berlusconi’s network and turned up on

  along confusingly, with a continuing series of

  local networks over the years. The original neg-

  plot twists and new characters introduced, in a

  atives, according to Martino, were damaged.

  manner not unlike old- time serials. The fact that

  If the idea of a mystery related to Etruscan

  the theatrical version is severely abridged doesn’t

  tombs recalls Armando Crispino’s giallo, L’etrusco

  help. At 98 minutes, it drops some subplots com-

  uccide ancora (972), Sacchetti and Gastaldi’s

  pletely, such as Joan’s little brother being kid-

  story blends giallo and supernatural elements in

  napped by an American drug kingpin, who

  a way that echoes the Gothic made- for-TV mini-

  blackmails Joan into recovering the drugs for

  series of the 970s, such as Il segno del comando

  him, or Joan and Mike taking a trip to the Ni-

  and Ritratto di donna velata (the latter also shot

  agara Falls. The theatrical cut also discards sev-

  in Volterra).4 The victims are killed with their

  eral atmospheric sequences, such as photogra-

  neck snapped and head twisted according to an

  pher/graverobber Gianni Andrucci (Garofalo)

  ancient Etruscan curse, but, as one of the char-

  penetrating a tomb and experiencing aural and

  acters underlines at one point, nobody remotely

  visual hallucinations in front of the mural paint-

  believes in the supernatural explanation, and a

  ings, and Joan discovering the body of another

  subplot about heroin smuggling keeps the story

  graverobber, Senaldi (Monni). On top of that,

  on a mundane level.

  some actors, such as Bruno Di Luia, appear only

  On the other hand, Joan Barnard has much

  in the TV version. In addition to the many cuts,

  in common with Gothic’s heroines in peril, who

  the theatrical version featured some differences

  end up in danger because of their overt sensi-

  in the dubbing as well: for instance, in the TV

  1982: La casa


  French lobby card for Assassinio al cimitero etrusco, featuring Claudio Cassinelli (center) and elvire Audray (right).

  version Claudio Cassinelli dubs himself, whereas

  gots pop up from the photograph of an Etruscan

  in the film he is dubbed by Pino Colizzi.

  site) fail to inject much- needed frissons. Even

  Despite the convoluted plot, the mystery

  the reliable Fabio Frizzi’s score seems on auto-

  angle is by- the-numbers, with the villain intro-

  pilot, to the point that it recycles themes from

  duced one hour into the film, and turning out

  Paura nella città dei morti viventi. No wonder

  to be (in one of Gastaldi’s favorite plot twists:

  Martino himself regretted having had anything

  see La morte accarezza a mezzanotte, 972) a po-

  to do with it, since “it didn’t add anything to my

  tential love interest for the heroine. On top of

  career, not even from an economic standpoint.”

  that, the climactic revelation is disastrously

  staged, with the worst case of a dead- man-



  1. There are two original stories signed by Sacchetti and

  mask-the-murderer ever committed in a giallo.

  Gastaldi and deposited at the SIAE archives, Il mistero degli

  Etruschi (dated January , 982) and Lo scorpione a due

  The final explanatory monologue includes yet

  code (dated April 23, 982)

  another photographic blow- up that reveals the

  2. Sergio Martino, Mille peccati … nessuna virtù?

  murderer’s identity (a detail which adds nothing

  (Milan: Bloodbuster, 207), 78.

  to the mystery) and a ludicrous clarification

  3. The credits also list Gastaldi’s wife Maria Chianetta

  as co- scriptwriter, presumably for similar reasons.

  about the true nature of one key character (a

  4. For an analysis of Ritratto di donna velata, see Curti,

  covert agent who studied Etruscan archaeology

  Italian Gothic Horror Films, 1970–1979, 222.

  to infiltrate a gang of smugglers!).

  5. Martino, Mille peccati … nessuna virtù?, 79.

  Martino eschews explicit
gore, but the few

  make- up effects (by a young Sergio Stivaletti,

  La casa stregata (The Haunted House)

  uncredited) leave a lot to be desired, while the

  D: Bruno Corbucci. S: Mario Amendola,

  odd macabre touches (such as Joan seeing mag-

  Bruno Corbucci, Mario Cecchi Gori; SC: Mario

  00 1982: La casa Amendola, Bruno Corbucci, Enrico Oldoini;

  of the full moon. Therefore, Giorgio and Candida’s

  DOP: Ennio Guarnieri (Technospes); M: Detto

  attempts to make love are systematically frus-

  Mariano (Ed. Slalom); E: Daniele Alabiso; PD:

  trated, often by the intervention of the mysterious

  Giantito Burchiellaro; ArtD: Bruno Amalfitano;

  Omar, who is actually the ghost of the two lovers’

