Taken as Theirs

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Taken as Theirs Page 4

by Kryssie Fortune

Eli shot his brother a guilty look but turned to Cassie. “Relax, we won’t let anyone hurt you, not even yourself.”

  Dane’s mouth thinned and eyes narrowed. “Yesterday, you almost got yourself killed. That isn’t acceptable.”

  She pulled the covers up to her chin, too nervous to trust werewolves with her sisters’ secrets.

  Dane shot forward and yanked the blankets from the bed. He hurled them across the room. “Talk to us. What aren’t we seeing?”

  Terrified, she curled up like a hedgehog atop the bare bed. Dane’s anger rekindled her suspicions and fears. No way would she tell them about the infusion of herbs she and her sister drank on a monthly basis. It was supposed to prevent them from bleeding, but this time around something had gone awry.

  Cassie’s period had come on a few days later, and somehow the vampires had known it. They’d hunted her down and shamed her with their abusive ways. Much as she wanted to trust these Lycans, she couldn’t betray her sisters. Rather than lie to them, she shook her head and said nothing.

  Eli stepped toward her, his natural good humor evaporating into steely intent. “You might want to reconsider your silence, princess. You’re safe now, but our pack needs women like you to survive. Talk to us. Help us make things more comfortable for you.”

  A tic started in Dane’s jaw. When he took a deliberate step toward her, Cassie panicked and ran for the door. Grabbing her around the waist, Eli dragged her toward the bed. He perched on the edge and pulled her over his knee. “A bare bottom spanking should remind you not to put yourself at risk.”

  She hung, head down, feet kicking as she tried to break free. Eli planted his huge hand in the small of her back and pinned her in place. His touch felt like a warm caress that leached the fight out of her.

  When he stroked his free hand over her bottom, her cunny dampened. His voice turned raspy and hoarse, as though he struggled to speak. “When I’m done, Dane will punish you for making him dive into that swell. Those waves could have battered you against the barge or washed you away. Your actions were inexcusable, whatever your motives.”

  He shoved the baggy jumper he’d loaned her up around her waist, baring her bottom. Hissing in a breath, she kicked and struggled, desperate to escape his grip. He tangled his legs through hers and stroked her bare bottom. “Stay still, princess, or I’ll double your punishment.”

  Cassie’s head-down, bottom-up position made her feel defenseless and weak. No one, not even her parents, had ever laid a hand on her. Even in human form, werewolves were super strong with enough stamina to keep them going for days. Hell, if he hit her too hard, he could shatter her spine. She’d been an idiot to think these dominant males had a kindly side.

  Cassie lifted her head and tried to catch Dane’s eye. For all his stern exterior, he could stop Eli from spanking her—she hoped. “Please don’t do this. I’m sorry. I was stupid, okay? Isn’t it enough that the pair of you scared me half to death yesterday when you busted me out that castle? Now you’re going to beat me for trying to get away from killer werewolves. I’m begging you. Let me up, please.”

  Dane surprised her by crouching beside her and smoothing her curls back from her face. He gathered her wrists in one hand and stared into her eyes. “We’re sorry we scared you when we sprang you from the vampires. Not that you gave us much choice. I’m going to stay beside you while Eli spanks you. Keep your eyes on me.”

  She’d thought Dane was the stern one who’d do anything to get what he wanted. The way he reassured her helped, but she still wriggled and kicked to get free.

  Again, Eli stroked his hand over her bare behind. “We’re going to spank you, not beat you. There’s a world of difference. Let’s get this over with, then we can forget the stupid stunt you pulled yesterday.”

  She whimpered when Eli caressed her exposed bottom. Damp heat erupted from in her cunny. Her reaction to his dominance humiliated her but she craved more. Rather than admit her needs, she wriggled and yelled as she fought to get free.

  This pair planned to beat her into submission. Only, since she needed to keep her sisters’ secrets, she’d stay strong. Her brain called this Lycan pair’s actions unforgivable. Her body craved more of their masterful touch.

  That warm tingle between her legs spread to her breasts. Her breathing turned shallow and fast. All the while, Dane held her gaze. The tender way he brushed her hair from her forehead made her crave his touch in other, more personal places. Despite her vulnerable position and exposed bottom, her cunny had never been so hot or so wet.

