Faustus, Bishop 55
Feldhohn, S. 455
Ferrandus 68
Ferrari, G. 114
Festugière, A.J. 17, 23, 24
Finnian 115
Fischer, B. 159, 362
Fliehe, A. and V. Martin 3
Folliet, G. 59, 60
Fontaine, J. 52
Frank, H. 449
Frank, S. 459
Friedrich, F. 462
Fulgentius of Ruspe 63, 68
Funk, F. 388
Galla 54
Gallen, J. 382
Gallivan, R. 140
Garitte, G. 312
Gasquet, A. 374
Gavigan, J. 59, 63
Gazeau, R. 261
Genestout, A. 71
Germanus 41, 58
Germanus of Capua 74
Gerontius 49
Gertrude 130
Gildas 115
Gillet, R. 76
Gilmont, J.-F. 339
Gindele, C. 236, 245, 402
Gorce, D. 248
Greer, R.A. 34
Grégoire, R. 411
Gregory the Great 66, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 96, 104, 113, 114, 118, 129, 320, 377, 441
Gregory Nazianzen 18, 31, 32, 33, 37
Gregory of Nyssa 344, 382
Gregory Thaumaturgus 31
Gretsch, M. 112
Gribomont, J. 23, 30, 31, 32, 42, 322, 343, 459
Grimait 106, 107
Gross, K. 76, 283
Grundmann, H. 374
Guéranger, P. 135
Guillaumont, A. 37, 262, 334
Gutierrez, P. 325
Guy I 130
Guy II 130
Guy, J.C. 12, 260
Hadidian, D. 382
Hadrian, Abbot 119
Hafner, W. 125
Halkin, F. 24
Hall, M. 136
Halliburton, R. 60
Hallinger, K. 78, 124, 126, 129, 373, 374; and W. Wegener 105
Hamman, A. 381
Haneberg, D. 102
Hannsens, J.M. 321
Hanslik, R. 97, 109, 110, 111, 468
Harnack, A. 16
Hausherr, I. 324, 406, 448
Hegglin, B. 374
Hein, K. 416, 423, 424
Hertling, L. 434
Herwegen, I. 77, 354, 452
Heufelder, E. 459
Heussi, K. 3, 304, 331, 471
Hickey, P. 461
Hierakas 10, 11
Hilarion 22, 23, 50
Hilary of Arles 53, 54
Hilary of Poitiers 52, 475
Hilda 129
Hildegard 130
Hildemar 125, 444, 452, 455, 459
Hilpisch, S. 130, 375
Hippolytus of Rome 9, 380, 381, 427
Hockey, F. 421
Hofmann, J.B. 232
Hofmeister, P. 449
Holstenius, L. 88
Holzherr, G. 431
Honoratus of Arles 47, 53, 54, 371
Honoratus, Abbot 76
Hoppenbrouwers, H. 42, 460, 463
Horn, W. and E. Born 290, 445
Horsiesius 12, 28, 29, 50, 308, 342
Hrosthwitha 130
Hubner, H. 6
Hunt, N. 126, 130
Hunter Blair, P. 118
Iamblichus 8
Ignatius 4
Illtud 115
Iona 115
Irenaeus 330, 359
Isidore of Seville 64
Jacobi, A. 133
Jacoby, A. 318
Jarrow 71, 119
Jaspert, B. 72, 102, 378
Jerome 8, 15, 18, 22, 23, 28, 40, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 65, 67, 87, 116, 129, 302, 312, 317, 318, 323, 382, 467, 475, 477
John Chrysostom 41, 58, 324, 387, 388
John of Damascus 324
John Gualbert 127
John of Jerusalem 40, 41
Jones, A.H.M. 16
Jones, L. 69
Jordan, P. 8
Josephus 6
Judge, E.A. 308
Jungmann, J. 362
Justinian 66, 423, 440
Kapsner, O. 136
Kasch, E. 99
Kelly, J.N.D. 18, 44, 477
Kemmer, A. 36, 361
Klauser, T. 16
Kleber, A. 138
Knowles, D. 72, 126, 134
Koch, H. 4
Krailsheimer, A. 135
Kristensen, A. 476
Krusch, E. 116
Kühner, R. 193
Labriolle, P. 3, 312
Lackner, B. 128
Ladner, G. 16, 62, 264
Lahache, J. 465
Lamb, J.A. 401
Lampe, G.W.H. 4, 261, 320
Lanfranc 125
Laporte, J. 116
Larmann, M. 253
LaTrappe 135
Lebourlier, J. 459
Leclercq, H. 3, 170, 257, 261, 290, 321, 374, 417
Leclercq, J. 13, 70, 123, 126, 127, 143, 257, 301, 446, 453, 455, 457, 463
Lefort, L.Th. 24, 260, 310
Lehane, B. 115
Leipoldt, J. and W.E. Crum 450
Lekai, L. 128
Leloir, L. 23, 476
