His Kingdom (Mafia Made Book 1)

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His Kingdom (Mafia Made Book 1) Page 8

by KL Donn

An abused girl he owes nothing to.

  But gave everything.

  If I were to die tomorrow, I would do so knowing someone in this world cares so deeply for me they’ll risk throwing their life away.

  Dropping his hands from my hair, Natale glides them down my back, squeezing my ass before picking me up and walking us into the shower. Our lips never disengage, even as he bends over to adjust the water warmer.

  Freckled by a flash of cool water, it does nothing to squelch our thirst for each other. I can feel his erection pulsing between us, ready for more. Begging me for everything a man desires.

  Ready or not, I’m going to give Natale all of me.

  My body, my heart, my soul.

  I’m his.


  Pride swells through my chest as I hold Posy in my arms. Mouths locked, a warm spray of water pounding against my back as my hands roam her body.

  I expected her to freak out from the sight of Lackey’s blood. And in a way, she did. But only because she thought I was hurt. Her aloof demeanor towards death was a surprise. She didn’t ask questions; instead, she reminded me to burn the evidence.

  If ever I was worried about her being right for my world, all my fears have been squashed. Like a good mafia wife, her concern was her man.


  And now, she’s my prize.


  There’s no hesitation as my hips move against her heated pussy, rubbing my dick along her folds. If anything, she’s meeting me stroke for stroke. Kiss for kiss.

  This is it. Posy and I becoming one on the night I killed her tormentor.

  “Natale,” she whispers as we come up for air. “I’m ready.”

  With water dripping down my face, I stare into her eyes, and they’ve never been clearer. Previous to tonight, they’ve been clouded with fear and uncertainty. Now, I see only one thing.


  For me.

  Something I hadn’t anticipated experiencing for weeks, maybe even months to come.

  “Say it,” I demand, my voice rough with my own emotions. “Say the words.”

  Sucking her bottom lip into her mouth, Posy looks away briefly before straightening her spine and meeting my stare.

  Confidence shines brightly. “I love you, Natale Morello. All the darkness, the rage, the secrets. I love all of you.”

  Chest heaving, my eyes drift shut, never knowing how much I needed to hear her say it.

  “Why?” I growl.

  “Because you love me too.”

  And my control snaps. Gripping her chin in one hand, I grasp a chunk of hair in the other and slam my lips over hers, taking everything she’s offering and more. Everything she is, is mine now.

  “You know you’re mine, right? That I’m never letting go?”

  “I know.” She pants, her thighs wrapped tight around my hips and hands digging her nails into my bicep.

  “I don’t think you do know, tesoro,” I hiss, battling back some of my desire because it’s raging out of control for her right now. “I have killed for you. I will die for you. I will do anything you ever ask of me, except let you free.”

  In a shocking move, Posy slips her arms through mine and around my neck, fisting the short strands of my hair and yanking my head back. “You don’t understand, Natale.” She bites my lip. “I would rather die than ever leave your side. I would rather kill myself than not have you with me every single day until the day we perish together.”

  It’s her turn to crush my lips with hers. Her actions say all the things her lips don’t. She acknowledges that I’m a bad man. A killer. A murderer. A lover who will do anything for her.

  And she accepts me anyway.

  Stepping out of the shower, I don’t bother to turn off the water before taking her back to our bed. Falling onto the mattress, our lips don’t break apart as I hike her legs further up my body, nearly bending her in half.

  Without thought to her comfort, my dick finds its way to her pussy and slams through her barrier, causing her to tear away from my mouth and scream into the room.

  Every pulse, every breath from her lungs is all centered between her thighs and wrapped snuggly around my throbbing cock, ready to give her the pleasure she’s been denied her entire life.


  Excruciating pain flows through my core, trapping my breath. Stealing my fleeting thoughts.

  I wasn’t ready. I knew I pushed Natale to his breaking point, unleashing his inner beast, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. He’s real. His emotions are raw. Our feelings are so in tune that he’s stopped all movement to give me time to adjust.

