The Cygnus Agenda

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The Cygnus Agenda Page 22

by Richard Martin

  Having discharged himself from hospital against all advice, Arnie arrived at the airport itching to get away from Laredo. He was tired, irritable and had taken his place in line at the check-in desk when he heard it. It was a voice from behind and not one he wanted to hear.

  “Leaving us so soon, Mr.Krench?”

  Turning round, he threw the woman a false smile. “Nice of you to come and see me off, Detective Kim.”

  She removed her sunglasses and returned the smile. “Got a couple of minutes? Just a few questions that have popped up since we last talked.”

  With a nod from Arnie they moved to a nearby coffee stall and perched on a pair of tall chairs. Detective Kim got straight to the point. “As you know, this case is a really big deal and the Police Department is under intense pressure. And we`ve had a development. My boss has been pulling in favours in the intelligence community and something odd has jumped out.”

  “Such as?”

  “First, I need to clarify something.”

  “About my version of events? It went down just like I said.”

  “We buy that. But we think this thing might not be over.”


  “Meaning there could be another target.”


  She didn`t answer. “Your hotel room received a call just before the hit. Who was it from?”

  “Marshal`s office according to Shawcross, who took the call, and it spooked him. He didn`t get a chance to say why when all hell broke loose.”

  “It was the only call to the room and none was made from Shawcross`s cellphone, so that leaves you. Did you make a call that morning?”

  “No, I didn`t.”

  “How about the previous day, after you knew the hotel you were put in by the Feds?”

  Arnie hesitated. “No.”

  “Carmen had no cellphone. Was there any way she could have got in touch with someone, maybe her parents?”


  Detective Kim nodded, waited a moment then changed tack. “You know a man called Brent Kucher?”

  “Never heard of him.”

  “How about Raines, Joseph Raines?”


  “Then that leaves the drug cartel link, when you and Hahn were abducted. How did they know you were in Honduras and where to find you?”

  “I told you at the hospital, that it was nothing to do with our investigation. We were poking around in the wrong place, at the wrong time. We were there under the instruction of Senator Carlucci, to investigate a U.S. military base, not the drug trade. The Laredo killings were to take out a crucial witness. It was political, an inside job.”

  “Explains most of it, and why you and Jessica Hahn are in a D.E.A. file. But not why Hahn is on an intel list, a high level one. My boss has confirmation of that but no way to find out why.”

  “That`s bull-shit! The hell`s going on here, why would Jessica be put on an intel list. And what is it you suspect her of?”

  “Nothing. She`s totally clear as far as we`re concerned, and the indication from our intel contact supports this. It`s just a strange coincidence.”

  “If it`s political then you need to ask your Senator Thorne. She must have known about the border crossing and who we were bringing in.”

  As I said at the hospital, we know things about Thorne. And she`s already refused us assistance in this matter.”

  “Sounds like you had some political stuff going on before the killings.”

  “Can`t comment on that. Right now we`re struggling to get traction and the Hahn connection has brought up a whole new scenario.”


  “Look, Mr.Krench, this is off the record. We believe the politics of this affair are linked to the drug angle. Jessica Hahn seems to figure in this somehow and could be in danger.”

  “She was in danger, along with me, in Honduras. But that`s over now so you`re on the wrong track. Thorne`s the one you should be checking out, and along with her, Carlucci, because I think he`s up to his neck in this.”

  “Have evidence of that?”

  “Nope. But I have a boat-load of instinct and years of experience behind me. Carlucci was running our operation, had all the details, so as far as suspects go he`s number one.”

  “But involved in killing?“

  “If you`re right about a drugs hook-up then it could`ve been out of his hands.”

  “After what you`ve been through I get why you think that, but I`m not sure I buy it.”

  “Well, me and Jessica are done with this, it`s over. She`s going back to Seattle and when my shoulder recovers I`m jumping my Harley to clear my mind of this shit-storm. So if that`s all, detective, I have a flight to catch.”

  The detective had one last question. “How well do you know Miss Hahn?”


  “Are you working as independent professionals, or is there more to it?”

  Arnie gave her a hard look, his words delivered with anger. “The hell are you insinuating?”

  “No insinuation, just a straight question.”

  “Look, we`re the good guys here, sticking our necks out and I damned near got killed doing it. So screw you with your suspicions.”

  “That means I have to do more digging.”

  “Why are you digging at all, why Jessica, why her?”

  “Can`t divulge that. This is an extensive investigation and I take my instructions from above. I don`t always get to know what they know.”

  “Well, if you want to waste your time then go right ahead. You`ll find nothing.”

  Detective Kim acknowledged with a nod that indicated a degree of acceptance. “I`m sure you`re right, Mr.Krench, have a good flight.”

  Back in the check-in line, Arnie ran through the detective`s line of questioning, why she had asked some of them, and more importantly, what she might know but he didn`t. Though he was done with the investigation, a serious doubt now arose as to whether it would be that easy, and if it couldn`t be closed down, what might lay ahead.

  After landing at Seattle International, the hour and a half drive to Jessica`s cottage seemed longer, the constant pain in his shoulder leaving him close to exhaustion by the time he arrived. Giving Arnie a double shot of bourbon, Jessica sat on the couch opposite and stared at him. “You look like hell.”

