Wicked Titan: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Golden Olympus Academy Book 1)

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Wicked Titan: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Golden Olympus Academy Book 1) Page 4

by A. J. Logan

  Elliot mumbles something under his breath before looking to me.

  “I asked you not to tell anyone.” And he chose Asher of all people to inform. It’s not like the asshole needed more leverage. He was getting under my skin just fine all on his own.

  “I didn’t tell him. Promise.” Elliot holds his hands up in front of him.

  “Yeah, sure,” I mutter. His betrayal stings a little more than it should being Elliot has been Asher’s friend long before becoming my devoted-yet-shitty tour guide this morning.

  “Seriously, I promise I didn’t say a word to anyone which is why I was surprised when he already knew.”

  “What?” There’s a sliver of hope inside me that wants to believe Elliot kept his word. Even if I didn’t necessarily want to be his friend, his witty magnetism impaled me this morning and hasn’t allowed me much of a choice other than to like him, although I still want to strangle him for introducing me to the “fellow titans.”

  “Yep. When you were walking back into the school, looking like a drenched alpaca this morning, I talked to him, thinking he was going to be pissed about you pushing him in the lake. Instead, he just laughed and said he wouldn’t expect anything less from a Bennett.”

  “I’m not a Bennett.” That was first thing this morning, it’s not possible that he knew. “There’s no way he knew already.”

  “Yep, he did.” Elliot pauses, uncertainty on his face for the first time. “It’s almost like he knew about you before you even arrived.” Elliot turns to Asher with a serious expression on his face, speaking loudly enough for the entire class to hear, not caring that he’s interrupting the teacher’s roll call. “Dude, are you psychic or something?”

  A few students turn to look at our exchange as Mr. Willard continues to call roll, like none of us are talking over him.

  Asher doesn’t respond to Elliot. His expression remains unchanged as I gawk at him. I don’t care how he knew; it wasn’t his place to announce it to anyone. “Doubt he’s psychic. Psycho, maybe.”

  A dark expression covers Asher’s face. “Perhaps a little, but at least I haven’t driven my car off a cliff.”

  Jumping up, I lunge towards Asher, wanting to punch that smug look off his face, but Elliot snakes an arm around my waist, pulling me back. Asher remains reclined in his chair, unbothered by my reaction. My eyes stay fixated on the taunting, angelic face masking the revolting soul beneath that is growing more amused as he feeds off my rage.

  “Damn, Quinn. Why are you trying to kill him now?” Elliot says as he holds me against him.

  “You three, I don’t care how much of this school your families built, this is my classroom. Either stop disrupting or see yourselves out.” Mr. Willard resumes calling names as I stand rigid, attempting to calm down. Tears threaten to spill from my eyes, but I won’t give Asher the satisfaction, he would get too much pleasure from my misery.

  “Damn, he really knows how to push your buttons,” Elliot says as we sit back in our chairs.

  He knows. My heart pounds against my chest so hard I can feel the thumping in my ears. Asher knows exactly what to say. How does he know that would get a reaction out of me? Had he known mentioning my dad this morning would get a response too? Elliot might be partially right. Asher knows things about me—and knew them before I’d even arrived at this school. But the deeply disturbing part is not that he somehow knew things about me beforehand but the fact that he would use my dad to hurt me. The realization dawns on me that I’ve been a player in Asher’s game all along and I hadn’t even realized it. Slowly turning my head to the side, I stare him dead in the eye, sealing my fate and inviting nothing but torment from the monster who lurked in the corners of my mind since I laid eyes on him. “Game on, bitch.”


  Longest. School. Day. Ever. It’s finally sixth period. All the upperclassmen are in the auditorium, looking at the elective tables. Each setup has hopes of wooing students to enroll in the class. This school is so different. I’d have a free period at the end of my day if I were at Edgewood. Not here. Here they have every student in school the full day.

  None of the electives seem appealing, not in the least. Maybe there is a study hall club or something—anything!—that involves little if any human interaction.

