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Dark Crown: A Mafia Arranged Marriage Romance (Russo Royals Book 1)

Page 7

by Shanna Handel

  My voice is gruff when I speak, filled with the emotion of having someone see a glimpse of my bare soul. “What are you reading, anyway?”

  Holding her hand to mark her place, she brings the front cover over, showing it to me. It reads, The Young American and Marine Tales.

  “I’ve never seen this book before.”

  “It’s from the shelves of your library. A collection of fairytales. But I’m only interested in one story. La Belle et la Bête, or, Beauty and the Beast, the version written by written by French novelist Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve in 1740. I thought it was suitable for my current life situation.” She stops speaking, her gaze locked on my face, the corners of her lips curling upward as she waits for her words to settle.

  She thinks I’m a beast?

  She’s the monster, creasing the page of an innocent book. I think over all the preparations I’ve made for her arrival, the hundreds of thousands of dollars I spent on clothing, jewels, cars. The debts I’ve spared her father. I’ve prepared for her every comfort, thought of any and everything she may need.

  “I’ve given you everything.”

  “Have you?” The look she gives me makes my stomach turn to ice. Having made her point, she goes back to her book.

  Leaving me alone with my thoughts.

  I took her from her home, an innocent, in order to repay her father’s debts.

  To repay her grandmother’s debts to my grandfather.

  I took her because I wanted her. I’ve trapped her in my castle. I’ve taken her body for my pleasure.

  A smile sneaks up on my lips.

  I am the Beast.

  I am the beast, and finally, I have my Beauty. Under lock and key, for life.

  The sound of the engine roars through the plane and suddenly there are sharp fingernails gripping my arm. I gaze at her in surprise. Her face is pale.

  She looks at me, her hazel eyes wide with fear. “What was that?”

  “The pilot turning on the engine, my dear. Have you never been on a plane?”

  The tips of her pearly white teeth sink into her full bottom lip, making my cock stiffen.

  She shakes her head, frantically. “Yes, but only when I moved here from America. I was so young, and my mother gave me something that made me sleep through the flight. Are there going to be more noises like that?”

  I think of the wheels rolling over the tarmac, the sound of them folding into the plane as we take off, that lurch in your stomach as the plane is first suspended in the air. And heaven forbid we hit a pocket of turbulence.

  I give a nod. “Yes. There are many sounds to come. It can be scary, flying for the first time. Would you like me to get Esme? Or perhaps, Sophia?”

  She shakes her head again. “No. I’m a big girl, I can handle it.” But then the plane begins to move down the tarmac and she lets out a squeal, practically jumping into my arms.

  I slide an arm around her shoulders, bringing her in close to my side. “Shh. I’ve got you. Just try to breathe.” I’m turning soft. She’s turning me soft.

  Her body relaxes against mine and I feel her draw in a deep breath. I run my fingers over her arm, bare in her sleeveless shirt. Goosebumps rise on her flesh at my touch.

  Leaning down, I allow myself to sneak a whiff of her hair. It’s smells clean and heavenly, like her.

  She wriggles away, peering up at me with a sneer. “Are you…smelling me?”

  I was…smelling her. Do I have to admit it to her? I’m saved from having to answer because now the nose of the plane is rising as we lift off the tarmac, the machinery of the wheels lifting, grinding beneath us. Another squeal, and she’s buried in my arms, her face against my chest.

  How can a woman so bold be so frightened?

  I hold her in my arms. Much like I wanted to in the library after she rode my cock, using me for her pleasure. I feel cracks in my hard exterior as I run my hand over her back, shushing her and calming her.

  When the plane finally reaches cruising altitude and is smoothly moving through the sky, she untangles herself from my arms, giving me an embarrassed look. “Thanks.”

  She sits back into her seat, retrieving her book.

  And I find myself hoping for turbulence.

  Quickly, she’s lost in her story, curled up in her wide seat, her bare feet tucked beneath her.

  I focus on my work. My charts, my spreadsheets, my numbers, making sense of the chaos. Creating order where there is none.

