Play With Us: An Urban Foursome Game Night Fantasy (Erotic Swingers Book 2)

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Play With Us: An Urban Foursome Game Night Fantasy (Erotic Swingers Book 2) Page 3

by Brianna Skylark

  It was like trying to put a cork back in a bottle of champagne.

  No matter how much she tried to calm herself down, it just seemed to make the situation worse. She could barely contain herself.

  Just less than a week ago, she and Cassian had been intimate with another couple for the first time. But it had gone further than that, they hadn't just fucked each other, they’d made love.


  Beautiful, funny, sweet, and feisty, Amy.

  Emilia couldn't help but smile whenever she thought about her.

  And Mark.

  Just remembering how it felt the first time Amy’s husband slipped inside her was enough to melt her knickers.

  Now it was Friday and in just under an hour both of them would be arriving for dinner.

  Amongst other things…

  And Emilia was running late.

  ‘Cass?’ she shouted over the gushing waters of the shower. ‘Are you dressed yet?’

  ‘Yes,’ came the reply, muffled through the cascading water and the thick wooden door.

  ‘Did you vacuum?’


  ‘Is the rubbish out?’

  The door swung open.

  ‘Yes, you put it out.’

  ‘What about the bathroom bins?’

  ‘You did that too.’

  ‘Well, aren’t I efficient? Have you checked on the food?’

  ‘Three times.’

  ‘Is the table laid?’


  Emilia’s shoulders relaxed a little and she turned around to face him.

  ‘Thank you. Sorry.’

  ‘It's okay,’ he said, grinning as his eyes wandered over her body. ‘If you think of anything else, I'm happy to help.’

  Emilia’s face suddenly went pale, then a deep shade of red.

  Cassian frowned.

  ‘What is it?’

  ‘Do we have, any? You know?’

  ‘Morals? Ethics? Shame? No.’

  ‘No. You know. More…’ she said the next part in a whisper. ‘Lube?’

  He grinned and nodded slowly. ‘Enjoyed that part did you?’

  She cocked her head at her husband and raised her eyebrows.

  ‘I'll go and see,’ he said laughing.

  As Cassian disappeared from view, Emilia felt the overwhelming sensation of butterflies in her stomach again. That wonderful, arousing, lip-biting feeling of anticipation.

  Tonight they were all going to make love again.

  She hoped.

  She wanted that more than anything. To feel Amy’s skin again. To feel Mark inside her. To know Cassian was watching.

  She didn’t want to get ahead of herself though, despite her day dreams.

  It wasn’t fair to expect anything, or pressure them. This was as new to them as it was to her and Cassian, and it was just as fraught with the possibility of jealously, or upset or even worse.

  It was worth the risk though.

  She knew it was.

  She wrapped the soft cotton towel around her chest and tucked it in between her breasts before tip-toeing out of the bathroom and across the carpeted landing to their bedroom.

  On the duvet she had laid out her outfit for the evening. It had taken her almost two hours to decide. All the usual thoughts, doubts and self-conscious anxieties had to be taken into consideration, but in addition to this she also had to consider ease of access for her husband and Mark, and Amy. It was no good wearing trousers if… Well, she didn't want to think too hard about what might happen this evening, as she’d end up all hot and flustered again as her imagination ran wild.

  Suffice to say, the usual considerations were complicated even further when you might be about to have a foursome.

  Another foursome.

  She grinned.

  In the end she had chosen an ensemble of a black lace basque, suspenders, stockings and knickers, underneath a black, knee length dress with a lace pattern and a sheer hem. She’d briefly considered wearing heels but decided it would be more comfortable and more fun to not wear shoes at all.

  She unwrapped herself and draped the towel over the edge of the bed, folding it neatly and then picked up the soft lace knickers, running the material between her fingers.

  She couldn't help but think about how just hours from now, they might be taken off by either her husband, Amy or Mark.

  Perhaps by all three.

  She pressed her fingers into her crotch again and then stamped her feet with excitement.