  I don’t want time; I want him to move. To take and give what we both crave, but his only thoughts are of me.

  Squeezing my arms between our melded bodies, I push on his chest, so he’s forced to meet my stare. When he notices the tears meandering down to my temples, his face hardens further. Frustration eats at him.

  “I hurt you.” I nod. No sense in lying. “I want to be sorry, tesoro.”

  “You’re not.”

  “No,” he confirms. “I can’t be sorry for the passion you evoke in me. I can’t be sorry for being the only man to know what it’s like to be inside of you. I can’t be sorry for claiming you.” Pride rings through his voice.

  “I don’t want you to be sorry, Natale.” Licking my suddenly dry lips, I lift my hips, motioning him for what I do want.

  A purely predatory smirk emerges when he realizes what I’m asking for. As soon as he starts to move, slowly at first, with gentle thrusts of his hips, I can feel the burning pain of being new at this begin to evaporate.

  Lifting up so he’s resting on his knees, I watch Natale stare at where we’re connected as he holds my ankles behind his back with one hand. The other moves smoothly down my thigh to my center. Holding me in place while he plunges in and out.

  Hissing when I tighten around him, I’m shocked at the pleasure I feel. I hadn’t expected it, and when he groans out, “Look at all that blood on my dick,” my startled eyes dart to where he’s gazing, and I nearly pass out. “That’s all from you, tesoro, further evidence that you’re mine. All fucking mine.”

  Closing my eyes, I concentrate on the way he makes my body react. The tightening in my toes. The quivering in my belly. The lightness travelling through my entire body. It’s like I’m floating on air, and he’s my anchor. Natale is the only thing keeping me grounded to Earth.

  The sensation of his fingers intertwining with mine as I feel his body gently lowering down onto me. The thundering of our hearts syncing as he whispers in my ear, “Eyes on me, tesoro.” He pins my hands above my head.

  My body is entirely open to whatever he wishes to do to me, and there is nothing I can do to prevent it. Not that I want to.

  No matter how uncomfortable it might make me, I want Natale to feast on me in ways I’ve never even dreamed of.


  Christ, she’s slowly killing me. Posy is following my lead fervently and allowing me to do as I please. I don’t think she knows how to tell me no. Not for this. Not when it comes to us. And I can’t fucking find it in me to reassure her that she always has the option to say no. Always.

  We’re as tightly wound together right now as humanly possible. With each thrust of my hips, her legs constrict around me. Our breathing is in tune. Our hearts pound together.

  We’re fused, and I’m ready to explode.

  Taking her lips, my tongue mimics the actions of my cock inside her pussy, and when Posy sucks the muscle into her mouth, I can’t control myself any longer.

  My body has a mind of its own, and my jutting hips become rougher, more forceful in their pummeling until she’s on the verge of coming all over me, and I’m nearly passing out from bliss.

  “Come for me, Posy. Give me your pleasure,” I groan, trying valiantly to hold off from releasing inside of her.

  “Oh god,” she cries into my neck before biting on the tendon I know is bulging in the side.

>   The sensation of her pulsing around me sets me off, and I feel my balls draw up tight before letting go. Shouting into the bed, I unleash my seed into her and only briefly think of the possible consequences, but I don’t care enough to pull out.

  It’s too late anyways.

  “Heaven,” I moan into her ear. “Fucking you is akin to heaven.” Rolling to the side, I pull her on top of me, knowing we need to hit the shower, but too relaxed to move.

  Combing my fingers through her hair, I expect Posy to fall asleep. When she sits and rotates her hips, my dick immediately stirs, wanting more.

  “You killed a man for me tonight, Natale.”

  “I did.” My fingers glide up her thighs to her waist, gripping her hips, and I slowly rock her back and forth.

  “You could be taken away from me.” Her hands grasp mine, nails digging into my wrist.

  “I won’t be.”

  “You don’t know that!” Her shout halts my movements. Spinning to the edge of the bed, I pick her up, cock still embedded in her tight pussy, and walk to the shower that’s still running.