  An hour later, I feel the weight of her head on my shoulder. She’s nodded off to sleep, her cheek resting against me. I take the opportunity to bring my nose to her hair and inhale.


  She wakes when the landing begins. To my disappointment, she no longer needs me. Instead, her fingers clutch the arms of her chair until her knuckles turn white.

  It’s a foolish thought, but I find myself angry at her for not needing me.

  When the plane comes to a full and complete stop, she slips her book in her bag, the poem neatly tucked inside, holding her place.

  As we disembark, she goes before me. I grab her hand, pulling her back by my side. “Stay close. I trust Rockland, but I don’t know this family well enough yet to have you wandering without me. Do not leave my sight unless I give you permission. Understood?”

  “I’ll be fine.” Her brow knits, her face forming into that scowl I love so well. She opens her pretty lips to argue further, but I cut her off. Placing my opened palm over her ass for all the world to see, I give it a tight squeeze.

  My mouth finds her ear. “The only acceptable response here is, yes sir.”

  She gives a hard gulp, and mumbles the words, “Yes, sir.” Her face is still angry, but I see the flush as it rises in her cheeks, the outline of her hardened nipples as they peak against her thin, silk shirt.

  “Good girl.” I give her ass a public pat that I’m sure has moisture pooling between her thighs. Grabbing her hand, I lead her to the platform at the top of the stairs of the aircraft.

  She pauses to take in the view. The breeze blows off the Aegean Sea making her hair flutter behind her. The white sand beaches stretch as far as the eye can see, and huge mansions rise from the ground, standing tall and proud, the wrought iron fencing of their balconies a dark contrast to the white stone.

  “It’s so beautiful.” Her gaze dances over the turquoise sea.

  “Welcome to the Parrish.” I hold her hand tighter as we descend the stairs, our feet finding the sandy soil.

  The rest of our party exits the plane, Esme chattering excitedly behind us. I look around for Rockland, but find no one. Strange, there’s no one here to greet us.

  Something is off.

  There’s an eerie stillness that penetrates the beauty of the place. No children dotting the beaches, splashing in the waves while their mothers look on. There isn’t a person in sight.

  Brando is by my side. I give him a glance, ordering in Italian for him to reboard the plane. I watch until I’m sure Esme and Sophia are back on board.

  Double checking my bag is securely on my shoulder, I pull Felicity around the nose of the aircraft. “Come with me.”

  “Where are we going?” She watches the others reboard, fear flashing in her eyes.

  “Rockland and his men should be here to greet us.” With the aircraft covering the view of us, we exit the back of the tarmac, ducking behind the family’s small airport. “We wait here till I figure this out.”

  “What about the others?” I see the panic in her face and I know she’s thinking of Esme.

  “They will be safer without us. If there is danger, I’m the one they would want, so it’s better for me to be apart from the others.”

  “And me?”

  “I’ll protect you.” I don’t know what’s going on, but I know the type of men we are up against, rivals jealous of the Russo and Bachman families’ success. “They know I will.”

  “What do you mean?” She holds her breath.

  “They know I would give myse
lf up to them before I ever let them hurt you.”

  She seems shocked by this idea, and I may be mistaken, but she seems pleased that I would protect her in this way.

  I might be an asshole, but when I said till death do us part, I meant it.

  I would lay down my life for her, even before she became my wife.

  I’ve wanted her for my own for as long as I can remember.

  But this is not the time for reminiscing. “Come. There has to be someone around here who knows what’s going on.” Taking her hand once more, we make our way down the back wall of the airport.

  My hand slips into my bag, retrieving my piece. I slide it under my belt on my hip.

  “Is that a…gun?” Her hand covers her mouth as it hangs open in surprise.

  “Unfortunately, yes. I’m afraid we may be in danger.”

  The sound of a twig breaking underfoot comes from the corner of the building, where I can’t see. I grab Felicity, putting a hand over her mouth and pull her body against mine.