  “Thanks. I feel like it.”

  “I get why you wanted out of there, but don`t you think it was a bit too soon?”

  “Not soon enough.”

  The change she had seen in him at the hospital was still evident, and at this moment she wanted her resolve about continuing the investigation to collapse. She also felt an overwhelming urge to admit what she was planning and unburden herself from the torrent of guilt. But her determination overrode the emotion as she convinced herself that some kind of mitigating solution would be found.

  Her contemplation was interrupted as Arnie finished his second slug of bourbon and engaged her with a rueful look. “Look, I`m sorry to land myself on you at such short notice, Jess, but I had to get the hell out of that place, just couldn`t stand another day. Checked myself out and man do they give you hell for it, calling you irresponsible, warning that my wounds could open up again. Trouble was, having decided to bale, I realised there was nowhere to go but a motel. Not an enticing option, so are you okay with me crashing here? Thought we could go to Jackson`s funeral together.”

  “Of course. Glad you came, because you know I`d be mad as hell if you had gone back to L.A. We`re a team, Arnie, and that means a lot to me.”

  He nodded. “Well, you`ve got your future riding on this story, so I get your determination to find a way of wrapping it up and coming out ahead.”

  Now she felt the wave of guilt as she averted her eyes. “I`ve talked to Harry Dryden a
bout where the story stands and it`s not good. Because I was fired from the Chronicle, nobody will touch it with all that speculation and nothing to tie it together, no credible conclusion. So I`m heading back to D.C. after the Shawcross funeral for one last throw of the dice.”

  He wanted to ask what that throw would be, but he could tell she was playing this one by herself and that it was down to him having pulled out of the investigation. He knew his nerve wasn`t what it used to be since Laredo and he couldn`t rid himself of the lingering anger. And now he was even suspicious of Jessica. He had wanted to bolt from the hospital, get back on his Harley to find some peace and serenity. But he knew he wasn`t that kind of guy anymore. Quitting an investigation that was going nowhere was one thing, but leaving someone he cared for in a threatening situation was quite another. But the uneasiness persisted, the feeling that Jessica was up to something of significance, and now it was gnawing at him.

  She managed a smile that wasn`t convincing, something Arnie noticed but in his tiredness chose to ignore. He pulled forward and waved his glass. “Can you get me a re-fill, Jess. These wounds are beginning to hurt. And there`s something I don`t get. Why did Carlucci give you who`s really behind this Corporation? He`s switched sides, must have, so why give that information when he didn`t need to?”

  “Maybe because I threatened him, said he would be targeted in the story, so he threw me a bone that didn`t matter anymore. He knows I won`t get to these Corporation people because of who they are. But he doesn`t know how I operate.”

  “Got to say, Jess, your belief that you can get to them is puzzling me, no way in hell that will happen.”

  She fixed him with a determined look. “We`ll see about that.”


  It was a chilly morning in Boise as the cortege passed through the pillared gateway of the cemetery and Arnie looked around at the considerable number of mourners, many in military uniform. In the days spent with Jackson Shawcross, Arnie had discovered a man he was proud to know and that man having saved his life meant a level of emotion that ran deep. That the sermon was to be held at the graveside was a relief, the formality and atmosphere of churches something that had made Arnie feel uncomfortable ever since he was a kid.

  Jessica had picked up on Arnie`s quietness during the flight and kept conversation to a minimum during the ride from the airport. As the graveside sermon began, she noticed a man staring in Arnie`s direction, a passive look that seemed to be meaningful. As the man looked away she nudged Arnie. “Guy in uniform, six from the right in the front row, keeps staring at you.”

  “That`s Jackson`s brother. Came to Laredo to claim and identify the body then called in on me at the hospital, real nice guy.”

  “The attractive woman, fourth from the right, with a small child hoisted on her hip, she looks distraught, poor soul.”

  “I know Jackson had a girl back home, not married though. Could be her.”

  “No sign of parents or aunts and uncles, everyone looks under forty.”

  After looking around, Arnie nodded. “Lot of military people.”

  “Lot of emotion too.”

  “Not surprised, Jess, he was a great guy.”

  With the ceremony at an end they watched as a young kid in the front row was nudged by what looked to be his mother, a prompt to drop the wreath he was holding into the grave as the casket was lowered. As mourners started to peel away they could see Jackson Shawcross`s brother come towards them. His voice was low, a soft slow drawl, unexpected in such a big guy. “Glad you could make it, Arnie,” he said, offering his hand. “How`s the shoulder?”

  “Sore but improving. This is Jessica Hahn, she knows all about Jackson and the courage he showed.”

  “Sorry for your loss,” Jessica said, “and I`m sorry I never got to meet your brother.”

  Charlie Shawcross smiled. “Thank you. He had a lot of respect for you guys and what you`re trying to do.”

  Jessica returned the smile. “So you`re in the military too?”

  “Yes, but I`m not the hero type, prefer the safety of being behind the lines. People like Jackson, combat soldiers, they have a type of bravery that others don`t.”

