Italian Gothic Horror Films (1980-1989)

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Italian Gothic Horror Films (1980-1989) Page 58

by Roberto Curti

  (Woman in bath), Roberta Orlandi (Rosi).

  Alfieri; AC: Rolando Stefanelli; 1stAE: Paola

  Running time: 6 minutes. Also known as:

  Tomassi; 2ndAE: Sergio Fraticelli; PM: Vincenzo

  Hansel and Gretel (International title); Die Saat

  Luzzi; B: Aristide Bagliocchi; SO: Davide Mag-

  des Teufels (Germany).

  ara, Giulio D’Angeli; Mix: Claudio Oliviero; SE:

  Gino Vagniluca; G: Nino Magostini, Armando

  Bloody Psycho

  Salino; El: Massimo Rocchi, Marcello Tallone;

  D: Leandro Lucchetti. S and SC: Giovanni

  W: Cinzia Reggiani; SS: Camilla Fulci; Generator

  Simonelli, Leandro Lucchetti; DOP: Silvano Tes-

  operator: Roberto Stiffi. Cast: Gino Concari

  sicini; M: Lanfranco Perini; E: Luigi Gorini; CO:

  (Walter), Patrizia Falcone (Jennifer), Silvia Conti

  Cinzia Milani; MU: Pino Ferrante; Hair: Maria

  (Liza), Pier Maria Cecchini (Robert), Robert


  0 Appendix 1

  Egon (Jean), Danny Degli Esposti (Adrian),

  Martha; The Broken Mirror (International titles);

  Marcello Furgiuele (Gordon), Lubka Lenzi

  El espejo roto (Spain).

  (Mira), Anna Maria Placido (Madam Yurich),

  Maria Grazia Veroni, Cristina Lynn, Piero Pieri,

  Sodoma’s Ghost (The Ghosts of Sodom)

  Paul Muller (Commissioner), Maurice Poli

  D: Lucio Fulci. S and SC: Lucio Fulci, Carlo

  (Frank Brennan).

  Alberto Alfieri; DOP: Silvano Tessicini; M: Carlo

  Running time: 0 minutes. Also known as:

  Maria Cordio; E: Vincenzo Tomassi; MU: Pino

  La morte della medium (TV version, cut).

  Ferrante; Hair: Maria Teresa Carrera; AD:

  Michele De Angelis; SO: Roberto Barbieri; Foley

  Luna di sangue

  artist: Giulio D’Angeli; SE: Gino Vagniluca; C:

  D: Enzo Milioni. S and SC: Enzo Milioni,

  Luca Alfieri; AC: Rolando Stefanelli; KG: Um-

  Giovanni Simonelli; DOP: Silvano Tessicini; M:

  berto Magostini; El: Massimo Rocchi; W:

  Paolo Gatti, Alfonso Zenga (Ed. Tangram); E:

  Mirella Pedetti; SS: Camilla Fulci; Generator op-

  Vincenzo Tomassi; CO: Francesco Sforza; MU:

  erator: Roberto Stiffi. Cast: Claudio Aliotti

  Pino Ferrante; AD: Michele De Angelis, Enzo

  (Paul), Maria Concetta Salieri (Celin), Robert

  Rossi; PrM: Vincenzo Luzzi; SO: Davide Magara;

  Egon (Willi), Luciana Ottaviani (Maria), Teresa

  B: Aristide Bagliocchi; Foley artist: Giulio D’An-

  Razzaudi (Anne), Sebastian Harrison (Jean);

  geli; SE: Gino Vagniluca; C: Luca Alfieri; AC:

  uncredited: Pierluigi Conti (Drunken Nazi),

  Rolando Stefanelli; G: Gaetano Barbera, Nino

  Joseph Alan Johnson (Mark), Zora Kerova [Zora

  Magostini, Armando Salino; El: Massimo Roc-

  Keslerová] (Succubus).

  chi, Marcello Tallone; W: Mirella Pedetti; SS:

  Running time: 4 minutes. Also known as:

  Camilla Fulci; Generator operator: Roberto Stiffi.

