—cheerful: (gaudere) 7.39 (hilaris) Scrip.allu.(Sir 35:10, 11) 5.16
—courageous: (confortetur cor tuum) Scrip.cit.(Ps 26[27]:14) 7.37
—good: (bonum) 71.1
—patient and enduring: 7.35, 42 (patientia; sustinere) 7.35; 38.10; 68 Scrip.cit.(Rom 8:36) 7.39 (Ps 65[66]: 10) 7.40
—persevering even to death: Prol.50 Scrip.cit.(Phil 2:8) 7.34 (Matt 10:22) 7.36 (Ps 26[27]:14) 7.37 PASCHAL MYSTERY, as patience
—sustained by Christ in us; Scrip.cit.(Rom 8:37) 7.39 GRACE
—swift: 5.7-10; 43.1
—total: monks not to have wills or bodies at their own disposal: 33.4
—trusting: (confidere) 68.5
—zealous: (sollicitus) 58.7
—Antithesis: 1.8-11 (inoboedientes) Prol.2; 2.8, 10, 28; 23.1 (oboediens non fuerit) 65.21 (cum malo animo oboedire) 5.17 (tyrannis) 65.2 GRUMBLING Image: Sloth of disobedience: Prol.2
—Monastic ritual: Profession ceremonial: 58.17
—Labor of obedience: (labor) Prol.2
—Spiritual combat: SERVICE, as spiritual combat
—Swift step: (vicino oboedientiae pede) 5.8
—Way of God’s commandments: (via mandatorum Dei) Prol.49 LIFE, as journey
—Weapons of obedience: (arma) Prol.3
—MONK, Images: Disciple, Servant-soldier, Sheep, Workman
—Christ: Scrip.cit.(Phil 2:8) 7.34 Scrip.allu.(Rom 8:17; 1 Pet 4:13) Prol.50
—Monastic ritual:
—Easter celebration: (Pascha) 8.1, 4; 10.1; 15.1, 4; 41.1, 7; 48.3; 49.7
—Lenten observance: (quadragesima) 15.2, 3; 41.6, 7; 48.10, 14-16; 49.t, l, 2
—Work of God: (Alleluia) 9.9; 11.6; 12.2; 15.t, l, 3, 4
—in us: (imitans Dominum) 7.34 (propter te; propter eum) 7.38, 39 (abnegare semetipsum sibi ut sequatur Christum) 4.10 (participari) Prol. 50 Implication: Monastic ritual: (suscipe) Scrip.cit.(Ps 118 [119]: 116) 58.21 —Antithesis: (noluerint . . . gloriam) Prol.7
—through patience: (patiens; patienter) 2.25; 7.35, 42; 36.5; 58.3; 68.2; 72.5 (tacite) 7.35 Scrip.allu.(1 Pet 3:9) 4.30 (1 Pet 4:13) Prol.50 (2 Tim 4:2) 58.11
—as endurance: (sustinere) 4.33; 7.36, 38 Scrip.allu.(1 Cor 4:12; 1 Pet 3:9) 4.32; 7.43 (tolerare) 72.5 Implication: 7.35-43 (examinare) Scrip.cit.(Ps 65[66]: 10, 11) 7.40 (sufferre) 4.30; 7.38 (Ps 43[44]:22; Rom 8:36) 7.38, 39 Scrip.allu.(1 Pet 3:9) 4.32
—as perseverance: (perseverantia) 58.3, 9 Scrip.cit.(Matt 10:22) 7.36 (persistere) 25.3; 58.3 (sustinere) 4.33; 7.36
—as waiting: (sustinere Dominum) Scrip.cit.(Ps 26[27]: 14) 7.37 (Pascha exspectare) 49.7
—Monastic ritual; Work of God: Vigils: 8.3, 4; 9.8, 11; 10.3; 11.t, l, 2, 11; 14.t; 16.4; 18.6, 20, 23; 43.4
—as victory: (superare) Scrip.cit.(Rom 8:37) 7.39
—Arise from sleep: (surgere) Scrip.cit.(Rom 13:11) Prol.8
