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Entrapped Page 12

by Tl Reeve

“Oh the answers I could come up with,” the man purred. “Alas, you’re mated, and my body belongs to another.”

  Kalkin rolled his eyes and snorted. “I have to admit, you’re smooth.”

  “Very.” Sloan gave a breathy laugh. “Unfortunately, that’s not why I am calling.”

  No, Kalkin figured as much. “I’ll tell you a secret if you tell me one.”

  “I do love a good secret,” Sloan replied. “Tell me. I’m all ears.”

  “Our new pawn is fully invested.”

  “Is he?” Excitement edged into Sloan’s voice. “How intriguing. Tell me, what has our pawn gotten himself into?”

  There were aspects of Adrian he promised the boy he’d never share with anyone. However, if Adrian planned on working with Kalkin, he needed to be open to also working with others. “He’s enrolled at Boston College where Royce is teaching. I have put him into place with my nephew in case he needs to be extracted quickly or he finds out something juicy. As of right now, he has eyes on Holly.”

  “Perfect,” Sloan said. “I have my ear to the ground at the capital, not only for you but also the Senator. As of now, it appears we have a group of senators within the conservative party who believe all shifters and people with psychic abilities should be restricted within the states. Jefferson, you see, is no spring chicken. He’s holding onto his seat by a thread. The conservative candidate who is running against him this term is beating down doors with this concept of registering all shifters, others, and those with abilities. He’s up three points in the latest Quinnipiac Poll.”

  Not good. Jefferson, along with being Charisma and Penelope’s father, had been their biggest supporters for the last twenty years. If something happened, and he lost his seat, PBH might be allowed back into his county. All of the fail-safes Kalkin put into place after Hazel and Simon tried to take Keeley from him would crumble. They couldn’t allow anyone to take Jefferson’s seat, but Jefferson. “Shit.”

  “I believe Jefferson is growing weary from all this,” Sloan added. “He has spent more time away from his family than he’s ever intended. Add in the fact everyone and their mother know Penelope and Charisma are mated to some well-off shifters... Well, you can see where this is going.”

  Yeah, Kalkin could. “Shit. Can Jefferson find himself a replacement that will take up the mantle for him?”

  “There are three men he trusts with the Judiciary Committee and the ongoing investigations with PBH. All three seem interested in the job. I am hoping by the first of the year to convince Jefferson to retire. The mid-terms aren’t until next November, and if he can leave on top, he can refer a few people to his seat.”

  “What will you do once he retires?” The idea of Jefferson not being Kalkin’s point person left his stomach in knots. It left them vulnerable.

  “Oh, I have a few things planned for us. Don’t you worry your pretty little Alpha head,” Sloan teased.

  Kalkin chuckled. “So you’re finally going to do it, huh?”

  “A lady never gives away her secrets. Besides, can’t keep you on your toes if you know everything.”

  “Can you take Adrian under your wing for me? We need to give him extra training.” For as long as Kalkin had known Sloan, the man had moved through society seamlessly. He went by several names in the field and never used the same one twice. If Adrian could learn how to blend from him, Adrian would become their biggest weapon.

  “A new toy,” Sloan murmured. “How I’ve wanted a new plaything for a while now. How green is he?”

  Kalkin snorted. “Super green. He just figured out his dick is his biggest attraction.”

  “Purrfect,” he replied.

  “You didn’t just make a pun during a serious conversation.”

  “Meh.” Kalkin imagined the man gave a nonchalant shrug of his shoulder. “Tell me more about how this all came about.”

  “I will tell you a bit about his past, then you’ll understand why I need someone of your caliber to help him.” Kalkin gave Sloan as much information about Adrian as he could without going against the boy’s wishes. “It hadn’t been my intention to ever bring him into this game we play. However, fickle fate always has a way of fucking things up for us.”

  “I can understand your trepidation, Kalkin. If I cared for a child all his life, I too would be reluctant to thrust him into the spy business.” Sloan’s tone turned dead serious. “I will do whatever I can to not only assist him whenever he might need it, but also show him the ropes. If he is going to be another set of eyes we can count on in that way, he has to be the best of the best.”

