The Witch's Vampire

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The Witch's Vampire Page 18

by Jami Brumfield

  “Sof, where are you?” The blood in his body began to race at hearing her voice. Silently he prayed her voice wasn’t someone playing a trick on him. If she escaped the gods he would be able to rest easy tonight.

  “Home. Tiffany is awake and my mother sacrificed herself to make sure I escaped.” Sophie figured getting it all out right away was the best method. That way it didn’t hurt so badly when she told him she was going back in.

  “How in Hades did she do that?” Giovanni was confused, but grateful to Regina. She gave Sophie back to him and he was never going to let her go.

  “She threw me off a cliff.” Sophie couldn’t hold the chuckle back. It was the second time in so many days she’d been thrown off a cliff to make sure she’d wake up. Ridiculous as it may seem, it works every time. Her fear of heights was diminishing faster than she could imagine.

  “She did what?”

  “A dream cliff… anyway, it doesn’t matter. I needed to call you and let you know I was safe so you didn’t do anything stupid like betray Thanatos.”

  “I wasn’t planning on it. Wherever did you get that idea?” Although the thought had crossed his mind.

  “Eros and Deimos thought you had no choice. They said you’d choose me over him. I told them you wouldn’t.”

  Sophie’s words reconfirmed with Gio how dangerous her situation was. They’d use her to keep him in line and by the gods he’d do what he needed to save her. “Sophie, the sun is coming up and I’m not going to be able to protect you. I need you to stay with Thanatos.” Gio glanced over at T, and Thanatos nodded. “He’ll keep you safe while I can’t.” It killed him to say the words. Ripped him apart to know he couldn’t keep her safe always. Damn curse!

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Gio. I don’t need protection. In case you haven’t noticed I’ve been able to get out of some nasty situations all by myself.”

  Gio knew she was right, but he wasn’t taking a chance. “It’s either Thanatos or Marissa. Your choice.”

  Sophie knew she could keep arguing with him until the sun came up, but they didn’t have the time to play around. “Look, maybe I can help Thanatos with getting a meeting with the council.”

  Gio smiled to himself, amused that she gave in while still winning her independence. She may have Beatrice’s soul, but she was also all her own person, too. “I hope you can do better than I have. It appears everyone is involved in the manhunt for Christopher, my father, and Luke.”

  “Weren’t you…”

  “Yes, but let’s keep that between us.”

  “Do you know where Christopher is? His sister would like to have a few words with him.” Sophie asked, taking the hint and keeping his secret.

  “Is she awake?” Giovanni was unable to keep the surprise from his voice.

  “Yes, and healing fast.” Pride was strong in her voice.

  “You’re a remarkable woman, Sophie Waters. Congratulations on your first official healing act.” Something swelled his chest. It felt like admiration for the woman he was falling for. She was a fighter. She was her own woman. He was falling head over heels for her, and there was very little he could do about it. He only hoped his feelings weren’t because she was Beatrice because Sophie was different, and she deserved to be loved just as Bea was.

  Sophie’s grin came through her voice in the phone. “It was a joint effort. Tiffany is just as strong as I am when she wants something.” Sophie sighed heavily into the phone. “Speaking of, I’m going back in to get my mother.”

  “Like hell you are!” Giovanni snapped.

  “Don’t you use that tone with me, mister!” Sophie chided back. “If you’re going to care for me you better know I’m my own woman, and I will do anything to protect those I love.” Sophie’s voice got softer because she knew he was only trying to protect her. “I have to save her, Gio. She’s my mother.” Tears stung the back of her eyes and Gio could hear the wavering in her voice through the phone.

  “Okay, we’ll do it together. You and me. Promise me you’ll wait for me.”

  “The longer I wait the more that can happen to her.”

  “Promise me.” His voice shook as he pleaded with her. He wasn’t a begging man, but he was in this case.

  Sophie mulled over her options, thinking things through. On one hand she probably needed help, but on the other hand, she couldn’t wait until sundown, could she? If she waited and something happened she’d never forgive herself or him. But if she didn’t wait and she failed, he’d be alone again, and she’d be dead. The town needed a witch doctor. Sometimes the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. The ethical school of thought echoed in her mind. In this case, it was most likely the right choice to wait.


  Gio’s heart soared, and he closed his eyes against the fear he felt at losing her. “We’ll go as soon as we can. I promise you, Sophie.”

  “Sophie?” Christopher’s voice came in loud and clear over the phone. Both Gio and Sophie froze. Her heart sped up and Gio’s heart dropped to his feet. “Hang up the phone, Sophie.” Christopher said.

  The line went dead before Gio could speak another word.

  Thanatos, who heard the conversation thanks to his enhanced hearing, was already heading toward the door. “Don’t worry, Giovanni, I’ll get her and keep her safe.” He was gone before Gio could speak.