  Los fantasmas de Sodoma (Spain); Les fantômes

  Cast: Jacques Sernas (Dr. Marc Duvivier), Zora

  de Sodome (France); Sodoma’s tödliche Rache

  Kerova [Zora Keslerová] (Mary), Barbara Blasco


  (Ann Moffet), Alex Berger [Alessandro Frey-

  berger] (Larry Moffet), Jessica Moore [Luciana

  Quando Alice ruppe lo specchio (Touch

  Ottaviani] (Tania), Giuseppe Morabito (Solly),

  of Death)

  Pamela Prati (Mirella Alfonsi), Annie Belle

  D: Lucio Fulci. S and SC: Lucio Fulci; DOP:

  [Annie Brillard] (Brigitte Garré).

  Silvano Tessicini; M: Carlo Maria Cordio; E:

  Running time: 5 minutes. Also known as:

  Vincenzo Tomassi; ArtD: Franco Vanorio; E:

  Escape from Death (International title).

  Vincenzo Tomassi; MU: Pino Ferrante; Hair:

  Maria Teresa Carrera; AD: Michele De Angelis;

  Non avere paura della zia Marta

  SO: Roberto Barbieri; Foley artist: Giulio D’An-

  D: Mario Bianchi. S and SC: Mario Bianchi.

  geli; SE: Angelo Mattei; C: Luca Alfieri; AC:

  DOP: Silvano Tessicini; M: Gianni Sposito (Ed.

  Rolando Stefanelli; KG: Umberto Magostini; El:

  Artem Publishing); E: Vincenzo Tomassi; CO:

  Massimo Rocchi; W: Mirella Pedetti; SS: Camilla

  Cinzia Milani; MU: Pino Ferrante; Hair: Maria

  Fulci; Generator operator: Roberto Stiffi. Cast:

  Teresa Carrera; AD: Michele De Angelis; C: Luca

  Brett Halsey (Lester Parson), Ria De Simone

  Alfieri; AC: Rolando Stefanelli; PM: Vincenzo

  (Alice Shogun), Pierluigi Conti (Randy), Sacha

  Lozzi; B: Aristide Bagliocchi; SO: Davide Mag-

  Darwin (Margie MacDonald), Zora Kerova

  ara, Giulio D’Angeli; Mix: Claudio Oliviero; SE:

  [Zora Keslerová] (Virginia Field), Marco Di Ste-

  Gino Vagniluca; G: Nino Magostini, Gaetano

  fano (The Tramp); uncredited: (Guest at Randy’s

  Barbera; El: Massimo Rocchi, Marcello Tallone;

  Poker Table), Maurice Poli (TV Newscaster #).

  W: Mirella Pedetti; SS: Camilla Fulci; Generator

  Running time: 6 minutes. Also known as:

  operator: Roberto Stiffi. Cast: Adriana Russo

  La sombra de Lester (Spain), Soupçons de mort

  (Nora Hamilton), Gabriele Tinti (Richard

  (France); When Alice Broke the Mirror (Germany).

  Hamilton), Anna Maria Placido (Richard’s

  mother), Jessica Moore [Luciana Ottaviani]

  Le porte dell’inferno

  (Georgia Hamilton), Maurice Poli (Thomas the

  D: Umberto Lenzi. S: Umberto Lenzi; SC:

  caretaker), Massimiliano Massimi (Charles

  Olga Pehar; DOP: Sandro Mancori; M: Piero

  Hamilton), Edoardo Massimi (Maurice Hamil-

  Montanari; E: Vanio Amici; SE: Giovanni Cor-

  ton), Sacha M. Darwin (Aunt Martha).

  ridori; ArtD: Dario Micheli; CO: Giovanna De-

  Running time:  minutes. Also known as:

  odato; MU: Gabriella Trani; Hair: Maura Turchi;

  The Murder Secret; Don’t Be Afraid of Aunt

  Casting: Werner Pochath; SO: Francesco Zan-

  Direct-to-Video Releases


  noni, Franco Borni; B: Marco Di Biase: Foley

  Cinematografica and Cineduck, owned by Luigi

  artist: Giulio De Angeli; STC: Franco Fantasia;

  Nannerini and Antonio “Antonino” Lucidi, and

  C: Luca Alfieri; AC: Davide Mancori; ChEl: Fab-

  pre- sold the television rights to Reteitalia.

  rizio Faitanini; KG: Giovanni Savini; Generator

  The original project for the series comprised

  operator: Roberto Stiffi; SS: Olga Pehar. Cast:

  ten films, but eventually, because of Reteitalia re-

  Barbara Cupisti (Erna), Pietro Genuardi (Paul

  fusing to buy all of them, only eight were made:

  Brandini), Lorenzo Majnoni (Manfred), Gia-

  Hansel e Gretel (Giovanni Simonelli), Bloody Psy-

  como Rossi Stuart (Dr. Jones), Gaetano Russo

  cho (Leandro Lucchetti), Massacre (Andrea

  (Maurizio Fesner), Andrea Damiano (Laura

  Bianchi), Luna di sangue (Enzo Milioni), Non

  Benson), Mario Luzzi (Teo), Paul Muller (Si-

vere paura della zia Marta (Mario Bianchi),

  mone di Reims).