  “So what`s your expertise?” Jessica asked.

  “Signals corps. Fascinating stuff in this high-tech world. You`d be amazed at what we can do with the latest equipment.”

  “I guess spying has never been more sophisticated,” said Arnie, “look at the National Security Agency, the ability they have.”

  “Where do you think they got it from,” said Charlie Shawcross, smiling again. “U.S. military intelligence and signals corps, quite a combination.”

  “Well in my business of investigative reporting we could sure do with some of that,” Jessica said.

  “Eavesdropping, harvesting computer information, both are reaching new heights and that`s what I specialise in. Wish I could have helped in your investigation.”

  “Senator Carlucci had control of that, and trust me, stay away from politicians,” she replied.

  Charlie Shawcross nodded. “You might want to tell the senator that the computerised visitor logs at the White House have been accessed and mined by some enterprising individuals in the private sector. They tracked all the visits by top corporate executives, and those visits were cross-checked with their companies share price a few months later. Quite an eye opener evidently, and you see where all this is heading. Crucial information collected at the touch of a button and not always used for the best of purposes.”

  “Then you`re just the type of guy who`s going to be in great demand,” Jessica said.

  “Already am,” he replied, handing her a couple of business cards. “Give me a call, anytime. I`m getting into the private sector, set up my own company, so maybe we can work on some stuff together.”

  “I wanted you to know,” Arnie said, “Jackson did a hell of a job in Honduras. But what I owe him for is saving my life in the Laredo shoot-out. I`ll never forget that.”

  “Yeah, he was some guy, sure going to miss him.”

  “Well good to have met you, Charlie,” said Arnie, shaking the man`s hand in a farewell gesture.

  “Again, my sorrow for your loss,” Jessica added, before linking arms with Arnie and heading back to the parking lot.

  At Boise airport, Jessica went to the restroom, leaving Arnie to wait on a bench-seat nearby. He was struggling with a feeling that she was holding out on him, and that whatever she was up to by returning to DC, it could be a trap. Something wasn`t right about the way she had been since the Laredo killings, not the same Jessica Hahn. He knew her plans had been hatched with Harry Dryden so that was reassuring, but he also knew that arranging access to off-shore corporate elites would be near impossible unless you were ready to pay a high price. And with that thought came several scenarios, all resulting in an urge to confront Senator Carlucci. With his cell-phone pressed hard against his ear to deaden the airport noise he sat back in the seat and wondered if his call would be accepted.

  “Putting you through to the Senator now,” the secretary said.

  “Wasn`t expecting to hear from you, Arnie especially after what happened and the accusations made against me by Jessica. I assume you`re of a similar mind, blame me for Laredo?”

  “Hard to find any other explanation, Senator, someone double crossed us.”

  “Then why are you calling?”

  “To say that Jessica has one last thing to put in place that might provide a conclusion to her story, and it involves the Corporation, so I want you to tell me straight that she`s not being set up?”

  “Set up for what?”

  “This meeting with the Corporation.”

  “You`ve got this wrong, Arnie. I gave her only the name, I have nothing to do with arranging any meeting.”

  “Then who the hell else can be doing that if not you?”

  “Nobody, there`s no way she`ll get that kind of access.”

  “Really? Well it looks like she has.”

  “I doubt that. You sure you know what`s really going on here?”

  “Why don`t you enlighten me, Senator!”

  The reply was slow in coming. “Tell you what, Arnie? You need to ask Jessica, because she`s obviously holding out on you.”

  Arnie wasn`t buying it but there was something in Carlucci`s tone that made him wonder. “Don`t bullshit me, Senator, I need to know she`s not walking into a trap!”

  “That`s your problem. I don`t know what she`s up to and I didn`t expect her to get anywhere with the Corporation. If she`s got access she must have a real big hitter behind her and that could mean a whole different ball-game. Just don`t come looking for me if it all goes wrong?”

  Arnie`s voice rose. “You`re exactly who I`ll be coming for if this is a set-up.”

  “Are you threatening me, a United States Senator?”

  “Hell no, Senator, what could possibly give you that idea? Goddamned right I`m threatening you!”

  Before Carlucci could respond, Arnie clicked off, but it was only a matter of seconds before his cell buzzed again. It was Carlucci and he got straight to the point.

  “You think you know what`s going on, Arnie, but you haven`t a clue. Nothing is as it seems and for good reason. Jessica`s desire to get a story at all costs is blinding her to danger. We have intel from Honduras that is warning of some kind of retribution against the U.S., possibly because of you and Jessica. You don`t know who you`re dealing with, or who the bad guys really are. As I told you, Jessica won`t get near the top Evangelicals, you need to convince her of that.”

  “Sounds like someone`s panicking, and right now the obvious candidate is you, Senator. I think you`re in this up to your neck and whatever Jessica is up to, make no mistake, nothing will stop her. If I were you, I`d get the hell out of her way.”

  Carlucci`s voice now had an edge to it. “Look, I didn`t order or know about the hit on Carmen and that`s the goddamned truth. A self-serving sonofabitch I may be, but I`m not an accomplice to murder.”


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