A Lesson in Vengeance

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A Lesson in Vengeance Page 8

by Katrina Eluvae

  "You can read?" She sounded so stupid to herself. Where was the confident, cool Raaya when this man was around?

  "Indeed. We have the same teacher, you and I. Merrin taught me when I was just a boy. Might I sit next to you?"

  "Of course." Raaya moved over on the couch to make room for him. She pointed at the word that was giving her trouble, "I seem to be struggling with these two letters here. "

  "C-h... the word is cherished."

  "Cherished... The God Visala was the most cherished de-"


  "Deity... of the an...cie...nt... world."

  "I always thought it helped to read allowed." Captain Greynon observed.

  "Yes... yes, it is. But the noise won't trouble you?" Captain Greynon shook his head.

  "It is my duty to help you in any way I can, my lady."

  "I... thank you." There was a long pause.

  "Please, continue. There are some fascinating myths associated with Visala." Raaya began to read allowed again.


  Lord Borus sat at his desk, deep in his paperwork again. He wiped the sweat from his brow. Even in the keep, it was uncomfortably warm, unusual for this time of year. He could only imagine what it was like deep in the desert where his friend and harem women were now. He had not received word from them since they left, but did not expect to for a few more weeks yet, after they met with the tribes. He could only assume that no news was good news.

  In the mean time, he had his own problems. General Tsogai had long overstayed his welcome. A visit that was supposed to be a couple of days was going on it's third week. He had taken over Master Tallus's quarters, causing the adviser to be in foul spirits. He had also taken quite a liking to Nelana, which was causing Lord Borus to be in foul spirits. She stayed in his room all hours of the day and night, and he spent the majority of his time in there with her as well. Lord Borus was beginning to fear that he would have to give up one of his harem girls for good. Not that he should have expected less from Nelana. She was one of the Highborn before she joined the harem, and like most of her kind she was ever the social climber. The wife, or even mistress of a powerful General was exactly the sort of life she had always dreamed of. Tsogai seemed so taken with her that Lord Borus expected him to arrive to negotiate for her any day now.

  At least it kept him away from the rest of the harem women. Lord Borus was so glad, with the welcoming ceremony out of the way, and the keep settling down he was able to spend time releasing stress in the menagerie on a regular basis. He thought of all of his women, and was pleased to find that once again it calmed him. He would have to pay them a visit ... after he finished his paperwork, of course.


  Nelana lay sprawled out, naked, on the large feather mattress. The day was far too hot, and the slight breeze coming in through the double glass doors that led to the balcony gave little relief. Oh well, just one more excuse to spend time staring out of them down to the courtyard below. The menagerie didn't have views like this, and Nelana was enjoying it to the fullest. She took a sip of cold fruity wine from the glass on a small table by the bed. The remnants of dinner from the night before were still laid out, and she took the last lonely piece of fruit from a tray, popping it into her mouth. Life in the harem was luxurious, but not like this. True luxury,Nelana thought, is not having to share your pampering with others.

  General Tsogai was much older than anyone Nelana had pictured herself with in her younger days. She had always pined after Lord Borus, even when she was a child, he was undeniably attractive. She remembered watching him hit puberty, shortly after that he began collecting beautiful women and she had longed, even then, to be one of them. When she was old enough, she begged her mother to set up an audience with him. It had not taken her long to win a place in his harem. He had been only too willing to succumb to the temptation between her thighs.

  Sadly, it was not everything she had hoped it would be. She was tired of being one of many. She should be someone's wife, not just one of his many pets. She was Highborn, which made her a fit wife for just about anyone, and the fact that she had been one of Lord Borus's famous harem girls made her even more coveted. Her persuasive nature had only become more prominent from her years in the harem, and after only a couple of weeks she had General Tsogai singing her praises, showering her in affection, and whispering of marriage.

  He would be an easy husband to please. His sexual tastes were not nearly so exotic as Lord Borus's, and he seldom lasted very long in bed. Even at his age, and with his expanding waistline he was not unattractive, although the amount of power he had in Shadelyn no doubt added to his appeal.

  Nelana stood, wrapping a robe about herself and walking out onto the balcony. In the courtyard bellow, the General and some of his men were training with dull swords. She watched them bash each other senseless, thanking every god she could think of that she was a woman. The sight of blood frightened her, and she avoided pain at all costs.

  General Tsogai noticed her watching them, and waved to her excitedly, "Allow me to show you how I came to be General of the King's army, Angel!"

  "I would be delighted to watch, my love!" She called back to him. Honestly, did he think she really cared? She had no appreciation for swordsmanship or a warrior's skill, as far as she knew they kept whacking each other until one of them died. How one came to be the victor seemed of little importance to her. But she oohed and awed dutifully as the General took on two of his men at once. The men were much younger, more agile, and stronger too. It was obvious to her that her husband-to-be had lost all of his ability to fight when he started spending the majority of his time eating instead of fighting. Still, the men would not allow their leader to lose face, and they each feigned weakness admirably. In time, the General "defeated" them both, and with his chest puffed out proudly, he walked to his steward for a towel and a splash of water.

