Shotgun (San Francisco Steel, #2)

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Shotgun (San Francisco Steel, #2) Page 4

by KJ Dahlen

  “Wait... didn’t you say Banger’s father went to prison?” Slammer asked.

  Grinder nodded. “He did, but Banger tracked him down later on after he got out. When he was full grown and faced him, man to man. When the ole man saw his kid, he recruited him for the club and things went downhill after that.”

  “So what else can you tell us about your brother Anaconda?” Texas wanted to know. “We haven’t been able to track him much.”

  “Well...” River shrugged. “I can’t tell you that much, like I said I was only ten when they left. His name is Virgil Halliday.”

  Texas looked excited. “Great, at least I got a name now. Anything else?”

  River scrunched her brows at him. “I don’t understand?”

  Texas shrugged. “I just need as much info as you can give me.”

  She nodded and went on, “Ok, when they left we lived here in San Francisco, over on Bryant street. Of course, he’d burned down that house when my dad wouldn’t let him stay there to recover so I have no idea where he’s living now.” She frowned then remembered something from the past. “He did like to stay in a warehouse down by the harbor at Mission Bay. He told me once that he liked to look out over the bay and dream about all the adventures the pirates might have had.”

  “So he could want this land for the secrets of a pirate’s treasure then,” Grinder suggested.

  “Maybe but I think it’s more than just that,” River told them. “I think Virgil is a lot like your Banger was. He is self-centered and looks out for only himself. I mean look at what he’s done. To his own flesh and blood no less. If he doesn’t get his own way, then he throws a temper tantrum and he enjoys breaking bones and kicking you when you’re down.”

  “He believed Banger when he was told Copperhead betrayed him rather than ask for the truth,” Slammer pointed out. “He didn’t even give his own brother a chance.”

  River shook her head. “He wouldn’t would he? He and Cooper have had some kind of weird rivalry going all their lives. More than once my dad had to step between them and every time, he sided with Cooper, Virgil got a little bit madder at him. It was like he was keeping score all those years.”

  “Ok, so now we know the... who and the why, what are we going to do about it?” Mammoth asked the group. “We don’t even know where they are or what they call themselves or even how big they are. How do we find them in a city this size?”

  The men all looked at each other and wondered the same thing, cuz if they didn’t find them and soon, their club would be burned to the ground.

  Chapter Four

  Slammer suddenly had an idea. Grabbing Ivy’s phone, he brought up the symbol that had been tagged the bar before he blew it up. He turned the phone to River and asked, “Do you know what this tag means?”

  She stared at the tag and brought up the partial tag left on her parents’ home before it burned down to the ground. They were one in the same. “Well, it matches the one he left on my parents’ home.” The longer she stared at it the more she read. Looking up at Slammer told him, ‘The snake in his street name, Anaconda, the wavy lines on one side of the symbol represents the water and the horns means the Devil to him. I think this is the name of his gang.”

  “How do you figure that?” Texas asked as he frowned. He didn’t see a name of any kind in the tag.

  “I remember Virgil used symbols when he wanted to say something he didn’t want anyone else to know about. He was about seventeen at the time and I was about four. I found his notebook one day when he was at school. I liked his drawings and wanted to color them in. He came home from school and found me in his room. Well, he got so mad at me for ruining his drawings that he hit me. I hit the corner of the desk and split my forehead open and my mom had to take me in to get stitches. My parents were so mad at him, I thought my dad was going to beat him to death.” She paused then added, “I think that was the turning point for Virgil. He was counting down the day until he could get out of my father’s home and he began working on Cooper to leave with him.”

  “So you can read his tags huh?” Grinder stated.

  River shrugged. “I wouldn’t say that. All I did was remember some of his symbols.”

  ‘Boss,” one of his men spoke up.

  Slammer turned to look at Pacer, their security guy.

  “I think I know where to find this gang,” Pacer said. “When she mentioned water and the devil, I remember seeing a place by the bay with those symbols graffitied on the building. It wasn’t the whole tag we see here but it was half of it.”

  Slammer thought about it for a minute then turned to River. “What do you think your brother would do if he knew you were here?”

  River stared at him and paled. “Oh, that wouldn’t be a good thing. He would probably burn down this place and not care about the consequences. Or worse yet, he’d drag me out of here and douse me with gas and watch as I burned.”

  “But why? You’re his sister, why would he do something like that?” Shotgun wanted to know.

  “Because Virgil thinks fire cleanses the sins. Personally, I think he’s part pyromaniac. He’s got no soul. When he came home fifteen years ago, my dad asked him where Cooper was and he wouldn’t tell him. Virgil got mad and said Cooper betrayed him and he didn’t want anything more to do with him. He didn’t tell my dad that he’d killed him, not at first. It was only when they got into a fight when he admitted Cooper was dead at his hand. That was when dad kicked him out and told him never to come back.” She paused then looked over at Slammer. “Could you show me where my brother is buried? I came all this way to make sure he was buried properly.”

  “Maybe once this is over, I’ll show you but I don’t think it’s wise for you to be outside while your brother is wandering around the grounds, do you?”