  He should be the one saving his girl. He shouldn’t have to rely on other people to rescue her. Damn this curse! He slammed his hand into the wall just as sleep started its slow flow into his body. He fought against his need to run after her and forced his feet to step toward the sleeping rooms of the headquarters. It wouldn’t be very prince-like to fall into the paralytic sleep in the middle of the waiting room. He knew T would do everything he could to save Sophie. Hell, he brought her back to him, but it was his male ego that cursed his reality. All he wanted was to protect her, keep her safe and forever at his side. If they made it out of this situation alive, and she was willing, he’d engage the mating ritual and then they’d live together as immortals. His daylight curse would disappear and her mortality curse would be removed as an obstacle as well.

  He found his bed, and had just enough time to remove his shoes before the sleep hormones made it impossible to move. His last vision was of Sophie’s smiling face, and his last thought was her promise to be his girl. His last words were a prayer to Thanatos to keep her safe and a promise to anyone listening that he’d kill Christopher if anything happened to her.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Sophie held the line open on the phone and turned toward Christopher’s voice. Tiffany was sleeping in the bed, recovering quickly from her trauma. Sophie cast a glance in Tiffany’s direction to make sure she was still resting peacefully, then finished her turn to Christopher.

  “Hang up the phone, Sophie.” Christopher’s voice was full of menace, his eyes dangerous. His body was bruised and Sophie thought she saw desperation in his face. He reminded her of an injured animal that was being cornered.

  She hung up the phone and smiled brilliantly, even though she didn’t feel it. She needed to let him know she didn’t feel threatened. She needed to make sure he knew she was not going to hurt him. He’d been through enough at the hands of this town. “Christopher, they’re looking for you. How’d you get in here?”

  A terrible smile broke out across his face. The cut on his lip opened and blood flowed slowly down his chin. Sophie’s heart broke. She could feel the pain his body was in from across the room. “Christopher, you should let me help you.”

  He shook his head. “I’m only here for my sister.”

  “Tiffany is awake from her coma and healing nicely.

  “Good, then I can take her with me.” His voice gruff, his body beaten, he was a mess. So far gone was the cute man she met in the club a few nights ago. A lot can happen in a few days.

  “She needs to rest and being on the run is not the best place for her right now.” Sophie stepped towards Tiffany’s sleeping form. “I can
’t let you take her.” She put her hands out to stop his approach and he cringed. She dropped her hands to her side quickly remembering the pain she caused him with just a touch.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Sophie, but I will if you don’t release my sister to me.” The leveling look he gave her was more dangerous than she’d ever seen from him.

  Sophie sucked in some air and forged through the dagger-sharp look she was getting from him. “Listen, turn yourself in and we’ll set it up so she can visit you.”

  “Do you know what they want to do to me, Sophie?” His voice raised an octave or two and Sophie worried he’d wake Tiffany. “They want to let a telepath roam around in my head to acquire information to stop this war. I won’t let that happen.” He shoved her out of the way and hobbled the rest of the way to Tiffany’s side.

  His loud voice must’ve woken her up. She was glaring at him from her half-sitting half-lying position on the bed. “That won’t happen, brother, because you’re going to tell them everything they want to know.”

  He shook his head slowly, “I won’t.”

  “You will if you want me in your life.”

  Christopher collapsed to the ground in defeat. Sophie’s heart broke as she watched Tiffany apply tough love to her brother. She knew the bond they shared. She knew how they both loved each other in their own way. They were all they had for so long. Tears slid down both Tiffany’s and Christopher’s faces, and for the first time since she found out about all this crazy stuff she was thankful she had the gift to heal.

  She knelt beside Christopher and reached a hand out to touch him. He flinched and she stopped midway. “May I?”

  Christopher looked to Tiffany for direction and his sister nodded with a tender smile. He nodded to Sophie, and she placed a hand on his face. Closing her eyes she connected to the love in her heart and felt the power flow from her to him; taking on his pain momentarily before sending it out into the universe. They sat there for a few minutes while Sophie worked her witch magic, and when she was done he looked as handsome as the day she met him.

  “There is my gorgeous little brother.” Tiffany grinned as she laid back down. A painful whimper escaped her lips with the movement.

  “You’re still pretty weak, Tiffany. Your ribs haven’t completely mended either. You shouldn’t move around very much.” Sophie placed a hand on Tiffany’s and smiled a silent thank you to the girl as she poured a little calming magic into her body. It was amazing how with a simple touch she could see what was wrong with her patient.

  “Stop fussing, Sophie. I’m healing just fine.” Tiffany said as she braced her ribs with her hand and offered a grateful smile.

  Christopher rushed to her other side. “Tiff, I was so worried. I’m so glad you’re okay.” He took her hand in his shaky one and wiped away unshed tears from his eyes.

  “I’m glad I’m okay, too, thanks to Sophie. But things need to change. No more hunting jobs. Promise me.”

  Christopher looked nervously toward Sophie, “this wasn’t a hunting…”

  “And no more lies. It’s time to set down some roots and make friends, and I can’t think of a better place than Mystery Springs.”

