
Home > Other > Entrapped > Page 10
Entrapped Page 10

by Tl Reeve

  The kid grinned, and again the sense of knowing him from somewhere overwhelmed Royce. “Thank you. I appreciate this. I’ll get it turned in.”

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep. Do the work and we’ll talk soon.” He handed Adrian his paperwork back with his initial at the bottom of it. “What’s your email?”

  After meeting Adrian, the rest of the morning had been a whirlwind of encounters with students. He’d been lax when it came to office hours, it would appear, and the students were letting him know their displeasure. He promised he’d get better at it and when the final student left, he gathered his things to head to class. He hoped when he got home Kalkin would have a few answers about the people in the photographs.

  He also needed to show his mate he was tired of waiting for her to make a move. He was going to prove once and for all she was his. Their little stalemate was doing nothing but hurting the both of them. By the time he left her bed, she’d remember why he chose her. Why he loved her. Why she was his mate. Why there’d never be anyone else for Royce. He was a parched motherfucker and only his Oasis could quench his thirst.

  * * * *

  The snow had stopped, leaving a couple inches on the ground. Just enough to cause a problem and make his trek home even longer. Mackenzie had texted him hours ago, informing him school was closing early. His father had left work as well to get the kids and Charisma. Mackenzie texted him later saying he was going to take Harper and Boone to the fall festival, leaving Norah home by herself. Mackenzie, the bastard, had even gone as far to follow his message with a winking emoji. His father was acting like a teenager, and Royce was convinced he was living in an alternate universe. It was the only answer he could rationally come up with. The stupid yellow face with the one closed eye had fucking mocked him, along with the fact he hadn’t had sex with his mate in three months.

  Add in Kalkin informing him to smack her ass and fuck her hard, and it all left him on edge. He’d never tell his pain in the ass uncle his suggestion had merit, but it did. So much so, he thought about doing exactly what he said—spank her ass.

  When he arrived back at the house, Royce was tired, cold and sporting a hard-on to rival every single one he’d ever had—and that was saying something. His dick pressed so hard against the zipper of his jeans he worried it would leave permanent marks on the flesh between his legs.

  Royce removed his jacket before he kicked off his slush-coated shoes. Then, he took a second to enjoy the quiet of the house. He couldn’t even hear Charisma, and he wondered if she was napping again.

  When he couldn’t find Charisma in her reading nook or the kitchen, he bounded up the stairs. Her bedroom door was wide open, and he convinced himself she must be in the basement doing laundry.

  While he was there, he figured he’d take a piss, then check the basement. He stepped into her room and ignored the closed door of her bathroom since he and Charisma shared it. Mackenzie and the kids shared the one off the hall, since it connected their rooms. It made it easier on them, especially in the middle of the night, when one of the kids had a bad dream, which in the beginning had been every night.

  Royce flung the door open and stopped dead in his tracks. His sweet, perfect mate stood wet and naked on the mat in front of the shower. Her startled expression locked with his as she clutched a large towel protectively in front of her, like she had something to hide. He’d seen her naked before.

  Plenty of times.

  Under that fucking piece of terrycloth lay her full, lush breasts. His mouth watered. She might not like the size of her nipples, but he did. He loved sucking the plump, firm flesh into his mouth. Enjoyed the way her nipples puckered against his tongue. He wondered, as he stood there taking in her sexy-as-hell form, if her pussy was as wet as her body.

  Tiny droplets of water covered her shoulders, then slowly rolled down to the valley between her breasts. He licked his bottom lip, wishing it was her skin he ran his tongue over. His gaze lowered to her round ass. He growled. He wanted that ass. Wanted caress it. Smack it. Bite it. But, most especially, he wanted to get his dick inside her to imprint himself on every inch of her.

  “Royce!” she screeched. “What the hell are you doing?”

  He loomed over her, easing her backwards toward the sink, and drew in a deep breath. Her sweet arousal coated his tongue, and he let loose a groan of desire. His hands went to her hips to steady her. The look of fear and mistrust in her beautiful eyes had his stomach clenching. He hated it.

