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A Savage Kinda Love

Page 36

by Kiki Leach

  "I'll figure it out before the time comes to make it officially official," I said. He remained silent and somewhat perplexed before leaning in to kiss me without apprehension, his tongue going into full overdrive between my lips in an effort to reach my own, his hands moving across my body in a frenzy as if it belonged to no one else but him, as if every part of me belonged to him in the same way he had managed to become completely mine. I threw my arms around his neck to escalate the feeling -- the passion and tasting between us, then pulled back the second I realized I was no longer breathing -- that I couldn't. "My God. Is it always like this with someone?" I threw my head back to exhale.

  He licked his lips of me while shaking his head, then rolled his tongue across my neck. "I don't fuckin' know, baby." He nibbled my skin before pulling back. "Never had this kinda shit with another woman before now -- Not even close..." As my eyes returned to his, he leaned into my face with a grin so sexy that I nearly keeled over, and muttered between my lips, "Ain't nobody else on this goddamn earth gonna ever have what we do with each other; nothing else could compare if it tried."

  "Are you promising me that too?"

  "As always, Cheyenne. Fuckin' always, baby." He slipped his hand beneath my chin and kissed me one last time, so deliciously slowly with a quick swirl of his tongue that I whimpered against his mouth, before shuffling toward the door. "I'm gonna head down to the kitchen and start making some breakfast while you and Nix talk."

  I felt lightheaded and somewhat dizzy while nodding. "Okay."

  He winked at me before leaving the room.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  After getting dressed and sliding my hair into a ponytail, I rushed downstairs with an unapologetic smile plastered across my face and opened the door to a very pissed off Nix.

  He grumbled while blowing out the smoke from his joint and arched his brow. "About goddamn time your ass rolled down here, Cheyenne." He tossed what was left of the joint to the ground and crushed the lit tip with the heel of his shoe. "What the fuck were you two doing up there?"


  "Yeah goddamn right -- watch out." He huffed in disbelief while stepping past me inside, then fixed his pants around his stomach as I closed and locked the door behind him. "Where's your boy right now?"

  "In the kitchen cooking breakfast for us -- Are you hungry?"

  "Brandi fixed some food before the rest of 'em headed out; your mother's recipes. I had my fair share of the meat before they went ape shit over it. Girl's still a damn good cook."

  "I remember."

  He smirked. "She mentioned you telling her about all this wedding shit last night; said you want her to be involved somehow."

  "Maid of Honor, yes, if I'm able to have that."

  "If you're goddamn able to have it?"


  He rolled his eyes to mine and glowered. "What the fuck does that shit mean, baby girl? Are Chino and the rest of those muthafuckas putting restrictions on your ass for this shit already?"

  "Please chill out," I replied. "I only mean that it depends on what the wedding itself will be like, because I don't know yet as I still don't have a date, place, time, nothing. But given that it all has to happen so quickly, I'm not sure if I want to go there with all the extras."

  "Having your favorite girl up there with you while saying a heap of vows to some asshole wouldn't be considered so goddamn 'extra' in my book, Cheyenne."

  "It is if it's Brandi."

  He chuckled and bobbed his head. "Shit might be true somewhat, I'll give it that. But if you're only ever planning to have something like this once in your lifetime, blow the back outta their goddamn bank accounts."

  "Interesting choice of words considering why I'm in this mess to begin with. And speaking of him, I know that you two were good at some point during your talk last night."

  "'Good?" He jerked his head. "Me not wanting to blow his head off on sight don't mean shit."


  "I warned his ass not to fuck you over at any goddamn point during all this shit." He pointed. "I'm not liable for what the fuck could happen to him if he tries some shit."

  "He won't."

  "You're fuckin' sure about that?"

  "Yes. I know that you don't know him all too well just yet--"

  "Neither do you, baby girl," he replied with a heavy voice, lowering his hand back down to his side. "Keep in mind that laying up with him every goddamn night since he's been out won't suddenly change that shit. Getting to know his ass beyond it all is what matters more than anything else."

  "I know that, Nix. I've been willing to know more about him than what I do, and I have. So has he with me. You don't know the things that we've talked about -- in the ways that we've learned to relate to each other, both outside of the club and mafia, and sex."


  "And I think he appreciates you allowing us to do all of that without much hassle and outside interference."

  "It's all for you, Chey, not for any other goddamn reason. Besides..." He bent forward and laid a hand across his chest. "I'm not the one out here looking to give him permanent grief over this shit."

  "I know; Snake is the bigger problem which is why I wanted to see you this morning."

  "This about your talk with him last night?"

  "Yes. Along with a few other things I think you might need to know about. Come on." I slinked an arm inside of his and walked us through the foyer to the living room.

  He took a seat on the couch as I moved to the table and leaned against the edge.

  He slapped his hands together and looked straight into my face. "What's going on, baby girl?"

  "Did Snake mention anything about our talk to you or the others last night?"

  "Not me, and nothing specific to the others as far as I know. Just said you were pissed when you stormed outta his office."

  "I was."

  "Wanna tell me why?"

  I threw my arms across my chest and shrugged. "I think he stole the money from the club and framed Rox for it."