  “To be the best, you have to beat the best,” Kalkin quipped.

  “Touché.” Sloan laughed. “He will be protected here. I give you my word.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Now that we have the formalities out of the way, how are Charisma and Penelope doing, are they safe?”

  As far as Kalkin knew, both women were thriving in Boston. Liam and Riley were enjoying their schools, and even though emotionally they were still adjusting to their new normal, they seemed to be settling in as well. Even though Kalkin didn’t like the idea of his family being pulled apart like they were, he knew they all needed a break. The Raferty clan in the last few weeks had been put through the ringer. “Good. They’re safe, and according to my nightly updates, they’re doing well.”

  “Good. Please have them come to the Senator before they return to Window Rock. I know Jefferson would love to see them.”

  “I will relay the information,” Kalkin replied. “If Jefferson does decide to retire, the pack is open for both of you.”

  “Thank you. We will take the offer under advisement.” A tap came at the man’s door. “I must go. A kitty-cat’s job is never done. If I have any other information, I will pass it along.”

  “Likewise,” Kalkin replied before hanging up.

  He glanced at the clock once more and sighed. If Royce didn’t call in within a few hours, he’d call the boy. He wouldn’t get into the middle of their situation. They had to figure it out, like every other hardheaded Raferty. Didn’t mean he would sit back and enjoy the show. Neither Royce or Charisma deserved to have any more hardship in their life. Both had been through so much together and apart. They couldn’t compare nor could they quantify their individual life’s shitstorms. They were on opposite sides of the spectrum.

  When a knock came at the door, Kalkin stood. He had to push aside all that bullshit for now and get back to work. Later, when he held Keeley close, he could seek her advice. He didn’t always drag her into the middle of this shit after everything she and Danielle had been through, but she also had a different perspective he could glean from. He realized, as he opened the door and found the new deputy Diego Vargas standing before him, he should be leaning on his mate more often than he currently did.

  “Here’s the information you needed, Sheriff,” he said. “I’m waiting for the last statement to be signed, and I’ll have that ready for you as well.”

  “Good,” Kalkin said, opening the file. “Come in. Let’s talk for a minute.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Chapter Seven

  Royce woke over a half hour ago. He knew he should get up and make the call to his uncle, but he just didn’t have it in him to do it. Mostly because Charisma was cuddled up against his side, her round belly, where his pup rested, pressed against him.

  She was exhausted and needed her sleep. Of course he hadn’t given a shit about her getting rest last night. Royce knew he helped contribute to her exhaustion by keeping his dick in her all night long. It was a sacrifice he’d been more than willing to make. Many times. The only thing that would’ve made last night perfect was if he had been in the haze of lust from the full moon. He wanted to knot her tight little pussy so bad, his balls and his teeth ached with the need.

  Speaking of which, his dick was still hard. It pushed against the heavy, warm covers of the blanket he’d tossed over their spent bodies before they’d both fallen asleep.<
br />
  Mackenzie and the kids had come home after the festivities at the school had concluded. Since Riley and Liam were tired, Mackenzie stayed up to watch TV. They’d greeted each other sometime in the middle of the night when his father finally decided to go to bed. Royce had been on the way to the kitchen to grab a couple of bottles of water and some food. Both he and Charisma would need the energy to keep them in the game for the long haul.

  The pink tinge creeping in around the curtain showed it was still early. Neither the kids or Mackenzie were stirring. Did they have a day off? They should have been getting ready for work and school. It dawned on him then, Charisma’s alarm hadn’t gone off. Good. Royce pressed his body against Charisma’s. He didn’t have to be at the college today either. It’d give them plenty of time together to reestablish their bond. He had no plans to leave her bed, ever again. He hoped she was of the same mindset; otherwise, it wouldn’t be a pretty sight when she woke up.

  But, he had to call Kalkin first.

  Royce eased out of bed, so not to disturb Charisma. He snagged the pair of sweatpants he wore around the house then pulled them on. Once he located his cell phone, he quietly exited her bedroom and made his way downstairs.