—Jacob’s ladder: (ascendere; erigere; exaltatio) Scrip.allu.(Gen 28:12) 7.6-9
—Narrow way to life: Implication: Scrip.cit.(Matt 7:14) Prol.48; 5.11
—Silver refined in fire: Scrip.cit.(Ps 65[66]:10) 7.40
Patience, PASCHAL MYSTERY, in us, through patience
PEACE (pax)
—as goal: Scrip.cit.(Ps 33[34]:14) Prol.17 (requiescere) (Ps 14[15]:1) Prol. 23
—as quiet mind: (tacite) 7.35 (aequo animo) 31.17
—as reconciliation: Scrip.allu.(Eph 4:26) 4.73
—in community: 34.5 Implication: 65.22
—with guests: 53.4
—Monastic ritual:
—Public recitation of the Lord’s Prayer: 13.12, 13
—Kiss of peace: 53.5; 63.4
—Antithesis: (pacem falsam) 4.25 (numquam requiescit) 64.16
—anxiety: (anxius) 64.16
—disturbances: (conturbare) 63.2 (exordinationes) 65.7 (inquietare) 48.5; 53.16 (perturbare) 31.19: 61.2 (turbulentus) 31.1; 64.16
—idleness: (otiositas) 48.1
—quarreling: factions: (discordare) 4.73 (dissensiones) 65.2, 7, 8 (rixa) 65.7
—rebel: (rebellio) 62.8
Perseverance, PASCHAL MYSTERY, in us, patience as perseverance; STABILITY, of heart
Poverty, COMMUNITY, sharing all things in common
PRAYER (oratio)
—adoration: 53.7
—awe: fear of the Lord: (timere) Prol.29; 7.11; 31.2; 36.7; 64.15; 65.15; 72.9 (timor) Prol.12; 3.11; 5.9; 7.10; 11.9; 53.21; 64.1; 66.4 Implication: 19.6 Scrip.cit.(Ps 33[34]:10) 2.36 (Ps 2:11) 19.3
—reverence: (reverentia) 20.t, l; 9.7; 11.3; 52.2 (adorare) 53.7 (honor) 9.7; 36.4; 63.13
—Antithesis: (irridere) 58.18 (non facere) 52.5 (improbitas) 52.3
— call-response: (evocare) 7.9 (vox invitans) Prol. 19 (respondere) Prol. 35 (interrogare) Prol.23, 39 (interrogatio)Prol.24 (vocare) Prol.21
—compunction: (compunctio) 20.3; 49.4 (fletus) 49.4 (lacrimae) 4.57; 52.4 (diluere) 49.3 (gemitus) 4.57 Antithesis: JOY
—confession: FORGIVENESS, aspect of confession, to God
—conversion: (convertere) 2.18; 7.30; 63.7 Scrip.cit.(Ezek 33:11) Prol.38 (Ps 49[50]:21) 7.30 (paenitentia) Scrip.cit.(Rom 2:4) Prol.37 (emendare) Prol.36; 4.58 (redire) Prol.2
—CONVERSION, convertere; DISCIPLINE, means, amendment
—desire for God: (desiderare) 4.46 (desiderium) 7.23; 49.7 Scrip.cit.(Ps 37[38]: 10) 7.23 love of eternal life: (amor) 5.10 (cupere) Scrip.cit.(Ps 33[34]:13) Prol.15 LIFE, as journey to God
—hope: (spes) 4.41; 7.39
—seeking God: (quaerere) Prol. 14; 58.7 (regnum Dei) Scrip.cit.(Matt 6:33) 2.35
—waiting for God: (exspectare) 49.7 (exspectatio) Scrip.cit.(Ps 118 [119]:116) 58.21 (sustinere) Scrip.cit.(Ps 26[27]:14) 7.37 Implication: 7.38
—experience of God: (ecce adsum) Scrip.cit.(Ps 33[34]:16) Prol.17 (Isa 58:9; 65:24) Prol. 18 Scrip.allu.(Ps 15[16]: 11) Prol.20 (caritas perfecta foris mittit timorem) (1 John 4:18) 7.67
