The Golden Year and the Sorceress

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The Golden Year and the Sorceress Page 18

by Isabella Hardiman

  "What happened to you? Where did you go?" Hearing his voice after all this time made me freeze all over. He placed a hand on the shelf above the fireplace refusing to look at me. The only thing that stood in between us was a coffee table, sofa, and chairs.

  "You know where I went." I responded. "Look, if you will call off your dogs. I can be gone before you know it," I suggested.

  He turned to look at me. His face filled with fury and hurt.

  "So what, you can just disappear all over again?!" he shouted annoyed. "You just took off, without even saying goodbye."

  I bit my lip. "I didn't have a choice. You would have talked me out of it and we both know I couldn't have stayed here." I sighed, my eyes flickering to his briefly. He ran a hand through his jet black hair. He had the best hair and I remembered running my finger through it.

  "Why not?" he asked. I remembered hearing the rumours of him searching for a girl, searching for me in the lower towns of the capital. The leader of the gutters searching for a girl.

  "Because they would have hunted me down. Because they would have found us. Because they would have killed everyone here," I argued. He knew perfectly well I would not regret my decision.

  "You don't know that!" he responded and began to breathe heavily. I took a few steps towards the inglenook fireplace.

  "YES. I DO." I cut him off. He was and always had been in denial. That was what love did to people, it blinds them.

  "Then why don't you stay here now?" he suggested. "Hardly anyone survives these woods, they would think you were dead." He wanted me to fake my death?

  "No. I can't." I shook my head. He raised an eyebrow agitated.

  "WHY NOT? You can't or you won't?" he challenged. Theo had always been stubborn, just like me. He was always devastatingly handsome as well.

  "Both. Things have changed." I tried to explain but knew I could not.

  "Your feelings for me have changed?" He looked at me unsure and curious.

  I do not think my feelings for him could ever leave me. Ever since I had met Theo my life changed. He had visited the town where my orphanage was during summer.

  I met him under the perfectly blue sky among the golden fields. I had fallen out of a tree attempting to get the twins ball, I slipped on a branch and fell on top of him. I and Theo had been inseparable after that. He taught me that there was a better way of living. He showed me life and bliss. I closed my eyes trying to wipe away the memories of salty air and tender love of summer.

  "No. I am on a quest."

  "A quest?" He raised an eyebrow but I avoided eye contact.

  There was a long silence in which Theo began to calm down and breathe normally. "So what now?" he asked. "And don't even think about lying to me. I know when you are lying."

  I began to tell him everything. Well, most things. I told him about Eris. I told him about my powers and he did not seem surprised. "I always knew you were special, I just didn't know to what extent." He sighed. I told him about the fake games, the tomb of the first goddess of destruction and the magical jewel I needed to find. Theo was silent through the entire explanation, he had always been a good listener and I had missed that about him. Theo was without a doubt my best friend. I trusted him with more than my life.

  "There's another thing." I bit my lip.

  "My travelling companions, one of them is royalty." Everything stilled after this. Theo went tense beside him. I needed him to know this. If things took a wrong turn, he was the only authority here and if I did not tell Theo and he found out on his own, the consequences could have been unthinkable. I moved on the sofa uncomfortably.

  "Royalty?" he asked again. I could not help but fidget.

  "Leonardo, as in the prince." I explained. Theo jumped to his feet immediately.

  "Hang on a minute. Whilst I have been here pulling my hair out worrying about you, you have been with nobles?!" he accused.

  "Let me explain," I pleaded. Theo hated them just as I had hated them.

  "No. I am done. Don't you remember what they have done? What do they do? Your own parents were killed because they were not there to save them. Your friends have been killed by them for sport or did you forget that whilst you were going to all the balls?" he accused, spite and disgust laced his voice. He went for the door and he had a crazed unpredictable look in his eyes.

  I had not told him about my parents and the boy with the dragon tattoo. That was my secret and I intended to keep it. "HE SAVED MY LIFE." Theo froze. His hand on the door was slowly removed. "More times than I care to count." Theo shut the door and turned to me. "Without Leonardo I would be a corpse." Theo looked conflicted whether to take my word for it. "I have not forgotten. How could I forget? I think about it every night and day. You know I do. So hate me. Go ahead. But I will not apologise to you. I did what I thought was right and I believe that with all my soul." I paused. "I never meant to hurt you. I told you in my letter not to come back for me, not to look for ME. To forget ME."

  "As if it's that easy," he muttered. "As if it's just a switch I could turn off. I could not forget and I do not believe you forgot about me. How could you?"

  I stared at his lips and remembered our first kiss. The autumn leaves had fallen around us and the world had slowed down to a stop. He had pressed those velvety lips of his to mine, to silence all my doubts and I had wondered how something so simple could be so wonderful. I wish with all my heart that I missed our first kiss because the heartache that crushed me now was unbearable.

  "As soon as we reach the capital, I am going to tell the king all about this. Kidnapping me! You barbarians," a voice screamed. I recognised that agitating, infuriating voice. I turned on my heel, leaving Theo standing there. I needed to breathe. I needed air.