  "A marvelous display, my darling is a predator!" She cried out merrily. The General beamed.

  "And to the victor go the spoils, lunch and an afternoon with a beautiful woman." He called back to her, "I will have servants up with food and drink and follow them after I have washed off the sweat."

  "Oh, don't spoil the fun for me, come up here now and allow me to bathe you." She thought she heard a giggle from the large man, but hoped she was imagining it.

  "You are irresistibly naughty, my flower. Very well then, I accept your offer." With that, he disappeared into the keep.

  Nelana called for a servant to run a bath immediately. Then she rushed to a mirror to check her appearance. Today would be the day, the day that she asked the General to negotiate with Lord Borus for her hand in marriage. There was no way he could refuse her. No way.


  Her travel partner was still far from the greatest conversationalist that Raaya had ever met, but he was a fair tutor and she had finished the first of her books under Captain Greynon's instruction. She was beginning to look forward to the long days out on the sand, for his silence had become a comfort to her now that the tension between them was beginning to subside. He was always just there, steady as a mountain, and if she needed help on a difficult word or sentence, he was right by her side in an instant to help.

  Tanta had noticed the change immediately. The lay in bed one night whispering when suddenly she said, "I am pleased to see that your loneliness is fading."

  "What do you mean?"

  "There is a light in your eyes and a confidence that was missing for awhile there. I know that you have been lonely during the day. Forgive me for not being by your side more often. I feel as thought I am failing you."

  "Don't speak that way. I am so grateful for you, Tanta, you take care of everything. I do miss you terribly during the day, but you seem so happy helping Kir that I would not want to keep you from it."

  "I do enjoy the excitement of helping Kir run the camp. There is so much to be done, and at the end of the day I feel tired and satisfied from hard work. It's a nice feeling. You are starting
to get along better with the Captain, then?"

  "Yes, he is helping me with my reading."

  "Kir speaks very highly of him."

  "Perhaps he is more comfortable around men."

  "Then he should have no problem with you, Raaya, you're the least feminine woman I know!" Raaya slapped her playfully.

  "What is that supposed to mean?" They giggled until they faded into a happy sleep.

  She was feeling her old confidence again. For many days she had worried over what to say to the tribal council, how she would convince them to sign a treaty, let alone how she would write it. Now, though, she felt calm, feeling that when the time came she would know what to do. Raaya turned another page of her book. Captain Greynon had a way of making you feel that with his help you could accomplish anything. Perhaps that was why his men loved him so much. She felt she understood why Lord Borus trusted him to complete this mission.

  "What are you thinking of so intently, my lady? A paragraph giving you trouble?" The Captain's ice-fire eyes were as unsettling as ever.

  "I am thinking that your skin has darkened to match mine, sir, perhaps you should spend more time in the shade."

  "My skin has always matched yours, it's the desert in our blood." This piqued Raaya's interests.

  "You are of the tribes?"

  "Half. My mother's was of the Lilyum. One day long ago, her people wandered too close to the mountains and met with the army of Border Keep. My father rescued her from slavery and thought to take her as a wife. He cherished her more than anything in the world, and when she told him she was with child he thought his life would be complete. After I was born, though, she disappeared, leaving my father and me alone. They say the call of the desert grew to strong for her to bear. My father went mad from the grief, and followed her into the sands not long after... Why do you look at me so?"

  "I have never heard you speak so much at one time." Raaya smiled. Captain Greynon looked uncomfortable.

  "My lady asked me a question-"

  "Oh no, please, I am glad for it. I was beginning to wonder if I traveled with a ghost. Tell me, if not your parents, who raised you?"

  "My father was a high ranking officer, and honored soldier of the Border Keep army. Lord Borus's mother took me and raised me along side her own son."

  "So you are like his brother?"

  "I am, and I am forever in his family's debt for the kindness they have always shown to me." A sudden commotion from the front of the slod train broke their conversation. Shouts could be heard, then screams. Captain Greynon leapt from the couch and hurried to the front of the slod. Their was a loud whinny. "Horses."

  "Raiders..." Raaya was on her feet, looking to the sounds of chaos, "Tanta! Tanta is up there!"

  "My lady, stay here." Captain Greynon drew a dagger from his boot and handed it to her "If anyone tries to do you harm, use this." With waiting for a reply he jumped from the slod to the ground, and started off to the front of the train.

  Raaya felt the creature lurch beneath her. As she looked up ahead, she saw slods burrowing into the sand out of fear. The floor dropped beneath her feet as the slod dove underground. Raaya was thrown from the slod. There was a snapping noise as the palanquin was torn apart by the sand and she watched it disappear with the slod below the surface.