—offering: 49.6
—of sons: (filius) 59.t, l, 2, 4, 8
—of self: (suscipere) Scrip.cit.(Ps 118[119]: 116) 58.21 (promittere) 58.14, 17, 19 (petitio) 58.19, 20, 29
—praise: (confiteri) 4.57; 7.46; 16.5 (laudare) 11.8 (laus) 10.t; 11.10; 16.5 Scrip.cit.(Ps 75[76]:11) 7.17 (Ps 105[106]:1; Ps 117[118]:1) 7.46 (Ps 118[119]:164) 16.1, 3 (Ps 50[51]:17) 9.1; 38.3 (Ps 118[119]:62) 16.4 (gloria) Scrip.cit.(Ps 113[114]:9) Prol.30 (gloriari) Scrip.cit.(1 Cor 10:17) Prol.32 (glorificare) 57.9 GOD, Trinity
—petition: Prol.4 (invocare) Prol. 18 (rogare) Prol.41; 7.20 (supplicare) 20.2 (preces) Prol. 18
—union and mutual communion: (pariter) 53.4; 72.12 (unum) 2.20; 61.10 Scrip.cit.(Eph 6:8) 2.20 Scrip.allu.(Gal 3:28) 2.20 (visitare) Scrip.cit.(Matt 25:36, 40) 36.2
—fervor: (instantissima oratio) Prol. 4 (intentio cordis) 52.4 (incumbere) 4.56 Implication: 18.23; 20.3 Antithesis: (tepidus) 18.24, 25
—humility: (humilitas) 20.1, 2 (humiliasti me) Scrip.cit.(Ps 118[119]:71) 7.54 (Luke 18:13) 7.65
—purity: (purus) 20.4 (puritatis devotione) 20.2 (puritas cordis) 20.3 (omni puritate vitam custodire) 49.2 (immaculatus coram te) Scrip.cit.(Ps 17[18]:24) 7.18 LIFE, as journey
—sincerity: 19.7; 20.3; 52.4
—brief: (brevis) 20.4, 5
—continual: (semper) 7.11, 14, 65 (omni hora) 7.13, 29
—frequent: (frequenter) 4.56 (cotidie) 4.57 more frequent in Lent: 49.5
—prolonged: (protendere) 20.4
—alone: (secrete) 52.4 (peculiaris) 49.5; 52.3
—corporate: (in conventu) 20.5 (chorus) 43.4, 11; 44.5; 63.4
—for delinquent monks: 27.4; 28.4; 44.4
—for absent monks: 67.2
—for new members: 58.23
—monastic rituals: MONASTIC RITUALS
PRIDE (superbia)
—cautioned against in:
—leaders: abbot: (obsti
natus) 64.16 —cellarer: (elatus) 31.1 (typho) 31.16 (spernere) 31.7 Implication; (praesumere) 31.15 —deans: 21.5 —prior: (superbia; elatus) 65.2, 18 (tyrannis) 65.2 (maligno spiritu superbiae) 65.2 (contemptor) 65.18 —priests: 62.2 (contumacia) 62.11 (praesumere) 62.8 (rebellio) 62.8 —reader: 38.2
—monks: 4.34, 69 (spernere) Prol.29; 2.9; 7.2; 68.3 Scrip.cit.(Ps 130[131]:1, 2) 7.3, 4
—defined as self-exaltation: (exaltatio) 7.2, 7 Scrip.cit.(Luke 14:11; 18:14) 7.1 (Ps 130[131]:1, 2) 7.3, 4 (Ps 87[88]:16) 7.53
—fault of monks: (durus; inoboedientes) 2.12, 28 (superbus) 23.1 (contumax) 23.1; 71.9
—means to avoid: 38.2; 65.13
—punishment of: 2.28; 21.5, 6, 7; 23.4, 5; 28.6; 62.8, 9; 64.4, 5; 65.19, 21 Scrip.cit.(Ps 29[30]:12) 2.28 (Prov 23:14) 2.29 (1 Cor 5:13; 7:15) 28.6, 7
—Monastic ritual: MONASTIC RITUALS, for weekly reader
—Hard-hearted: (durus corde) 2.12, 28