  Eli’s first slap set her bottom burning and knocked the air from her lungs. She panted and wriggled, but he held her in place. Thwack! She screamed as again his huge hand landed hard on her slender bottom. Pain radiated from her arse and jarred her bones.

  Chapter Six

  Cassie shrieked as Eli planted two more slaps, one on each of her sweet spots. Tears poured down her cheeks and her shoulders shook as huge sobs shuddered through her body. Her bottom felt so hot she was certain it glowed. The indignity of her spanking hurt her spirit as much as his slaps hurt her body.

  Hard as she tried, she couldn’t pull her arms free from Dane’s vise-like grip. He shook his head and kept his gaze meshed with hers. “Foolish human. Stay still or Eli might hurt you by accident.”

  Cassie shrieked as Eli’s huge hand sent fresh ripples of pain through her bones. Her instincts took her onto her toes, but that only pushed her bottom up for him to spank. His huge hand bounced off her behind like a wooden plank. Pain radiated from each blow. Worse, when he finished, they’d said Dane would pick up where Eli left off.

  This Lycan pair had been dominant but protective until Eli turned her over his knee and spanked her. Cassie felt part naughty child, part female temptress. Her bottom throbbed and burned, but they weren’t done yet.

  Dane still crouched beside her, watching her face while his brother spanked her. “She’s doing fine. Relax your bottom, little human, and you can get through this.”

  Tears poured from her eyes and dripped onto her chin. Her nose ran and her behind felt like it was on fire. Despite her head-down, bottom-exposed position, more damp heat flooded her cunny. Humiliated but turned on by her spanking, she wanted to rage at her Lycan kidnappers. Wisely, she kept her mouth shut.

  Her silence grew into acceptance. Something hungry and wanton unfurled inside her. Crackles of energy raced through her, freeing her to submit fully. Her cunny tingled and her breasts ached as much as her sore behind.

  Eli landed another two spanks, again targeting her sit spots. The impact on her made her shriek again. To her horror, damp heat swirled through her pussy.

  Eli stroked her bare bottom again then ran his hand through her cunny. “For all your screams, you’re soaked down here.”

  Dane stared into her eyes. “Our sweet little slut’s enjoying this.”

  Cassie’s face heated at his words. Her cheeks had probably turned as red as her arse. Eli slapped the top of each thigh in turn. Her pained shriek subsided into a whimper. Unexpected ecstasy coursed through her blood. She wriggled again, reveling in the hardness of his cock against her belly.

  Eli pushed her legs so wide he revealed the juices glistening in her slit. “Keep rubbing me like that, princess, and I’ll come. I’m hard for you already.”

  The solid length of his cock pressing against her belly fascinated her. She’d nothing to compare it against, but once this spanking had finished, she wanted to touch and taste. The one thing she knew for sure—it was too big to fit inside her.

  Stroking his finger through the juices glistening in her cunny, he sighed. “This could have been good for the three of us.”

  Arse throbbing, she sobbed again. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have jumped overboard, but I thought...”

  Dane let go of her wrists and fondled her clit. “You weren’t thinking at all. Your safety matters, little human, and you will never do anything so stupid again.”

  Despite his stern words, his finger massage r
amped up the tingle in her cunny. When he pinched her clit, she felt like lightning supercharged her body. She shrieked and came hard.

  Cum flooded from her, making a sticky mess on Eli’s bare legs. He laughed and shook his head. “You’re not sorry yet, princess, but you will be.”

  Cassie wriggled and shrieked as he peppered her bare bottom with blows. Occasionally, he paused to stroke her reddened flesh or let Dane fondle her clit. Pleasure mingled with the burning sensation in her bottom. Embarrassed, angry, and horrified by her body’s response, she dropped her chin. If Dane saw her raw desire reflected in her expression, she’d never be able to look him in the eye again.

  As Eli spanked her, she considered her actions. It wasn’t the Lycans’ fault they didn’t know about her sisters. They acted out of concern for her safety. Panting from a mix of desire, pain, and frustration, she hung motionless over his knee.

