Italian Gothic Horror Films (1980-1989)

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Italian Gothic Horror Films (1980-1989) Page 32

by Roberto Curti

  by wanderers and bums.”8

  yarn with plenty of horrific elements which was

  Despite his care for atmosphere, Fulci

  an embarrassing box- office bomb, grossing less

  failed to give the film an incisive pacing. Even

  than 00 million lire. The decline had started,

  though it is mainly focused on visual analogies

  and the director’s following films of the early to

  and symbols, and would- be iconic images nicely

  mid–Eighties would be as many efforts to get on

  rendered by Guglielmo Mancori’s photography,

  the bandwagon of such diverse genres as the

  Manhattan Baby drags along to a less- then-

  post- apocalyptic (I guerrieri dell’anno 2072), the

  satisfying circular ending, a sign that this time

  giallo, spiced with references to the dance movie

  the director didn’t care enough for the material.

  thread spawned by Flashdance (Murderock—Uc-

  Fulci claimed that he shot Manhattan Baby to

  cide a passo di danza), and the morbid erotic

  “get him [De Angelis] out of my balls,”9 but he

  drama (Il miele del diavolo, 986).

  was paid 40 million for the film, the highest

  Manhattan Baby was picked up for distri-

  salary that De Angelis ever gave him: Sacchetti

  bution overseas in 984 by 2st Century Distri-

  recalled that during filming the director took a

  bution, as Eye of the Evil Dead, but it was

  trip to Cannes, where producer Giovanni Di

  released theatrically only in 986 to little success.

  Clemente—who behaved like a tycoon, unlike

  In the U.K. it was released directly on video in

  the thrifty De Angelis—hired him to make Con-

  983, as Possessed.

  quest, offering him 90 million lire, and upon his

  return Fulci’s mind was somewhere else.0


  Manhattan Baby came out on August 2,

  1. Reported in Albiero and Cacciatore, Il terrorista dei

  982, in a venue in Rivabella, on the Romagna

  generi, 34. Thrower reports March 22 as starting date

  coast, marking the seventh Fulci film released

  (Thrower, Beyond Terror, 20).

  theatrically in Italy in two years (Luca il contra-

  2. Davide Pulici, “Manhattan Baby,” www. nocturno. it


  bbandiere being released on August 8, 980).

  3. Newman, Nightmare Movies, 29.

  Italian critics pointed out the similarities with

  4. Albiero and Cacciatore, Il terrorista dei generi, 3.

  The Exorcist and called the story “unconvincing

  5. Garofalo and De Lillo, “Il cinema del dubbio. Inter-

  and rather predictable,” although some noted

  vista a Lucio Fulci,” 9.

  the director’s “usual—and even more refined—

  6. Salza, “Le retour de Lucio Fulci.”

  7. Palmerini and Mistretta, Spaghetti Nightmares, 27.

  technical skills.” But most reviewers still dis-

  8. Romagnoli, L’occhio del testimone, 49.

  missed Fulci as a hack. In the Corriere della Sera,

  9. Garofalo and De Lillo, “Il cinema del dubbio. Inter-

  Leonardo Autera launched a scathing compar-

  vista a Lucio Fulci,” 9.

  ison: “They say that Lucio Fulci, the director, is

  10. Pulici, “Manhattan Baby.”

  11. A.V. [Aldo Viganò], “Terrore in casa dell’archeologo,”

  the most gifted heir in the “Italian horror” genre,

  La Stampa, August 26, 982.

  of the late Mario Bava. But there is a substantial

  12. L.A. [Leonardo Autera], “Quella pietra blu combina

  difference: Bava knew how to follow Poe’s lesson

  disastri,” Corriere della Sera, August 23, 982.

  that even the absurd must have an inner logic;

