Italian Gothic Horror Films (1980-1989)

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Italian Gothic Horror Films (1980-1989) Page 54

by Roberto Curti

  Mix: Danilo Sterbini; Sound dubbing mixer:

  into a V.M.4, a move which at least allowed the

  Roberto Cappanelli; Re-recording mixer: Angelo

  film a very favorable home video run in Italy

  Raguseo; DubD: Novella Marcucci; SP: Angelo

  and easier access to television broadcasting.

  Pennoni; SS: Daniela Tonti; CHOR: Zarko

  Prebil; AsstCHOR: Lia Calizza; Ballet advisor:


  Vittoria Ottolenghi. Cast: Jennifer Connelly

  1. Morsiani, “Conversazione con Lamberto Bava,” 0.

  (Claire Hamilton/Natalie Horvath), Gary Mc-

  2. Gianni Vitale, “Dario Argento, l’astratto immaginato.

  Cleery (Jason Forrest), Laurent Terzieff (Marius

  Conversazione con Dario Argento,” in Rosso Italiano (1977/

  Balakin), Olimpia Carlisi (Madam), Mario

  1987), 3.

  Marozzi (Balakin’s servant/chauffeur), Donald

  3. Morsiani, “Conversazione con Lamberto Bava,” 60.

  4. Dardano Sacchetti interviewed, in www. davinotti.

  Hodson (Dancer), Charles Durning (Uncle

  com (

  Joshua), Raffaella Renzi (Dancer: Odette/Odile);


  uncredited: Tom Felleghy (Concierge). PROD:

  5. Dardano Sacchetti quoted in Davide Pulici, “La

  Achille Manzotti for Gruppo Berna; Reteitalia

  terza volta dei demoni,” Nocturno #82, February 208, 6.

  (Rome); EP: Claudio Mancini; PM: Tullio Lullo;

  6. Giovanna Grassi, “Vi preparo quattro serate horror,”

  Corriere della Sera, February 2, 989.

  Production Coordinator: Massimo Iacobis; PSe:

  7. Alberto Pezzotta, La modernità imperfetta, in Vito

  Cinzia Taffani; PAss: Stefano Mandini; ADM:

  Zagarrio (ed.), Argento vivo. Il cinema di Dario Argento tra

  Giancarlo Ciotti; PAcc: Archimede Orlando;

  genere e autorialità (Venice: Marsilio, 2008), 84.

  Cash: Carlo Gagliardi, Angelo Frezza; Press at-

  8. Maiello, Dario Argento, 309.

  9. Jones, Dario Argento, 79.

  tache: Lucherini- Fantoli. Country: Italy. Filmed

  10. Ibid.

  on location in Budapest, and at Villa Parisi

  11. Maurice Lévy, Le Roman gothique anglais 1764–1824

  (Frascati, Rome), Spoleto and Cinecittà (Rome).

  (Paris: Albin- Michel, 200 [968]), VI.

  Running time: 0 minutes (m. 2830). Visa n.

  12. Edmund Burke, A Philosophical Enquiry into the

  84344 (.2.989); Rating: all audiences. Release

  Sublime and Beautiful (London: Routledge, 2009), 72.

  13. Lévy, Le Roman gothique anglais 1764–1824, 64.

  dates: 3.7.989 (Italy), 0.4.989 (Japan); Dis-

  14. Gian Mario Anselmi (ed.), Mappe della letteratura

  tribution: Artisti Associati. Domestic gross: n.a.

  europea e mediterranea: Dal Barocco all’Ottocento (Milan:

  Also known as: Ballet, Os fantasmas de uma Es-

  Paravia—Bruno Mondadori, 2000), 343.

  trela (Portugal).

  15. Costantini and Dal Bosco, Nuovo cinema inferno,


  Note: P. Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake is played

  16. Giovanna Grassi, “Un incubo gotico color Argento,”

  by the orchestra of the Unione Musicisti di

  Corriere della Sera, February 28, 989.

  Roma, directed by Franco Tamponi.

