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Love & Deception (Beautifully Twisted Book 1)

Page 3

by Colbie Kay

  Standing in the doorway is the most stunning woman I have ever laid eyes on. Her long dark hair flows down past her shoulders, and her big amber eyes meet mine in the mirror. Full plump lips are open, her mouth hanging wide as if she’s in shock. I watch as her cheeks take on a rosy hue. Is she embarrassed? She doesn't seem to know what to do as she remains frozen in the doorway with the door half-open. Her gaze hasn’t dropped. I watch as she scans the room, surveying the scene. Her head tilts a little to the side, and she seems intrigued, her teeth biting down on her bottom lip. A trim waist leads to her large tits that are rising and falling from her labored breaths. She moves one thigh then the other.

  Something ignites within me as I watch that beautiful woman. My spine tingles, I pound harder and faster into the redhead while my gaze remains on the brunette. Finally, my release rips through my body like a raging tidal wave. I have to bite down on my own bottom lip, drawing blood to keep myself from roaring out like a goddamn beast. Closing my eyes tightly, I fill the condom. When I open them, the woman is gone.

  Pulling out, I rid myself of the condom and throw it into the trash along with the wrapper. I fix my clothes and check my appearance in the mirror to make sure I’m decent before I make my exit.

  I haven’t spoken to the redhead, so I’m surprised to hear her yell out, "Wait!” as I’m leaving the office.

  With the door open, I look back. “What?” My brows are drawn down in confusion, a frown creasing my forehead.

  "Are you going to wait for me, or don't you want my number?" Her expression reminds me of a begging puppy.

  "No and no. That's not how this works, and you know it. We had our fun, and now, it's time to move on." With those words said, I step out of the office and go in search of the bathroom. After I find the bathroom and wash my hands, I return to the bar and order another beer while looking over the crowd, searching for Jake.

  The Buckle Bunnies use us as much, if not more, than we use them. Why not tell them like it is? If there was a woman out there, maybe a gorgeous brunette, I could actually care about, no way would I treat her like that. I wanna love a woman who loves me back. Someone who’s not interested in the rider I am, not how much money I make, or what I can do for them. Someone who wants just me, Cody Sterling, the man.

  I sit on a stool, my gaze on the crowd, and finally find Jake dancing with some girl. Glancing away from him, I scan the room, attempting to locate the mysterious brunette, but I don't see her anywhere. Suddenly, I feel a jolt of electricity run through my body, making the hairs on my arms and neck shoot up. I snap my head around and look to my right. There she is, sitting next to me on a stool, staring at me.

  I feel my own cheeks heating. Am I embarrassed now? It’s a little late for that, Cody! I take a long pull off my beer, hoping it will help cool me down. What the hell is wrong with me?

  "Uh, hey,” I choke out.

  She laughs, a beautiful sound, almost as beautiful as she is. "Don't get shy on me now, honey."

  Chuckling, I rub the back of my neck with nervousness. "Sorry about that. You know…the whole office thing." Why am I apologizing to her?

  "It's okay. I shouldn't have watched, but I couldn't help it. It was kinda hot." Her head dips down, and a rosy pink covers her cheeks.

  Gripping her chin with my finger and thumb, I lift her eyes to meet mine. "If I'm not allowed to get embarrassed, neither are you. What's your name, beautiful?"

  "Sh...Sonya Collins. And yours?" I’m taken aback by her question. It's not that I'm a conceited asshole or think it’s all about me, but I figured she would know who I am. This is a party for the bull riders, after all.

  Regaining my composure, I answer, "Cody Sterling?"

  Her gaze travels from my Stetson all the way down to my boots. "Well, from the way you're dressed, I would say you're a cowboy. I know that you were just fucking that girl in an office you probably shouldn’t have been in, but by the looks of it, you weren't really into it when I first walked in.” Her lips lift into a smirk. “I know that this is the after-party for the bull riders. Are you a bull rider? Did you ride tonight?"

  A laugh bursts from me. "You would be correct. And yeah, I rode. I made it into the short circuit for tomorrow night."