Lentini, A. 100, 108, 111, 460
Leo the Great 59, 360
Leo of Ostia 104, 105, 107
Leo XIII 136
Leontius, Bishop 54
Lerins 51, 55, 68, 407
Liberius, Pope 45
Lienhard, J. 46, 47, 372
von Lilienfeld, F. 332
Linderbauer, B. 97, 108, 219, 460
Lindisfarne 115
Lindsay, T.F. 77
Lioba 129
Löhrer, M. 463
Lohse, B. 3
Lorenz, R. 42
Lorié, L. 42, 301
Lottin, O. 461
Louf, A. 446, 459
Louis Barbo 133
Louis the Pious 106, 121
de Lubac, H. 476
Ludwig I of Bavaria 137
Ludwig-Missionsverein 137
Lupicinus 56, 57
Lupus of Troyes 55
Luxeuil 117, 118
Lynch, J.H. 269
McArthur, A.A. 409
McCann, J. 77, 108, 112, 156, 159, 346, 462
McCarthy, D.J. 472
McCarthy, M.C. 88, 257
McDonald, G. 138
MacManus, F. 116
McMurray, J. 463
McNamara, J. and S.F. Wemple 130
Mabillon, J. 105, 239, 261
Macarius 21, 332, 438
Macrina the Elder 31
Maehler, A. 75
Mani 10
Manning, E. 83, 107, 110, 158, 365
Manrique, A. 60, 61
Mansi, J. 404
Marcella 44
Marcellina 44
Marcus Aurelius 17
Maria Rickenbach 139
Marsili, S. 238
Martène, E. 445
Martin of Tours 46, 47, 51, 52, 53, 58
Martine, F. 57
Masai, F. 71, 83, 91, 110, 346
Mateos, J. 379, 388, 402, 403
Matthei, M. 335
Maximus, Bishop 55
Mayer, H.S. 357
Maynard, T. 77
Mechtild 130
de Meester, P. 260
Meinhold, P. 417
Meisel, A.C. and M.L. del Mastro 112
Melania the Elder 38, 40, 45, 47, 48, 49, 129
Melania the Younger 49, 65
Melchthal 139
Ménard, H. 71
van der Mensbrugghe, A. 383, 384, 386
Merton, T. 137, 334, 461
Methodius of Olympus 14
Metlake, G. 116
Metten 108, 137
Meyer, C. 140
Meyer, R.T. 12
Meyvaert, P. 105, 109
Miles, G.B. and G. Trompf 427
Miquel, P. 222, 463
Mirgeler, A. 15
Mittermüller, R. 125
Mohlberg, C. 406
Mohler, J.A. 5
Mohrmann, C. 97, 158, 1
64, 218, 365, 460
Molitor, R. 455
Molland, E. 222
van Molle, M.M. 26
Montecassino 75, 76, 103, 104, 105, 107, 113, 114, 122, 123, 133
Moulin, L. 374
Müller, J. 141
Mundó, A. 79, 109, 234, 251, 375
Murphy, F.X. 48, 257
Murphy, J. 30, 139
Musurillo, H. 11, 238
Nagel, P. 27
Narberhaus, J. 121
Narcissus, Bishop 17
Neufville, J. 71, 88, 105, 109, 111, 460
Neunheuser, B. 455
Niermeyer, J.F. 199
Nitria 21, 58, 316, 332
Noble, T. 122
Nocent, A. 375
Northumbria 119, 120
Nursia 76
O’Connor, T. 137
Odermann, V. 139
Odo of Cluny 125, 126
Oesterle, G. 419
Oetgen, J. 112, 137
Olivetans 133
Oppenheim, P. 260, 439, 455
Origen 4, 14, 17, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 330, 333, 340, 359, 360, 361, 362, 416, 417, 421, 474, 475
O’Sullivan, J. 68
Oswald 126
Owen 116
Pachomius 5, 12, 18, 24–30, 50, 86, 87, 89, 129, 308, 309, 310, 323, 337–343, 371, 373, 382, 383, 438–439, 440, 467
Palamon 18, 26, 338, 439
Palanque, J. 65
Palladas 302
Palladia 55
Palladius 9, 12, 20, 21, 22, 28, 44, 255, 332, 337
Paredi, A. 45
Paringer, B. 106
Paul the Deacon 103–105, 107, 108, 113, 125, 444
Paul VI 439
Paul of Thebes 18
Paula 15, 45, 48, 49, 129
Paulinian 41, 48
Paulinus of Nola 47, 52, 53, 55, 65, 319
Pawlowsky, S. 469
Pbow 27, 28
Peifer, C. 14, 85, 127, 142, 302, 458
Peisker, C.H. and C. Brown 331
Pelagius, Deacon 67
Pelagius II 73
Penco, G. 18, 72, 108, 109, 111, 113, 270, 294, 295, 365