  Walking to the backside of the auditorium, the miniature rock wall catches my attention. Running my fingers along the solid stone, an ache fills my chest.

  “Hi!” A chipper student joins me, oblivious that I’m struggling to keep myself together, as she highlights the Bulldogger Climber’s Club.

  “Is it partner climbing?” I ask, knowing it was out of the question if I had to have a belayer. The only person I’d ever trust was gone.

  “Nope. We only climb using auto belays now. Principal Huntington invested in them a few years ago after a student let another one drop on purpose.”

  “Um, that’s harsh.”

  “Oh no, the student wanted to fall. He thought he could fly and wanted to test out his new wings.” She notices that I have no response to that, so she continues, “They were high.”

  “Ah, okay. Makes sense … kind of.”

  “Yep. But they were both okay other than a few bruises and a broken bone or two. So, did you want to sign up?” she asks chipperly, grabbing a pamphlet off the table.

  What is it with this school and pamphlets?

  The heat rising on my neck alerts me to his presence seconds before little Miss Climber Club greets him. Does he know I rock climbed with my dad too?

  “I’m going to pass.” I step aside, not ready to deal with Asher when I was just reminiscing about happy times. If he uses my dad against me right now, my grief will probably overcome my anger this time.

  “How about you, Asher? Joining the BCC this year?” chirps Golden Olympus’s number one climbing recruiter but I don’t wait around to hear his response. I’m fairly sure he blew her off since he falls in step next to me as Elliot and Victoria approach to my relief.

  “Hey, you sign up for anything yet?” Victoria asks, looping her arm in mine as we continue down the line of booths. “The painting classes are fun. The equestrian club is a good one too, but it fills up fast.”

  “No, I’ll pass. I deal with enough horse asses during regular classes.”

  Elliot cackles as he steps in front, spinning to walk backwards as he points to us. “I’m off to sign up for chest club.”

  “Do you mean chess club?” I ask as Victoria ignores him.

  “Nope, chest club. Later,” he winks as he jogs away, pretending to pump an invisible barbell before stopping at the weight lifting booth.

  “He uses that tired joke every year.” Victoria rolls her eyes. “You’d think he’d try harder eventually.”

  I assume she’s talking about more than just his joke, but I don’t want to ask. Everything is already messed up enough. I really should distance myself from them as much as possible, especially Asher, who is being oddly quiet at the moment, walking a step ahead of us.

  I hear their snickering before I see two girls from last period. The one with bleached hair reminds me of Allison with her snobby look before speaking in a haughty voice, loud enough for me to hear. “Yeah, it’s pitiful how she follows him around like that.”

  The other girl responds, giving me an equally persnickety stare. “I heard she agreed to suck him off between classes just so she can be near him.”

  I look ahead to Asher, appearing to be leading the way. “You’re such a dickbag. You really think these skanky tramps will get to me?” Cocking my head to the side, I give him an amused sneer. I’m pissed off by his latest antic, but he doesn’t need to know that. He’d enjoy it too much.

  “You both can have him and his dick because I’m not interested in either. Enjoy,” I say with a smirk. Making direct eye contact with Blonde Bimbo Number Two, I imitate a blow job gesture with my hand as I poke my tongue into my cheek, relishing the surprise on their faces that implies they weren’t expecting me to respond. Normally,
I wouldn’t have, but things are different now. Latching on to my anger is the only thing that keeps me halfway sane. And Asher has a talent for turning my rage on with the flip of a switch.

  Victoria is still trying to figure out what’s going on as I storm off in the opposite direction from which we were heading. She calls my name, but I put more distance between us. I just need to sign up for something and get the hell out of here. Eventually these people will get the hint that I just want to be left alone to my own miserable existence at this polished golden shit of a hellhole.

  Once I’m on the opposite side of the gym, I spot a table with no one standing at it. That seems appealing—the less people involved, the better.

  Snatching the enrollment sheet, I scribble my name as the student manning the table clears his throat.

  “Yes, sure. I’m sold. Sign me up.” I don’t need to hear the spiel.