  Thankfully, there’s some lukewarm water remaining as I step in. Plastering her back to the wall, my hips begin moving again. Slowly, at first, before picking up speed and thrusting inside her so fiercely that I worry she’s going to ask me to stop.

  “I’ll kill for you every day of my fucking life if I have to, and nobody is ever going to take me away, Posy.” Leaning back, I stare into her concerned gaze. “Nobody.”

  Crashing my lips over hers, we linger in the shower until the water cools and we begin to shiver before returning to bed as the sun starts to rise.

  Chapter 11


  “Natale.” I hear my mother’s voice as she slowly opens the door. “You’re going to want to come downstairs, please.”

  I nod before glancing over at a sleeping Posy. “Bring her too,” she says, and that’s when I grow concerned. Over the last two days since we became intimate, I’ve kept Posy busy between her succulent thighs, and her nightmares have lessened, though not disappeared completely, but enough that she’s not screaming awake every other hour. So when she’s in a deep sleep, I don’t like to wake her, but if my mother’s attitude is any indication, it’s important.

  She has no idea what I did for Posy. Only my father knew what I had planned, and I wouldn’t even allow him to come along because if things did go south, I needed to know someone was free to protect my girl.

  After the door closes, I gently brush my fingers across Posy’s lips, whispering in her ear, “Wake up, tesoro. We’re needed downstairs.”

  Her eyes pop open, stress shining heavily back at me. I can practically read her mind. She’s worried someone is here for me.

  Pushing the covers off, I roll out of bed before holding out a hand for her to take. “Everything will be fine,” I try to reassure, but I can tell she doesn’t believe me.

  Helping her into a sweater, a pair of leggings, and the thick socks she enjoys, I slip into my sweats and a t-shirt before guiding her downstairs. Immediately, I can tell things are off.

  When I see Domino in the kitchen in uniform, I know they’ve found Lackey’s body, and I’m their first suspect because I raised some hell when he wasn’t immediately arrested, giving him time to run and hide.

  “Domino.” I nod at him when I see his partner standing at the counter, coffee in hand.

  “Natale, Posy.” He nods back. “This is my partner, Officer Grant Taylor.”

  “Okay.” I’m not going to be friendly to a man who is likely using Domino as his way into our house. “What’s going on?”

  After slurping down his hot drink, Taylor says, “We’d like you to come down to the station to answer a few questions.”

  “About what?” I cross my arms, standing next to Posy, who Mamma just ushered into a chair.

  “We’ll talk about it there,” Taylor repeats.

  “I’d rather talk here.” I won’t budge. They can’t force me, and if they had anything on me, I’d have been arrested already.

  Taylor looks to Domino, who only shrugs his shoulders. “Alright. We found Brian Lackey’s body this morning.” I feel Posy tense beside me, and it doesn’t take long for her body to start shaking. The creep elicits fear in her like nothing else.

  “His body?” I repeat. “So he’s dead?”

  “I think you already knew that, Mr. Morello,” Taylor speculates.

  “Is this an interrogation?” Papà inquires, pulling out his phone, ready to contact a lawyer.

  Taylor raises his hands. “Not at all. Just trying to figure out a few things.” Liar. He wants to pin it on me, even without evidence. “You were seen at his home a couple of nights ago. Can you confirm what time that was and what you spoke about?” The asshole has the gall to look me in the eyes with his fucking lie. I never went to the dickhead’s residence.

  “I wasn’t there.” I tilt my head, my eyes flit to Domino, who stays silent. If I had to guess, he was ordered to keep quiet under threats of termination.

  “There’s a witness.”

  I bark out a humorless laugh. “That’s bullshit, and we both know it. You’re trying to hang Lackey’s death, or is it murder, on me because you have no evidence on the actual killer. Get the fuck out of here.” Turning my back on the man, I see the dead look in Posy’s eyes, and I know she’s stuck in her head, focused on every worst-case scenario there is. If I don’t bring her back to me, she’ll be stuck there for longer than she can bear.