Pennington, B. 124, 143, 317
Petronius 28
Peter, Deacon 74
Peter Damian 127
Petronax of Brescia 104, 105, 107
Philibert 116
Philo 6, 7, 8, 17, 35, 326
Philostratus 8, 9
Pimeniola 55
Pinianus 49, 65
Pirot, L. and A. Robert 472
Plaisance, A. 137
Plato 74, 330
Plenkers, H. 109
Pliny 6
Plotinus 17
Poemen 336
Pontitianus 45, 60
Porcel, O. 78
Porphyry 9, 17
Poschmann, B. 415
Possidius 63
Postumian 318
Power, E. 130
Prinz, F. 51, 116
Pritchard, J. 325
Prümm, K. 8
Pythagoras 8
Quasten, J. 12
Qumran 5, 326
Racle, G. 359
Recchia, V. 75
Rees, D. 143, 248, 458
Reinach, S. 261
Riché, P. 69, 265
Riepp, Benedicta 138
Ripon 119, 120
Rippinger, J. 459
Riquier 116
Robert of Arbrissel 127
Robert of Molesmes 128
Roberti, A. 45
Roberts, A. 458, 463
Robinson, J. 126
Romanus 56, 57
Romuald 127
Roncaglia, M. 9
Rostovtsev, M. 17
Rothenhäusler, M. 295, 361, 449, 461, 463
Routley, E. 401
Rufinus 13, 21, 32, 40, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 65, 87, 129, 344, 467, 474
Ruppert, F. 338, 446
Ryan, J. 114
Ryelandt, I. 77
Sage, A. 62
St. Gall 104, 106, 122, 155
Salmon, P. 322
Salvian of Marseilles 55, 68
Sandys, J.E. 203
Sarnen 139
Sause, B. 449
Scetis (Scete) 21, 58, 316, 332, 337, 341
Schiwietz, S. 3
Schmidt, E. 103, 110
Schmitz, P. 97, 121, 130, 158, 365, 460
Schnackenburg, R. 358
Schoell, R. and W. Kroll 373
Scholastica 77, 129
Schroll, A. 125
Schuster, I. 77
Schuster, M.F. 138
Seasoltz, K. 277
Seigel, T. 138
de Seilhac, L. 64
Semmler, J. 122
Seneca 17
Severin 68
von Severns, E. 446
Shenoute of Atripe 450, 453
Simplicius, Abbot 76, 110
Smaragdus 124
Socrates 13, 41
Solesmes 135
Somerville, R. 375
Sorokin, P. 334
Sozomen 13
Spiegelberg, W. 318
Spilker, R. 419
Steidle, B. 9, 111, 157, 159, 179, 223, 232, 336, 346, 357, 361, 365, 373, 410, 431, 458, 462
Stephen Harding 128
Storey, W. 382
Strack, H. and P. Billerbeck 426
Subiaco 76, 83
Sulpicius Severus 47, 51, 52, 53, 67, 318, 438
Sutcliffe, E.F. 5
Svennung, J. 223
Sylvester Gozzolini 133
Symmachus 306
Tabennesi 26, 27, 28, 438
Tagaste 60
Talbot, C.H. 104, 120
Tamburrino, P. 378
Tatto 106, 107
Teichtweier, G. 417
Terracina 76, 77
Tertullian 4, 15, 60, 380, 381, 416, 427
Thebaid 26, 28, 46, 316, 337, 382
Theodomar, Abbot 104, 105
Theodore of Canterbury 119, 451, 455
Theodore of Tabennesi 12, 24, 27, 28, 29, 50, 323, 342
Theodoret 13, 324
Theodoric 66, 69
Theodulph 104
Theophilus 41
Therasia 47, 55
Tillard, J. 459
de Tocqueville, A. 151
Tosti, L. 77
Traube, L. 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 110, 117, 226
Trier 45
Turbessi, G. 3, 267
Ursacius 50
Vagaggini, C. 158
Valentinian, Abbot 76
Valerian, Bishop 46
Valerius, Bishop 60
de Valous, G. 126
Vandenbroucke, F. 159, 362
Vanderhoven, H. and F. Masai 71
van der Ploeg, J. 6
Veilleux, A. 24, 143, 310, 337, 376, 383, 384, 385, 386, 438
Veloso, G. 463
Venantius 54
Venerandus 117
Verheijen, L. 61, 64
Victricius 53
Vilanova, J. 88
Villegas, F. 64, 88
Vincent of Lerins 55, 56
Vivarium 69
Vizmanos, F. de B. 4
Vogel, C. 418
Vogt, J. 16
de Vogüé, A. 27, 53, 57, 59, 64, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 83, 87, 88, 91, 109, 143, 160, 167, 178, 179, 185, 211, 256, 319, 338, 361, 378, 398, 402, 410, 413, 447, 459
