RB 1980- The Rule Of St Benedict

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by Saint Benedict

  Egeriae peregr. =Egeria, Itinerarium seu Peregrinatio ad loca sancta:PLS 1.1047; CSEL 39; CCL 175; SC 21; Eng.:ACW 38.

  Epiph. pan. =Epiphanius, Panarion:PG 41.174–42.832; GCS 25,31,37.

  Epist.apost.=Epistula Apostolorum, Ethiopic version:PO 9.3; Eng.:Hennecke, 1 (see Act.Thomae above).

  Euch. laud.erem. = Eucherius of Lyon, De laude eremi:PL 50.701; CSEL 31. Also S. Pricoco, Eucherii de laude eremi (Catania: Centro di studi sull’antico cristianesimo 1965): offprint from Miscellanea di studi di litteratura cristiana antica 15 (1965) 1–117.

  Eus. hist.eccles. =Eusebius, Historia ecclesiae:PG 20.45; GCS 9,1–3; Eng.:LCL; NPNF ser.2,1; FC 19 and 29.

  Eus. in psalm. = Eusebius, Commentarii in psalmos:PG 23.441.

  Eus. praep.evang. = Eusebius, Praeparatio evangelica:PG 22.13; GCS 43,1–2.

  Evagr. de orat. = Evagrius of Pontus, De oratione: PG 79.1165; Eng.:J. Bamberger, Evagrius Ponticus: The Praktikos; Chapters on Prayer (Spencer, Mass.: Cist. Publ. 1970).

  Evagr. epist.= Evagrius of Pontus, Epistulae: W. Frankenberg, Evagrius Ponticus, Abhandlungen der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Phil.-hist. Klasse, Neue Folge 13,2 (Berlin: Weidmann 1912).

  Evagr. keph.gnos. = Evagrius of Pontus, Kephalaia gnostica:PO 28.1.

  Evagr. pract. = Evagrius of Pontus, Practicus (Epistula ad Anatolium et Liber practicus):PG 40.1220,1244,1272; SC 170–171; Eng.: See Evagr. de orat.

  Evagr. sent.mon. = Evagrius of Pontus, Epistula Evagrii ad virgines directa:PL 20.1181; PG 40.1277; A. Wilmart “Les versions latines des sentences d’Évagre pour les vierges” RBén (1911) 143–153.

  Fulg.Rusp. epist. = Fulgentius of Ruspe, Epistulae xviii:PL 65.303; 45.1779; CCL 91.

  Greg. dial.= Gregory the Great, Dialogorum Libri IV:PL 77.149; U. Moricca, Gregorii Magni Dialogi Libri IV (Roma: Tipografia del Senato 1924); SC 251,260,265; Eng.: FC 39.

  Greg, epist. = Gregory the Great, Registrum epistularum:PL 77.441; 84.831; Ewald and Hartmann in MGH Epist. 1–2.

  Greg. libr. I Reg.=Gregory the Great, In librum primum Regum expositio:PL 79.17; CCL 144.

  Greg. past. = Gregory the Great, Regula pastoralis:PL 77.13; Eng.:ACW 11.

  Greg. Naz. orat. = Gregory of Nazianzen, Orationes:PG 35.12–36.664; F. Boulenger, Grégoire de Nazianze. Discours funèbres en l’honneur de son frère Césaire et de Basile de Césarée (Paris: A. Picard 1908); Eng.:FC 22 (Orations 7 and 43).

  Greg.Nys. adv.Apoll.=Gregory of Nyssa, Adversus Apollinarem:PG 45.1123; W. Jaeger et al., Gregorii Nysseni opera (Leiden: Brill 1958–67) 3.

  Greg.Nys. cont.Eun. Gregory of Nyssa, Contra Eunomium:PG 45.248; Jaeger 1; Eng.:NPNF ser.2,5.

  Greg.Nys. in Eccl.=Gregory of Nyssa, In Ecclesiusten homiliae:PG 44.615; Jaeger 5.

  Greg.Nys. inst.christ. = Gregory of Nyssa, De instituto Christiano:PG 46.288; Jaeger 8; Eng.:FC 58.