  Admonishing herself for her naughty thoughts, she took a deep breath, bent down and stepped into them, drawing them up and over her bottom, enjoying the feeling of the material against her skin.

  Next she slipped the basque over her head and attached the suspender clips, letting them dangle down past her thighs.

  Sitting on the bed, she rolled up the two silk stockings and pointed her toes, sliding the material on over her feet, rolling it up past her ankles and then pulling it up tight until it covered the lower third of her thighs, where she clipped them in place.

  She stood up and walked over to the mirror to look at herself. As her eyes ran down her body, Cassian pushed open the door.

  ‘No, no, no,’ she said, rushing over and pushing it closed again before he could come in.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ he said from the other side.

  ‘I’m not ready and I want what I’m wearing to be a surprise.’

  ‘Oh I see,’ he said, sounding a little dejected. ‘A surprise for who?’

  ‘You,’ said Emilia, pausing and frowning. ‘And hopefully Amy and Mark too?’

  ‘Sounds good,’ said Cassian.

  She turned around again, and picked up her dress, then she stopped and took another look at herself in the mirror.

  She smiled.

  She felt warm and fuzzy.

  That feeling was back, the intense arousal, the urge to push it back inside her and somehow bottle it up, but it really was like champagne. The longer she shook, the bigger the pop would be.

  She couldn’t help it anymore.

  She felt amazing.

  And she was incredibly horny.


  Emilia’s stomach dropped as a pair of headlights flashed across the drawn curtains of their living room. For the last fifteen minutes she’d been sat in the dark trying her best to stay calm as Cassian finished getting ready upstairs.

  After Amy’s message Emilia had freaked out and embarked upon what had seemed at the time like the herculean task of making sure their home was fit for visitors. Over the last few days they’d cleaned the house, washed the sheets, scrubbed all the surfaces, dusted, hoovered, mopped, and even found time to rearrange the lounge.

  Cassian had drawn the line at repainting the kitchen, however. But together, they had worked as a team, and somehow they had done it. And now they were here.

  Her senses were in such a heightened state that she could feel and hear the vibration of their car engine as it drew to a halt and the cessation of noise as it cut out. The lights of the vehicle dimmed a moment later.

  She listened intently, trying desperately to calm her nerves by running her fingers back and forth along the see-through hem of her dress as she sat upright in the armchair.

  She heard the passenger door open, followed shortly by the driver side door, which was further away. Then there was the sound of heels on the paving.

  Amy had worn heels. Should she change into heels? She could nip upstairs quickly. Oh gosh, where had she left them? There was no time.

  Mark’s heavier gait sounded on the path next, his smart shoes clicking with a similar sound to his wife's.

  Amy wasn't moving though. Perhaps she was waiting for Mark? As he drew nearer, Emilia strained to listen as they spoke to one another.

  ‘Oh my goodness, I'm so nervous,’ she heard her say. ‘What if it's really awkward?’

  ‘It won't be,’ came Mark’s deep voice. ‘Just relax and let's enjoy ourselves. There's no pressure. We know them

  ‘Intimately,’ laughed Amy.

  There was a pause.

  Emilia wondered if they were kissing and a pang of jealousy hit her. She wanted to kiss them and to be kissed by them.

  ‘Shall we go inside?’ said Mark.

  Emilia’s panic rose up into her chest and threatened to overwhelm her as the footsteps resumed, heading towards the front door.

  She stood up and smoothed down the edge of her dress. Her nervous fidgeting had creased the hem and she had a brief moment of doubt, wondering again if she should change before realising how crazy that would seem.

  It was just a little crease.

  Besides, she was rather hoping it wouldn't stay on for very long.

  The doorbell rang and Emilia’s heart skipped a beat.

  She could hear Cassian coming down the stairs, his heavy footsteps reverberating through the walls as he approached the front door. She felt a sudden surge of elation as she headed to join him, briefly skipping along the corridor.

  Cassian winked at her, and leaned in, kissing her cheek in a reassuring way.

  ‘It's going to be fine, stop worrying,’ he whispered as she reached for the door handle.

  She smiled back at him, and then turned the latch and pulled.