  “I guess I’ll leave you two to talk things over.” Sophie smiled as she made her way toward the door. Just as she went to turn the knob the door slammed open and Thanatos, her father, and Carter were standing in the doorway looking like they were ready for a battle. She pushed them back and closed the door. “Let’s give them a few minutes.”

  “Sophie, that’s my prisoner in there.” Carter moved to open the door behind her.

  Sophie stood her ground, crossed her arms over her chest, and raised a dark eyebrow. “He’s not going anywhere.”

  “He’s a fugitive. He’ll go out the window.” Carter flipped on his walkie talkie and barked out orders to watch the north perimeter of the house.

  “He won’t go out the window, Captain. Give him a few minutes with his sister and I’m sure you’ll find him far more cooperative. You won’t need the telepath, either.”

  Carter looked to Thanatos and Rafe for help. They both shrugged. “She’s the witch doctor.” Thanatos said with a healthy grin.

  “And she’s her mother’s daughter.” Rafe added.

  “Five minutes.” He looked to Sophie for confirmation who nodded in agreement. “Five minutes, Christopher.” He yelled through the door.

  Sophie breathed a sigh of relief and turned to her father. “I’m a little tired, daddy.”

  “You can’t go to sleep right now, Sophie. The dream weavers are waiting for you to return.” Thanatos advised.

  Sophie yawned, she’d almost forgotten the promise she made to Gio. Thankfully, Death was at her door to remind her. “Okay, what shall we do to get this plan moving?”

  “Now that we have Christopher in custody we should try and call a council meeting once again.” Thanatos replied.

  “Good, and if I’m going to stay awake I think I need a caffeine IV hooked up to my arm. But coffee will have to do.” Sophie headed downstairs toward the kitchen.

  Sophie heard Carter say “that’s one hell of a daughter you have there, Rafe” as she made her way down the stairs to the kitchen.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Giovanni woke with a start the moment the sun set. His first thought was to find Sophie and make sure she was okay. He jumped out of bed and quickly changed into a spare pair of jeans. He grabbed his phone and flipped it open to call Sophie when the door opened and his beautiful brunette girlfriend walked in with a killer smile. She was wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a dark green t-shirt that made her emerald eyes sparkle. Her red painted lips curved up into an evil smile as she took in his bare chest. “Well, now that is an image I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of seeing.” Her voice was like a ray of sunshine in his dark world.

  He growled low and rushed to her side. His arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her close against him. “Ditto, babe.”

  He didn’t wait for a reply before he pressed his hungry lips to hers. A moan escaped her lips, and he lost control as he deepened the kiss. He loved the way she responded to him. His free hand slammed the door closed and locked it before he took a few steps back towards the bed. She tasted like honey and sunlight, and her generous touches only drove his passion faster over the edge.

  The bed frame pressed against the back of his calves forcing him to sit down. Sophie giggled when he fell into a sitting position. He snaked his hand around her waist and pulled her onto his lap. “I’m not finished with my greeting yet.” He grinned dangerously as his lips fell inches from her ear, his cool breath sending shivers through her body.

  Sophie sucked in a breath as familiar sensations travelled along her skin where his hands touched. His fingers slid under her shirt and the cool touch grew warm as it spread through her midsection. “You are going to be the death of me, woman.” He growled as he nibbled on her earlobe and rained kisses from her neck to her jaw. His fingers moved up her torso and found their destination at the bra line. His lips crushed against her lips hungrily needing to drink in her essence as his hand squeezed her breast. She arched toward him and lost control.

  She felt evidence of his desire pressing against her jeans as their hips gyrated together. The only thing keeping them from pushing the limits of their passion and making love in that moment was their clothes.

  Sophie’s hands reveled in the investigation of the planes of his solid chest and six pack abs. She loved the way his skin was cool to the touch, but ignited fire in her body and soul. She knew the rest of him was just as hard and ready for her. It would be so easy to fall into bed with him right now and forget about all the horrible things happening around them. To sink into his protective arms and let the rest of the world just fade away.

  He reluctantly pulled his head back and stared, searching her eyes. “There’s something you need to know before we go any further, Sophie.”

  She could see the battle raging in his gorgeous eyes. Instinc
tively, she kissed his forehead and cupped his cheeks with her hands. She didn’t understand why, but she knew she could trust him. She didn’t understand why, but she knew their connection was deeper than any other she’d ever had with anyone else in her life. She was in tune to his every need. She even felt his hunger. “Do you need to feed?”

  “What?” Giovanni shook his head trying to focus on the words she was speaking. His mind was so focused on how he was going to tell her about Beatrice that he wasn’t quite sure he heard her right. He knew she was scared of the idea of him feeding on her, and he’d never do that without her permission.

  “Because if you’re hungry it’s okay. You can drink from me. I trust you. I don’t know why, but I trust you.” She tilted her head to expose her neck to him and he almost lost all control as his incisors lengthened at the delicate treat she was offering him. He closed his eyes tight against the urge that raged in his body to claim her, all of her.


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