  His shoulders dropped as his brows came together in question. "You're serious with this shit?"


  "What the fuck would make you damn near jump off a goddamn cliff into a conclusion like that, Cheyenne?"

  "Because I had time to think and question his actions."

  "What the fuck are you talking about, baby girl?"

  I sighed heavily while pressing my hands together and crossed the room. "Do you know anything about Rox going to the Gambiano's for the money first? Before he ever thought of going to Chino or calling me out here to help get it back?"

  "Who told you that shit?"

  "It doesn't matter, it's the truth."

  "How the fuck are you sure of that shit?"

  "Do you know anything about it?" I asked. He readjusted himself on the couch and remained quiet. "I guess that means you didn't." I folded my hands and pressed them against my mouth. "Which means you also don't know about the Gambiano's wanting Nikko to take out Rox because they think he never gave the money they handed over for the club to Snake."

  "Hold up." He stood up from the couch and stepped toward me. "You're telling me the Gambiano's were dumb enough to actually give your old man that cash to pay us back?" I nodded. "Where the fuck is it?"

  "That's what I'm saying. Rox is claiming he handed it over to Snake, who's claiming he was never given a dime."

  He looked aside and frowned. "What makes you think Snake stole from us and framed your old man?"

  "Given Rox's history, it's not difficult to pin something like this onto him and have everyone within the club believe it to be the truth. Not to mention Snake's greed. He is the one who suggested this marriage to Nikko in the first place."

  "You tell your man about this?"

  "I told him enough of what he needed to know for right now..."

  His brows lifted. "How the fuck do you figure Lena plays into all this shit if Snake is the one behind it?" />
  "No doubt she helped him for a price, whether it be the money she supposedly took off with or something else." I shrugged. "Why the hell else can't she be found?"

  "Nobody has tried looking hard enough."

  "And you know exactly why they won't."

  He turned from me with a scowl and stepped to the window. "This is some serious allegation type shit, Cheyenne."

  "I know--"

  "Some serious allegation type shit; and not against some regular member we could toss aside but the muthafuckin' President -- son of the goddamn founder of this club." He whirled back around to me and opened his hands. "How the fuck do you figure Rox managed to get his goddamn hands on that cash in the first place?"

  "Quite easily if Lena was helping Snake, just as I said. Remember he slipped in telling me about Rox being coked out courtesy of that wench -- saying it was the only logical reason given as to why he would steal from the club in the first place. He no doubt guided her straight to the nearest line."

  "And her snitching on Chino before finding him?"

  "A set up to get more money that Snake already knew about him planning to put away for Nikko -- why else? Again, he is the one who suggested this marriage in the first place."

  "With Chino agreeing to go along with it."

  "Because he's convinced he'll get something out of it for his son, or so he keeps saying... Speaking of which, what do you know about him and Deborah possibly having a thing back in the day?"

  He blinked and rattled his head. "What role is she playing in all this?"

  "None yet, but when I saw her at the club yesterday, she mentioned knowing him, though she was insistent in saying she'd never met Nikko. What do you know about their history?"

  "Not a goddamn thing, Cheyenne, and I'd like to keep it that way."

  "You don't know if they ever hooked up?"

  "Fuckin' no. Maybe one of the others knows something, but I never saw 'em clicking like that when she'd roll around out there; always acted like he pissed her off when she saw his face. She lead you into thinking some shit otherwise?"

  I looked behind him and swallowed hard. "Do you know anything about her hooking up with Ronaldo?"

  "The fuckin' Gambiano?!" he shrieked. "Jesus Christ -- Where the hell did you hear that shit?"

  "He came to the club looking for Snake and spilled all to Brandi while half drunk and looking to get laid. I'm wondering if he knows that she's back in town."

  "A fuckin' Gambiano's got tabs on any and everybody they need at any goddamn time; if he's using Deborah for pussy, he knows where the fuck she is right goddamn now."


  He made a face. "You mention any of this shit about those two to Snake?"

  "No. Because if he knows, there's something more to all of this than he's willing to admit to me or anyone else."

  "And if he's got no goddamn clue?"

  "I don't believe that he doesn't, Nix."

  He folded his arms and exhaled. "You tell Nikko about Taz's mother knowing his old man?"

  "No... I need more information on their history before dropping that bomb on him."

  "You know those two assholes met up last night."

  "I do. Taz told you about it?"

  "Yep. He ain't remotely fond of your white boy, Cheyenne."

  "That's a personal problem, and not one I'm looking to have right now for myself."

  He wagged his head. "Baby girl, you are walking on some thin ass ice with this shit; got yourself swimming into some deep ass waters you might not be able to climb out of."

  "But you believe there's a chance I'm right in Snake stealing that money and using Lena to help frame Rox," I said. He remained quiet. "You know the chance of him using the opportunity of me marrying Nikko to get more money for himself is high as hell. Why else flip out about the possibility of us staying married long after this is done? Why the hell would he care?"

  "Loco told you about that shit?"

  "Of course. And considering I never said something like that to him in the first place...?"

  "He's scared, Cheyenne--"

  "Of getting caught. I call bullshit on anything else and so should you."