  “Baby...” He growled. His dick throbbed. He groped himself, stroking the hard length through the denim covering his groin. Royce groaned. The sensation tingled through him and settled low in his gut. Pleasure burned through his veins. He ran the back of his hand down her shoulder and watched in fascination as goose bumps formed in its wake.

  She shivered, and the sweet scent of her need thickened, calming the wolf resting just under his skin. She softened, swaying to him. Her lips parted as a light blush crept into the tops of her breasts then into her neck. She licked her lips. “W-what are you doing home so soon?”

  He smirked. It really wasn’t all that early. “It’s been a long time, and we’re all alone for the night.”

  Her hands trembled while she fussed with the towel. “No way, Royce. Get out.”

  “Don’t think so,” he said before snatching the towel from her fingers.

  He drank in the curve of her bare shoulders, down to her swollen breasts and her gently rounded belly. His gaze traveled lower still to the mound of her sex covered in soft wisps of hair slightly darker than the hair on her head.

  His wolf sat back on his hind legs and growled at the view. The man... His gaze moved back to her belly. He narrowed his eyes. The scent of fear colored Charisma’s arousal, causing him to pause. “What is it, Oasis?”

  Her hands lowered. “N-nothing. You’re really...” She licked her lip again, drawing Royce’s attention.

  “Yes, there is.” He inhaled again, this time pushing aside her arousal and fear. The soft scent of life. New and growing. Surprise filled him. “You’re—”

  Charisma whimpered. Her gaze turned pleading. “I was going to... It just...”

  “You’re pregnant.” She hid this from him, kept it a secret and didn’t let him in. He’d missed helping her with morning sickness. If she even had it. He missed the first appointments with her doctor. He missed the first stages of her body changing.

  It enraged him.


  He wanted to lash out again and destroy shit. He couldn’t though. It would frighten her, and although the Rafertys were a virile bunch, he didn’t know much about women and pregnancy. Scaring her couldn’t be good for his pup.

  “What the fuck, Charisma?” His voice had been ice cold, lacking any emotion or love.


  “Jesus, fuck. Fuck. Fuck!” He encroached on her space, pushing her back against the sink. Her protruding belly rubbed against his stomach, and he stopped, looming over her, using his size to intimidate her.

  “I’m sorry.”

  She dipped her chin, hiding her gaze from his. It pissed him off. Royce wrapped his hand gently around her delicate throat and rubbed the sensitive flesh under her chin. He continued to stroke her skin, reminded just how fragile his little mate was. He wasn’t pissed off at her, no, he’d been pissed at himself for being such a stupid, petulant shit. “You kept this from me.”

  Tears filled her hazel-colored eyes, and it broke his heart that she’d been forced to do something so devious because of what he’d done to her. It explained why during the last three full moons he hadn’t lost his damn mind at not knotting his mate. After conception, the urge to fuck and rut eased somewhat for the mated couple. Sure, he’d continue to knot her during the full moon, but the intensity of it would lessen, keeping the growing pup safe.

  “I’m s-s-sorry.” Her voice wobbled. Her eyes were brimming with tears, and she swiped at her cheeks furiously when they began to fall.

  “Does anyone know?” he snapped.

  “Pen-ny knows. I didn’t tell anyone else,” she said.

  “How fucking far along are you?” he growled.

  “Eighteen weeks,” she whispered.

  “Have you even seen a doctor?” Hiding it from him was one thing, not getting proper care would earn her a spanked ass and a visit to the closest clinic or even hospital before the night was over.

  “Yes-s. Several times.”

  “Fuck me.” He released his hold around her neck before dropping to his knees in front of her. He’d missed it all and as much as he wanted to holler at the injustice of it, Royce knew he’d put them into this position because he hadn’t told her the truth.

  “What…what are you doing?”

  “You’ve had our pup to yourself for eighteen weeks, Oasis. It’s time for him to be introduced to his daddy.” Gently, he cupped her round belly, hoping to feel movement from their pup. “Have you had an ultrasound?”

  “N-no. My next appointment,” she murmured.