  CO: Giulia Mafai; AD: Roberto Tatti; SS: Cinzia

  servant. This results in poor Giorgio suffering

  Alchimede; C: Renato Ranieri; AC: Maurizio

  many absurdist accidents. To make matters worse,

  Fiorentini; 2ndAC: Francesco Damiani; SO:

  Giorgio’s colleagues are suspicious about the luxu-

  Benito Alchimede; SP: Giuseppe Botteghi; MA:

  rious house he lives in, and believe he is in cahoots

  Rocco Lerro; MU: Alfredo Tiberi, Pierantonio

  with the criminals who often rob the bank…

  Mecacci, Gianfranco Mecacci; APD: Antonia

  Renato Pozzetto’s second Gothic spoof

  Mirella Rubeo; AE: Brigida Mastrolillo, Marcello

  after Mia moglie è una strega is a ghost story that

  Cannone; PROP: Vittorio Troiani; KG: Ennio

  dealt with the theme of reincarnation and a sec-

  Picconi; ChEl: Amilcare Cuccoli; Mix: Romano

  ular curse, declined in an amiably funny way:

  Pampaloni; SE: Antonio Corridori; W: Clara

  “Metempsychosis? Isn’t it some sort of a pneu-

  Fratarcangeli; Publicist: Francesca De Guida

  monia?” asks Giorgio (Pozzetto), the unaware

  Canori. Cast: Renato Pozzetto (Giorgio Allegri),

  reincarnation of a Saracen warrior turned by his

  Gloria Guida (Candida Melengo), Lia Zoppelli

  witch mother- in-law into a pillar of salt together

  (Anastasia), Yorgo Voyagis (Oscar), Marilda

  with his beloved and cursed by a thousand- year-

  Donà (Lucia), Angelo Pellegrino (Elpidio Tom-

  old spell. The bulk of the movie centers on Gior-

  masini), Rita Forzano (Allegri’s colleague), Leo

  gio’s vain attempts to have sex with his virgin fi-

  Gavero (Bank manager), Angelo Nicotra (Alle-

  ancée Candida, while the ghost of the warrior’s

  gri’s colleague), Aldo Ralli (Allegri’s colleague),

  servant prevents him with all sort of magic

  Giulia Valli, Fernando Cerulli (Real estate

  tricks, as the spell will be broken only if she loses

  agent), Vittorio Ripamonti (Don Alvino), Nicola

  her virginity on the exact expiration of the thou-

  Morelli (Albani), Franco Diogene (Dilapidated

  sand years’ span, on a night of full moon, finally

  house owner), Tony Scarf [Antonio Scarfone]

  releasing the two unfortunate spirits.

  (Robber); uncredited: Bruno Corbucci (Veteri-

  Pozzetto teams up with the gorgeous Gloria

  narian), Antonio Conte (Bus driver), Mario Do-

  Guida, in one of her last film appearances before

  natone (Hotel Concierge), Mimmo Poli (Client

  retiring from the movie business (that same year

  at the bank). PROD: Mario Cecchi Gori, Vittorio

  she starred alongside her husband Johnny

  Cecchi Gori for Intercapital Films. AP: Achille

  Dorelli in Dino Risi’s Sesso e volentieri), whereas

  Manzotti; GM: Mino Barbera; PM: Giandomenico

  Yorgo Voyagis plays a similar guest star role as

  Stellitano; PS: Mino Barbera; PSe: Tommaso Pan-

  Helmut Berger in Mia moglie è una strega. Cor-

  tano; ADM: Mario Lupi, Danilo Martelli. Country:

  bucci (who concocted the script with his usual

  Italy. Filmed on location in Milan, Rome, at Villa

  collaborator Mario Amendola, and with future

  Giovanelli- Fogaccia (Rome) and at De Paolis

  film director Enrico Oldoini) crams the thin plot

  In.Ci.R. Studios (Rome). Running time: 9 minutes

  with all the required elements, revisited in a far-

  (m. 2630). Visa n. 77630 (3.4.982); Rating: all au-

  cical way: a Middle- age prologue (set in the eerie

  diences. Release date: 3.4.982; Distribution:

  6th century park of Bomarzo, seen in Il castello

  Cineriz. Domestic gross: ,483,89,000 lire. Also

  dei morti vivi), assorted poltergeist manifesta-

  known as: Das verhexte Haus (East Germany).

  tions, flying objects galore, and even a talking

  Giorgio Allegri, a bank accountant in Milan,

  Great Dane (who speaks in a Neapolitan accent).

