Widow (Reapers MC Book 4)

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Widow (Reapers MC Book 4) Page 14

by Elizabeth Knox


  One day someone will walk into your life and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else.



  “What’s that look on your face for?” Damon asks me. We’re about ten minutes out from raining hell down on Ricardo and I just got the strangest text.

  From: Unknown

  Heard you’ve been pissin’ off the wrong people, boy. Blood or not. I’ll make the lot of you pay.

  There’s only one person on this planet who has ever referred to me as boy. A man who couldn’t bother to step up when he needed to. Because of that fact, I was thrown around in the foster care system time and time again, going from home to home. I hold my phone up to Damon, who is the only person I’ve ever told in my entire life about my father. Melody never even knew much about him, just that he was a deadbeat dad.

  “Is that from your Pops?”

  I shoot him a glare that tells Damon never to call him that again. He knows a lot of the grimy details of my past, including how he chose to stay in Canada and let me be raised by strangers. Strangers, who saw it fit to beat me until I turned blue for doing nothing wrong. He could’ve saved me from being in the foster care system, but he didn’t. Instead, on my fuckin’ eighteenth birthday, he shows up out of the blue and tells me he wants me in his club – the Sinister Mortals MC.

  At that time, I would’ve done anything to get off the path I was going. I didn’t know many people, and it was before I was really involved in the life. Long story short, I did a lot of shit for my dear ol’ dad that most wouldn’t have. I became his fuckin’ pawn. It took me a while, but I was able to get out of his grasp and ultimately found the Brotherhood MC. That is where I was able to find the true meaning of family.

  Ever since we parted ways, he’s been pulling stunts like this. I don’t even know how he was able to get my new number. “Could be some spam, someone playin’ a prank or some shit.”

  “Or it could be Demon deciding to stir up some shit.” Demon, his road name is so fitting.

  “Really? You think Rafael is sending my deadbeat of a father after the club?” Just as I ask, Damon gives me a look that tells me it’s exactly what he’s thinking. His brows furrow together as he stares.

  “My uncle loves to make shit personal. What’s more, personal than sending the Sinister Mortals MC after us? Shit, he’s sending your father. It has Rafael written all over it.”

  I shake my head, taking in a deep breath. “Motherfucker. I guess we’ll see soon enough what he’s doing. What is it you said, you don’t know if it’s tomorrow, or a year from now?”

  Damon nods, “Sure did.”

  “Well then, why don’t we just handle the enemy we’re all too familiar with for now. We can worry about Demon and his childish antics later. We both know this probably won’t be the first text I receive from him.”

  We round up all the men and meet, going over our plan one more time. This won’t be as easy as the compound in Vegas was. We don’t have blueprints, or anything that will give us the one up that I think we need in order to make sure there are no errors. It’s a roll of the dice, and that makes me nervous. I would never admit that to Damon or any of the brothers, but it’s smart to be nervous at times. It shows that I’m not a cocky motherfucker.

  “Remember, when we leave, we don’t travel together. We travel in two formations.” Damon reminds us. There’s a good chance the police down here are going to come after us if they hear about what’s going down. If they do, it’ll be easier for us to get outta here being split up. If we’re together, we may be easier to track. After all, it’ll be easier to spot a giant pack of bikers riding alongside one another. If we’re in two formations, we could just look like tourists enjoying the countryside.

  After we all come to an agreement, we head out, going to where Lennox’s friend said Ricardo and his remaining snakes would be. “I can’t wait to cut off some heads.” Dixon hollers over to me, smirking like a crazy motherfucker. If I expected anyone to say that, it would’ve been Cobra, but he’s back in Vegas. Crazy shit comes outta his mouth all the time.

  The two groups split apart, going around the building. It’s a warehouse. Isn’t that typical? Most of the shady shit in life happens in places like this. Buildings that are a little bit out of the way, but not too far to where you couldn’t pop on a main highway and disappear like a bat out of hell if you needed to.