  Ballet student Claire Hamilton arrives in

  etoile (Ballet Star)

  Budapest to audition for a new production of

  D: Peter Del Monte. S: Peter Del Monte,

  Swan Lake. At the hotel she meets a young Amer-

  Sandro Petraglia; SC: Peter Del Monte, Franco

  ican, Jason, who is immediately smitten with her.

  76 1989: Etoile When her moment comes, Claire is so overin an unusual environment such as classical bal-

  whelmed that she ditches the audition. She then

  let, “the milieu par excellence which cancels any

  dances alone in the empty auditorium to find sol-

  time dimension… . A mortuary ritual which re-

  ace and is spotted by the enigmatic choreographer,

  peats itself immutable.”3 The story, concocted

  Marius Balakin. One night a pair of mysterious

  with Sandro Petraglia, draws from a number of

  ballet dancers, a woman and a man, sneak in

  elements typical of the Gothic genre—the Dop-

  Claire’s hotel room and put a spell on her. Claire,

  pelgänger, reincarnation, a revealing portrait, a

  now believing she is called Natalia Horvath, is led

  mysterious villa which functions as a gateway

  to an abandoned villa which belonged to the

  between the past and the present, and an aban-

  dancer, who died 100 years earlier. There she

  doned theater which travels in time like a ghost

  starts training for her leading role in Swan Lake,

  ship—albeit in a peculiar way, which eschews

  under Marius’ guidance. Jason, who followed

  horror in favor of mystery and romanticism. Del

  them to the villa, starts researching on Balakin,

  Monte described it as “a black fairytale, an illu-

  whom he recognizes as the man in a 19th century

  sionistic game, a big firework show with terri-

  portrait, and on Horvath. Jason’s uncle, an antique

  fying moments, although without a single drop

  dealer named Joshua, is hypnotized by the myste-

  of blood.”4

  rious female dancer and attempts to take Jason

  Co-opting screenwriter Franco Ferrini was

  back to the U.S., but the young man flees, and

  possibly a move on the part of Del Monte (or

  Joshua meets an accidental death. Jason discovers

  Manzotti) to give the project a more commercial

  that Natalie Horvath played the prima ballerina

  edge. A former film critic, Ferrini had worked

  in a performance of Swan Lake choreographed by

  with Dario Argento on Phenomena and Opera,

  Balakin, but she met a tragic fate on opening night.

  as well as Lamberto Bava’s two Dèmoni films,

  He returns to the villa to save Claire from Balakin’s

  and had debuted as a director with a giallo,

  spell, and finds himself transported to the past, in

  Caramelle da uno sconosciuto (987). Ferrini’s

  the theater when Swan Lake is being performed

  contribution is quite likely the reason behind

  in front of a 19th century audience, with Claire

  as the prima ballerina. He also discovers Bal-

  akin’s unspeakable secret…

  Following Giulia e Giulia (987), the first

  fiction film shot with Sony’s HDVS high defi-

  nition video system, Peter Del Monte contin-

  ued in the exploration of the Fantastic genre,

  which he had already approached in an orig-

  inal and compelling way in the outstanding

  Piccoli fuochi (98). Given Giulia e Giulia’s

  commercial success both in Italy and abroad,

  his new project was born with the aim of

  meeting an international audience. Producer

  Achille Manzotti provided the director with

  a small but impressive cast which included

  the ravishing Jennifer Connelly (Sergio

��s Once Upon a Time in America, Phe-

  nomena), Gary McCleery (Matewan), Charles

  Durning (The Front Page, Tootsie, To Be or

  Not to Be) and Laurent Terzieff, a veteran of

  French and Italian auteur cinema. Filming

  took place in Budapest and Italy in the Sum-

  mer of 988, under the working title Balle-


  The plot reprised one of the director’s

  favorite themes, the search for one’s own

  identity—already at the core of some of his

  previous films, namely L’altra donna (980),

  Invito al viaggio (983) and Giulia e Giulia—

  International poster for etoile (1989, Peter Del Monte).