  Her eyes widen, and that smirk becomes a gorgeous beaming smile. "Oh yeah! I remember hearing your name. Cody Sterling. Right.” She states with a nod. “I'm sorry, I don't keep up with all that stuff. I only came because my friend enjoys the rodeo. You did have one hell of a ride tonight and were the only rider I really paid attention to, although I'm not quite sure why. You look different without the helmet, but I couldn’t really see you that well from my seat.” I find myself enthralled with her rambling. I don’t want her to stop. What the fuck is wrong with me? She continues, “Congratulations! I think this calls for a couple of shots." Lifting her arm, she yells for the bartender.

  “Thanks." I smile as she stands up on her stool and leans over the counter to try and get the bartender’s attention. With no success, she glances down and finds a bottle of tequila sitting on the cooler. She quickly grabs it and slams it down between us.

  With a mischievous grin, Sonya says, “I’m just gonna have to buy the whole damn bottle, I guess.” She takes a swig before passing it to me.

  I burst out laughing. “I’ll split the bill with you.” I take my own shot. She beams at me as we pass the tequila back and forth. It’s nice sitting here with this woman who really doesn't know who I am. I like it, and I’m enjoying merely being here with her. Normally, I wouldn’t engage in conversation or even care to, but she’s different. I asked what her name was, and I actually care about what she’s saying. Something settles within me as we take our tequila shots.

  We stayed at the bar until they kicked us out. While we didn't do much talking, we laughed at all the drunks, danced, sat next to each other listening to the music, and had an all-around good time, at least I did. I hope it was for her, too.

  I introduced her to Jake, and she introduced me to Pudge, the girl Jake danced with earlier. In the short time I've known this woman, she has made a hypocrite out of me. I gave her my number, she gave me hers, and now, I’ve asked her to meet me at the fairgrounds tomorrow afternoon.

  I want to spend time with her, and I'm not thinking about getting into her pants. I just want to be around her. Not only is she beautiful on the outside, but she is on the inside as well. I've never met a woman who made me think about having more than a one-night stand with her, but I want it with Sonya. I have a feeling when Sunday rolls around I'm not going to want to leave. After saying goodnight, Sonya and Pudge went one way, while Jake and I went the other.

  Now, I'm lying in my hotel room, staring at the ceiling and thoughts of her fill my mind. I laugh about how we met, but it didn't ruin the great night we had. "You thinkin' about that girl?" Jake asks from his bed. I guess somebody else can't sleep either.

  I roll over to face my best friend. "Yeah. I can't help it, man. She's different."

  "I get it. You had a good time tonight?" He sighs heavily and shifts to stare at the ceiling.

  "Better than I've had in a long time." I question, "Did you?"

  "Yeah, I did. Pudge is gonna come with Sonya tomorrow."

  "That's good. Let's get some sleep. We need to be rested up for tomorrow night."

  “Somethin tells me one weekend with these girls ain't gonna be enough. Night, Cody."

  "I’m thinkin’ you’re right. Night, Jake." With that, I flip over to peer out the hotel window to look at the city’s lights. I wonder where Sonya is and what she’s doing. Is she thinking about me, too?

  No doubt about it, one weekend with Sonya Collins will not be enough.

  The sun shines brightly, waking me from my deep sleep. Lifting my arms above my head, I stretch with a gleaming smile. How could one night change me? I stick the tip of my thumb into my mouth and bite down to keep my excitement contained.

  As I started my day yesterday, my life was the same as it always was. Noth
ing changed, nothing happened, nothing made me think today is going to be different, but today I have a new outlook. I had fun with Cody last night, even after I stumbled on him and that redhead in the bathroom. And honestly, I can’t hold what I saw against him, not with what I do for the club.

  Climbing out of bed, I trek into my closet and grab my favorite white summer dress and brown cowgirl boots. I walk into my bathroom and turn the shower on as I replay last night in my mind.

  Pudge and I sit on the metal bench seat in the stands watching rider after rider try to get those eight-seconds on the back of the bull. Each man attempts to hang on for dear life as the bull tries to buck them off. Almost, every time, it’s the same, they’re thrown from the raging bull. Only a few have made it to the sound of the buzzer, lasting all eight-seconds.