  Greg.Nys. virg. = Gregory of Nyssa, De virginitate:PG 46.317; Jaeger 8; Eng.: FC 58.

  Herm. past. = Hermas of Rome, Pastor:PG 2.891; SC 53bis; Eng.:FC 5.

  Hier. apol.adv.libr.Ruf.= Jerome, Apologia adversus libros Rufini:PL 23.397; Eng.:NPNF ser.2,3.

  Hier. de viris illus. =Jerome, De viris illustribus:PL 23.603.

  Hier. epist. = Jerome, Epistulae:PL 22.325; PLS 2.20; CSEL 54,55,56; Eng.:ACW 33 (letters 1–22).

  Hier. in Ezech.= Jerome, Commentarii in Ezechielem:PL 25.15.

  Hier. in Gal.= Jerome, Commentarius in epistulam ad Galatas:PL 26.307.

  Hier. in Matt. = Jerome, Commentarius in Matthaeum:PL 26.15; CCL 77.

  Hier. in psalm.= Jerome, Commentarioli in psalmos:PLS 2.29; CCL 72; Morin, Anec. Maredsol. 3 (see Basil, in psalm, above).

  Hier. in Zach. =Jerome, Commentarius in Zachariam:PL 25.1415; CCL 76A.

  Hier. Orsies.doctr. = See Orsiesii lib.

  Hier. reg.Pachom.= See Pachom. reg.

  Hier. vita Hil.= Jerome, Vita Hilarionis:PL 23.29; ActSS Oct.; Eng.:FC 15.

  Hier. vita Mal.= Jerome, Vita Malchi:PL 23.55; C. C. Mierow in Classical Essays Presented to J. A. Kleist, ed. R. E. Arnold (St. Louis Univ. 1946); Eng .:NPNF ser.2,6; FC 15.

  Hier. vita Pauli=Jerome, Vita Pauli:PL 23.17; Eng.:FC 15.

  Hil. in Matt. = Hilary of Poitiers, In Matthaeum:PL 9.917; SC 255 and 258.

  Hil. in psalm. = Hilary of Poitiers, Tractatus super psalmos:PL 9.231; CSEL 22.

  Hil. vita Hon. = Hilary of Arles, Vita Honorati:PL 50.1249; SC 235; Eng.:FC 15.

  Hild. exp.reg. = Hildemar, Expositio Regulae ab Hildemaro tradita:R. Mittermüller, Vita et Regula SS. P. Benedicti una cum Expositione Regulae a Hildemaro Tradita (Regensburg: Pustet 1880).

  Hippol. trad.apost. = Hippolytus, Traditio apostolica:B. Botte, La tradition apostolique de saint Hippolyte, Liturgiewissenschaftliche Quellen und Forschungen 39 (Münster: Aschendorff 1963); Eng.:B. S. Easton, The Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus (Cambridge Univ. Press 1924); G. Dix, The Treatise on the Apostolic Tradition of St. Hippolytus of Rome (London: SPCK 1937).

  Hist.mon.=Historia monachorum in Aegypto (tr. Rufin.):PL 21.387; see A.-M. J. Festugière, Édition critique du texte grec, Subsidia Hagiographica 34 (Brussels: Société des Bollandistes 1961).

  Ign. Magn.= Ignatius of Antioch, Epistula ad Magnesios:PG 5.661; Funk-Bihlmeyer (see Clem, ad Cor. above); Eng.:ACW 1; FC 5; LCL.

  Ign. Smyr. = Ignatius of Antioch, Epistula ad Smyrnos:PG 5.707; Funk-Bihlmeyer; Eng.: ACW 1; FC 5; LCL.

  Ign. Trall. = Ignatius of Antioch, Epistula ad Trallianos:PG 5.673; Funk-Bihlmeyer; Eng.:ACW 1; FC 5; LCL.

  Ios. de bello Iud. = Flavius Josephus, De bello ludaico:Eng.:LCL.

  Iren, adv.haer. =Irenaeus, Adversus haereses:PG 7.433; SC 100,152,153,210,211; Eng.:ANF 1.

  Iren, demonstr.apost.praed. = Irenaeus, Demonstratio apostolicae praedicationis:PO 12.5; Eng.: the above edition has English and French translations.