  “Are you sure? You can’t switch out until after Christmas break, so once you sign on the dotted line, you’re committed for the semester.” Amusement laces his voice, and I look up to see a corresponding expression.

  “Yep.” I break the gaze, not wanting to read into his look anymore. What is it with the guys at this school? They all seem a few bricks short of a load as my dad would say. Plopping the clipboard down, I turn to walk away.

  “Did you want a pamphlet?”

  I spin on my heels, stepping back to the table. “By all means. My life will never be complete if I don’t get another pamphlet to add to my collection.”

  He pulls the pamphlet back before I can reach it. “I’m not sure you deserve this sacred pamphlet.”

  “You can shove the sacred pamphlet up your ass for all I care.”

  He lets out a chuckle. “Damn. I was just trying to make you smile, but I doubt that will be happening anytime soon. Sounds like you’re having a bad first day.” He extends his hand, “I’m Grant. I’d say welcome to Golden Olympus, but I don’t think that would go over well either.”

  “You’d be correct again.” I place my hand in his, squeezing as I try to hold on to something steady, even if it’s a sturdy handshake from a stranger. “Quinn.”

  He doesn’t release my hand but instead leans forward, bringing my hand to his lips and softly feathers a kiss across my knuckles. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Quinn.” Still hanging onto my hand, he lowers it but doesn’t release it.

  I’m not sure if it’s the fact that he’s being nice or the fact that he just kissed my hand but I’m stunned into silence. Is this guy for real?

  “I see you don’t mind him touching you,” Asher says from behind me, jerking me back to reality.

  I don’t turn around, but I pull my hand from Grant’s, grabbing a pamphlet from the table simply to give me something to do. Grant looks just as irritated as I feel at the arrival of Asher, but just in case, I make a point to say, “If dickhead joins, I’m out.”

  A tight smile forms on Grant’s face though he’s glaring at Asher. “Good thing all the spots are filled.”

  The enrollment form had only a few signatures, so I’m glad to know I’ve finally found someone else who shares my hatred of Asher Hastings.

  Asher steps to the table, snarling at Grant, “Don’t you have somewhere else to be, Bambi?”

  Damn. From the looks flying between these two, the feeling is mutual.

  “Fuck off, Hastings.”

  I definitely picked the right club, but I don’t care to watch the showdown of who can piss the furthest.

  “On that note …” I mumble before turning to make my escape.

  “Hey, Quinn,” Grant calls. A playful smile adorns his face as he holds a pamphlet in my direction. “Take this one. It has my phone number in it. Call anytime.”

  I shouldn’t entertain it but the look of hatred on Asher’s face makes me want to. Giving Grant my sweetest smile, I grab it from his hand. “Thanks, Grant. Talk to you later.”

  Not sparing a look in Asher’s direction, I walk away. Finding one of his buttons gives me way more pleasure than it should.


  Stepping out of the shower, I grab a gray towel embellished with a yellow B on it. Every bathroom in this house has a different theme with color-coded décor but each has the same B proudly displayed on the towels. On each and every towel, like everyone needed a reminder they were in the Bennett mansion. The only perk is this yellow-tulip-themed bathroom is connected to my bedroom so I don’t have to risk seeing anyone.

  I towel dry my hair, thankful to finally rinse the lake water and the maddeningly lingering scent of Asher off me. It seems crazy but I swear his scent remained on me long after I was able to escape his presence.

  Pulling on a pair of cotton pajama shorts and a tank top, I flop across the bed, sinking into the thick comforter to scroll through my phone. Finding the latest message from Haley, I decide to call instead of responding in text. I sit up, scooting to the edge of the bed as the phone rings. I’m about to end the call when she answers.

  “Hi,” I say, unable to find the words to explain why I’ve avoided my best friend since I’ve left her house.

  “Oh my gosh, Quinn! Is it really you?!” Excitement rings in her voice as background voices fade away. Of course she’s hanging out with our friends. It’s the first day of school, so they are fulfilling the tradition we started freshman year to meet at the local pizza parlor to compare notes and complain about all the classes we didn’t get together. Such insignificant complaints now but they seemed like the end of the world last year.