  I see that we’re made when a Mexican man comes out of a door and starts hollering. If that doesn’t point it out, when he raises his gun and starts shooting, that confirms it for me. I start to move in a circle to park my bike behind a shed type of building as the others do, but the van comes to a halt and the Jackal’s all come piling out. A few of them go to the right around the building, while others head torwards the left. They’re splitting up, and while I know that they have a set plan of attack, I couldn’t tell ya what they have up their sleeves. I see one Jackal though, she has her shirt, or something caught in the door of the van, and this Mexican dude is trying to take an opportunity to axe her before she can do the same to him.

  I watch as she pulls her shirt, trying to get it free from the door, but it’s not budging. The driver too had just jumped out when the rest did, and she’s trying to open the door, but nothing happens. Fuck. This isn’t going to be good. He aims his gun and I take this as my moment to interject. I don’t raise my gun and shoot him like I should. Instead, I act like a fuckin’ idiot. I can’t believe I’m doin’ this shit as I increase my speed, my target being this culo of a motherfucker.

  Before he knows what hits him – I do. I mean that in a literal sense. I hit him, with my fuckin’ bike. I don’t go fast enough to where I’d get thrown off, and honestly, I’m shocked I still didn’t get my ass flying off this thing. I feel the crunch of his body hit the ground and turn my bike, staring him down. He’s sure as fuck not dead, but that’ll change in a minute. I ride over him again, and, repeat the process a good few times until I know this fucker isn’t going to move another inch. After I’m satisfied, I park my bike next to the van and yank out my pocket knife, cutting the girl free.

  “I’m starting to think you enjoy saving my life.” Shit, it’s the girl from yesterday.

  “And I’m startin’ to think you have the worst luck on the planet.”

  She chuckles as she runs off, “Yeah, well my bad luck is just giving you brownie points. I’ll be sure to tell Sphynx you’ve been saving my ass.”

  I hear the sounds of guns firing repeatedly, and dart in that direction. The noise is coming from inside the warehouse, so that is where I go. I open the door once I get there to a scene that I can’t believe. If Cobra was here, I’m sure he’d make some dig at me being late to the party again.

  Ricardo is in the middle of the room, bodies lay around him, almost like in some satanic circle or some shit. “You fuckin’ heard me. Take your clothes off. It’s not like you have a choice in the matter, you piece of shit.”

  Ricardo looks around and I know what he’s doing. Bastard is trying to look for an out, for a way to escape this madness, but there’s no way any of us will let him. “I take it that this was the last of your members.” Damon says to him, interrupting Booger.

  “You Reapers are animals, attacking in the way you did. Where is your honor? Why not fight like real men?” Ricardo spits out at my Prez.

  “Real men? REAL MEN!?” Booger roars, causing the entire room to redirect their attention to him. “What type of man cuts off a girl’s clit? She was a fuckin’ child when she was with you! You mutilated a child!”

  Holy. Fuck.

  Ricardo sneers, smirking up at Booger. “You’ve seen her. That girl has never looked like a child with the rack on her.”

  I’m a good fifty feet away from Booger and I can see he’s lost all control. He unsheathes his knife, and charges for him, raising it and shoving it into Ricardo’s body. He pulls it free and stabs him again, going from the torso, to his privates, back to his torso.
Ricardo falls to the floor and still Booger continues to stab him. If Ricardo had done the same to any woman I loved, I’d be doing the same thing, if not something worse.

  After not even five minutes of this, Damon walks up to Booger and places his hand on his shoulder. “He’s gone, brother. You’ve done well. You’ve gotten your justice for her.” Booger looks down at the lifeless body, blood covering his face and stands.

  We may have won one battle, but a war is coming. I don’t know when. I don’t know where. But the war is coming, and we need to make sure that we’re prepared for it.

  When we get back home, we need to talk to Fist as soon as possible. This is something that all of the charters need to be aware of. We’d be stupid to think that it’s only going to affect Vegas. If Demon is coming, it means an army is coming with him. Fuck, we may even need our allies alongside us in this fight. I just hope we’re ready for it when the war comes our way.