  I stood on the balcony standing above the entire square. "That is strange because I recall saving your life." Another voice joined in.

  "Held me against my will in a disgusting absolutely revolting living area." It was a scrawny, ill looking girl in the centre of the room screaming. Josephine was here. What was she doing here?

  "Rude," the man beside her argued.

  "We found her beside the river. Her carriage had sunk to the bottom." Theo stood beside me and noticed what I was looking at. "She does have a very disagreeable personality," Theo muttered beside me.

  "Oh, she's just getting warmed up," I responded.

  Chapter Twenty - To desire dangerous feelings

  I watched as Josephine brutally cursed the men, very un-lady like. Then again when had she ever shown restraint?

  "You know her?" Theo cocked an eyebrow. I nodded.

  "I met her at the castle," I filled in. "She's Leonardo's fiancée." I watched as relief flickered in and out of his expressions. Was he suspicious that something was going on between me and Leonardo?

  "So." He huffed out a heavy breath. "What now?" he asked me curiously. I paused. I had not even thought ahead of now. I took a deep breath.

  My emotions were everywhere now. There was not a doubt in my mind I loved Theo but I also could not deny that something between me and Leonardo.

  I bit my lip. I better find him and explain to him what is going on. I can only imagine the horrible thoughts running through his mind. "I need to find that enchanted necklace."

  "In the land of Tenebris," Theo repeated to me. I could not breathe. The dark land was a place of not only children's nightmare but of the bravest knight and now I would go there. What am I thinking? "You know how crazy this all sounds?" he muttered under his breath.

  I looked up at him. "I know," I whispered but my life had never been normal, in fact, it had always been hard. From the day the fire burnt down my village to the day I stepped inside the castle walls. Fate is so twisted, if only I could be normal.

  "I am well aware," I retorted. "But I have a job to do." I turned to leave but he gripped my arm and stared into my eyes.

  "You were always stubborn and I know better than to argue with your ridiculous plans..." He paused. I shot him a glare, I did no
t need a lecture. "So I want in."

  "What?" I looked at him shocked.

  He ran a hand through his hair. "I would rather leave with you than not go at all," he explained. "But you need at least one night to rest," he insisted. "We will leave tomorrow at dawn." He turned on his heel and left the room without another world.

  He knew not to argue with me and I knew not to argue with him. My knees go weak. Everything was going so quickly. After watching the view from the balcony for a few serene seconds, I headed out of Theo's room and downstairs.

  I was immediately embraced by Tiny Timmy who was for the record humongous. Timmy was at least thirty and had received that name for mostly comical reasons. He was also Theo's right hand man and one of my closest friends. "Where have you been kid?" He chuckled.

  "I-I-C-C-AN-T-BREATHE," I gasped and he realised me from his grip.

  "Sorry, sometimes I get carried away." He sighed, eyeing me up and down. "How did Theo react?" he asked with a concerned look. I immediately paled as the heated look Theo had given me and voice laced with venom returned to my mind.

  I shuffled my feet and looked down at the floor. "It could have been worse." Theo would have taken off to discuss arrangements with his men for tomorrow. Why wasn't Timmy with them? "Timmy, the people I came in here with. Where are they?" I asked, whilst trying to change the subject.

  "The dungeons," he filled in before being called over by another man. I took it as my opportunity.

  I knew the inside of this city like the back of my hand. I was there when a girl, in loose red clothing, slid out of nowhere. "Well, well." She eyed me up and down.

  "Get out of my way, Beatrice," I snarled. She laughed with a crooked smile.

  "Leila." She looked at me with a wicked grin. "I didn't think you would be stupid enough to show your face around here again." She sighed and then made a quick, slick movement that caught me by surprise. The blade cut my skin on my neck.

  "Aww." The sound escaped my lips but I bit my tongue, angrily. She just laughed. I could easily take her, I was better at hand to hand combat than she was and I always had been. "Get out my way," I snapped. I noticed her gang circling me, I was outnumbered.

  "Not a chance. You see, when you left Theo, I was next in line for female dominance among the ranks and I don't like seeing you here on my turf," she hissed. I could not help but laugh.

  She thought just because I left, she had a claim to Theo. If only it was that easy. I knew for a fact that Theo disliked Beatrice and only allowed her to live here because she was homeless. He pitied her.

  "1- It's not your territory. 2- I am not here to stay. And 3- Move before I make you." I glared at her. She turned and laughed. She immediately reeled back and attempted to push her fist into my jaw but a hand caught hers.

  She paled and looked up at the tall man. "Theo..." she gasped. I looked at him and watched as his eyes darkened.

  "What do you think you were doing?" he asked irritably. Not dropping his furious gaze. I wondered how much of the conversation he had heard.

  "I was just...just," she stammered, giving a pathetic look but he took no pity on her now. She looked at me helplessly and I rolled my eyes.