  Iust. apol.= Justin Martyr, Apologia pro Christianis:PG 6.327; L. Pontigny, Justin: Apologies (Paris: A. Picard 1904); Eng.:ANF 1.

  Iust. dial. = Justin Martyr, Dialogus cum Tryphone:PG 6.471; G. Archambault, Justin: Dialogue avec Tryphon, 2 vols. (Paris: A. Picard 1909); Eng.: ANF 1.

  Leo.M. tract.= Leo the Great, Tractatus septem et nonaginta:PL 54.141; CCL 138,138A.

  Leo.Ost. chron.Cas. = Leo of Ostia, Chronicon Casinense:PL 173.440.

  Lib.diurn. =Liber diurnus:PL 105.9; H. Förster (Bern: Francke 1958).

  Lib.grad. =Liber graduum:Patrologia Syriaca 3.

  Liban. orat. =Libanius, Orationes. R. Foerster, Libanii Opera (Stuttgart: Teubner 1903); Eng.:LCL.

  Max.Tur. sermo. = Maximus of Turin, Sermones:PL 57.221; CCL 23.

  Melit. pasch. = Melito of Sardis, Homilia paschalis (or Chronicon paschale): C. Bonner, The Homily on the Passion by Melito, Bishop of Sardis (Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press 1940); M. Testuz, Méliton de Sardes: Homélie sur la Pâque. Papyrus Bodmer xiii (Geneva: Bibl. Bodmer 1960); SC 123.

  Meth. conviv. =Methodius, Convivium:PG 18.221; GCS 27; SC 95; Eng.:ACW 6; ANF 6.

  Optat.=Optatus, Contra Parmenianum Donatistam:PL 11.883; CSEL 26.

  Orat.Manassae =Oratio Manassae:Biblia sacra iuxta vulgatam versionem, editio altera emendata, ed. R. Weber (Stuttgart: Württembergische Bibelanstalt 1969) 2; Eng.:R. H. Charles, The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament in English (Oxford: The Clarendon Press 1913) 1.

  Orig. c.Cels.= Origen, Contra Celsum:PG 11.641; GCS 2–3; Eng.:ANF 4; also H. Chadwick, Contra Celsum (Cambridge Univ. Press 1953).

  Orig. hom. in Iesu Nave=Origen, Homiliae in Iesu Nave (tr. Rufin.):PG 12.825; GCS 7; Eng.:R. B. Tollington, Selections from the Commentaries and Homilies of Origen (London: SPCK 1929).

  Orig. hom.cant. = Origen, Homiliae in Canticum canticorum:PG 13.37; GCS 33.

  Orig. hom. in Ex.= Origen, Homiliae in Exodum (tr. Rufin.):PG 12.297; GCS 29.

  Orig. in Ioan.= Origen, Commentarii in Ioannem:PG 14.21; GCS 10; Eng. ANF 9.

  Orig. in Luc. =Origen, Homiliae in Lucam (tr. Hier.):PL 26.229; GCS 35.

/>   Orig. in Matt.= Origen, Commentarii in Matthaeum:PG 13.829; GCS 38,40,41; Eng.:ANF 9.

  Orig. in Prov. =Origen, Expositio in Proverbia:PG 17.161.

  Orig. prin.= Origen, De Principiis:PG 11.115; GCS 22; Eng.:ANF 4; G. W. Butterworth, Origen on First Principles (New York: Harper Torchbook 1966).

  Orsiesii lib.= Horsiesius, Liber (tr. Hier.):PL 103.453; A. Boon, Pachomiana latina, Bibliothèque de la Revue d’Histoire Ecclésiastique 7 (Louvain: Bureaux de la Revue 1932).

  Pachom. reg. = Pachomius, Regula coenobiorum:PL 23.65; Boon, as above.

  Pallad. dial. = Palladius, Dialogus de vita sancti Johannis Chrysostomi:PG 47.5; P. R. Coleman-Norton, Palladii Dialogus de vita sancti Joannis Chrysostomi (Harvard Univ. Press 1928); Eng.:H. Moore, The Dialogue of Palladius Concerning the Life of Chrysostom (London: SPCK 1921).