  Fulci, instead, navigates in the most absolute ar-

  Notturno con grida (Nocturne with Screams)

  bitrariness, the kind not even the old- time

  D: Vittorio Salerno, Ernesto Gastaldi. S and

  “Grand-guignol” would have dared.”2

  SC: Ernesto Gastaldi, Vittorio Salerno; DOP:

  The film was distributed by Fulvia Film it-

  Benito Frattari, Marco Frattari (Eastmancolor,

  self, which possibly influenced its negative com-

  Telecolor); M: Severino Gazzelloni, conducted

  mercial impact in Italy. With a little more than

  by Luciano Michelini (Ed. Eter); E: Dario Spac-

  400 million lire grossed, it was a box- office dis-

  capeli; ArtD, CO: Amarilli Gastaldi; SO: Luciano

  appointment, and marked the end of the direc-

  Muratori; Mix: Adriano Taloni; El: Mario Loris

  tor’s stint with De Angelis. The attempt at estab-

  Zamariola; SS: Giuseppina Gastaldi; PA: Nino

  lishing Fulci as the box- office rival of Dario

  Vendetti. Cast: Mara Maryl [Maria Chianetta]

  06 1982: Notturno (Brigitte Benoit), Gerardo Amato (Gerard), Alan

  part looked like the scaly back of a prehistoric

  Collins [Luciano Pigozzi] (Paul Benoit), Gioia

  beast, set his imagination on fire. “What if that

  Maria Scola [Gioia Maria Tibiletti] (Sheena),

  gigantic stone coming from a distant past had

  Franco Molè (Christian Coreau), Martine

  some form of mysterious life, I thought, some

  Brochard (Eileen). PROD: Welcome Films and

  magic, occult power?”2 That night Salerno stood

  Television Coop. (Rome). PM: Armando Govoni.

  up thinking about that “petrified beast” and

  Country: Italy. Filmed on location in and around

  came up with a story about five characters who

  Soriano nel Cimino (Viterbo). Running time: 94

  hate each other and get lost in the woods. They

  minutes (m. 280). Visa n. 789 (9.29.982);

  are attracted by the mysterious rock, which be-

  Rating: V.M.4. Release date: 0.2.982; Distri-

  comes “the amplifier of their bad desires, their

  bution: Samanda Film. Domestic gross: approx.

  projects of mutual duplicity … and mysteriously,

  200,000 lire. Also known as: La fuerza del de-

  no one will get out of the woods alive.”3

  monio (Spain).

  Salerno discussed the idea with his friend

  A medium, Brigitte, her husband Paul and

  Ernesto Gastaldi, who suggested they provide

  their friends Gerard, his fiancée Eileen and their

  the protagonists with a background; hence the

  young acquaintance Sheena organize a séance.

  idea of reusing the same characters from their

  They evoke the spirit of Christian—who was

  debut giallo, Libido (96), and turn the project

  killed ten years earlier in the same room and

  into a sequel of sorts to that film. To gather the

  whose body disappeared—to find out who is the

  necessary financing, they resorted to article 28

  murderer. In a couple of days Christian will be

  of the 96 “Corona law” (Law 23, 4 November

  declared officially dead and all his fortune will be

  96), which allowed the State to finance up to

  inherited by his ex- wife Eileen. The
next morning

  30 percent of the budget of films with cultural

  the party of five takes a trip in the nearby beech-

  or artistic aspirations in which the cast and crew

  wood, which Eileen and Gerard plan to cut down

  participated in the cost of the production.

  to build an exclusive residential center. Soon,

  Article 28 had been scarcely used in the 960s

  however, they fall prey to strange events. Mean-

  and 970s, but after the economic crisis became

  while, we learn the characters’ secrets: Sheena and

  more severe with the new decade, more and

  Gerard are lovers and plan to kill Eileen after the

  more filmmakers started using it as a shortcut

  wedding to gain her wealth, while Paul (an ex-

  to put together their films, and it became a staple

  seminarian) and Brigitte also have unspeakable

  in Italian film production in the Eighties. It was

  skeletons in their past. One by one they fall victim

  originally intended as a loan, but very rarely did

  to supernatural forces, and Gerard becomes con-

  any of the films financed with it turn a profit.