  Thank fuck. He’d get to see the pup for the first time with her. “I’m going.” Come hell or high water, he’d be with her at every appointment and when she finally gave birth. No way in hell he’d allow her to do it on her own.


  Royce closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against her belly, trying to sense their pup deep in her womb. He swore he could hear the little one moving around in the water as it tested the confines of its living quarters. Silly, really. Since it wasn’t very big. But, a part of him needed that connection. The bond of father and child heal a bit of his tattered soul.

  He bit back the groan of contentment when she buried her fingers in his hair. How long they remained in this position, him kneeling in front of her with his head on her belly, Royce had no clue, nor did he give a shit. Kneeling there, he suspected his father and his uncle were both aware of Charisma’s pregnancy and were waiting for him to catch up. All their questions and concerns over the last three months made sense now.


  “Shhh, Oasis, our son is talking to me.”

  “Could be a girl,” she reminded me.

  He snorted. “You forget whom you’re talking to. I’m a Raferty.”

  She giggled. “Lest you forget, there are just as many female Rafertys as there are male Raferty children running around.”

  “Pups,” he corrected her.

  “Could be a human.”

  “Nah.” He placed a soft, gentle kiss on her stomach then stood. He took her hand in his, wanting to keep the connection between them. “That has yet to happen.”

  “I’m so sorry.” She launched herself into his arms, and Royce lifted her naked body with ease. “Royce…I’m too heavy.”

  He snorted in disgust as he carried her into their room. “You’re not.” He placed her on her feet near her bed.

  Granted he might not have a lot of experience with having a pregnant mate, but he’d seen plenty of pregnant mates and how his uncles dealt and handled them during their pregnancy. They were made of stern stuff, and if Charisma had gone almost five months without giving anything away, she had it all in spades.

  “I spoke to Kalkin today. He gave me some advice. After all this, I’m going to follow through with what he said, and you, my precious Oasis, are going to take it.”

  Royce sat on the bed, toeing off his shoes and socks before standing and stripping off his pants and briefs. If he had been in Arizona, he’d have been commando. He didn’t miss her slight gasp. The thick stalk of flesh jutting upward between his legs was hard enough to pound nails. His sac heavy with unspent cum. Before he pulled off his shirt and sweater, he reached down to palm the hard flesh, stroking it three times before releasing it. The cool air of the room kissed the length of his erection, and he knew, soon, he’d be buried balls deep in Charisma’s pussy.

  “What…what did he suggest?” she asked.

  He grinned. “I’m going to take you over my knee and spank your spectacular ass. Then I’m going to fuck you. All night, if I have to.”

  “I don’t think so!” she scoffed.

  “Oh…I think so, mate.” He flashed a hint of his canines, letting her know he meant fucking business. “Make it easier on yourself and bend over. Place your palms onto the bed.”

  Royce hid his smile, as a range of emotions play over her face. The internal battle she fought with herself was hot as fuck, but when she got into position, her large breasts hanging down, temptation outweighed his patience. He had to touch her. Had to have her.

  “Here is how it’s going to work. I’m going to spank your ass once for every month I didn’t know about my son’s existence.” He came up behind her and caressed the flesh of her ass. The cream of her pussy glistened, tempting him. He palmed his cock and rubbed it along her slit, gathering up some of her cream.

  Royce fed his dick into her, groaning at the searing heat encasing him. He pushed forward, not stopping until he filled her completely. He gave a couple of soft grunts and sucked air between his teeth while trying to gain control over the need to pound out a climax from each of them.

  She shifted, bringing her body upright and allowing him to slip deeper within her. “It could be a girl.” The strangled sound she made shot straight to his head, leaving him dizzy with lust.

  “You don’t want to argue with me right now, mate.” He placed his hands between her shoulder blades and pushed her forward. She cinched around him. The quiver of her internal muscles had him clenching his jaw. His release built, and it took all of his will power to hold off.

  Royce rubbed and caressed her pale flesh. The wolf snarled in his head, wanting to assert its dominance over its mate. Royce knew the perfect way to appease the scraggly animal who shared a psyche with him.