  Pallad. hist.laus.=Palladius, Historia Lausiaca:PG .34.995; PL 74.249; C. Butler, The Lausiac History of Palladius, 2 vols., Texts and Studies 6,1–2 (Cambridge Univ. Press 1898 and 1904); Eng.:ACW 34.

  Passio Iulian. et Bas.=Passio Iuliani et Basilissae:ActSS Ian. et Iun.

  Passio Iust.=Passio Iustini et sociorum: H. Musurillo, The Acts of the Christian Martyrs (Oxford: The Clarendon Press 1972); Eng.:Ibid.

  Passio Perp. Fel.=Passio Sanctarum Perpetuae et Felicitatis:PL 3.17; Musurillo; Eng .:Ibid.

  Paul.diac. gest.Lang. = Paul the Deacon, De gestis Langobardorum:PL 95.433; Eng.:Paul the Deacon, History of the Lombards, tr. W. D. Foulke (1907; rpt. Univ. of Pennsylvania Press 1974).

  Paulin.Nol. epist. = Paulinus of Nola, Epistulae:PL 61.153; CSEL 29; Eng.:ACW 35–36.

  Paulin. vit Ambr.= Paulinus, Vita Ambrosii:PL 14.29; Eng.:FC 15.

  Phil. cher. = Philo Iudaeus, De Cherubim: L. Cohn et al., Philonis Alexandrini Opera quae supersunt, 7 vols. (Berlin: G. Reimer 1896–1930) 1; Eng.:LCL.

  Philox. ad Pat. = Philoxenus of Mabbug, Epistula ad Patricium:PO 30.

  Plin. nat.hist. =Pliny, Naturalis historia:C. Mayhoff, C. Plini Naturalis historiae libri xxxvii (Leipzig: Teubner 1870); Eng.:LCL.

  Porcar. mon. = Porcarius of Lerins, Monita:PLS 3.737; A. Wilmart in RBén 26 (1909) 475–480.

  Porphyr. ad Marcell. = Porphyry, Ad Marcellum:A. Nauck, Porphyrii opera (1886).

  Porphyr. de abstin. = Porphyry, De abstinentia: J. Bouffortique and M. Patillon, De l’abstinence Porphyre (Paris: Société d’édition Les Belles Lettres 1977); Eng: Porphyry on abstinence from animal food, tr. Thomas Taylor, ed. Esme Wynn-Tyson (New York: Barnes and Noble 1965).

  Possid. vit. Aug. =Possidius, Vita Augustini:PL 32.33; Eng.:FC 15.

  Ps-Aug. ord.mon. = Pseudo-Augustine, De ordine monasterii:PL 32.1449; 66.995; De Bruyne (see Aug. reg.serv. above); Verheijen, 1 (see Aug. obiur. above).

  Ps-Clem. ad Cor. II = Pseudo-Clement of Rome, Epistida secunda ad Corinthios:PG 1.329; Funk-Bihlmeyer (see Clem, ad Cor. above); Eng.:FC 5; LCL.

  Ps-Cypr. adv.Iud. = Pseudo-Cyprian, Adversus Iudaeos:PL 4.705; CCL 4; Eng.:ANF 5.

  Ps-Dion. eccl.hier. = Pseudo-Dionysius, De ecclesiastica hierarchia:PG 3.369; Eng.:J. Parker, The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite (London 1897); D. Rutledge, Cosmic Theology (Staten Island, N.Y.: Alba House 1965).

  Ps-Macar. reg. = Pseudo-Macarius, Regula monachorum:PL 103.447; PG 34.967.

  Reg. ii Patr.=Regula ii SS. Patrum:PL 103.441; PG 34.977.

  Reg. iv Patr.=Regula iv Patrum: J. Neufville “Règle des iv Pères et seconde règle des Pères” RBén 77 (1967) 47–106.

  Ruf. hist.eccles. = Rufinus, Historia ecclesiae:PL 21.461; MGH auct. ant. 9,11,13.