  "Just?" He paused. "I don't have all day." I took one look at Theo and walked around Beatrice, away from them. Theo stormed after me. I had no intention of stopping and so he yanked me backwards with his arm and I pulled myself free of his grasp.

  "I don't need for you to do that." I glared at him, annoyed. I could defend myself. Leonardo was still getting to know me but Theo knew me. He knew I did not want that kind of help. "I could have handled it," I barked. "You followed me. How dare you!" I accused.

  "Of course I did." He gave me a frustrated look. "How dare I? We both know you are a magnet for trouble and as if I was about to take my eyes off you after last time," he snapped, walking off in the other direction.

  I let out a groan and made my way to the dungeons. The men on guard all recognised me, they knew that I had been Theo- their boss's- girl. They did not ask questions when I released Leonardo and Cam from their cells. I undid the ropes that tied Leonardo and he immediately hugged me.

  His strong arms wrapping me and I felt his muscular chest against me and I did not want him to let go. I felt something in my chest and when we pulled away, I noticed his penetrating eyes on me.

  "I was so worried," he admitted. "They didn't hurt you there? I swear if they touched you, I..." I silenced him with a look.

  "Leonardo, I am fine." I paused. My cheeks reddened. "I need to explain." I began to tell Leonardo all about my past here. I told him about Theo but not my romantic connection with him. I did not want him to know that. I also told him about him coming on the quest and Josephine being here.

  His eyes widened. "When were you planning to tell me any of this?" he asked impatiently. Never. He read my mind and scowled at me.

  I huffed a heavy breath and a guard leaned into me and whispered: "The boss wishes for you and your comrades to prepare for the banquet. He has left clothes for you in his chamber and I am to escort the men to their rooms." I nodded.

  "Leonardo, I don't have time for this. This man will help you clean up." I turned to leave but Leonardo slipped his gentle hand in mine but he was stronger than I expected and I almost fell into his chest. I looked up into his eternally breath-taking eyes and I stopped breathing.

  This was dangerous. The last thing I needed was rumours spreading and I knew Theo's spy would be watching us closely. I slipped my hand out his hand and pushed a loose strand of hair out of my face. "I need to go," I whispered, turning away from his intimidating look.

  "Talk about intense," I overheard Cam say to Leonardo. My thoughts exactly, Cam.

  After heading back to Theo's room, to find it empty. I got changed into the short hunter dress that I used to wear. I could not do much with my hair, so I let it loose. I stared in the mirror.

  I looked like the girl who had once lived here but I was not. I was so different. I was not the naive little girl who had turned up to the castle.

  The Fae queen, what had she meant about my parents? Who were my parents? Who was the boy with the dragon tattoo? I needed answers and I needed them now.

  I heard the bell and I knew what it meant. Theo and his highest ranking members and privileged guests could go and join him for dinner. I felt a knot form in my stomach. The thought of Leonardo sitting across from Theo made me uneasy.

  I made my way down to the dining hall and as I entered, everyone turned to look at me. I met Theo's eyes and then Leonardo's as I entered. Then I spotted Josephine wrapping her arm around Leonardo. Whatever feeling that had been there before, was gone.

  It was like all the butterflies in my stomach had been murdered. He was engaged. What was I thinking? I cannot have feelings for him. He had a fiancée and is the prince. Leila, who are you kidding?

  The long wooden table sat in the middle of the stone room. The walls were covered with stolen tapestries and candelabras.

  I took my place on the left to Theo. Leonardo sat a few seats down on the right side. Josephine kept reviewing me but I ignored her, even though I felt like throwing a plate at her face half the time. I could stab her with a fork when nobody was looking...

  During the main meal, Theo leaned over and squeezed my hand tightly and affectionately. I was unsure what to think about it, so I just smiled. Leonardo was watching us and I could sense his irritation. Why, I had no idea?

  After the meal, I snuck off to one of my favourite hiding spots in the entire city. The archery court had been a gift to me from Theo. It was a circular room at the base of the tower and had a straw floor, with torches dangling on the walls and targets hung from all angles.

  I had been their best with a bow. After all, the serpent taught me well. I was hopeless at sword fighting but archery was one of my very few skills.

  I found an abandoned bow hanging around. I am sure nobody would mind if I borrowed it. I took out an arrow carefully. I breathed
in and prepared to release when a hand took me by surprise.

  "You need to straighten up." His voice was husky. He slithered his hand around my waist, manipulating my body into a different position. I felt his chest on my back and Leonardo's strong arms around mine. I felt nervous and the butterflies refilled my stomach. "Breathe," he whispered. I could feel his warmth against me.

  Normally, I love all creatures of Mother Nature but these butterflies needed to be tortured and sent to their graves. "Let go," he commanded. I let the arrow fly and it hit the rounded target perfectly. I let go of a heavy breath and it took Leonardo a moment too long to remove his arms from me.

  "She's not some delicate buttercup. You don't need to show her how to shoot." Theo came out of the shadows, his eyes dark. He had watched us the entire time. "She knows perfectly," he commented as if he was not infuriated by Leonardo holding me like that. I would never hear the end of this.


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