  vinced that Brigitte is a witch…

  Over the years, article 28 lost its initial purpose

  “It was 980 and I hadn’t shot a single foot

  (that is, being a special resource for debuting

  of film in five years. I went hunting woodcocks

  filmmakers who were developing artistic inno-

  on the Cimini mountains near Viterbo,” Vitto-

  vative work) and became the main source of fi-

  rio Salerno recalled about the genesis of Not-

  nance for Italian cinema, along with television.

  turno con grida. “At about noon I came back to

  In order to have access to the 60 million

  my car … and took a walk in the beechwood

  lire granted by the Ministry of Spectacle, Gastaldi

  with my dog.” The ninety- feet tall, imposing

  and Salerno came up with an ingenious trick:

  beeches had been there for centuries, and

  they submitted the project to the Ministry under

  covered an area of over 6 hectares. Salerno

  the title La coscienza, pretending it to be some

  strolled around the woods and came upon the

  sort of avant- garde psychological drama. After

  so- called “trembling stone.” It is an enormous

  obtaining the financing, they founded a coop-

  millenarian oval stone of volcanic origin, of 90

  erative together with the actors, and established

  cubic meters, 8 meters long, 7 meters wide and

  their fees as quotas on the distribution grosses.

  3 meters thick, weighing 20 tons and balanced

  The cast included Gastaldi’s wife Maria Chi-

  on a very narrow base. It can be made to vibrate

  anetta under her a.k.a. Mara Maryl, their friend

  by prying under it with stick used as a lever.

  Luciano Pigozzi, who had already starred in Li-

  Because of this peculiarity, Pliny the Old de-

  bido, plus only three more actors: the French

  fined it “naturae miraculum” (natural wonder)

  Martine Brochard, Michele Placido’s brother Ger-

  in his book Naturalis historia.

  ardo Amato (with whom Salerno had worked the

  Salerno was dumbfounded. The sight of

  previous summer on a stage adaptation of Gio-

  that imposing and sinister rock, whose upper

  vanni Verga’s novelette La lupa directed by his

  1982: Notturno


  brother, Enrico Maria), and the young and rav-

  bodiment of the protagonists’ dirty conscience

  ishingly beautiful Gioia Maria Scola.

  (Salerno’s interpretation is that in the end he is

  Notturno con grida was shot in three weeks

  possessed by the Devil).

  and a half in April 982, on 6mm and with

  The supernatural element, which is pre-

  direct sound, under the working title La forza

  dominant in the film from the very opening

  del male (The Force of Evil). The two directors

  séance sequence, makes Notturno con grida a

  worked with a bare- bones crew, comprising only

  late addition to the Gothic thread, presented in

  the five actors and four technicians: d.o.p. and

  a minimalistic way and with very sparse special

  cameraman Benito Frattari (who had shot Ja-

  effects. Some reviewers have noticed similarities

  copetti’s Africa addio and Gastaldi’s own La

  with The Blair Witch Project (999, Daniel Myrick,

  lunga spiaggia fredda), his nephew Marco as as-

  Eduardo Sánchez) and not just because of the

  sistant cameraman, a sound technician and a

  eerie subjective shots in the woods (surprisingly

  boom man, plus a handyman (provided for free

  akin to those in Sam Raimi’s The Evil Dead, which

  by the mayor of Soriano nel Cimino) who

  however was released in Italy only in 984). Like

  helped the 60-year-old d.o.p. carry the heavy

  in the 999 film, the characters get lost in the

  crate with the camera and the accessories. To

  woods and cannot find their way out, and space

  cut costs, Gastaldi and Salerno took care of all

  and time coordinates seem to lose significance—

  the other technical duties. As for lighting, the

  a recurrent theme in Italian Gothic. Paul’s watch

  filmmakers used mostly natural lights, taking

  stops, a wound in his hand reopens, the protago-

  advantage of the peculiar illumination of the

  nist’s car disappears from its parking place, an

  area. Only a flash was used for close- ups. The

  apple appears out of nowhere next to Brigitte as

  experience of working with two directors at once

  if thrown by an invisible hand, a book of Latin ex-

  was not particularly satisfying for Brochard,

  orcisms is found.