  1989: Etoile


  certain passages which look like they were

  riddled with psychological nuances, proves

  borrowed verbatim from an Argento film, not

  detrimental to a film which would have been

  just because of Connelly’s presence and the pro-

  much better had it been a simple, unpretentious

  tagonist being a ballet dancer. Not only is the

  genre tale. The opening scenes, set in the fasci-

  opening, with Claire’s arrival in Budapest,

  nating and arcane Mitteleuropean city, are suit-

  vaguely reminiscent of Susy Benner’s arrival to

  ably atmospheric, but the fantasy angle never

  the dance school in Suspiria (minus the storm,

  comes alive, despite Acacio de Almeida’s impres-

  the witches and the murders, that is), but the

  sive cinematography and an interesting score

  ballet audition which she flees in a panic has a

  by frequent Wim Wenders composer Jürgen

  certain uneasiness to it, which recalls the way

  Knieper, as the direction lacks the surreal quality

  Argento depicted the petty, jealous dance stu-

  such a project would have needed. Several

  dents at the Tanzacademie.

  scenes seemingly played for suspense (Claire

  The Argento connection returns in several

  menacing the sleeping Jason with a knife)

  scenes: Jason’s visit to a library recalls Inferno,

  turn out to be useless, throwaway diversions

  while the whole final part, with the young hero

  that show the director’s uneasiness with the trap-

  discovering access to Balakin’s secret rooms, his

  pings of genre filmmaking, while the symbols—

  climactic fight with the incarnation of evil and

  the juxtaposition of the White and Black Swan

  the stabbing by way of a mirror splinter—all this

  as the eternal ambiguity between good and evil,

  interspersed with the climactic ballet—all look

  the references to the myth of Leda being seduced

  like a much- toned down retelling of Susy’s de-

  by Zeus in the form of a swan—are trite. The ac-

  scent into the witch’s lair. On top of that,

  tors are poorly directed too and cannot breathe

  Balakin’s rendition of Swan Lake, albeit not quite

  life into their characters: Durning is wasted in

  as bizarre as Marco’s (Ian Charleson) mise-en-

  a thankless role, McCleery is a leading man as

  scène of Verdi’s Macbeth in Opera, is another nod

  bland as Leigh McCloskey in Inferno, and Carlisi

  to Argento’s use of opera to convey suspense and

  and Marozzi (of Rome’s Teatro dell’Opera) fail

  dread. Some elements are lifted from The Phan-

  to make an impression as the two mystery

  tom of the Opera, the source of inspiration for


  Argento’s film as well: the tormented choreog-

  Etoile was not the commercial success its

  rapher, who lives in the bowels of a theatre

  makers had hoped for, and Italian critics ravaged

  and can cross the boundaries of time, is part

  it: “At first it looks like a remake of Opera with

  Phantom (minus the mask and the gruesome

  Tchaikovsky instead of Verdi, and, alas, without

  features) and part Svengali.

  suspense… . Confused and not at all fascinating,

  What Etoile has certainly in common with

  persecuted by music, written … in a semi-

  the scripts Ferrini delivered for Argento are the

  profound style, and riddled with clues as if

  shaky logic and paper- thin characters. The

  something is going to happen which never does,

  backstory of Natalia Horvath is clumsily intro-

  Etoile is… . Del Monte’s worst film.” It had mar-

  duced via a quick expository scene in the library,

  ginal distribution abroad, although it was

  and the final revelation—Marius’ staging of

  awarded the critics’ award at the 990 Fantas-

  Swan Lake is supposed to end with the triumph

  porto Film Festival, in Portugal. The director’s

  of the Black Swan and the unleashing of evil in

  subsequent project, an adaptation of Gary

  the world—turns what looked like a case of

  Devon’s thought- provoking novel Lost, produced

  amour fou through the ages into a hard- to-

  by Alberto Grimaldi and to be shot in the States,

  swallow mess about good and evil, clumsily ex-

  never materialized, and Del Monte returned to

  plained via a brief diary excerpt. The hero’s

  intimate psychological drama with the anthology

  meeting and climactic fight with a giant black

  Tracce di vita amorosa (990).

  swan which symbolizes the forces of evil tries

  In recent years, Etoile has regained some

  hard to be suspenseful but ends up an embar-

  attention on the part of film buffs because of its

  rassment (a much more interesting variation

  many similarities with Darren Aronofsky’s Black

  of the scene will be found in Soavi’s La setta,

  Swan (200).