  With the slods gone, Raaya had a clear view of the battle. There were horses everywhere, and men with large curved swords hacking through crowds of frantic people. The soldiers, at least, were quick to mount a defense, and well trained. The whole area had turned into a war zone.

  Raaya searched frantically for Tanta, the sounds of swords clashing was deafening and the sand was starting to soak with blood. Many of the servants were trying to flee, and Raaya hoped that Tanta had had the good sense to follow them.

  She heard pound hoofs behind her, but a moment too late. There were hands around her waist and she was lifted up onto the saddle. She struggled, but her captor placed a hand firmly on her back. She felt the knife in her hand, and reached up, stabbing blindly. She nicked the horse's front leg, and it reared up, crying wildly. Raaya and the raider were thrown to the ground.

  "You bitch!" It had been so long since Raaya had heard her native tongue that she barely recognized it. The raider had recovered his sword and was on top of her, blade at her throat, before she could react, "You will come with me or I will slice your pretty little neck, do you understand?" Raaya nodded, and he yanked her to her feet, dragging her away from the battle. He let lose a loud, shrill whistle. She saw two men on horseback break from the chaos and start after them. One of them grabbed her around the waist, throwing her onto the saddle in front of him, the other helped the man who had threatened her onto the saddle behind him.

  They rode fast, Raaya could see the ground passing beneath her at an alarming speed. She tried to struggle once, but all she felt was the hilt of the blade on the back of her head, and everything went black.


  Nelana moved with the passion of victory. She felt the General underneath her, cock driven deep inside, and she rode him hard. The only way things could possibly be any better would be if she could ensure her future by conceiving a child with the man between her legs. She took him as deep as he could go, rocking slowly as if to will a child out of him. Tsogai grunted happily.

  "You are a goddess." He said. He grabbed her large breasts, and squeezed. She began to bounce up and down on his prick, feeling her flesh bouncing between his fingers.

  "Make me yours, I want you inside of me every day, just like this." She arched her back as his hands moved from her breasts to gripping the cheeks of her ass, pulling her down hard on top of him at a furious pace. She felt as if she would split in two, but that it would be exquisite. She ground herself into his crotch, rubbing her clit against him sending shivers along her spine.

  "Nothing makes a man hotter than hearing his woman come," Melee had once told her, "You must know how to pleasure yourself, and in doing so better please him."

  The soft bed gave her added spring, and she used it to travel the full length of him. She felt his grip tightening and saw his face redden. But she was not ready to give him his satisfaction just yet. She pulled herself almost completely off of him, her hands on his chest, and slowly rode the tip.

  "Gods, woman, you know that drives me mad." Tsogai tried to pull himself deeper into her soft folds, but she resisted. She knew her pace was excruciatingly slow, and the thought of his torment aroused her even more. She put a hand to her clit and massaged it slowly, moaning airily. "Does that feel good?" Her lover's voice came.

  "So good, you feel so good." She massaged herself harder, and began to feel herself nearing the edge of an orgasm. Then she sank deep onto his throbbing cock, grinding hard against him. He was caught off guard, and squeezed her hips hard. Nelana unleashed a series of loud screams as a powerful orgasm swept over her. She felt her muscles clenching him, spasming hard. It was more than he could take. His own voice met with hers as he shot his seed inside her. She had won. Now everything she had ever wanted could come true.

  As their pleasure subsided and he softened inside her, she climbed off of him, some of his juices falling out of her as she stood. He put a hand to his chest and winced.

  "Are you well, my love?" She asked him.

  "I am... my flower has worn me out, I am afraid. My chest is a little tight, that's all."

  "Allow me to pour you some water."

  "You are so good to me. You will make a fine wife."

  "I will do my best to please you always. But now you must rest."

  "Yes, tomorrow I will speak with Lord Borus. I tire of the desert, and I wish to show you the coast."

  "I would be delighted." He fell asleep in her arms, and she soon followed. Tomorrow would be the start of a glorious new life, and she was only too eager for it to begin.


  Raaya's consciousness was slow to return, and the inside of the cave seemed to take forever to come into focus.

  "She is awa
ke." She had heard that before... the night that she first arrived at the harem... but it had been a woman's voice that night. And the rocky ground underneath her was cold and unforgiving, not the soft mattress she slept on back home. She felt the heat of a fire nearby.

  Remembering what had happened, she sat up quickly, and immediately regretted doing so. Her head was pounding. She moved to raise a hand to the pain, and found her wrists bound in front of her.

  "What a pretty find, Lokti."

  "A pretty find indeed, Salk. We are lucky we found her before our brothers did."

  "Do not speak as though I am not here and cannot hear you." The three men stared at her in disbelief, "Yes, I speak your language, can you not tell that I am of the tribes?" All three of the men were skinny, almost lost in the thin white robes that enveloped them, and Raaya regarded them with a proud disdain. "I am Raaya, Queen of the Ilmani, and I demand that you unhand me at once." The men laughed.


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