  “I’m sorry. I’ve just been a little out of it.”

  “I get it … I just miss you.”

  My eyes shut as a tear falls down my cheek, finally free to find its release with no one around to witness it. “I miss you too.”

  Haley is oblivious to my lack of conversation while she goes on and on about her first day as a senior at Edgewood High. The first day of school that I should’ve had alongside her.

  “Mason asked if I’d talked to you. He seemed worried too.”

  “I know. It’s just so hard. And I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything. We are still here for you, Quinn. Even if you are three hours away.” She pauses before asking, “Any news about coming back here soon? My mom said you can stay here if you want. You turn eighteen in a few days, then you will be free to leave Momzilla’s fortress, right?”

  “Yes, I have a few details to work out, but I’m thinking it might be for the best. Are you sure your mom wouldn’t mind?” Nathan’s deal pops into mind. The thought of living next door to my childhood home while someone else moves in slices through my heart, but can I really hold out for the entire school year?

  Sitting at the kitchen table, I think how perfect of a fit it is to end the day. My crappy day started out at this table with Candace, and here it is ending in the same way with her, again. Lucky me.

  Nathan enters the kitchen, greeting everyone—even me. I hate that it makes me happy, but it’s nice that he acknowledges me, something my mother never cared to do in the last eleven years. He sits at the end of the table just as the housekeeper places a plate in front of him. “So, Quinn, I hear you took my advice to heart.”

  I’d expect him to be mad if he knows about what happened at school, but he doesn’t seem mad in the least. In fact, amusement dances across his face.

  Candace looks between us before speaking to Nathan. “What advice?”

  “I told Quinn to give ’em hell at school, and she did that plus a little more.”

  Dismay colors Candace’s face, her head whipping in my direction. “What did you do?”

  “She didn’t do anything wrong. I bet little Hastings deserved every bit you dished out to him.”

  “Hastings? As in Victor’s son?” The look of dismay turns into horror. “Quinn, what did you do?”

  “Nothing that he didn’t ask for,” I say, pushing my food around my plate. His parents miss it, but I watch Tanner push a piece of salmon off his pl
ate and onto a napkin before covering it up. I bite back a smile. I love having this kid around. I figured I’d be teaching him some tricks and bad habits, but it looks like he will probably be schooling me before it’s over.

  “Asher’s fine, Candace. Nothing that a dry cleaner can’t fix,” Nathan winks in my direction.

  Candace turns a disapproving look to her husband. “Why are you fully aware and I’m just being informed?”

  “I gave the school my cell just in case. So I guess they dialed it first. It made great lunch conversation with Victor.”

  Her hands slap the table. “Victor knows? Will you please tell me what’s going on?”

  “She pushed him into the lake,” Nathan says with a proud grin before taking a bite of salmon.

  Wait. “You had lunch with Asher’s dad?”

  “Yep,” Nathan answers me, ignoring Candace as she becomes increasingly irritated. “Victor and I grew up together. We were causing hell at Golden Olympus Academy long before either of you were born. Now we give each other hell in the marketing world. We started a business together, but we didn’t see eye to eye on how to run things, so we separated the company and went our separate ways. Now Victor’s company is my company’s biggest rival, but we’ve managed to remain friends, mostly.”


  “You sound thrilled.”


  “Then you’ll be even more thrilled to know the Hastings are our neighbors too.”

  My arm falls to the table, hitting the side of my plate causing some food to flop on the table. “Please tell me you’re joking.”

  “Nope. We tend to be a bit competitive, so buying housing on the best street in Knoxville was a given. They are just two houses down.”

  I want to stay as far away from Asher as possible, but he seems to be woven into every part of my new life. At least the houses are enormous, so maybe I’ll be able to avoid seeing him. There’s a good chance since it’s like a fortress with eight-foot brick walls surrounding the acre of land, equipped with its own tennis court. Even the swimming pool takes up more space than my old house, and it wasn’t small by any comparison to a “normal” house, but there’s nothing normal around here.


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