  Without hesitation, he smacked her right ass cheek. She groaned in pleasure, spilling her sweet juice over his cock. She wiggled her ass, silently asking for more while her skin turned a pretty shade of crimson. He squeezed the mark, distributing the heat and extending the bite of pain. He went back and forth between the right and left, landing a total of four. His dick throbbed within her. The pain of being inside her tight, hot pussy drove him insane. If she thought this was punishment for her, it was also for him. He had to move.

  Royce retreated then filled her again. He gripped her hips, keeping his strokes shallow. He wasn’t finished yet. He still owed her one more slap of his palm against her ass. Then he would be able to let go and fuck her hard and fast.

  “Royce, please,” Charisma whimpered.

  “Spread your legs more,” he ordered. Royce delivered a well-deserved smack right in the middle of her ass. When she gasped, he smirked. He wasn’t done yet. He pulled out and dropped to his knees. He missed her warm, snug pussy wrapped around him, but he was also dying for a taste.

  He groaned in pleasure, nuzzling her hard clit. He licked the bead then sucked it into his mouth. Charisma’s knees shook. Her breath came in hard pants. Royce let the nub go, then ran his tongue along her soaked slit. He dove into her pussy, eating her out like a man possessed. Using his tongue, he flicked the tip back and forth over her swollen clit until he drew the hard little nub between his lips, suckling her. He wanted her juices on his tongue, wanted to swallow it all down.

  “Royce,” she moaned when her pussy flexed around his tongue, signaling her impending release.

  “That’s it, Oasis, come on my tongue.” He groaned in pleasure when she let go. Her juices rained down on his tongue and like a famished man, he drank her down, taking everything she gave him and then some.

  Royce knew he needed to be careful of her belly, and he was unsure if she could lie on her back. Though he’d been inside her from behind, he also knew she had issues with the position. Another thing he’d have to fix later. He eased her around so she faced him and pressed his lips to hers, sharing the sweet decadence of her release with her. Then he guided her to her back. “You okay? Is this okay? Not too much pressure on you
r body?”

  “Um hm...” She rolled her hips allowing his dick to slip between the folds of her pussy. She was fucking soaked, and the wet heat of her release seared the sensitive flesh of his dick.

  She was almost lost to the pleasure, and Royce fucking loved it. It scared him the first few times they had sex, but he’d quickly gotten used to it. The way her body went completely limp when she orgasmed. The way her heart pounded a wild beat as she grew close to a second climax. A couple times she even squirted, covering him and their bed in her release, surprising both of them. His sweet innocent mate had been so embarrassed. Royce explained, in explicit detail, how much he fucking enjoyed it and wanted her to do it all the time. He relished being able to make her come that damn hard and tried to make it happen in the beginning every time he fucked her.

  “Royce,” she pleaded, drawing him from his thoughts.

  It was then he got a good look at her ripe body. She was adorable with her rounding belly and flushed face. His dick throbbed, and more pre-cum beaded at the tip. Being the perverse male he was, he wanted to mark her, inside and out. Palming his dick, he rubbed the sticky substance around her sex and lower belly. The wolf howled in pleasure.

  “I’m gonna come so hard and deep inside you, any shifter who comes near you is going to know who you belong to,” he growled. His control had been snapped, and he didn’t care who heard them.

  “I need you,” she begged.

  His gaze dropped to her sex. It was wet and swollen. Unable to hold back he tucked the large plum-shaped head into the well of the sweetest pussy he’d ever had the pleasure of fucking.

  Slowly he fed her his cock, inch by torturous inch until he was buried balls deep inside her hot, tight pussy once more. Being inside of his mate was the most amazing sensation he’d ever experience, and he almost lost this and her because of his own stupidity.

  Fuck…shit…it felt so damn good.

  Royce had to fight the urge to come, wanting to draw this out and enjoy his mate’s curvy body.

  “I don’t know if I can—shit…fuck,” he groaned when her cunt flexed around him. “It’s been too long, Oasis. Keep that up, mate, and this will be over before we start.”


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