  A young man with jade green eyes and broad shoulders steps out from behind the building. He wears a black tee shirt and I can see the swirl of the tattoo that the members of the Parrish Brotherhood wear. He holds his empty hands up to us. “I’m Alec, I’ve been sent for you. Come with me. There’s been an…” his eyes cut to Felicity as he chooses his next words carefully, offering her a soft smile, “an issue. But nothing to worry over.”

  I sense I can trust this man, but I need to see his gauge his reaction to be sure. “What are the chances an ‘issue’ arises that coincides with our arrival?”

  “Very good. Apparently, Vincenzo Russo leaving his castle spells opportunity to ruffians who may want to see you dead. They followed you here, thinking our little private island would be the perfect disposal grounds for you. They thought wrong.” His gaze holds mine and the only indication of emotion on his face is the smug turn up of the corners of his mouth. “They only got as far as the neighboring island.”

  “And they’ve been taken care of?” I give Alec a hard stare.

  He gives a curt nod. “Of course. One hundred percent.”

  Our words make Felicity’s eyes go wide, her hand tightening around mine.

  Alec continues. “Our apologies we couldn’t greet you the moment you arrived, we were putting our people in lockdown in their homes in case anyone did make it to the Parrish, which is highly unlikely. Rockland operates with extreme caution.”

  Felicity’s hand flutters to her throat. “And the others on the plane? Are they safe?”

  Alec gives a nod. “That was a smart move on your part to re-board them. They are surrounded, under watch, and perfectly safe where they are until Rockland clears them to go to the guesthouses.”

  I look to Felicity. Her skin is a bit pale, but otherwise she seems fine. “Where will you take us?”

  “To one of the bachelor houses on the back of the property.” He waves his hand toward the woods. “We have additional security measures in place on those homes. Rockland would feel safer if we had you both there.”

  I give a nod. “Fine. We’ll follow you.”

  She keeps her hand in mine.

  We walk behind him, following him into the woods. As we emerge from the trees, we see a circle of smaller houses that form a circle. He takes us into the first one. It’s a tastefully decorated home. Dark wood floors, white walls, black leather furniture. Wooden bookshelves line either side of a huge fireplace.

  Felicity immediately wanders off toward the shelves, called by the leather-bound books. Coming across her drug of choice, apparently she’s no longer concerned that her life is in danger. She runs her fingers over the spines, transfixed.

  Alec looks around. “This was Dante’s old place. He’s since married, leaving it open for situations like this.”

  “And the extra security?” My gaze falls on Felicity, the curve of her face, her slim body, and a fierce need to protect her rises in me.

  “Let me show you. I think you’ll be impressed.” We walk over to the back door where a black box sits on the wall. He removes the casing, pointing to a switch. “This switch raises the shield.”

  “The shield? Rockland hasn’t mentioned a shield.”

  “It’s one of our many secrets.” He gives a grin of pride. “If you flip it, a fireproof, bulletproof shield will rise up from the ground, covering the windows, surrounding the home. Making it impenetrable.”

  I’m already glad I’ve come. This visit will be a great learning opportunity to increase our security at the castle. “Fascinating. And to lower it?”

  Alec shrugs. “That’s the catch. Once the shield is up, it stays up for forty-eight hours. No exceptions. It can be made to stay up longer, but it can’t be lowered before that.”

  I never give up control. To be locked here for two days? “How would that serve you, to not have control over it?”

  “Hang on.” Alec’s phone beeps and he grabs it from his pocket, tapping at the screen. “Rockland’s deboarding the plane.”

  “Have him bring my people here and we’ll sort everyone out from here.”

  ‘You got it, boss.” More tapping, then he slides his phone in his pocket. “So, back to the shield. The man who invented it is a firm believer in being aware of falling action—the time you think you’re safe, but then there’s a second attack just as you emerge from your safe house. Programming the mandatory forty-eight hour timeframe was just another one of his precautions.”

  “Seems unnecessary, and yet, highly intelligent.” I wonder if we could get a shield of sorts over our own windows at home.