  Rodeos are more of Pudge’s thing, ergo I’ve been paying more attention to my phone until she bumps my shoulder with hers, and the announcer’s voice echoes throughout the arena with the next name, “Cody Sterling riding Double Barrel.” The crowd grows louder this round than with any of the other riders. My interest is peaked, and I try to figure out what has the audience enthralled. Our seats are too far back for me to really see much, though. My head moves left and right, trying not to miss a thing as the announcer continues, "The fans love him, the women flock to him, and the bulls want to ruin him. Cody has taken this sport by storm, and tonight you will witness it yourselves. The bull he will be riding is a powerhouse that’s had sixty consecutive buck-offs. This. Is. Double Barrel!” The announcer elongates the bull’s name, his words hyping up everyone in the stands.

  As I sit here, watching entranced, the chute opens, the bull and rider spring forward. Double Barrel turns this way and that, working to rid himself of the rider. My pulse thunders and my heart beats to the same rhythm of the bucking bull. Double Barrel attempts everything he can to throw the rider off, but it doesn’t work. The clock counts to eight-seconds, each one feeling like it is taking hours. And then the buzzer rings. Cody did what sixty others who rode Double Barrel tried to do before him, but he succeeded. He got his eight-seconds in!

  "Did you see that?" Pudge asks excitedly while shaking my arm. The crowd goes crazy for Cody and his accomplishment.

  "Yeah, I did!" A feeling of exhilaration rushes through me as I clap and yell for the rider. I’m beaming as I watch Cody take a bow. I don’t even know why I’m ecstatic for him, it’s not like I know the guy or have ever seen him ride before.

  Pudge and I remain in the stands until the very last rider has taken their turn. Cody made it look easy, his form was beautiful. I can see why the crowd loves him, and it’s easy to see the joy on his face. He loves to ride. This is his passion.

  Once we make it back to my car, we sit in the parking lot at the fairgrounds until it’s quiet. I’m not trying to make my way through all those cars. Crazy drivers make me nervous, and I'd rather be safe than sorry.

  Pudge's phone dinged with a new text. "There's an after-party at Pint’s. You wanna go?"

  "Yeah, I'm not ready to go back to the clubhouse yet." I head toward the bar, and when we get there, the parking lot is full. It takes me about ten minutes to find a parking spot in

  Once we make it inside, I tug on Pudge’s jacket. "I have to use the bathroom. Order us some drinks, and I'll meet you at the bar."

  Pushing my way through the crowd, I finally locate a closed door. I’ve never been to this joint before, so hopefully, I have the right door. I don’t see a sign if it’s men’s or women’s. There wasn't a line, which was odd for a packed bar, but without thinking, I turn the knob and find it unlocked. The moment I enter, my eyes are met with a man and woman having sex right there over a desk. “This isn’t the bathroom,” I mumble to myself. I freeze, not knowing what to do, unable to tear my eyes away. The door doesn't shut all the way, and I’m stuck frozen. Shocked isn't even the word to describe how I feel right now.

  My cheeks heat, and I don’t know what to do. I try to pull my eyes away from the man, but I find myself ogling him instead. His chiseled ass cheeks flex with each thrust, but his movements are limited due to his jeans and underwear pooling around his booted feet. Raking my eyes over his body, I take in his strong muscular calves and thighs, his broad back, and a chest that’s covered by a blue plaid flannel shirt. His sleeves are rolled up to the elbows, showing off his flexing muscles and the straining veins in his forearms. Even while he’s pounding away, he’s wearing a white Stetson, which I find odd.

  In the mirror, our gazes meet, my amber eyes, his crystal-clear blue. Sweat runs down his flushed cheeks, drawing my attention to a strong jaw that is shaded with a well-trimmed beard and mustache. Veins in his neck protrude, and I’m guessing it’s from the exertion. He’s sexy, so fucking sexy, and very different from the bikers I'm usually around.

  I've seen a lot of people fuck at the clubhouse, which means I know what it looks like when you’re not into it, and this guy has that expression. I’m not really sure it should seem like it’s more of an exercise than for your enjoyment. He looks like he could fall over any second from exhaustion, but he deserves an “A” for his effort for trying to find that release he obviously wants. Why else would he have pulled her in here besides to fuck? Can't call the guy a quitter, that's for sure, and he is giving her quite a pounding. Geez, I would put bets on her pussy being sore tomorrow.