  The pain sparked new longings inside her. She wanted their mouths on her breasts or exploring her cunny. Rather than fight for her freedom, she surrendered to their dominance. Accepted it. Bathed in it. Craved it.

  Jumping overboard when they were so far from the shore was the dumbest thing she’d ever done. “I’m really sorry, Sir, and I swear I’ll behave better in future.”

  This time, she meant every word. Eli rubbed her bottom, but her punishment had sparked new hunger inside her. Every part of her ached for her captors’ touch.

  Back on the smallholding, she never met any men who intrigued her. That meant no romance, no kisses, and no hugs.

  These wolves couldn’t keep their hands off her. Every little touch, every dominant gesture crept into her heart. She hadn’t realized how much she’d been missing. Even the monstrous wolves who lived within Dane and Eli made her feel safe and protected.

  Exhausted, she slumped over Eli’s lap, boneless and needy.

  Dane waited a few moments then helped her stand. “That’s the first part of your punishment taken care of.”

  The first part? Her legs buckled and he swept her into his arms. The stern look in his eye made her stomach do happy flip-flops, but her poor bottom couldn’t take anymore. When Dane sat on the bed, he cradled her to his chest. “Eli, our sweet strumpet needs a moment. Can you get her a drink of water?”

  Eager to please, he made a quick trip into the galley. When he returned, he held a glass to her lips. “Drink, princess. We won’t mention your folly again, but we still have to address is your putting both your life and Dane’s life in danger.”

  She shuddered against Dane’s chest. “I’m sorry for that, too, Sir. There’s no need to punish me further.”

  He stroked her back. “Little human, I never make empty threats.”

  He surprised her by lifting her arms over her head and tugging off her borrowed jumper. Gasping, she wrapped her arms over her chest, protecting her breasts. “Please, I need clothes. I hate feeling this vulnerable and scared. The vampires kept me naked to take the fight out of me, and honestly, it worked. I’ll wear anything, even an old sack, but I’m too exposed when I’m naked.”

  Dane shook his head. “I’m sorry this is hard for you, but I need to see my target. A few red welts on your beautiful behind will make it all the lovelier, but I don’t want to do you any permanent harm.”

  She hid her face against his shoulder. Even the vampires hadn’t taken a strap to her butt, although the brute who’d won the auction might have once he got her alone. Now, on a sailing barge crewed by werewolves, she had nowhere to run or hide. Eli lifted her from his brother’s lap. “Lean over the side of the bed, press your chest into the cover, and lift your bottom.”

  Out of options, she obeyed.

  Eli moved to the opposite side of the bed, took Cassie’s hands, and stretched her arms over her head. “My turn to hold you still, princess. I need you to lift your bottom and spread your legs wide enough for Dane to see how wet your pussy is.”

  Horrified, she sniffed and shook her head.

  Dane growled behind her. “Behave, or you’ll get twenty strokes instead of ten.”

  She gave an audible gulp, but she spread her legs as he demanded. Her stance gave him a clear view of the juices glistening in her cleft.

  Dane ran his fingers over her aching butt. “This is so pretty and pink. Tell me why I’m punishing you, little human.”

  Cassie didn’t know how she kept her voice steady. “Because you risked your life to save me. I thought I could make the shore, but it was farther than I expected. I’m sorry, Sir. I’ve truly learned my lesson. No more punishment is necessary.”

  He leaned so far over her that his chest pressed against her back. When she spoke, his breath warmed her ear. “Putting the life of one of the Dark Moon Prowlers’ next alphas on the line carries a death sentence.”

  Blinking hard, she frowned as she processed his words. She hadn’t meant to get anyone killed, but last night’s wild leap into the ocean had come back to haunt her. “You’re the next alpha? And you risked your life to rescue a nobody like me?”

  Eli grinned. “He’s half of the next alpha. I’m the cuter half, and while he’s a mean bastard when it suits him, we’ll rule the pack together. And, princess, you are the reason we’re deep in vampire territory. That makes you special, so I won’t hear you run yourself down.”

  Dane shrugged, but the steel in his voice called to something in her soul. “Eli’s got better company manners than me, but deep down he’s a mass of fangs and fury. Don’t think his smile makes him a pushover.”