  moves to Rome. There, he starts looking for a

  All this is merged with Pozzetto’s surreal one-

  house where to move along with his beautiful fi-

  liners as well as with satirical stabs at contem-

  ancée Candida (with whom he has not made love

  porary Italy. A recurring gag has Giorgio and

  yet), her mother Anastasia, and his Great Dane

  his colleagues quietly discussing their personal

  dog Gaetano. He eventually settles in a beautiful

  affairs while lying on the floor with criminals

  huge villa outside the city, on the Via Appia, for

  pointing gun at them, in the middle of some

  a ridiculous sum. As Giorgio soon finds out, the

  bank robbery to which they are now totally

  house is haunted: a thousand years earlier, an

  accustomed, hinting at the crime wave of the

  Arab warrior and his lover were caught by the

  period. On the other hand, Giorgio’s misadven-

  woman’s mother, who cast a spell on them,

  tures in search of an apartment where to move

  turning them into pillars of salt. To break the spell,

  in Rome, where all houses seem to be either im-

  Candida must remain a virgin until the first night

  possibly expensive and/or dilapidated (a funny

  1982: Manhattan


  scene has the landlord showing him a half-

  grossed almost 900 million lire, ending up at the

  destroyed flat while magnifying its virtues as if

  twentieth spot among the top- grossing films of

  it was a royal palace), recall the basic plot of an

  the season. That year, two more Pozzetto films,

  old Totò classic comedy, Totò cerca casa (949,

  Culo e camicia (98, Pasquale Festa Campanile,

  Mario Monicelli and Steno).

  co- starring Enrico Montesano) and Nessuno è

  The gags range from the old- hat banana

  perfetto (98, Pasquale Festa Campanile, co-

  peel to absurdist segments: during a bank rob-

  starring Ornella Muti) ended up respectively at

  bery, Giorgio gets angry and turns into the In-

  the fourth and sixth spot, making him Italy’s

  credible Hulk, in a nod to the TV series starring

  most popular comedian after Adriano Celen-

  Lou Ferrigno, then very popular in Italy: the


ansformation and Giorgio/Hulk’s feats (such

  as eradicating a security door from the wall) are


  filmed in slow- motion, and exactly mimic the

  1. In turn, Totò cerca casa (partly inspired by the comic

  series. However, the funniest bit has Giorgio and

  strip La famiglia Sfollatini) featured a side- splittingly funny

  Candida recreate a typical stag movie situation

  segment in which Totò and his family move to a new house

  to fool the ghost and finally have sex: he dresses

  next to a cemetery where he must be the caretaker, which

  up as a rude plumber (complete with a Ron Je-

  resulted in an amusing spoof of horror clichés.

  2. A.V. [Aldo Viganò], “La coppia Pozzetto- Guida

  remy mustache and phony Roman accent) and

  perseguitata da un fantasma,” La Stampa, 3 March 982.

  she plays the nympho housewife. Too bad the

  3. L.A. [Leonardo Autera], “Pozzetto e Gloria Guida

  trick doesn’t work…

  con il cane parlante,” Corriere della Sera, 8 March 982.

  Critics pointed out the similarities between

  La casa stregata and Giorgio Capitani’s Bollenti

  Manhattan Baby (Manhattan Baby, a.k.a.

  spiriti, released the previous year, and criticized

  Eye of the Evil Dead)

  Corbucci’s listless direction.2 However, compared

  D: Lucio Fulci. S and SC: Elisa Livia Brig-

  with Mia moglie è una strega, Corbucci at least

  anti, Dardano Sacchetti; DOP: Guglielmo Man-

  knows how to handle the genre’s visual elements:

  cori (Eastmancolor, Telecolor); M: Fabio Frizzi

  an example is the scene where Candida’s severe

  (Ed. Deaf); E: Vincenzo Tomassi; PD, CO: Mas-

  mother Anastasia (Lia Zoppelli) is mysteriously

  simo Lentini; SPFX: Giannetto De Rossi; SPFX:

  awakened from her sleep and follows a ball of

  Maurizio Trani; MU: Antonio Maltempo; Hair:

  wool which eerily rolls across her flat (shown by

  Luciano Vito; AD: Roberto Giandalia; C: Franco

  Corbucci through Anastasia’s POV) … only to

  Bruni; AC: Aldo Marchiori, Adriano Mancori;

  discover her daughter and her fiancé about to

  APD: Mariangela Capuano; PrM: Rodolfo Ruzza;

  make love. Not only the Gothic elements, un-

  AE: Pietro Tomassi, Rita Antonelli; SP: Franco Bel-

  changed, are systematically turned to parody, but

  lomo; ChEl: Franco Brescini; KG: Ennio Brizzolari;

  even the uncanny combination of time and space

  W: Maria Spigarelli; Set Technicians: Fabio Traver-

  lends itself to be reinvented into a gag. In a scene,


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