  Sometimes the smallest things take the most room in your heart.



  “Daddy! Are you ready?” I hear Zoe shouting from the other end of the hallway, dead set on not showing me what she decided to dress up as.

  “I think I’ve been ready for the last thirty minutes, kiddo. C’mon out.” I holler back to her, holding her mom’s dog in my lap. It is a cute little bag of skin if I’ve ever seen one. I gotta say, Nikolai picked one weird ass dog for Melody, but it’s just like her, weird as fuck. Still can’t call her Rebel and I don’t think that I’ll ever be able to. To me, she’ll always be Melody.

  I hear the stomping pitter patter of feet, and right before my eyes, I see the prettiest princess grace me with her presence. I stand up and bow to her, “How beautiful you look, m’lady.”

  I don’t hear a reply, but Tania is cackling next to me and Zoe’s face says it all. “Uh … what are you doing? Don’t make me put a spell on you! I’m a fairy and I can do whatever I want, mister.”

  I turn back to Melody who’s trying to cover up the smirk that’s across her face. “She’s not a princess?” I whisper yell over to her, and she shakes her head.

  “She changed her mind, again.”

  “Listen up! I’m Zoe, and I’m a pretty dope fairy. Got it?!” Zoe growls out to all of us.

  Melody isn’t saying a word, cause the only type of sound that’ll be spilling out of her mouth is ridiculous laughter. “At this rate, I’m wondering if you’re a dark fairy.” I tell Zoe who looks a tad bit confused.

  “Momma, what’s a dark fairy?”

  “It’s a … evil fairy I guess.”

  Zoe smacks me with her hand, “That’s not nice, Daddy! I’m not evil!”

  “You are your mother’s child …” I murmur lowly. I can tell Tania heard me because she gives me a knowing look. You know, the one that all women give ya when you’ve done something wrong.

  Zoe grunts loudly and runs over to the door, “C’mon! We have to get all the candy before Savannah does!”

  I take Tania’s hand in mine and we walk towards Melody and Nikolai, all following Zoe on her fearless mission to get all the candy. “Who’s Savannah?”

  “Oh, she’s this neighborhood kid that’s kind of a bully. She pushes all the little ones around and tries to steal their candy.”

  “She does what? Little shit.” Tania hisses, “Let me see this kid try to steal someone else’s candy. I have no shame in stealing hers and make the little baby cry in front of all her friends. Bloody arsehole. You know, arsehole parents raise arsehole kids.”

  Melody chuckles, “Where did you find this one? I like her.”

  “You only like her because she has an accent.” Nikolai teases Melody and she smacks him in the stomach.

  “Stop it, I do not have an accent fetish. I like her cause she stands her ground and knows what’s right. But seriously, how did you two meet?”

  Tania and I both look at one another, and for the first time since I’ve known her, she’s not wearing a mask. I mean she is, but she isn’t. She painted her face to make her look like a Sphynx cat instead of wearing the mask that she always does, and she has a matching outfit.

  Both of us smirk at one another, furrowing our brows. I think we’re thinking the same thing, wondering if we tell Melody the truth or leave it plain Jane. There’s nothing simple about our relationship though, and we’re not even really in a relationship. We still haven’t even had that conversation, but I hope we do soon.

  “We met through work,” Tania tells her, “It was unexpected, but he’s a bloody bastard who always wants to get his damn way.”

  Melody nods, “Oh, he’s stubborn as hell.”

  The four of us continue following Zoe from house to house, watching as my little fairy gets all the candy that her little heart desires. It makes me happy, seeing her smile this big. If anything, it just shows me that no matter what is happening between Melody and I …we always need to make sure she’s happy. Melody and I can bicker and fight, but at the end of the day, Zoe is what’s important and we always need to be a unified front when it comes to our daughter.

  So far, I think we’ve both been handling this pretty fucking well.

  “So, are you sticking around for a while, Tania?” Melody’s question nearly knocks me over. I haven’t even gotten an answer from Tania about that.