  Sacr.Gelasianum=Sacramentarium Gelasianum Vetus:PL 74.1055; L. Eizenhöfer, P. Siffrin and L. C. Mohlberg, Liber Sacramentorum Romanae Aeclesiae ordinis anni circuli, Rer. Eccl. Doc., ser. maior, Fontes iv (Roma: Herder 1960).

  Sacr.Leon.=Sacramentarium Leonianum:PL 55.21; L. Eizenhöfer, P. Siffrin and L. C. Mohlberg, Sacramentarium Veronese, Rer. Eccl. Doc., ser. maior, Fontes i (Roma: Herder 1956).

  Sext.Pythag. enchirid. = Sextus Pythagoricus, Enchiridion (tr. Rufin.):H. Chadwick, The Sentences of Sextus (Cambridge Univ. Press 1959).

  Smarag. expos. in reg. = Smaragdus, Expositio in Regulam S. Benedicti:PL 102.689; Corpus Consuetudinum Monasticamm 8.

  Soc. hist.eccles. = Socrates, Historia ecclesiae:PG 67.29; Eng .:NPNF ser.2,2.

  Soz. hist.eccles. = Sozomen, Historia ecclesiastica:PG 67.843; GCS 50; Eng .:NPNF ser.2,2.

  Stob. flor. =John Stobaeus, Florilegium: Joannis Stobaei Anthologium, ed. C. Wacksmuth and O. Hense, 5 vols. (Berlin: Weidmann 1884–1912) 3–4.

  Sulpic.Sever. dial. = Sulpicius Severus, Dialogorum:PL 20.183; CSEL 1; Eng.:FC 7.

  Sulpic.Sever, epist. = Sulpicius Severus, Epistulae:PL 20.175; CSEL 1; Eng .:NPNF ser.2,11; FC 7.

  Sulpic.Sever. Mart. = Sulpicius Severus, Vita Martini Turonensis:PL 20.159; CSEL 1; SC 133–135; Eng.:FC 7.

  Ter. Andr.= Terence, Andria:P. Terenti Afri Comoediae: The Comedies of Terence, ed. Sidney G. Ashmore, 2nd ed. (New York: Oxford Univ. Press 1965); Eng.:LCL.

  Tert. apol.= Tertullian, Apologeticum:PL 1.559; CSEL 20; CCL 1; Eng.:FC 10.

  Tert. de orat. =Tertullian, De oratione:PL 1.1149; CSEL 20; CCL 1; Eng.:FC 40.

  Tert. de paen. = Tertullian, De paenitentia:PL 1.1223; CSEL 76; CCL 1; Eng.:ACW 28.

  Tert. exhor.cast. =Tertullian, De exhortatione castitatis:PL 2.963; CCL 2; Eng.:ACW 13.

  Tert. pud. =Tertullian, De pudicitia:PL 2.1029; CCL 2; Eng.:ACW 28.

  Theod.Cant. can.=Theodore of Canterbury, Canones:PL 99.927.

  Theod. catech. = Theodore of Tabennesi, Catechesis.CSCO 159–160 (Coptic text and French translation).

  Vict.Vit. hist.pers.= Victor of Vita, Historia persecutions Africanae provinciae:PL 58.179; CSEL 7.

  Vigil. reg.(orient.) = Vigilius the Deacon, Regula orientalis:PL 50.373; 103.477; PG 34.983.

  Visio Pauli=Visio Sancti Pauli, or The Apocalypse of Paul:T. Silverstein, Visio Sancti Pauli (London: Christophers 1935); Eng.:E. Hennecke, 2 (see Act.Thomae above).

  Vita Anton. =Vita Antonii:PG 26.835; PL 73.127; see H. Hoppenbrouwers, La plus ancienne version latine de la vie de S. Antoine par S. Athanase: Étude de critique textuelle (Nijmegen: Dekker & Van de Vegt 1960); Eng.: ACW 10.

  Vita bo=Vita Pachomii bohairice scripta:CSCO 89; section numbers from L. Th. Lefort, Les vie coptes de s. Pachôme et de ses premiers successeurs (Louvain: Bureaux de Muséon 1943).

  Vita Macar. Rom.=Vita Macarii Romani:PL 73.415.

