Grimoires, Spas & Chocolate Straws

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Grimoires, Spas & Chocolate Straws Page 6

by Erin Johnson

  She shrugged. "Three of her husbands and several other lovers of hers have all died under what some might consider mysterious circumstances." She took a bite and worked it over, then spoke. "But I've known her all my life, and she's awesome. It's all just small town gossip." She scoffed and I scoffed back, waving it off. My gaze swiveled to Iggy's and we exchanged wide-eyed grimaces.

  "Oh," Iggy squeaked. "Goody, we get to stay with her?"



  We headed for Umiru the next day. Hank, one of the few of us who was good on a horse, rode up ahead next to Misaki and Jun, while the rest of us rode in the back of the cart that carried the big baskets of tea leaves. I sniffled and wiped my nose as I eyed one. I'd been sneezing my head off since we'd climbed into the cart in the gray light of the early morning. I had a sneaking suspicion I was allergic to the tea leaves.

  I kept an eye out as we passed through the dense, green forest but saw no sign of Horace or Leo or any of the many members of the Badlands Army. Still, I wondered if they were out there, watching.

  We left Kusuri early, and it took most of the day to reach the seaside town. Sam, who rode in the front seat beside our driver, Kenta, gasped when we left the shade of the trees. I rose to my knees, as did Maple beside me, and turned to see what had startled our shifter friend.

  Maple gasped too, and a huge smile spread across my face as I took in the sight below. Our horses began carefully picking their way down the cliffside road, while below the golden, late afternoon sun sparkled on the surface of the crystal clear blue water below. Waves lapped at a white sandy beach and a gentle breeze blew the fresh, salty scent of the sea to us. I threw my head back and took a deep breath through my nose, the sun warming my face.

  "Sands below." Annie had risen to her feet behind us, holding Yann's arm for balance. They swayed with the rocking of the cart. She laughed. "We're in paradise!"

  I turned to Maple, full of glee, and grabbed her hands. "And we're going to get massages."

  Her eyes sparkled. "And facials!"

  Wiley rubbed his hands together as Cat scampered up his leg to perch on top of his head. "Maybe I'll try surfing."

  The scene below kept us all rapt as we switch-backed down the cliffside road, dotted with green shrubs that waved in the ocean breeze. Colorful tents lined the boardwalk and pier, and a wide street crowded with hotels and spas bustled with tourists and merchants with their food stalls and carts selling trinkets. Children tore down the beach, trailing kites that looked like rainbow manta rays, their wings magically flapping, and the pounding thumps of big, deep drums reached our ears.

  Francis, who sat hovering beside Rhonda, lifted his pale face to the sky, then hid below the sleeve of his tuxedo jacket. How he could still be wearing a black suit in this humid heat was beyond me.

  I lifted a brow. "Francis, do you want to take your jacket off?"

  He cleared his throat and smoothed his long, black, oiled hair back. His long pale fingers looked blindingly white in comparison. "I think I will need all the sun protection I can get, thank you."

  I glanced at Maple, my brows pulled together, then back to the vampire. "Uh, true." I pointed at his nose. "You're already getting a little pink."

  "Dear." He blinked at Rhonda. "Would you mind reapplying the sun spell for me?"

  "Mm-hmm." Rhonda, her gaze laser focused on something below, waved a hand absently, her bright nails glittering in the sunlight. "In just a minute."

  I craned my neck. "What do you see?" Maple rose beside me, also following Rhonda's gaze.

  The seer let out a husky chuckle. "Third spa from the beach."

  I frowned and peered over the heads of the crowd to the third spa from the beach. "Okay…." What could be so fascinating? It had a black tiled roof and bright white walls.

  Rhonda's warm hands palmed my cheeks and she tilted my chin up a little and to the left. "The pool in the back."

  I squinted at the walled-in area, a round steaming pool, and… the dozen or so naked men strolling about and lounging beside it. "Sea snakes!"

  I jerked back, and Hank and the other guards up front glanced back at me. I gave a little wave to show I was all right, then rounded on Rhonda. "That's just a bunch of naked guys, you perv!"