—Puffed-up person: (inflatus) 21.5; 65.2
—OBEDIENCE, Antithesis
Punishment, DISCIPLINE, means
Reading, LISTENING, to holy reading; SCRIPTURE, to be read
RULE (regula)
—all observance of justice not in: (iustitia) 73.t, l —for beginners: 73.8
—authority of: (auctoritas) 37.1
—basis for monastic promise: 60.9 Implication; 58.14
—law of: (lex) 58.10, 15
—observance of: (observare) —by abbot: 3.11; 64.20 Implication; 3.7 —monks: 3.7; 7.55 Antithesis: 1.6; 23.1 —priests: 60.2, 9; 62.4, 11 —deans: 62.7 Antithesis: 62.11 —prior: 65.17 Antithesis: 65.18
—read aloud: —to novice: 58.9, 12, 13 —to all: 66.8
—regular discipline: (regulari disciplinae subiaceat) 3.10; 32.5; 48.20; 54.5; 60.5; 62.3; 65.19; 67.6; 70.6
—sadness, JOY, Antithesis, not to be in monastery
—Scripture as rule of life: (norma) 73.3 (lex divina) 53.9; 64.9
—spiritual combat under: 1.2; 58.10, 16 SERVICE, as spiritual combat
—strictness of, not applied to children or elderly: 37
—unlawful monastic actions: (non licere) 54.1; 58.15, 16; 63.11 (non permittere) 43.15; 52.5
—Master: (magister) Prol.1
—Yoke: (iugum) 58.16
—OBEDIENCE, to the Rule
Sadness, JOY, Antithesis, not to be in monastery
SCRIPTURE (scriptura)
—as divine law: (lex divina) 53.9; 64.9
—as rule of life: (norma) 73.3
—authority of: (auctoritas) 9.8; 73.3
—personification of: (apostolus) Prol.31, 37; 2.3; 25.3; 27.4; 28.6; 58.2
—Gospel as guide: Prol.21
—Psalmist as prophet: Prol.23, 30; 6.1, 2; 7.3, 14, 23, 29, 47, 50, 52, 66; 16.1, 4; 19.3
—to be heard: LISTEN
—to be read: (legere)
—lectio: (lectio divina) 48.1 (lectio) 48.4, 5, 10, 13, 14, 22; 49.4 (lectionibus) 48.13, 14
—to edify: (aedificare) 38.12; 42.3; 47.3; 53.9
—weekly reader: 38 MONASTIC RITUALS, for weekly reader
—Monastic ritual:
—Guest ceremonial: (lex divina) 53.9
—Work of God: liturgical reading: (lectiones) 9.5, 9, 10; 11.2, 4, 5, 9, 12; 13.11; 14.2; 17.4, 5, 8; 18.10, 18; 42.5, 7
—to be reflected on: (meditare) 48.23; 58.5
—Medicine: (medicamen) 28.3
—Word: (verba) Scrip.cit.(Matt 7:24) Prol. 33 (sermones) Scrip.cit.(Ps 49[50]:17) 2.14
SERVICE (servire)
—as spiritual combat: (militare)
—under Christ, King: (rex) Prol.3, 40 Scrip.allu.(Eph 6:13-16; 2 Tim 2.3, 4) Prol.3 (servitus) 2.20; 61.10 (indutiae) Prol.36
—under a rule and abbot: 1.2; 58.10 (pugnare) 1.5
—against the devil: (diabolus) 1.4
—against vices: (vitium) 1.5
—with weapons of obedience: (arma) Prol.3
—within fraternal army: (acies) 1.5 (militia) 2.20
—mutual: (servire) 35.1, 6, 13 (servitor) 38.11 (ministerium) 35.10; 46.1 (ministrare) 38.6
—of abbot: 2.31 (ministrare) 64.21