  99). The animatronic swan, courtesy of an un-

  credited Sergio Stivaletti, can be glimpsed in the


  film for a handful of seconds.

  1. The Italian locations (such as Villa Parisi in Frascati,

  Ultimately, though, the major culprit is Del

  whose unmistakable octagonal fountain can be glimpsed

  Monte, whose idea of cinema, self- conceited and

  in the garden of the abandoned villa where Marius resides,

  78 1989: I frati and the Teatro Nuovo Gian Carlo Menotti in Spoleto)

  olinist, and then a nude woman who wanders

  blend seamlessly with the Hungarian ones (the Buda castle,

  around the house. He follows her into the crypt,

  Heroes’ square, Városliget park).

  where the woman beheads him with a sword. 50

  2. Giovanna Grassi, “Jennifer Beals è della Partita,” Cor-

  riere della Sera, July , 988. The title refers to Jennifer

  years earlier: Roberto Gherghi marries the young

  Beals’ starring role alongside Matthew Modine and Faye

  Ramona, whom he met casually in the park of his

  Dunaway in Carlo Vanzina’s La partita (a.k.a. The Gamble,

  villa, much to the chagrin of his housekeeper

  988), another production devised for the foreign markets.

  Priscilla, who is also his mistress. On the wedding

Paolo Cervone, “Vi invito a una danza macabra,” Cor-

  riere della Sera, January 4, 989.

  night Roberto is summoned in the crypt by a

  4. Ibid.

  secret sect, the Red Monks, who warn him not to

  5. M. Po. [Maurizio Porro], “Quel ‘mago’ dei cigni,” Cor-

  consummate the marriage, since Ramona will

  riere della Sera, March 22, 989.

  have to be sacrificed as a virgin four nights later.

  Roberto’s refusal to perform his conjugal duties

  I frati rossi (The Red Monks)

  brings tension to the couple; what is more, Ra-

  D: John [Gianni] Martucci. S: Luciana Anna

  mona is assaulted by a mysterious young man,

  Spacca; SC: Pino Buricchi, Gianni Martucci;

  and the French housemaid is decapitated by an

  DOP: Sergio Rubini (Eastmancolor); M: Paolo

  unknown murderer. Ramona finds out that

  Rustichelli (Ed. Nazional Music); E: Vanio

  Roberto’s family is plagued by a centuries- old

  Amici; PD: Joseph Teichner; CO: Silvio Laurenzi;

  curse which started in the Middle Ages, when the

  MU: Rino Todero; Hair: Regina Usidda; SO: An-

  Grand Duke Lodorisio, the founder of the Red

  tonino Pantano; Mix: Sandro Occhetti; PrM: Gi-

  Monks, was killed by a hired assassin, Gherghi’s

  anni Muzzi; SP: Franco Biciocchi; KG: Elio Bosi;

  ancestor, and his gypsy wife swore revenge…

  ChEl: Antonio Leurini; AC: Mauro Masciocchi;

  With only five films directed between 97

  W: Giovanna Russu; AE: Marco Buricchi, Carlo

  and 988, Gianni Martucci was definitely not a

  Pulera; SS: Annamaria Liguori; Generator Oper-

  prominent presence in national genre cinema

  ator: Otello Simotti; Driver: Aldo Marcenaro.

  of those two decades, and yet his scant filmog-

  Cast: Gerardo Amato (Robert Gherghi), Lara

  raphy as director (with the addition of a few

  Wendel [Daniela Barnes] (Ramona Icardi), Mal-

  other works he scripted) is somewhat indicative

  isa Longo (Priscilla), Richard Brown [Chuck

  of the various trends followed by the Italian film

  Valenti] (Ben), Claudio Pacifico (Mystery Man),

  industry. Born in Rome in 946, Martucci started

  Mary Maxwell (Lucille), Ronald [Gaetano]

  scripting gialli, namely Ragazza tutta nuda as-

  Russo (Riccardo Gherghi), Ludovico Dello Jojo

  sassinata nel parco (972, Alfonso Brescia), co-

  (Notary Berti); uncredited: Bruno Di Luia

  authored with his friend, the elusive Peter Skerl,

  (Lodorisio/Old Man), Luca Intoppa (Adept).


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