  Maple must've seen it just a moment after I did. She gasped and then sank down, leaning against one of the baskets of tea.

  "Where?" Annie gripped Yann's arm and rose on her toes, looking this way and that.

  I shook my head. "You're both pervs."

  Captain Kenta glanced back from the front seat, a grin on his goateed face. "Oh, don't be a prude."

  I gasped. "You too, huh?" I shook my head in mock disappointment. Then I glanced down at Maple. The color had drained from her cheeks and Wiley watched her, amused. I lifted a brow. "You okay down there?"

  She gave a short nod, her gaze far off, not really seeing anything. "I didn't expect… that."

  The sun hung low above the shimmering horizon when our horses trotted out onto the main street of Umiru. Drums pounded and bells chimed as dancers attracted crowds of clapping, cheering spectators, and the savory smells of grilled meat and fried stuff on sticks drifted to us from the food stalls scattered about. Moons and stars decorated the curtains of a fortune teller’s stall, and I grinned when Rhonda sniffed and lifted her nose at it.

  It was slow going, parting a way through the thick crowd that filled the wide street, but thankfully we didn't have far to go. The famous Doragon Spa loomed above us, the closest building to the long stretch of white sandy beach and the first one on the main street.

  The spa was a massive building with multiple tiers of roofs that made it difficult to tell just how many stories high it rose. The green scalloped tiles that patterned the swooping, curling roof levels reminded me of dragon scales. Red and gold lanterns and big bronze bells seemed to drip from it, the lights and chimes adding to the music and festivity of the celebration in the street.

  Misaki, Jun, and Hank reached the wide overhang that sheltered the doors to the spa first. They dismounted and workers in deep green cotton shirts and knickers rushed forward. They exchanged bows and then led the horses off, around the side of the building, heading, I imagined, toward the stables. More workers rushed forward from the two tall wooden doors studded with iron and bowed, then helped Sam and Kenta down from the driver seat. Hank, smiling, came around to the back. He and Yann handed Annie down from the cart, while Francis grabbed Rhonda's hands and floated her down. A few nearby children who'd been screaming and giggling moments before watched, dumbstruck.

  I rolled my eyes at Maple in faux annoyance. "Aaaannd they're already celebrities, and we've been here about five seconds."

  Rhonda overheard and patted my hand, her lips pressed tight together. "Some of us can't help that we've got that certain star power. It's both a gift—" She sighed. "—and a curse."

  I chuckled. "Yeah, yeah."

  I sat on the edge of the cart, my legs dangling, and Hank grabbed my waist and lifted me down. He stared down at me once my feet hit the ground, his handsome face surprisingly serious, then wrapped me in a hug. I sighed happily and nuzzled against his muscled chest.

  "You know—" He hugged me tighter. "—I think we're actually going to get to enjoy a vacation together this time."

  I jerked back and held up a finger. "Hey. Don't jinx us. You know something always happens."

  A huge smile spread across his face and I couldn't help being a little dazzled. "As long as we're together."

  I chuckled up at him as the cart pulled away from us, driven by the spa workers. "Someone's in a good mood." The crowd flowed by us, the air filled with laughter, clapping, music.

  "How could I not be? This place is amazing and… I'm here with you." He licked his lips and stared down his big, straight nose at me. "But really, I felt like we needed this—I needed it." He shrugged. "I've been so in my head, trying to figure out what's next for me…" He looked down and spoke quieter. "For us." His eyes darted to m
ine, a small smile playing at the corner of his mouth.

  My breath caught. There was something about his tone, the way he held me so close—something different.

  "I've been wanting to talk to you about—"

  "Hey, guys!" Jun waved from the doorway. He jerked his head. "Come on in, I want you to meet Miss Sara."

  I blinked. All our friends had already gone inside, and I hadn't even noticed, I was so wrapped up in talking with Hank. I giggled up at him, expecting to see the same bashfulness on his face at being so lost in each other, but instead he only nodded, a half smile on his lips and disappointment in his eyes.

  I took his hand and squeezed it as I led the way to the doors. "You and I are going to have lots of time to talk and"—I grinned and lifted a brow—"do other things this weekend, so don't be pouty."

