The Young Miner; Or, Tom Nelson in California

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The Young Miner; Or, Tom Nelson in California Page 28

by Jr. Horatio Alger



  About the middle of the next forenoon Tom suddenly stopped work.

  "What's the matter, Tom? Are you tired?"

  "No, but I feel like exploring a little. Who goes with me?"

  "Not I," answered Ferguson. "Let well enough alone."

  "I'll go with you," said Russell. "I should like a holiday. Besides, wemay discover something."

  "'A rolling stone gathers no moss,'" said Ferguson.

  "True, but there's another proverb: 'All work and no play makes Jack adull boy.' Tom and I will try a little play."

  The two friends sauntered away in an idle mood; yet, combining businesswith pleasure, they watched carefully the surface indications, ready toavail themselves of any that were favorable.

  "It's a strange life we are leading, Tom," said Russell. "It is free,and independent, and healthful; but I shouldn't like to live so all mylife."

  "Nor I," answered Tom. "No amount of gold would repay me."

  "Because gold is only valuable for what it will bring. Here it bringsnothing."

  "Except the hope of future ease and comfort," suggested Tom.

  "Of course; that is what we are working for. We have made a goodbeginning."

  "Yes, Dick. I have almost accomplished what I have had in view eversince I left home."

  "I know. You mean paying off your father's mortgage."

  "That's it. It amounts to twenty-two hundred dollars, and I have but afew hundred dollars more to earn. I would stay here a month or twolonger, if my clothes would hold together; but I can't risk it."

  "You need rest, at any rate, Tom, leaving clothes out of the question."

  As he spoke, Tom, without special thought, drove his pick into theground. It was a lucky inspiration. Some shining particles attracted theattention of Russell.

  "Tom," he exclaimed, in excitement, "do you see that, and that? Ibelieve you've struck a bonanza."

  Upon that both set to work in earnest. A further investigation showedthat Russell was right. Tom, by good luck, had chanced upon a deposit offar greater richness than any they had yet encountered.

  "If it holds out, our fortunes are made, Tom," said Russell. "Go andcall Ferguson, and I will remain on guard till you come back."

  Tom stood not on the order of his going, but went at once.

  "What's the matter, Tom?" asked the Scotchman, as, panting andbreathless, Tom stood before him. "Has anything happened to Russell?"

  "No; it's good news--splendid news, Mr. Ferguson. We've found a placeten times as rich as this. Come at once, and see."

  Ferguson made preparations to accompany Tom with what seemed to our heroto be provoking deliberation. In truth the Scotchman, with his nationalcaution, was rather skeptical as to Tom's news, and did not sufferhimself to become enthusiastic or excited. Tom had hard work toaccommodate his impatient steps to the measured pace of his more sedatecompanion. When at length they reached the spot they found Russell noless impatient.

  "I thought you would never come," he said.

  "Tom wanted to fly," said Ferguson; "but I am too old for that. Now,what is it you have found?"

  When he was shown what had been discovered he admitted that it was verypromising.

  "If it holds out, we shall be lucky," he said.

  "It _will_ hold out," said Russell, enthusiastically.

  "It isn't well to be too confident," said Ferguson, cautiously.

  "You are very cold-blooded, Mr. Ferguson," said Russell, impatiently."Won't anything excite you?"

  "What good would it do to become excited?" returned the Scotchman. "I amas ready to test the matter as you are, and I shall rejoice if yoursanguine expectations are realized. Do not expect too much, however, andyou will guard against possible disappointment."

  But there was no disappointment awaiting them. They worked steadily fortwo weeks, with marvelous results. In this time they unearthed sixthousand dollars' worth of gold, which by arrangement they dividedequally between them; and still the gold deposit was far from beingexhausted.

  At the end of the fortnight they were visited by a party of capitalistsfrom San Francisco, who were out on an exploring expedition. Theyrecognized the richness of the new discoveries, and after somenegotiation offered the three friends ten thousand dollars for theirclaims. One consideration decided them to accept. It was absolutelynecessary for them to go to the city for clothing and other articles, ofwhich they stood in imperative need. They closed the bargain and startedon their return.


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