  Behind the door stood Amy.

  She was dressed in a stunning, figure hugging ensemble which matched the colour of her fiery hair. She was smiling with such a beguiling radiance that it took Emilia’s breath away. So much so that she went bright red and found she was unable to speak.

  After a moment, Amy laughed.

  ‘I think I'll take that as a compliment,’ she said. ‘Give me a hug.’

  Amy stepped forward over the threshold, her arms wide, and embraced Emilia in a tight and comforting clinch. After a moment she unfurled her arms and placed the palms of her hands on either side of Emilia’s face.

  ‘You okay?’ she said quietly as Emilia glazed over. She nodded in response.

  Then Amy kissed her so gently on the cheek, that her knees wobbled and she felt dizzy.

  ‘I missed you,’ said Amy quietly.

  ‘I’ve missed you too,’ said Emilia.

  ‘Evening mate,’ came Mark’s voice as he stepped in behind his wife, stretching out his arm and clasping Cassian’s hand tightly in his own. He was carrying a large reusable shopping bag in his other hand and Cassian glanced at it briefly as he nodded toward the girls.

  ‘I’d give you a kiss too, but I reckon you'd break my neck with my own arm before I'd even puckered up,’ laughed Cassian, shaking the lean man’s arm vigorously.

  Mark burst into laughter as he turned to look at Emilia.

  The moment their eyes met she blushed an even deeper shade of crimson and looked down at the floor, unable to keep a straight face.

  Less than a week ago, this gorgeous, tall, smart and grizzled man had been intimate with her in more ways than one, whilst his wife, who she was still embracing, had watched and smiled and encouraged them.

  A thought rose up which she tried hard to repress, but it was impossible.

  He came inside my ass, she thought to herself as she tried to stifle a nervous little giggle.

  Both of them made her feel like a schoolgirl again. It reminded her of the same feelings of awkwardness and pit of her stomach fear she would get whenever she saw Cassian, back in the days of college. Or... oh my goodness, actually spoke to him. Those same feelings were flooding back now.

  ‘Sorry, Mark. I think my wife has been rendered mute,’ said Cassian, putting his arm around her and stroking her waist.

  Amy peeled away from the girls embrace, still beaming with excitement.

  ‘We didn't know if you'd prefer a red, a rosé or a white wine so we bought all three, and then I wondered if it might be more of a champagne evening so I sent Mark out to get that too, so I hope you've got plenty of room in your kitchen because we’ve bought a wine cellar with us.’

  Mark proffered the large canvas bag toward Cassian who took it gratefully, doing his best not to drop it from the surprising weight. Mark hadn’t even flinched.

  Inside he saw the three bottles of wine, the champagne and then a bottle of whisky.

  ‘There’s a little something in there for you and me too, pal,’ said Mark, winking.

  ‘And something else for all of us,’ said Amy. ‘But don’t look at that just yet.’

  Cassian’s eyes widened at this request and he glanced down at the bag, seeing a small box wrapped up in brown paper tucked next to the clinking bottles.

  He frowned and then looked back at Amy, quizzically.

  ‘Be patient and you'll see,’ she said with a little wink.

  Cassian nodded, then beckoned them forward, steering his still mute wife back towards the kitchen.

  ‘Come on through and get comfortable, would you mind popping your shoes off?’

  He nodded to the corner and Amy obliged first, dropping in height by almost six inches as she stepped out of her heels.

  Mark did the same and followed his wife into the kitchen where Cassian was unloading each of the bottles onto the counter.

  Amy was looking a little embarrassed.

  ‘Just to be clear, I wasn't suggesting we drink all of these tonight. I don't have a problem, I promise.’

  ‘Well maybe you can leave them here for the next time you come round,’ said Cassian, who was starting to become a little concerned about Emilia.

  ‘Next time? That's assuming we don't embarrass ourselves too much this time,’ said Amy.

  She had sidled up beside Emilia as they'd talked and was now looping her arm around the now shaking girl.

  ‘Em, why don't you take me on a little tour whilst the boys get us some drinks?’