  Tania slyly smirks at me before answering, “I think I’ll be travelling a lot for work … but I have a feeling I’ll be sticking around for quite a while. You know, as long as Widow doesn’t have a problem with that.”

  “No, I don’t think I’ll have a problem with that at all. We should probably talk about your work schedule, though.” I say, and we spend the next two hours trick or treating until my little girl’s heart is content.

  When we get back to her mom’s house, she’s exhausted but still smiling up a storm. I pick up my little fairy and whisk her away back to her room, slide her under the covers and read her a bedtime story goodnight. Before I’m half way done, she’s out.

  I make my way out to the living room and see Tania and Melody talking, which is surprising. I didn’t think that these two would be getting along very well. Then again, Nikolai and I might’ve had a problem at first, but we’re doing pretty good if you ask me.

  “Thanks for coming out tonight. She was really happy you were here.” Melody says, and Nikolai gives a curt nod behind her.

  “It’s my job, Mel. I’ll be here anytime she needs me to be.” She doesn’t get pissed at me calling her Mel, but smiles at me which blows my mind. She nearly bit my head off before for calling her Melody. “Tania and I are going to get out of here though. I’ll see her on Friday for dinner.”

  “Alright. Drive safe. Tania, it was nice to meet you, and for what it’s worth, I hope he doesn’t scare you off.”

  Tania laughs, “It’s more likely that I’ll be the one scaring him off.” Both of the women laugh as Tania slips her hand into mine. The two of us head for the front door and once we’re outside, I ask her the question I’ve been dying to for the last couple hours.

  “So, you’re plannin’ on stickin’ around?” I stop walking and let her take a few steps ahead of me. If I keep walking, she’s just gonna avoid what I’ve asked.

  Tania stops and turns her body towards me, “I’m gonna be gone a lot.”

  “You didn’t answer my question. Are you staying here … with me, when you’re not off doing whatever it is y’all do?”

  “I might just have to stay around … during my free time, if it so pleases me.” She’s fuckin’ playing hard to get right now.

  This woman, I swear. She makes me wanna rip my hair out and pin her up against the wall at the exact same fucking time.

  “Tania, for once just be straight with me. Do you want what I want?”

  “Okay, caveman. You realize I have no bloody fuckin’ clue what you want because you don’t ever tell me!” She throws her hands up in the air, “If you want something, use your words!”

p; “Fine!” I charge up to her, snaking one hand behind her waist while I grab her throat with the other, pinning her against one of Melody’s cars. “I want you to be my bitch, my ride or die. I want you to be my girl and see where this goes. I’m not proposin’ marriage or any of that crazy shit, but I fuckin’ want you, woman.”

  “See, was it really that hard?” She asks me in a smartass tone. All I can do is shake my head from side to side, trying not to let her know she has me on the verge of laughter. Instead of talkin’, calling her a smartass or some other shit, I press my lips on hers and kiss the daylights out of her.

  If there’s anything I’ve learned over these past few weeks, it’s that life is full of surprises. Sometimes the best things that come into our lives are a shock, but the greatest blessing we will ever receive. I don’t know what the future holds for all of us, but I’m betting that we’re gonna be fine. Melody and I are going to co-parent our little girl with our significant others, and everything is gonna be just fine.


  Dear Readers,

  Thank you so much for your support!

  This book is so unique, nothing like I have ever written before. I hope that you all enjoyed the storyline. When I’d first written it, I had originally planned for Rebel and Widow to reunite …but Zoe told me that couldn’t happen. She knew her parents would have been toxic if they got back together, and so the story became about overcoming the pain of the past and moving on.

  This has been one of my favorite stories to write, and I hope that you’ve all enjoyed it, even if it was an unconventional romance book. I’m hardcore shippers of #Rebolai and #Wania. If y’all come up with better couple names for them, please let me know. I’d love to hear them!

  I know that Widow must have left you all with lots of questions. As you all know, I answer them in the same series, especially if they’re major plot pieces.


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