  He grinned in earnest at my teasing and let me lead him inside.


  The Doragon

  Though the green tiles and dark wood trim of the exterior had seemed imposing, the interior was full of space and light. The lobby rose above us, stories tall.

  Enchanted glowing fish swam about just below the ceiling and cast a soft, shifting light on the gleaming wood floor. A white marble check-in desk sat at the far end, staffed by several men and women in emerald green suits and skirts. A huge wall of windows stretched behind them, open to the beach and the shimmering sea beyond.

  I grinned up at Hank. "Woo, it's fancy."

  He nodded. "We're living large this weekend."

  We caught up to our friends, who waited in a short line behind a few families who were also checking in. Maple turned and handed me Iggy in his lantern.

  He scowled at me. "You forgot me. You were just going to let the horses take me while you made googly eyes at this one." He jerked his head at Hank.

  I opened my mouth to protest, but with a flush of embarrassment realized I had forgotten him. "Sorry." I turned to Maple and mouthed "thanks."

  She smiled and nodded, then Wiley caught her attention.

  I held Iggy up and his flames warmed my cheeks. "I'll make it up to you."

  He sniffed and folded his flaming arms. "How?"

  "I'll—" I racked my brain.

  "Have you ever tasted driftwood?" Hank lifted a brow.

  Iggy slowly turned toward him and dropped his arms. "No. Why?"

  "Oh." Hank opened his eyes wide, his hands shoved in his pockets. "Well, I hear it's delicious."

  "Really?" Iggy's fire brightened.

  We shuffled forward as the line moved. A hotel worker in green escorted a family with two small children down the hallway to the right.

  My flame narrowed his eyes. "How would you know?"

  Hank hiked his shoulders. "I've got my ear to the ground."

  Iggy, still suspicious, glared at him.

  Hank flashed his eyes at me and I jumped. "Oh! Oh yeah, no, it's true." I nodded at Iggy. "You might even like it better than cedar."

  Iggy looked down, mulling it over. His eyes flitted to Hank, then me. "And… you can find me some of this driftwood?"

  "Of course." Hank and I nodded emphatically.

  Iggy took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. He turned to me and blinked. "All right. You're forgiven."

  I grinned and pretended to wipe sweat off my brow. "Phew."

  "Just don't let it happen again."

  I let my arm hang at my side and winked at Hank. That'd been some pretty quick thinking on his part—I was impressed.

  "Oh!" I jumped as something brushed up against my arm. I turned as a short man carrying an enormous bouquet of flowers in a golden vase bustled by. The stems had pushed up against my arm, and a small white card fluttered to the ground. "Oh, you dropped something!"

  The man wrapped both arms around the wide vase and staggered under the weight of the flowers. He turned around and tried to peek at me through the dense foliage of grasses, bluebells, and pale pink roses, mixed with more exotic things like golden sea ferns, emerald green moss, red lacey sea whips, and starfish. It was an ocean-themed explosion of flowers.

  I dipped and scooped up the card. My curiosity got the best of me and I read it as the man teetered closer.


  I apologize for my momentary lapse of judgment.

  The strength of my feelings got the best of me.

  Forgive me?


  I frowned at the card. It was for Miss Sara? The proprietress of the spa? And who was N.S.? They sounded like a romantic interest, but I was surprised anyone would be interested in a woman known around town as the black widow.

  Iggy leaned out his lantern and read the card as well. "Ooh. N.S. must've messed up bad to send that bouquet."

  The little man cleared his throat, and I looked up to find the spray of flowers in my face.

  "Oh, uh—" I leaned right, then left, trying to figure out a way to hand the card over. I spotted the little bamboo fork sticking out from the vase and fitted the card back into it. The man hurried off again, engulfed. A few startled workers, their eyes round, hurried over from behind the desk and helped settle the bouquet atop the tall marble ledge.

  The little man who'd delivered it backed away and doubled over, bracing with his hands on his thighs. A man in a green suit offered him a glass of water, which he took with a nod.