—of Christ: (ministrare) Prol.41
—of cellarer; (ministrare) Scrip.cit.(1 Tim 3:13) 31.8
—professed: (servitium) 5.3
—measure of: 49.5; 50.4 Implication; 16.2
—school for the Lord’s: Prol.45
—to guests: 53.18 GUESTS
—to the sick: 36.1-4 (servitor) 36.7, 10
—Image: Antithesis: Wicked servants: Prol.7
Shepherd, ABBOT, Images; CHRIST, Images
SILENCE (silentium)
— as inner stillness: (silentium) 42.1 (cum summo silentio) 52.2 (tacere) 7.35 Implication: (mansuetudo) 66.4; 68.1 (patienter) 68.2 (cum gravitate) 43.2 —Antithesis; (inquietos) 2.8, 25 (quietus non fuerit) 65.21 GRUMBLING; PEACE
— as discipline in speech: 7.56 (multum loqui non amare) 4.52 (verba non loqui) 4.53 (silui a bonis) Scrip.cit.(Ps 38[39]:3) 6.1 (scurrilitates vero vel verba otiosa . . . damnamus) 6.8 (aut fabulis) 48.18 (non sit clamosus) 7.60 Scrip.cit.(Ps 139[140]:12) 7.58 Scrip.allu.(Ps 33[34]:14) 7.56
— motives for:
— fear of sin: 6.2, 3 (taciturnitas) 7.56 Scrip.cit.(Prov 10:19) 6.4; 7.57 (Prov 18:21) 6.5 (Ps 14[15]:2, 3) Prol.25, 26 (Ps 38[39]:2) 6.1 (Ps 33[34]: 14-15) Prol.17
— to foster listening: (tacere et audire) 6.6 (summum fiat silentium) 38.5 LISTENING
— value of silence itself: (taciturnitas; tacere) 6.2 (propter taciturnitatis gravitatem) 6.3
— of disciples: 6.6
— of God: (tacere) Scrip.cit.(Ps 49[50]:21) 7.30
—of the wise man: 7.61
—times of:
—at all times: 42.1
—at night: 42.1
—during Lent: (subtrahat corpori ... de loquacitate) 49.7
—during meals: 38.8
—during times of reading: 38.8; 48.5 Implication; 48.17, 18
—during siesta: (cum omni silentio) 48.5
—during the Work of God: Implication: (fabulis vacet) 43.8
—in the oratory: (cum summo silentio) 52.2
—with the excommunicated: (nec in colloquio) 25.2 (aut loqui cum eo) 26.1
—with guests: (neque colloquatur) 53.23 (non licere colloqui) 53.24
—after a journey: (nec . . . referre alio . . . viderit aut audierit) 67.5
—Antithesis: (clamosus) 52.4
—Image: Talkative man: Scrip.cit.(Ps 139[140]:12) 7.58
Sincerity, HUMILITY, as authenticity
Spiritual combat, SERVICE
STABILITY (stabilitas)
—of heart: (dicat semper in corde) 7.18, 65 (puritas) 20.3 (purus) 20.4 (vita) 49.2
—always guarded: (custodiens se omni hora) 7.12 (cavere) 7.29 (semper; memor) 2.1, 6, 30, 34; 7.10, 11, 18; 19.3; 31.8 (semper) 2.23, 39; 7.63, 64; 31.8; 55.20; 63.3; 64.1, 7, 10, 13 (incessabiliter) 4.76
—as remaining: (stare) 61.9 Scrip.allu.(2 Tim 4:2) 58.11, 13
—as being content: (contentus) 7.49; 61.2, 3 (tacite) 7.35 (aequo animo) 31.17
—in community: (congregatio) stability: (stabilitas) 4.78; 61.5 (habitare) 40.8; 55.1; 60.t; 61.1, 13 (stare) 61.9 Implication: 66.6, 7