  He groaned. "What the fuck do you want me to do with all this shit?"

  "Back me up in my need to dig into more of what the hell is going on with Snake and the club and why. Find out what the hell Deborah is doing back here beyond Taz and for how long she's staying when she can't help Rox with the money. And I need to know for a fact if Ronaldo is aware that she's back, and why the hell he might be fine with it if so."

  "I don't know how the fuck to get any of that shit without Marleena's help."

  "She wouldn't spill even if she knew," I said. "Not with her still refusing to give up who the hell attacked her and why."

  "Maybe if I threw in some shit about Deborah possibly knowing something."

  My brows lifted as my chin dropped. "Lie? You think she'll believe you?"

  "I think she'll start talking if she thinks her 'old friend' might've found a way to get her fucked up for her own goddamn reasons."

  "An old friend without a dick," I muttered. He snickered. "Listen, I don't want any of this mentioned to Taz until we find out more of what the hell is going on with everyone else."

  He nodded. "What about you and your boy?"

  "When I know more about his mother's relationship with Chino or anything else, I'll tell him. Until then, he's on a need to know basis unless this escalates."

  "You think he's gonna be good with that shit?"

  "Right now, he doesn't have much of a choice; neither do I."

  "You got plenty, Cheyenne."

  "How so?"

  He eyed me for a long while before dragging his hand across his mouth. "You know shit is gonna hit the fan if truth comes out about Snake actually stealing from the club and framing your old man... Not a single muthafucka wants Taz as Prez in knowing how he became VP in the first goddamn place."

  "I know. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

  "If we manage to get our asses there."

  "We will. Trust me on that."

  He lifted a hand to squeeze my arm with affection, then bent forward and kissed my forehead. "Let me head the fuck out and see what I can find before getting back to the club and garage."

  "You'll let me know before the day is up if there's anything?"

  He nodded again before stepping out of the room.

  After walking him back through the foyer and out the front door, I headed into the kitchen to find Nikko with a spatula in one hand and the other wrapped around a phone, muttering into the speaker.

  "Yeah, alright." When he saw me moving toward him, he dropped back against the counter near the sink and exhaled while shaking his head. "Just let me know when and where the hell to meet up, old man, and I'll be there." After slamming his thumb on top of the OFF button, he tossed the phone onto the counter and grunted. "God. Fuckin'. Dammit."

  "What is it?" I questioned.

  "Benny. Son of a bitch wants to see my ass when he gets back from a business trip next week about some shit he claims he can't tell me over the phone."

  "Does he fear you've suddenly been tapped?"

  "I don't fuckin' know -- just said it's urgent as fuck."

  "Maybe it is."

  He threw the spatula near the stove, then reached for me, slipping his arms around my waist and pulling me to him. "Comm'ere, baby." He grinned while leaning into my face. "I ain't in the mood for his shit -- not now, not later."

  "I can't exactly blame you for that, but... maybe you should hear him out; because there's a chance it could be about the Gambiano's or Rox."

  "You talked to your old man last night though, yeah?"

  "I did, briefly; just enough to let him know that I don't necessarily believe Snake in the hope that he'd be willing to give me more information on anything else I asked if needed."

  His eyes darted behind me as he jerked his chin. "What'd Nix have to say about all this shi

  "He's willing to help me figure out the truth."

  "What about Taz?"

  "What about him?"

  "His involvement in all this shit too, Cheyenne."

  I pulled back and shook my head. "He's as much involved as the others, but--"

  "His mother is the one fuckin' around with a Gambiano. We've still got no goddamn idea where that shit could lead."

  "I'm working on that with Nix's help. If he finds out something worth knowing soon enough, he'll let me know before the day is over."

  "You're sure?" I nodded. He lowered his eyes between us and mumbled. "Alright."

  "What's for breakfast?"

  He snickered. "You."

  "I'm being serious."

  "So the fuck am I, baby." He bent forward to kiss me unexpectedly, taking my face in his hands and parting his lips to drag his tongue along the edge of my own. "Goddamn." My body reacted almost instantly. My nipples hardened as a slick pool of need for more of his touch formed between my legs, forcing my knees together. "Baby..." His hand lowered from my face as he dragged his fingers alongside my throat, between my breasts and across my stomach before reaching my shorts.

  I pushed away from him before he could move any further and swallowed hard. He groaned as his eyes reopened and flared his nostrils while gritting his teeth.

  "I think a cold shower is needed before we take this any further ahead of having breakfast again," I said.

  "That's the kinda shit I was counting on with you, baby. I told you I'm hungry for something more than food right about now."

  "As always."

  He grinned. "Just like you begging.... I need to keep my mind on something good and you're the only thing I've got left. Only goddamn thing I think I might've ever had."

  "That's promising, but we should... try finishing this later," I replied, throwing my arms around him and lifting to my toes to brush my mouth against his lips. "Okay?"



  "With you out here tasting like a goddamn sin...? Jesus... Fuck no, Cheyenne." He deeply exhaled between my lips, the taste of him swimming across my tongue. "Everything about you lights me up like nothing I've ever had before now, baby."



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