  We shuffled forward again, and Jun had nearly reached the front desk to check us in when a stunning woman who looked to be in her late forties marched into the lobby from the direction of the hotel. Her entrance caused a bit of a commotion. The workers at the front desk straightened their jackets and lifted their chins, while every other worker she passed folded into a deep bow. Her eyes landed on Jun, then Misaki, and her beautiful face lit up. She clapped her hands and strode over, her black heels clicking on the wood floor.

  "Misaki." She embraced the guard, then turned and hugged Jun. Her dark eyes sparkled, and her full lips pulled into a wide smile. "Welcome! And welcome to you all. Any friend of Misaki and Jun's is a friend of mine."

  Misaki turned down the line to face us. "Everybody, this is Miss Sara. She's been gracious enough to allow us to stay at her fabulous spa at a time when every room in town is probably booked up right now."

  Miss Sara clicked her tongue and waved it off.

  We all folded into bows, greeting her, then straightened. This was the black widow?


  The Widow's Web

  Miss Sara wore black (as I'd expect from a black widow) and though it was a simple, knee-length dress, she looked expensive and chic in it. But I'd imagined someone… older. Her shiny black hair was pulled into a bun at her nape. The only sign of her age was a streak of gray at her temple. But the freckles that dotted her high cheekbones and her bright grin gave her a girlish attractiveness.

  "I hope you'll be very comfortable here. And if you need anything, or have any concerns, just let a member of my excellent staff know, and they'll take great care of you." Miss Sara beamed at us, and it was hard not to beam back.

  She turned to Misaki. "Your horses are being seen to?"

  She nodded, her top knot bouncing. "Yep. And Mr. Sahi and his team already grabbed our luggage."

  "Perfect!" She clapped her slender hands together again. "And how is your grandma? Going strong as ever, I hope?"

  Misaki rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah. You can't make her stop—always up to something."

  "And little Fumi?"

  Misaki grinned. "Not so little anymore. She's into boys now."

  Miss Sara squeezed Misaki's forearm and gave her a serious stare, though a smile played at her lips. "Fortune help you."

  Misaki laughed, then glanced down the line of us. "Do you think you could help this lot get settled in? We've arrived a bit later than we anticipated, and need to go chat with the fishermen to form a plan for guarding the catch tonight."

  Ben gawked at her—the same dumbstruck look he usually reserved for Maple.

  "I'd be happy to." Sara bowed her head.

"Thanks so much!" Misaki gave her another hug, then she and Jun headed our way.

  Sam, standing a few people in front of Hank and me, turned to Kenta. His glasses slipped down to the tip of his nose as he hung his head. "Be careful… out there, in the sssea."

  Kenta face flushed pink and he grinned at Sam. "I'm always careful." He gave my shifter friend a wink and Sam blushed. "I'll be happy to see you when I get back."

  I pressed my lips together, trying to hold in my smile. Awwww!

  Jun stopped and addressed Hank and Maple. He handed over a couple of sheets of parchment, names and addresses scribbled all over them with figures and prices. "Here's the list of deliveries, who gets what and how much they owe you. If you have any trouble finding these places, just ask Miss Sara for help."

  They took the papers and looked them over.

  Jun gestured between them. "I figured it'd go faster if you split up."

  Maple nodded as Wiley read over her shoulder.

  Hank lifted a brow. "Would you prefer we start this evening or—"

  Jun shook his head. "No. Get settled in. Enjoy yourselves." He smiled. "Tomorrow's fine." He looked seriously at my friends and me. "Thank you all again so much—I really appreciate this."

  I scoffed. "Are you kidding? We're happy to. Now go—talk to some fishermen."

  Misaki, Jun, Ben, and Captain Kenta waved their goodbyes and headed back out into the street. I turned back around and gasped when I caught sight of Yann. His eyes were glazed, his mouth hung slack and his chest heaved.

  "Yann, buddy." I dashed over to him as the others fell into conversation with Sara. He continued to stare, blank-faced, until I reached up and shook his firm shoulder.

  "Eh?" He blinked a few times, then glanced down at me, dazed. "What now?"

  I frowned in concern. "Are you all right?"

  "Oh yah." He turned from me and stared again.


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