  After unlocking his phone, he went to his contacts and hit the icon for his Uncle Kalkin. The phone rang once, twice and was answered with a snarl on the third ring.

  “What the fuck, boy. Do you have a concept of time?” His uncle’s gruff, slightly husky voice sounded strained.

  “Yeah. It’s five a.m.”

  “You get hit in the head?” His uncle snapped. Royce couldn’t figure out what his uncle’s issue was unless he interrupted him fucking Keeley. A very common occurrence, and one Royce knew from years of experience could set the other man’s temper to nuclear.

  “No. What’s the problem? Did I interrupt something?” Royce knew full well if he was home, his uncle would smack him upside his head with his massive hand at the first opportunity. Royce felt safe thousands of miles away.

  Kalkin growled. “No, dumbass, you didn’t disturb anything other than my sleep. It’s still dark out, being how Window Rock is two hours behind the East Coast.” Kalkin paused. “Asshole.”

  “Shit… I’m sorry.” He truly was. His head had been so wrapped up in his own thoughts, he had completely forgotten that pertinent piece of information. “Go back to sleep, Uncle Kal, I’ll call at a more reasonable time later.”

  Royce could hear fabric shuffling, low whispers of his aunt asking who it was, and his uncle telling her to go back to sleep. He’d wake her when he returned.

  “S’okay, I’ll just go without my beauty sleep today.” Kalkin’s voice had been a low rumble. Royce could see his uncle in his mind, walking down the steps at the homestead, making his way toward his office. It was soundproof and when it came to work, Kalkin Raferty made sure no one knew shit until he was ready to tell them. “What’s going on?”

  Without any preamble, Royce said, “Charisma’s pregnant. Not recently knocked up, either. She’s almost twenty weeks.”

  Silence filled the line. If Royce had expected his uncle to state he knew this, he was mistaken. Kalkin kept quiet.

  “You don’t seem all that surprised by my news.” Disdain filled Royce. A part of him realized his uncle knew right away and instead of telling Royce, he allowed his nephew to flounder.

  His uncle’s heavy sigh filled the line. “What do you want me to say exactly, Royce?”

  An apology would be nice, but Royce knew his uncle would never issue one, so asking for one would be pointless. “You could’ve fuckin’ told me.” Royce flinched at his tone, knowing he sounded like a child in the middle of a temper tantrum.

  “Not my responsibility, boy.”

  “What the hell did I tell you about calling me boy,” he growled.

  “You were serious about that?” Kalkin said, his tone sarcastic.

  “As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me.”

  Royce snorted, not giving a shit how it smacked of lack of respect to the man speaking. His Alpha.

  Kalkin ignored him, continuing as if he hadn’t even heard him. “If you had your head out of your ass, you would have smelled the changes, scented the fresh, clean scent of new life that’s clinging to her. Your wolf—”

  “Didn’t seem to want to acknowledge it,” Royce admitted, his voice bitter and full of disgust at not seeing what was right in front of him the whole time.

  Kalkin gave a low whistle. “It had to have its reasons for keeping it from you.”

  “Just like you?” Royce demanded.

  His uncle gave a long, soulful sigh. “Believe it or not, Royce, I’ve always had the best interest at heart when it came to you. You’re a Raferty. One of us. Jesus. You’re the one who has always placed yourself away from us, not the other way around.”

  “Yeah, Kal, that’s always been the case,” he said, his voice rough, sarcastic, and full of resentment.

  “Boy, I swear to God, if you were standing beside me, I’d beat the shit out of you for even thinking you weren’t wanted or loved. You were.”

  “Didn’t feel like it.”

  “Right, because we knew how to raise a young pup. Lest you forget, none of us had a clue and our own parents weren’t exactly loving, upstanding citizens. By the time the Martins had gotten to us, the damage had already been done. We did the best we could, Royce. Yeah, we fucked up along the way, no doubt about it.” Royce knew his uncle was referring to the incident between him and Caden when he was young. “You gotta know, boy, we did the best we could. Just like you’re going to do the best you can with your pup. Your issue isn’t with us, Royce. It’s with Mac and how he left you behind. Deal with that, and whatever you’re feeling now will ease.”