  River shook her head and her shoulders slumped a bit. “No probably not.” She sighed, “Well then, I guess there’s nothing left for me here either then.” For a moment, she looked so lost.

  “You can’t leave here just yet at any rate,” Shotgun told her. “Not with your brother on the loose out there.”

  “But I can’t stay here either,” she protested. “Not with him on a rampage. If he ever found me here, he’d bring hell down on your heads and you don’t deserve that. If anyone needs to die, it’s Virgil not you guys.”

  “That’s rather harsh little missy,” Grinder grumbled. “Don’t you think?”

  “No I don’t think it is at all!” River cried out. “He’s a monster. He killed my entire family!” She got to her feet and pushed her way through the men standing around. She headed for the back door and was almost there when a strong arm encircled her waist and pulled her back against him. She fought his hold hard but he wouldn’t let her go. Then just as quickly as she struggled to fight him, she stopped. Turning in his arms, she burst into tears. Her tears were hot as they wet his shirt. Once the tears started, she couldn’t seem to stop and when she did, she was overcome with exhaustion.

  Shotgun lifted her up in his arms and carried her down the hall to his room. He kicked the door shut and laid her carefully down on the bed.

  He turned to go.

  Before he could step away from the bed, she opened her eyes and begged him, “Please don’t leave me. I don’t want to be alone right now.”

  Shotgun stood there and stared at her. He didn’t know what the hell he could do for her. He sure as hell couldn’t put her family back to rights. He figured he’d found her though and that made her his responsibility in a way. Though he could barely tend to a small daughter, as it was.

  He sighed. Ok...he could at least stay with her, so she wouldn’t be alone and he was exhausted. He hadn’t slept in 36 hours or so. He nodded and went around to the other side of the bed. He took off his leather jacket and hooked in on the post of his bed. Sitting down, he toed off his boots and then he laid down. He was only intending to just lay there, when suddenly, she scooted over and laid her head down on his chest.

  Shotgun paused f
or a long moment then pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her body. She snuggled in and closed her eyes. Shotgun was surprised at how comfortable he was with her in his arms. He’d never been known as a cuddlier. In fact, he never cuddled with anyone before. Most of the women he went to bed with were just that... women he went to bed with. They didn’t mean anything to him but a quick release. He used them just the same as they used him. It meant nothing else. Sure, he might have a drink with them and a laugh or two, but he would always send them on their way.

  But with this woman, having her in his arms just seemed right and it wasn’t about sex. Maybe he could use the practice, as it was obvious he didn’t know how to comfort his own kid.

  Then he realized something pretty damn quick. Even though he’d only met her, she seemed to fit right under his arms. He settled down and turned his head to rest it on her head and soon, he was fast asleep.

  Hours later, his sleep was disturbed by a scream. Then something hit him in the chest hard and Shotgun came awake fighting.

  Before he opened his eyes, he grabbed someone’s throat and began to squeeze. Fingers began scratching at his hands and when he did open his eyes, he saw River fighting to get away from him. His hand spanned her throat and he was gripping it tight enough to shut off her breathing. His eyes widened and he let her go. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. “Oh my god, sweetheart. I’m so sorry.”

  River sobbed into his chest as she gulped in air to her lungs. “No I’m sorry,” she finally whispered barely able to speak. “I was having a nightmare and got caught up in it.”

  “Are you okay now?” he asked her.

  She nodded. “I’ve been having the nightmares for years now. I can’t remember what it is that upsets me except I’m terrified about them. All I do remember is someone telling me to run and as I’m running away, I hear echoing footsteps and I know its pure evil chasing me. When he catches up with me, we both burst into a ball of flames and I can feel the scorching heat as it burns me alive. Just as the flames take me, I hear this insane laughter all around me. Then I see this shadowy man step out of the flames completely unsinged. The flames never touched him as I’m burning to death. Then I feel someone else caught in the flames with me. He holds me and comforts me and tells me the pain with be over soon.” She swallowed hard. “Then I turn to look at this man and all I see in his eyes is love. I don’t understand it but I know he’ll protect me from the worst of it. When his arms close around me again, the pain is gone and I can breathe again. But I always wake up fighting, because he then disappears.”

  Shotgun drew her into his arms and just held her for a moment. Her nightmare would scare anyone. What bothered him were the two men in her dream, the one telling her to run and comes back to her to protect her from the flames and then the one who burns up with her and still manages to walk away unscathed.

  River pushed away from his embrace reluctantly. She sat up in bed with her back to him while keeping her back straight and her legs over the side of the bed. Would it be possible for me to have a shower?” she asked softly. “Sleeping in the woods isn’t exactly sanitary.”

  Shotgun laid back down and groaned at the thought of her being naked and wet in the shower. The thought of that got his blood stirring. He’d put her backpack by the door when he brought her in here earlier. He got up and walked her to his ensuite bathroom. He grabbed a washcloth and towel and turned the light on. He went to start the water and when he turned around, she was right there crowding him.

  Before he could protest, River came closer and crushed her mouth on his. Shotgun groaned and pulled her in tighter to his body, then he moved her against the wall. She may have started the kiss but he took over and then it was he crushing her mouth.