  “Rockland wants all of your people in houses, under shields, until we’re certain the threat has passed. He values the unity of our families and will do everything he can to keep yours safe, as he does with ours.”

  “Two days?” I think of Esme, of Sophia, the others I’ve brought here. It’s forty-eight hours under lock and key in exchange for their safety. “And you’re sure it’s necessary?”

  “Just to be safe. But the fridge is stocked and I’ll be with you. And, he said you can bring whoever you’d like into this house, though there are only three bedrooms in this house. A separate master down here, and two guestrooms up top. I’ll take the smaller of the two rooms. You’ve got to decide quickly so we can get everyone to their homes.”

  Felicity appears by my side, her face lined with worry. She must have been listening to our conversation. “I’m not leaving Esme. Or Sophia.”

  “Yes. They will come here with us.” Esme is like a daughter to me. I’m relieved when Felicity suggests it. “They can share a room.”

  “And the others?” She wrings her hands.

  I slide an arm over her shoulders. “They’ll be in safe houses as well. Just until we’re sure the threat has been completely neutralized.”

  We wait for the others to arrive. Felicity goes back to her shelves. I ask Alec a few more questions about the shield, intrigued by its design. He’s more than happy to answer them. When he’s finished, I run my hand through my hair thinking of Sophia.

  The others will be fine, but she’s going to panic. She hates an upset in the schedule. And Dante’s old kitchen, though up to date with the latest appliances, is half the size of hers at home.

  It’s going to be a handful calming her.

  And this Alec guy is handsome, and young—I’d peg him at maybe, eighteen? Only a few years older than Esme. Discomfort grows in my chest at the idea of them being in such close proximity. Keeping them apart will be another challenge I’ll face. I’m glad Felicity is here to assist me.

  Maybe it would be a kind gesture of this beast to tell his beauty so. To let her know I’m glad that she’s here.

  I look around the room to find her, expecting she’s gone back to her books.

  My heart catches in my throat—she’s nowhere in sight.



  Of all the humiliation I’ve suffered at Vincent’s hands, peeing my pants in front of
him is one I refuse to allow.

  He and Alec—a big guy with the tattoo—are so engrossed in their conversation about the defense mechanism of the house, I decide against interrupting them to ask where the ladies’ room is. I’ll find it myself. I head down the hall, assuming the master bedroom has a private toilet.

  Oh thank God. Here it is. A huge room with a king sized bed and white comforter. And an open door leading to a white tile bathroom. “Not a moment too soon.”

  Hurrying across the floor, I don’t even have time to lock the door. I kick it closed with my heel as I busy myself unzipping my linen pants. Finally, I sit on the cold seat and relieve myself. I hold in a groan of satisfaction as my bladder empties.

  Just as I find the toilet paper, stacked neatly in a basket by the tub, the door bursts open.

  Vincent stands there, staring at me with wild eyes. “Where’d you go?”

  What the hell! “Isn’t it obvious? I had to pee. Now get the hell out of here.”

  His dark eyes flash, angry and dangerous. “I told you not to leave my sight.”

  I have to hold in an eye roll. “Excuse me for assuming that didn’t include me going to the bathroom. Now, get out! I mean it. If you don’t leave right now, so help me, there is no shield that is going to protect you from me.”

  He gives me a second look, as if he’s debating whether to wipe me himself.

  I growl, “Go.”

  “Fine. But next time, you tell me where you’re going or my belt lays stripes across your ass. Capire?” Understand?

  I grab a roll of toilet paper, aiming it at him. “Capisco. I get it. Now go!” I let it fly.

  He closes the door just before it hits him. It bounces off the door and rolls across the floor, leaving a white paper trail behind it.

  I take my time, washing my hands. Muttering under my breath. Stripes on my ass…

  Making me wonder…what would it feel like?

  To watch him take off his belt, loop by loop, those dark eyes bearing into mine, just knowing he’s removing it to punish me. To have him bare my flesh. Raise the belt, hear it whistle through the air. To be under his power. To have his leather belt biting into my skin.


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