  who complained: “One day you shoot with one

  Gastaldi and Salerno incorporate sepia-

  director and he tells you one thing, the next day

  toned footage from Libido in the story, liberally

  the other tells you the opposite… . ”4

  altering the previous film’s plot: for instance, the

  Given the tiny budget, it’s no wonder that

  characters of Paul and Eileen, who were mur-

  Notturno con grida relies so heavily on dialogue

  dered in the first film, here are revived via

  that it almost looks like a play of sorts, recalling

  clumsy expository dialogue. Paul, who in Libido

  in this some of Gastaldi’s earlier works as a

  fell from a cliff to his death, here explains that

  scriptwriter. His trademark snappy dialogue

  the apparently deadly fall resulted only in his

  here is filled with grim jokes and one- liners,

  legs being broken, a decidedly hard- to-swallow

  which in the case of Maryl’s typical airhead per-

  plot contrivance. Some scenes from the 96

  formance often sound grating, such as when she

  film were interpolated with footage shot in 982

  quips, “But what was Pliny the Old’s name when

  and toned sepia, fea
turing Maryl and Pigozzi,

  he was young?” The overall mood conveys a

  the former carefully lit to conceal the age differ-

  pessimistic vision of humanity, with five despi-

  ence. Gastaldi and Salerno also added simili-

  cable characters doomed to self- destruction,

  tudes with the first film: in the climax, Maryl is

  who are deservedly punished for their sins.

  tied spread- eagle to a rock just as in Libido she

  Brigitte herself, a psychic whom the others

  was tied to a bed.

  believe to be a witch, is a typical character in

  For a film whose literal title (Nocturne with

  Gastaldi’s scripts, a mixture of naiveté and nas-

  Screams) hints at Chopin’s solo piano pieces

  tiness, childishness and greed, while Paul and

  (Nocturnes), it was no wonder the directors de-

  Gerard are weak male figures who end up de-

  cided to invest the 3 million lire they had been

  feated by their own schemes and fears. “Do you

  left with after post- production in the music

  believe in life after death?” someone asks, and

  score. The choice fell on Severino Gazzelloni,

  the reply is: “The darkness before is the same as

  the world’s best- known flautist: in Salerno’s

  the darkness that follows. Before we are born

  idea, a flute- driven score would suggest the god

  and after we die, it’s the same.” Yet someone

  Pan and enhance the film’s peculiar eerie mood.

  returns from the afterlife: Christian (a special

  Gazzelloni accepted: he composed the main

  participation by playwright Franco Molè,

  theme and improvised the rest on the spot, while

  Brochard’s husband, in the role played by Gian-

  watching the film. He completed his work in six

  carlo Giannini in Libido), a supernatural avenger

  hours, coming up with about one hour of im-

  from the grave who may or may not be an em-

  provised, dodecaphonic music. The soundtrack

  08 1982: La villa includes also a couple of themes taken from Lu-villa, two men and a woman kill each other in an

  ciano Michelini’s score for Morte sospetta di una

  unexplained murderous frenzy. 22 years later, at-

  minorenne (97).

  torney Ugo Ressia and his associate Casati sum-

  The profits Salerno and Gastaldi hoped to

  mon the heirs for the reading of the will. The three

  see never materialized. Notturno con grida was

  heirs are affiliated with each other but are located

  barely distributed, at a time most second and

  outside Turin. Elisa is in Paris, her cousin Bruno


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