—purpose, motive, goal: desire to dwell in the tent of his kingdom: (habitare) Prol.22, 23, 39 Scrip.cit.(Ps 14[15]:l-3) Prol.23-27
—promise of: (stabilitas) 58.9, 17; 60.9 (firmare) 61.5
—Antithesis: never stable: (vagus) 1.11 (vagari) 66.7
—House on rock: (aedificare domum suam super petram) Scrip.cit.(Matt 7:24, 25) Prol.33, 35
—Rock: (Christus) dash evil thoughts against: CHRIST, Image, Rock
—PASCHAL MYSTERY, as perseverance; LIFE, as journey, Image, Way
STEWARDSHIP (vilicatio)<
br />
—of abbot: (vilicatio) Scrip.cit.(Luke 16:2) 64.7 (dispensator; dignus) Scrip.allu.(Ps 104[105]:21; Luke 12:42) 64.5 (servus bonus) Scrip.cit.(Matt 24:47) 64.22 (committere) Scrip.allu.(Luke 12:48) 2.30 (ministrare) Scrip.allu.(Matt 24:45) 64.21 (servire) 2.31 Scrip.allu.(Matt 13:52; 1 Tim 3:2) 64.9
—over the House of God: 64.5
—it members: (anima; committere) 2.30, 31-33 (suscipere) 2.37 (regere; servire) 2.31, 34, 37 (dispensatio) 22.2 (disponere) 3.6
—its substance: (substantia) 2.35 (necessaria) 33.5; 55.18 (utilitas) 65.12 (res) 2.33 (consignet recolligenda) 32.2 (sciat quid dat aut quid recipit) 32.3 Scrip.cit.(Acts 4:35) 55.20 (iniungere) 31.15 (iubere) 31.5; 54.3 (iussio) 31.4, 12; 33.2 (permittere) 33.5 (sine praecepto) 54.1 (ab abbate non accepit) 55.17 —clothing: (consideratio) 55.3 (providere) 55.8
—is not to have greater solicitude for things than for souls: 2.33 Scrip.cit.(Matt 6:33) 2.35 (Ps 33[34]:10) 2.36
—is to know (scire) he must render an account: (rationem redditurus) 3.11 (memor) 2.6, 7 (timere discussionem) 2.39
—of his judgments: (iudicium) 3.11; 63.3; 65.22
—of his works: (opera) 63.3
—of souls: (anima) 2.34, 37, 38
—of the cellarer: (ministrare) Scrip.cit.(1 Tim 3:13) 31.8 (curam gerat) 31.3
—under abbot: (committere) 31.17 (iubere) 31.5 (iussio) 31.4, 12 (iniungere) 31.15
—over substance of the monastery: (substantia) 31.10, 12 (vasa) as vessels of the altar: Scrip.allu.(Zech 14:20) 31.10 —food: 31.16; 37.5
—is to know (scire) he must give an account: (rationem redditurus) 31.9
—of monks: (consignet custodienda atque recolligenda) 32.2 (res) 32.4 (fregerit quippiam aut perdiderit) 46.2 (revertentes restituant) 55.13, 14
—ABBOT, Image, Shepherd; MONASTIC LEADERS, cellarer
Teaching, DISCIPLINE, as divine teaching
Two ways, LIFE, as journey, Image, Way
Way, LIFE, as journey, Image, Way
WILL (voluntas)
—divine: 7.20
—desire: (desiderium) 49.7; 60.8 (cupere) 61.3; 64.12, 19 Scrip.cit.(Ps 33[34]:13) Prol. 15 (Ps 37[38]: 10) 7.23
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