  Sodoma’s Ghost and Quando Alice ruppe lo spec-

  Running time: 0 minutes. Also known as:

  chio (both directed by Lucio Fulci) and Le porte

  Gates of Hell; The Hell’s Gate (International ti-

  dell’inferno (Umberto Lenzi).2 The whole series

  tles); Las puertas del infierno (Spain).

  was made with very little money: according to

  Alfieri, the budget for each film was about 300–

  By the second half of the 0s, the crisis

  350 million lire, whereas production manager

  of the Italian film industry was no more an

  Silvano Zignani recalled an even smaller sum,

  open secret which everyone knew about but

  about 207 million, and Fulci himself talked of

  most pretended was untrue, but a harsh reality.

  “200–300 million.”3 The films were shot in

  Theatrical distribution was becoming more and

  6mm and then blown up to 35mm, on tight

  more difficult, with the disappearance of many

  schedules (three to four weeks each) and with

  venues of the second and third run circuit. Sell-

  the same crews and several recurring cast mem-

  ing films to foreign markets was still an option,

  bers. Another trick to save money would be to

  although this mostly meant straight to home

  shoot some of the films at the producers’ own

  video releases. But even with regards to the na-

  villas, in order to save the rental money. With

  tional market, it was inevitable for producers to

  such premises, it is hard to believe that anyone

  try and sell their products to television or home

  expected the results to be any good.

  video: renouncing to submit a film to the rating

  Things started out badly with Hansel e Gre-

  board for a theatrical screening certificate meant

  tel. Despite the title, the film is not a modern-

  also saving money, as films released straight- to-

  day version of the celebrated Grimm fairy tale,

  video did not need an official rating.

  as the only element in common is given by the

  “I maestri del thriller” was a project born

  children’s names, but merely a tiresome revenge-

  specifically with the aim of television and home

  from-beyond-the-grave plot about a couple of

  video destination. According to producer Carlo

  children kidnapped and killed by organ traffick-

  Alberto Alfieri, who claimed that the idea for

  ers. The story is as dull as it gets, with sequences

  the series (initially to be called Il cinema italiano

  stretched to reach an acceptable running time

  del terrore) was his own, the main concept was

  (a case in point is the kidnappers’ car driving

  to have several new authors or scriptwriters

  across country roads and being followed by

  write and direct their own films. “We started

  barking dogs), and the ridiculous is always

  looking for scriptwriters with a great experience

  around the corner.

  in the specific field of horror movies: the basic

  Hansel e Gretel was Giovanni Simonelli’s

  idea was to put them in a position to realize their

  only movie as a director. The son of director Gior-

  vision, but with their own means. This, because

  gio Simonelli, and an experienced scriptwriter

  scriptwriters complain very often that their

  who had worked among others with Antonio

  scripts are distorted and altered, thus losing their

  Margheriti, the then 62-year-old debuting film-

  original momentum. We precisely wanted to ex-

  maker was not a beginner, and was one of the se-

  ploit the desire, the creativity and the unvoiced

  ries’ regular contributors, having penned the

  strength of these authors.”

  scripts for Bloody Psycho and Luna di sangue as

  Alfieri presented the project to Luciano

  well. Soon, however, it became apparent that di-

  Martino, who rejected it, and eventually he set

  recting was not his forte. Michele De Angelis

  a deal with Augusto Caminito’s Scena Interna-

  (who was the assistant director on all films ex-

  tional, who was attempting to exploit the horror

  cept Lenzi’s) recalls a significant episode in this

  fad of the period (see also Nosferatu a Venezia).

  regard. One day the crew was ready to shoot,

  Caminito then contracted Distribuzione Alpha

  but the director was nowhere to be found. The

  2 Appendix 1

  crew was filming in a villa, and the young a.d.