  Emilia looked up and after a moment, seemed to break out of her trance, her eyes lighting up again.

  ‘Yes, okay. Yes,’ she said. ‘But there's not much to see?’

  ‘That's okay,’ said Amy, tugging her arm. ‘Why don't we start with the garden?’


  The night air was brisk and as Emilia stepped out from the warmth of the house into the star lit sky, she shivered. Amy felt goosebumps spreading up her friends arm, and she watched with fascination as they seemed to jump from hers to her own.

  Standing on the wooden decking, their feet bare but for the stockings they each wore, they stood arm in arm and looked up into the celestial brilliance above them.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ said Amy.

  Emilia turned to look at her.


  ‘Something's wrong. Is this too much for you?’

  ‘No. No, no,’ she said shaking her head.

  Amy smiled kindly. ‘You’re anxious?’

  Emilia hesitated, then looked away and nodded.

  Amy moved round and stood in front of her and Emilia suddenly felt a strange and comforting warmth filling her insides.

  ‘It's okay, I am too,’ said Amy. ‘It took me three hours to choose this outfit, I think I tried on my entire wardrobe of clothes. I’m pretty sure Mark was googling divorce lawyers after the thirtieth one, and the daft thing is, now I'm here… all I want is for you to take it off.’

  Emilia laughed and looked down in embarrassment.

  Amy reached forward and took hold of her hands, stepping a few inches closer so the hems of their dresses were gently touching in the cool night breeze. ‘Last weekend, was incredible.’

  Emilia nodded and looked up, before finally speaking.

  ‘I just want tonight to be as perfect as last time,’ she said. ‘I’m so scared I'll ruin something, and then this will be ov-’

  Amy leaned forward and kissed Emilia softly on the lips, interrupting her.

  Her knees went weak and she reached out for Amy’s waist to steady herself. A tingle of excitement flooded through her body, from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. It was like goosebumps and butterflies all at once. She felt light headed, as though she were a feather that might float away.r />
  Her lips were so soft.

  Her mind went numb, as Amy’s tongue pushed softly against her own. She quivered as her hand touched her cheek, stroking her ear with her thumb. Time slowed down and she could feel the slow beat of her heart in her chest.

  As Amy pulled away, she could feel the warm kiss of the girls lips lingering on her own.

  ‘You're not going to ruin anything,’ said Amy.

  Each of them kissed the other again, urgently and passionately. Amy running and digging her fingers into Emilia’s skin as Emilia’s palm pressed against Amy’s cheek, her other hand sliding down the girls back.

  Emilia broke away for a second, her lips wet with Amy’s kiss.

  ‘I want you,’ she whispered, breathless. Her eyes still blurry with tears. ‘I want you both.’

  Amy breathed deeply and kissed her back, running her fingers through the girls smooth blonde hair and teasing her fingernails gently across her scalp.

  ‘I want you too,’ she said, her lips still pressed against Emilia’s, causing them both to laugh at her muffled speech as they held each other.

  Emilia pressed her forehead against Amy’s and looked into her eyes, holding her tight.

  ‘I want this,’ she said. ‘I want you, and Mark, and Cassian.’

  ‘We’re here now.’

  ‘Yes,’ she nodded. ‘But more than this.’

  Emilia’s whole body was quivering as she spoke, as though it was filled with adrenaline. She felt as though her words might explode out of her if she didn’t say them.

  ‘I want us all to make love again,’ she said, shaking and feeling as though she might burn up with excitement and arousal.

  ‘When?’ said Amy, kissing her again and pressing her body against her.

  ‘Tonight,’ she whispered, urgently.

  After a moment, Amy smiled and nodded.

  Emilia felt her knees buckle.

  She leaned in and kissed her again. Her soft lips opening up as their tongues played against one another. She jumped as she felt Amy’s fingers running along her neck. Her body quivered and tensed and she had to bury the urge to look around, anxious that the men might open the patio door at any moment, or that Josie her curious neighbour might twitch a curtain and see her kissing a beautiful redhead in the light of their kitchen window.


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