  Cassie had seen their ruthless streak up close when they’d taken her from the vampire stronghold. Eli smirked. “Remember, princess, Dane dived in the sea to save your ass. Are you calling him a fool for risking his life to save you?”

  Their words confused her until realized her fertile womb made her a valuable asset. She wished they saw her as a whole person, not just a breeder. Rather than show the wounds his words inflicted, she kept her features neutral and shook her head. “The way you saved me was heroic. I hadn’t realized how out of shape I was or how cold the water would be.”

  Tightening his grip on her wrists, Eli met her gaze. “Let’s not get carried away. I’m the one who is hero material, now keep your eyes on me. I need to know we don’t push you too hard. Relax your muscles, princess. Accept the pain, absorb it, and learn from it. Once you’ve received your ten strokes from his belt, we’ll put this whole episode behind us.”

  Lost in a morass of fear and heady desires, she barely heard him. Once Dane stood upright, he used his foot to push her feet further apart. She whimpered softly but tried to keep her bottom in the position he wanted.

  She heard a leather strap swishing through the air and tensed. The sound made her feel sick. Holding her breath, she waited for the first strike. When Dane’s belt connected with her sore bottom, she howled like a banshee.

  If Eli hadn’t held her wrists, she’d have run for the door. Without warning, Dane struck again. Her shriek echoed around the cabin, so loud she knew the Lycans on the deck heard her. His next stroke made her mewl and bury her head in the covers.

  Pain pulsed through her, tightening her muscles and muddling her mind. Eli tugged on her arms. “Head up, princess. I need to see your pretty face. Give her a moment here, Dane.”

  When she lifted her head, Eli sucked in a breath. “I’ve never seen a human turn so white. Another two strikes and she’ll have reached her limit.”

  The belt cracked as it snaked through the air. Twice it bounced off her sensitive sit spots. She hopped from foot to foot. Tears poured down her cheeks and cold sweat soaked her body. Her scream echoed around the cabin, and she panted hard. After this, she wouldn’t be able to sit for a week. “Please, please, I swear to behave in future.”

  Eli released her wrists and helped her to lie on the bed. “It’s done, princess. You were brave and strong. I’m proud of you.”

  She turned onto her side, facing away from the werewolves who’d punished her. The tingle that had started in her cunny spr
ead into her blood, hot and intense. All consuming. She felt breathless and giddy but the way her nipples had pearled and her thighs had grown sticky with her arousal embarrassed her. She craved their hands on her body or better still their tongues exploring her cunny. Cheeks flaming, she prayed they didn’t scent the desires they’d awakened inside her.

  Eli climbed up behind her, tugged her closer, and spooned his body around hers. When he wrapped her in his arms, she sighed and relaxed into his hold.

  Across the room, she heard Dane rummage in drawers. “You did well, little human. Turn over and let me rub salve into your bottom.”

  Before her spanking, the idea of him rubbing her butt would have shamed and horrified her. In too much pain to care, she rolled over, gasping when her sore arse made a brief contact with the covers. Head buried in Eli’s shoulder, she snuggled in close.

  Dane massaged her behind, his touch taking away some of the throbbing heat. The salve helped, as did the way Eli stroked her spine. Dane leaned in and kissed the back of her neck. “All done.”

  When he lay behind her and cuddled in, she gave a contented sigh. Nothing, not even the vampires could hurt her when she was with them. Limp and weary, she lay in this giant bed, craving their hands on her body.

  Chapter Seven

  Cassie loved how Eli rubbed her spine while Dane lay behind her and played with her hair. He seemed mesmerized by her platinum blonde locks. The way they wanted to touch and possess her made Cassie smile. She’d never felt so cherished and precious.

  Dane twined one of her short curls around his finger. “How did we get so lucky as to find you, little human?”

  Eli smirked at his brother. “Told you she was special. We need to find you something better to wear, princess. Everything we brought with us will be supersized on a tiny thing like you.”

  Dane grinned. “She can wear one of your t-shirts and use my belt to pull it in at the waist.”

  She paled, then realized he was teasing. “That’ll work.”


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