  Vita Pachom.=S. Pachomii vita.tr. Dionysius Exiguus, PL 73.231; see H. van Cranenburgh, La Vie latine de saint Pachôme traduite du grec par Denys le Petit, Subsidia Hagiographica 46 (Brussels: Société des Bollandistes 1961).

  Vita pat. iuren.=Vita Patrum Iurensium:SC 142.

  Vita prima=Vita prima graeco Pachomii:F. Halkin, Sancti Pachomii Vitae Graecae, Subsidia Hagiographica 19 (Brussels: Société des Bollandistes 1932); Eng.:A. N. Athanassakis, The Life of Pachomius (Missoula, Mont.: Scholars Press 1975).

  Vita sa=Vita Pachomii sahidice scripta:CSCO 99,100 (the various Sahidic Lives are designated sa1, sa2, etc.); French tr. Lefort, Les vies coptes. . . .

  Vita tertia=Vita tertia graeca Pachomii: Halkin, as above.

  Vitae patr., Verb.senior.=Vitae Patrum, Verba Seniorum:PL 73.855; J.-C. Guy, Recherches sur la tradition grecque des Apophthegmata Patrum, Subsidia Hagiographica 36 (Brussels: Société des Bollandistes 1962); Eng.:O. Chadwick, Western Asceticism, Library of Christian Classics (Philadelphia: Westminster Press 1958). See Apoph.

  Will. vit.Bon. =Willibald, Vita Bonifacii:PL 89.603; W. Levison, Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum . . . editi (Hannover: Hahn 1905); Eng.:C. H. Talbot, The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany (New York: Sheed and Ward 1954).


  This Selected Bibliography contains references only to basic works that can be recommended as preliminary to the study of the Rule of St. Benedict. Some guides to the Notes with more complete information are provided; the frequent cross references thr
oughout this volume will facilitate the use of bibliographical entries for various subjects.

  Bibliographical Resources


  Albareda, A. Bibliografia de la Regla benedictina. Montserrat: Imprenta del Monestir de Montserrat 1933. Limited to editions of the Rule.

  Constable, G. Medieval Monasticism: A Select Bibliography. Toronto Univ. Press 1976. Intended as a guide for graduate students, this book is the best of its kind; reference chiefly to European studies.

  Kapsner, O. A Benedictine Bibliography. 2 vols. Collegeville: St. John’s Abbey Press 1962. A listing of holdings in American Benedictine libraries of Benedictine authors and subjects.

  Louf, A., et al. The Message of Monastic Spirituality, tr. L. Stevens. New York: Desclée 1964. A translation of the “Bulletin de Spiritualité Monastique” from Collectanea Cisterciensia 1962, and articles in 1960–61. See below under CS.

  Peifer, C. Monastic Spirituality. New York: Sheed and Ward 1966. Some 640 entries.

  Turbessi, G. Ascetismo e monachesimo in S. Benedetto. Roma: Editrice Studium 1965. Some 745 entries.



  Bibliographia patristica, ed. W. Schneemelcher. Berlin: DeGruyter 1956–. See entries on individual Fathers for scholarship in relation to monasticism.

  CollCist —“Bulletin de Spiritualité Monastique.” See Louf above.

  CS — “Bulletin of Monastic Spirituality.” A supplement that began with 2 (1967). See Louf above.

  RBén — “Bulletin d’Histoire Bénédictine.” Since 1893.

  RHE — “Bibliographie” (Louvain). For works on monasticism, see Part III, 3,D: “Histoire de l’ascétisme” and 4: “Histoire des corporations religieuses.”

  Revue Mabillon — “Bulletin d’Histoire Monastique.” Since 1926. RBS — Since 1972, intermittently.


  Bauerreis, R. “Bibliographia Benedictina” SMGBO 57 (1939) (1)—(28); 64 (1952) (29–(127).

  ______“Bibliographie der Benediktinerregel” SMGBO 58 (1940) 3–20.

  Rousseau, O. “Chronique des publications monastiques” Irénikon 36 (1963) 110–129.

  Editions of the Rule

  Butler, C. Sancti Benedicti Regula Monachonim: Editio Critico-Practica. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder 1912. One of the first attempts at a critical edition; valuable for its indication of sources.


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