Vööbus, A. 6, 324
Voth, A. 140
Waitz, G. 121
Waldebert 117
Walker, G. 116
Walters, C.C. 22
Wandrille 116
Wansbrough, J.H. 75
Wathen, A. 13, 82, 143, 190, 463
Wearmouth 71, 119
Weakland, R. 377
Weingarten, H. 5
White, H.G.E. 24, 260
Widhalm, G. 101, 219
Wilfred of York 119, 120
Wilkinson, J. 389
William of Hirsau 126
William of St. Thierry 130
Willibald 104
Willibrord 120
/> Wilmart, A. 10
Wilson, J. 116
Wimmer, B. 137, 138, 139
Winandy, J. 121, 460, 461
Witiza (See Benedict of Aniane) 121
Wölfflin, E. 103
Wolter, M. and P. 135
Würmseer, N. 462
Zachaeus, Apa 30
Zachary, Pope 105, 107, 114
Zegveld, A. 143
Zerwick, M. 462
Zimmermann, O. 74, 83
Numbers in italics refer to the text of the Rule.
abbot, as father 175, 231 ; as physician 223, 225; as shepherd 173; as steward 283; as teacher 173; announces the Work of God 249; represents Christ 173, 279; discretion of 261 ; election of 281–285; power of 275, 277, 279; qualities of 171–179, 283–285; according to St. Benedict 346–354; as spiritual father 92, 93, 376; as teacher 364–367, 447; defined by relationship 355; discretion of 91; election of 371–378; in tradition 145; represents Christ 356, 378; 557, 558, 572
Abbot Primate 136
aged, consideration of 235–237; 27
Ambrosian hymn 203, 207, 213; 400, 401
amendment, of faults 179; satisfaction and 245; 435
anchorite 169 ; 17, 18, 20, 26, 46, 54, 58, 62, 67, 68, 302, 303, 310, 313, 314, 317, 318, 319
anthropomorphism 41
antiphon (See refrain)
apatheia 39, 361
Apophthegmata Patrum 12, 129, 323, 332, 336, 464, 467
Arian heresy 30–31, 45, 63, 66, 362
artisan, in monastery 265–267
asceticism, tradition of 4, 9, 43, 49, 52, 55, 114, 123, 303, 314, 316, 318, 333, 415; in Ambrose 45; in Basil 31, 32, 34, 343, 344; in Benedict 92–95, 418; in Cassian 58–59; in Jerome 44–50
Asceticon, of Basil 13, 32, 34, 50, 67, 344, 450
authority 237, 239, 291 ; of abbot 558; of Scripture 558; source of 349, 378
avarice 267; 559 (See private ownership)
baptism, and monastic profession 15, 441, 456; and penance 415, 428
bishop, as having jurisdiction 277, 281, 285; role in installation of abbot 371–378
blessing, by abbot 205, 207, 213, 293; by guests 259; by priests 273; by seniors 279, 293; by visitors 289; for kitchen servers 235; for reader 237
books, in Lent 251 ; 29
canticle, Gospel 207, 213; of Deuteronomy 209; of Prophets 207, 209; of the Three Young Men 403–404
care and concern, of abbot, for excommunicated 223; for sick 225; of cellarer, for sick, children, guests and poor 229; for poor and pilgrims 259; 559
Carthusians 127, 128
celibacy 4, 306, 308, 309, 310, 315, 317
cellarer, qualities of 227–229; special care of sick, children, guests and poor 229; responsible for tools, etc. 233; excused from kitchen service 233; 370; 559, 572
cenobite, strong kind of monks 169, 171; contrasted with anchorite 30, 67, 68; Augustine on 62; Cassian as 58; in monastic tradition 301, 303, 308, 313–319; in Egyptian tradition 337–343; obedience for 448
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