  My eyes can’t leave his no matter how hard I try to pull away, and I find myself getting turned on watching him with this woman. I bite down on my lip as he devours me through the mirror. My thighs rub together, attempting to ease the growing ache between my legs. As his gaze stays locked on mine, his thrusts into her became rougher and more brutal.

  My breath quickens, my chest rises and falls in labored pants. I tear my eyes away from his only to witness the redhead begin to shake violently. That has to be one hell of an orgasm ripping through her body. She stays quiet, but with her mouth hanging open and eyes bulging makes it seem as if she wants to scream out to God himself. It is not a pretty expression, that’s for sure. She looks like she’s dying of pain instead of getting pleasure. I’m not sure if she’s even noticed I’m here, but if she did, I don’t think she’d care. When the man's eyes close, I rush out, desperate to get away. I run to the bar to find Pudge.

  "Did you fall in the toilet? You've been gone a while." Pudge chuckles and hands me my favorite drink, a piña colada. I take a few sips, letting the sweetness coat my mouth, and ignoring her question. I’m flustered and don’t know what to say.

  A guy wanders up to us. "Hey, pretty lady, would you like to dance?" His gaze is fixated on Pudge. She smiles brightly and sets her drink down on the counter before taking his hand in hers.

  Watching the crowd while my friend dances, I sip my drink, and someone catches my eye. It’s the man from the bathroom. He’s sitting at the opposite side of the bar and seems to be searching for someone. Biting my lip, I decide to go over to him. The redhead storms out of the bar, looking furious, as I approach.

  I drop onto the stool next to him. His eyes meet mine again, but this time, there’s no mirror between us.

  My shower has turned frigid, jolting me out of my thoughts. Shit! I rush through the rest of my shower, and once I’m back in my bedroom, I fall onto my bed as I stare up at the ceiling with the biggest grin on my face. I can't hold in my excitement, and like a teenager, I throw my body around crazily on the bed. My hair flies everywhere, my arms and legs hit my sheet covered mattress over and over. Picking up my pillow, I use it to cover my scream. Yesterday, I felt like I do every day, stuck in this clubhouse with no way out, but today, I feel like I’m just a normal girl who met a boy. A boy she likes!

  As I get ready, the smile remains glued on my face. Today, I am happy.

  Pulling into Pudge's apartment complex, I leave my car running as I send her a text, telling her I’m outside. When she comes skipping toward my car, she’s dressed almost exactly like I am. Her blonde hair is pulled back, pink summer dres
s with a jean jacket over it, and white cowgirl boots.

  She quickly jumps into the passenger seat and slams the door. Her wide, excited gaze meets mine. "Oh my God! How much fun was last night? Are you ready for today? I don't know if I am.” She falls back against the seat as I begin to drive away. “Jake is hot! Did you see him? No, probably not because you were all about Cody. Oh my God, you’re going on a date with Cody Sterling! I can't believe Ever texted last night telling you to take today off, too."

  I finally cut off her rambling, "Jesus, Pudge, slow down and breathe.” I laugh her as she takes in short spurts of air as if she’s in a panic. “It's gonna be fine, and I'm not sure this is a date. I'm nervous, but Jake seemed to like you, so calm down. Ever's great, the best boss I could ask for. She probably thought I would have a hangover and was giving me time to recover. She’s actually giving me the whole weekend off. Said she’ll cover the store tomorrow, too."

  "That’s awesome. Maybe if today goes well, you’ll get to spend more time with Cody tomorrow?” She turns the music up as we drive toward the fairgrounds.

  I bite my lip. “Maybe,” I say absently. I’m not going to get my hopes up.

  The parking lot is different today than it was last night. There are barely any cars here, whereas last night, it was packed. Turning my car off, I grab my phone out of my purse and send Cody a text, letting him know we’ve arrived. Almost immediately, my phone dings.

  Glancing at Pudge, I question, "Are you ready? He said they're over at the stables."

  Pudge pumps her fist while deepening her voice as if she was a man. "Let's do this shit!"

  I wonder about her sometimes, but I do love her to death. Our hands grip the door handles, our eyes are locked, and we take a few deep breaths. I give her a nod; it’s game time.

  As if we were a couple football players, we fly out of the car and fling the doors closed. I can’t help except laugh at the way we look. Pudge joins in the laughter before linking my arm with hers. Together, we jog toward the stables.


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