  Royce knew that was the only apology he’d ever get from his uncle. It was also Kalkin speak for man the fuck up and stop being a pussy. Yeah, his uncle had been able to communicate all that with his tone.

  “I want to send Charisma home, where she’ll be safe,” he said. “I won’t risk our pup or my mate.”

  “I can’t take you out of play, Royce. We’re too close to send another team into the field.” Kalkin wasn’t telling him something he hadn’t already realized. He had just re-connected with his mate, so sending her back to Window Rock could risk the new bond. “Criminals aren’t usually forthcoming with their plans, or willing to work on your timeline. You could miss the birth of your pup. You willing to do that?”

  He wasn’t sure, and that was part of the problem. He wanted to protect his mate and their pup, but he also wanted to continue down this new road they’d started traveling down last night. Another fork meant another delay. And Royce was sick and fucking tired of keeping his emotions from his mate. Instead of answering he rubbed his scruffy chin as his mind worked through all his options.

  “I’m not leaving,” a soft voice said behind him.

  Turning, Royce found Charisma standing in the doorway, wrapped in his green and blue plaid robe. How the fuck he ever missed she was pregnant, he had no clue, considering her round belly was straining against the material of the robe she’d tied under her belly.

  He’d been so deep in conversation, he never heard her on the stairs. Again, his surly assed wolf hadn’t let him know his mate was close. At some point, he was going to have it out with the creature.


  “No, Royce. I’m not leaving.” She hadn’t cared he was on the phone or that he’d been talking to Kalkin. “You started this back up again, not me. You carried me to my room and fucked my brains out, all night long.”

  Kalkin snorted.

  “Charisma, I—”

  “It was you who told me you couldn’t survive without me, and how I was the calm in the storm and how it’s me that helps you escape the hell of your life. Was it all bullshit? Did you only say those sweet words with the hopes of getting your dick wet? If that’s the case, you could’ve saved yourself a lot of aggravation and simply used your hand.

  “Fuck,” Kalkin chuckled. “Who’d thought she had a mouth like that. Always came off so sweet and innocent.”

  “Shut the hell up,” he growled to his uncle.

  It was bad enough her burst of anger was giving him a raging hard-on, yet another aspect of their relationship he had yet to explore with her. If he wasn’t careful, he’d leave a wet mark on his grey pants from the copious amounts of pre-cum leaking from the tip of his cock.

  Charisma glared at him. Her arms were crossed, teasing him with her plump breasts. He wanted to fuck those tits, push those lush mounds around his thrusting dick while watching her little tongue lapping at the tip every time it got close to her mouth. Royce was a Raferty through and through, and therefore, was a large man in every aspect of the word. Getting his dick near her exquisite mouth would not be an issue. His dick throbbed, and more pre-cum pooled at the tip of his cock. If he stood, he knew there would already be a large wet mark on his grey pants. Fuck.

  “Please inform your uncle we’re not coming back to Window Rock. Holly needs to be stopped, and we’re the only ones in play to do it. We’ll be returning home when the mission is complete. If it happens to go longer than say, another twenty weeks, there is a chance your family will be welcoming three of us home instead of two,” Charisma said, her tone haughty. “Unless of course I totally misunderstood last night, and if I did, Royce, we’re done. I’ll leave now and raise our child how I see fit, and it won’t be in Window Rock.”

  Kalkin snickered, and Royce’s grip on the phone tightened. He could hear the delicate electronic creak and groan under the pressure.

  “Excuse me?” he growled.

  “I think she was pretty specific, boy,” Kalkin said.

  “Fuck you,” he spat into the phone.

  Kalkin chuckled. “Go…be the pussy whipped Raferty we all are with our mates. We’ll talk later.”

  The connection died, and Royce tossed the phone on the ottoman in front of him.

  “Did I stutter?” Her tone hadn’t changed, and as much as her attitude pissed him off, it also made him even harder. He was going to spank her ass again, and he wasn’t going to stop at five light taps. No, this time, he was full on going to turn her sweet ass a pretty cherry red. “Let me remind you, it’s not just taking the pup with me, it’s taking…”


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