  He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He felt her grind her core against his cock and Shotgun groaned. He went from zero to sixty in less than a second and he couldn’t stop what happened next if he tried. He tore her shirt off over her head and pulled down her bra. He took a moment to admire her tits, they were bigger than he thought they would be. He stared at her and noted her skin was creamy white and smooth. At the moment her dark brown nipples were erect and hard, just like he was and he couldn’t resist. His mouth closed over her breasts and he suckled them with a hunger he hadn’t felt in a long time. His hand dove down the back of her pants and he grabbed the globes of her ass then reached for her core. When he got to where he wanted to be, he noted she was soaked. He groaned as her scent reached his nose....faintly floral, like jasmine and roses. Whatever it was, he needed more.

  It was ambrosia to him and he wanted to taste her before he fucked her. Pulling his hand out of her pants, he rolled them down her hips and off. He then lifted her up and set her on the counter by the sink. Spreading her thighs, he got down on his knees and opened her folds to his hungry mouth. Her lips were gleaming and he couldn’t resist a small taste. Her cream was like some drug as it hit his senses with a punch. Wow, his taste buds would never be the same. He licked and sucked, as he couldn’t get enough of it.

  His cock pressed against his zipper until it was almost too painful, but he ignored it, as this pastime was a real experience. His tongue lapped her juices and each pass of his tongue made him groan, as her flavor became something he needed more of. He hadn’t ever went down on a woman for so long, he was good at it but always did it just to get her revved, not because he was starved for it like he was now. He thought he might never pull out of this divine journey. This girl was the sweetest thing he’d ever tasted.

  River pressed her core against his onslaught. Her need was quickly escalating into something more... “Please,” she begged.

  Shotgun heard what he needed to hear. He lifted her a few more inches then pressed her against the wall. Holding her up with one hand, he used his other hand to loosen his belt and release his hard cock. Pushing his jeans down to his thighs, he pressed forward and took her mouth again.

  His cock found her slippery core and he pressed in. She wrapped her warm sheath around his cock and he groaned. He fit inside her like she was made to take him. “You are so tight.’ He growled between his teeth.

  He pressed further into her and then he couldn’t stop. He was quickly losing his control and that had never happened before. He took women at his leisure and never rutted them with hunger like this. He thrust balls deep and felt her gasp but didn’t think anything of the sound as he paused to savor her fit. He closed his eyes and just stood there for a moment. Then he began to move. Each thrust we deeper and harder than the last and she wrapped her legs around his waist. She threw her head back and moaned as she climbed higher and higher toward the edge of the abyss.

  Shotgun felt like he was losing his mind, never had sex felt this good before. His heart was pounding in his chest and all he could do was hang on for the ride. He’d lost control the minute he tasted her. The air was heavy with the scent of them coming together and then he felt the zing in his spine and his balls tightened.

  He reached between them and began rubbing her clit, then River detonated. Shotgun covered her mouth with his own and muffled her scream as she flew off the edge. He felt her clamp down on his and that’s all it took for him to explode inside her.

  He thrust in deep and just held her in place. He couldn’t believe how long he came. He felt a moment of weakness when he was done and he had to lean against the wall for a moment before he pulled out.

  He looked down at her and noted the look on her face. She looked almost stunned. “Are you all right?” he whispered.

  River glanced up into his face. She nodded slowly, she couldn’t even speak yet. “Mmm...” Her eyes looked dazed then they began to clear and she leaned forward and kissed him gently. “That was unbelievably awesome. Thank you.”

  “Thank me for what?” He frowned.

  That had felt so good that if River stayed where she was she might end up actually begging him for more. She’d left that bed because she hadn’t wanted him to thi
nk she was a slut but his touch made her heart beat a little faster in her chest. The sound of his heartbeat when they were in bed stirred feelings in her she couldn’t explain but she’d wanted to explore. When he was so close to her in the bathroom, she just had to taste his lips and then she’d just lost her dammed mind.

  River didn’t answer him as she just went around him and stepped into the shower. She’d thanked him for the best feeling she’d ever had in her young life. But maybe he wouldn’t understand. She braced herself against the wall and moaned as the hot water poured over her. When he stepped in behind her and wrapped his arms around her, she wasn’t surprised.

  What did surprise her however was when he ground his hard cock against her ass.

  “What are you doing to me woman?” he growled in her ear. “I can’t get enough of you.” He thrust into her and she sighed with pleasure as he plunged in and out of her quickly.

  River couldn’t last this time and it seemed he couldn’t either. After only about a dozen thrusts, they both came together and Shotgun had to cover her scream with his hand as he bit down on her neck.

  That little touch of pain set off a chain reaction he couldn’t have predicted. She clamped down on him and he exploded inside her. “What are you doing to me?” he asked in her ear.

  She arched her back and rubbed her ass against his pelvis. “It isn’t me. You are just so dammed sexy.” Wow, he was too. She now thought of that shotgun he’d carried when she first saw him and resolved to herself that it sure matched the rest of him. She bit her lip to keep frim giggling. Yes, he had been a little rough, but she’d really loved it. He’d made her feel things in her body she had never felt before.


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