  Besides Pimente Boareto, in her only film

  finally found Simonelli in the wine cellar. “When

  role, the cast includes regulars of the series such

  he saw me, he told me, ‘Look at this beautiful

  as Brigitte Christensen (as the evil Solange),

  must … now they’re making wine out of it… ’

  Maurice Poli and Paul Muller. The acting—in-

  He didn’t even think about the film!”4

  cluding that of the two children—is atrocious,

  At the end of the scheduled three weeks’

  but lines of dialogue such as “You’re half-

  shoot Simonelli had filmed footage for approx-

  Brazilian, so you should know that the most poi-

  imately 50 minutes, with whole chunks of the

  sonous snakes are undoubtedly the ones with

  story missing. Shooting went on for the other

  the most beautiful colors” are beyond redemp-

  films in the series, but several weeks later the

  tion. Worst of all, Simonelli’s direction is per-

  producers called Lucio Fulci behind the camera

  functory and haphazard to the point of amateur-

  to supervise an additional week’s shoot, in an

  ishness, with jumbled camera set- ups and plenty

  attempt to salvage the film. As De Angelis points

  of continuity errors: for instance, the kidnappers

  out, this “supervision” was actually much more

  sedate Hansel and Gretel with chloroform and

  than that: “Lucio shot everything. Simonelli

  put them in the car trunk, but in a following

  stayed by his side, just watching… . ”5

  scene we see them chatting with the children,

  Fulci shot several additional scenes to reach

  who are sitting in the back set of the car; later

  feature length, namely the one in which an eld-

  in the film a man sinks in a pit of quicksand- like

  erly woman has her skull transfixed by a wood

  manure and in the next scene is found dead on

  splinter which gouges out her eye, as in L’aldilà;

  top of it. Post- production is evidently careless.

  a woman (Zora Kerova) taking off her clothes

  A laughable blooper has the police listening to

  and having a bubble bath while giving instruc-

  a tape recording of Solange’s death, which even

  tions to a pair of thugs; the same woman being

  includes a bit of the score from said scene as

  dispatched by the ghosts of the two children in


  the bathtub; the two goo
ns falling into a canal

  The second in the series, and the closest to

  and being torn apart by the dewatering pump;

  the tradition of Italian Gothic cinema was Le-

  and some scenes which according to De Angelis

  andro Lucchetti’s Bloody Psycho. Born in Trieste

  were shot in a hotel—possibly the love scene be-

  in 44, the then 43-year-old director had

  tween Lina (Lucia Prato) and Fred (Gaetano

  worked on television during the previous

  Russo), and Silvia (Elisabete Pimenta Boareto)

  decade, with such programs as Per conoscere Pa-

  relaxing in her bedroom.6 However, even Fulci’s

  solini (7), a documentary which included ex-

  intervention was not enough to make the prod-

  cerpts of the poet’s last interview with Enzo

  uct marketable, and Andrea Bianchi was report-

  Biagi and Alberto Moravia’s speech at Pasolini’s

  edly recruited as well. With such a troubled pro-

  funeral. This was his third film, after the little-

  duction history, it’s not surprising that Hansel e

  seen Maledetta Euridice (6) and Mercenari

  Gretel is the lowest point in a series which had

  dell’apocalisse (a.k.a. Apocalypse Mercenaries,

  hardly any peaks to begin with.

  7), the latter featuring most of the same cast

  The theme of innocence betrayed and the

  as Bloody Psycho. It was Alfieri who asked Luc-

  insistence on violence toward minors are akin

  chetti to come aboard the project: “I took it for

  to Fulci’s work (see Non si sevizia un paperino,

  what it was—an adventure,”7 the director points

  Quella villa accanto al cimitero, and Voci dal pro-

  out. The film was initially to be directed by Si-

  fondo), and the image of children as revenants

  monelli, who had written the basic scenario. “I

  is a constant in Italian Gothic, from Bava’s I tre

  changed, adapted and invented as best as I could

  volti della paura and Operazione paura to La

  to put together something that looked like a

  notte dei diavoli (72, Giorgio Ferroni)—and

  film. Simonelli hadn’t written a real script, but

  one of Fulci’s additional scenes even reprises the

  rather a long synopsis or a more or less substan-

  image of the two children looking eerily from

  tial treatment.”

  outside a window, featured in Bava and Ferroni’s

  Shot in November 7, in three weeks,

  films. Yet Simonelli never goes beyond cut- rate

  in the villages of Castelnuovo di Porto and


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