  “You need to come with us, Mr. Morello,” Taylor insists.

  I don’t bother turning back around. “Unless I’m under arrest, I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  “If that’s how you want to play it.” I can hear him pulling out his cuffs. “Natale Morello, you are under arrest on suspicion of the murder of Brian Lackey. Put your hands behind your back.” He continues to read me my rights, but my focus remains on Posy.

  My parents are already on the phone, presumably with a lawyer, and when Taylor grips my elbow, Posy emerges from her shocked state. Throwing herself into my arms, she murmurs so only I can hear, “I’ll make this right.”

  Giving her my signature smirk, I kiss her, sucking her bottom lip into my mouth, accepting that it’s going to be a few days before I can do that again and allow them to lead me away with my head held high.

  The coming days are going to test Posy’s strength and whether she can handle me in her life or not. I can only hope that she’s as strong as my father and I believe.

  Chapter 12


  For the past twenty-four hours, I’ve been held in an interrogation room. Cold, blinded by lights, and denied my rights. They’ve refused to allow Domino in to see me, and they’ve done everything possible to keep my lawyer out. But given that they can hold me for seventy-two hours, there hasn’t been much he could do to help.

  I don’t give two shits. They expect me to break, but it’s not going to happen. They have no idea the things I’ve seen and done. The misery I’ve been through. I won’t break.

  The creaking of the door brings Taylor back in with a remote. Clicking the television on, he watches me with a sick sense of satisfaction.

  “You see what she’s doing? Exposing herself to the world for a piece of crap like you.” He grows angered when I don’t respond.

  Listening to Posy, I have the exact opposite reaction that Taylor was expecting. Pride swells my chest.

  “My name is Posy Ivanov.” I can detect the tremor in her voice, but I doubt anyone else will. “And for the last few years, my father, Officer Ethan Ivanov, has allowed his partner, Officer Brian Lackey, to sexually abuse me for their own pleasure.” My parents stand behind her for strength. Anatonia and Domino are on either side of my girl. Protecting her. I can hear Taylor mumbling behind me once he spots Domino, and I don’t bother to hide my crooked grin.

  “After growing up with a controlling father and a drug-addicted mother, I grew distant and afrai
d. Once the physical abuse started, I tried to tell someone in authority. I tried to get help.” My fists ball on my thighs as I listen to her heartbreaking recollection. “I was failed by a system that protected corrupt police officers.”

  There’s a hush as she takes a second to gather her thoughts. As she looks at the camera again, I’d swear she’s looking right at me.

  “And now…now that I’m in a safe place, the police, the people who swore to protect innocent lives like mine, are doing everything they can to take it all away. To abuse me again, only this time it’s worse because I know what’s on the other side of that torment. I know what it’s like to be loved by people who only want to provide me a good life. I know what it’s like to have someone care.

  “Natale Morello, my…boyfriend”—seems to be too tame of a word— “and his family”—she indicates my parents behind her—“have taken me in. They petitioned the court for me, to gain custody of a nearly eighteen-year-old girl, who they knew nothing about, who didn’t even speak, and now, Officer Grant Taylor is trying to rip them apart by accusing and arresting Natale in his own home.

  We’ve recently learned that Officer Taylor provided contrived evidence. A witness was being paid to say they saw Natale at Brian’s home when Brian was never there to begin with, and neither was Natale.”

  Three more officers enter the room I’m in. Glancing at them, I can see they recognize where Posy is going with this.

  “Officer Taylor failed to mention his relation to Brian Lackey, the man who spent years assaulting me, and it’s because of this that, with the help of the Morello’s, I am filing a lawsuit against Officer Taylor and pursuing charges of misconduct. You see, I didn’t know it then; I only learned this morning that Officer Taylor is the one who brushed me aside years ago when I reported Brian Lackey for assault. Not only did he not file a report, but he failed to investigate at the request of my abuser. Officer Grant Taylor, I hope you get everything you deserve in prison.”


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