Insidious Prophecy

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Insidious Prophecy Page 19

by JH Terry

XIX: The Black Door

  Akemi lowered the cloak upon the ground near the end of the teal chamber. They landed near a cave wall that was made entirely of rock except for a circular black door that seemed to be constantly moving in a circular motion against its doorframe.

  Seeing this extraordinary feat, Kate said, “Akemi, what is going on exactly? It is as if there are no hinges, but that is impossible.”

  “Yes,” said Akemi. “There are no hinges, and it is impossible. Anything else.”

  “Any other creatures we might have to worry about in there?” asked Peter.

  “I do not know for sure, but I think so,” said Akemi. “We better find out then, shouldn’t we? That is why they call what we are doing an adventure, right?”

  “We never signed on for an adventure,” said Tom, “only to help the people of Altium and everyone else against Norbis.”

  “Of course,” said Akemi, “but it is still an adventure.”

  Akemi then climbed off of the cloak as did Tom, Peter and Kate. Akemi brushed off some debris off of her cloak and then tied it around her neck.

  “Come along then,” said Akemi to the others.

  They followed Akemi to the end of the passageway to the black door. As she walked closer to the door, Akemi began to conceive a test for Tom. Why not? If he were truly the chosen one such a test would be easy for him to do well in. Also, if he were not then the hoax would be over and the needless quest finished with. She went over to the door and pretended to try to open it to no avail, even though she knew otherwise, for she had opened this door several times before with great ease, for it was just a simple passageway to what lay ahead.

  “This is strange,” said Akemi.

  “What is strange?” asked Kate.

  “I do not remember this door,” said Akemi in an unsure tone. “I do not know how to open it. With age the memory always fades.”

  “What are we going to do?” asked Peter.

  “Perhaps Tom could indulge us with his help in this matter. His help could be very useful,” said Akemi.

  “All right,” said Tom as he looked to the others, “if it will help at all.”

  “Then it is best,” said Akemi. “Come over here Tom to the door and see if you can open it.”

  “Good luck,” said Peter to Tom as Tom walked towards where Akemi was standing.

  “Try not to hurt yourself,” said Kate. “If you die then I know we will have to find our own way back home with that creature, and the world will become evil with no hope of it being otherwise.”

  “I will try not to,” said Tom.

  “Thanks,” said Kate.

  “Of course,” said Tom.

  Tom then walked over to the door. Akemi was still standing there. When Tom reached Akemi, she said, “Remember Tom, rely on your intuitions. It will be them that will show you the truthful path.”

  “I shall remember that,” said Tom.

  Akemi nodded her head and went to stand next to the others. As Akemi walked away, the door’s size grew bigger, enough to fit Tom through it. Akemi and the others stood about two yards away from Tom and the door.

  “Do you think he will be all right?” asked Peter of Akemi.

  “I hope so,” said Akemi, “or all of our hopes would have been for nothing.”

  Tom looked at the door, which, upon closer evaluation, was not exactly black, but various dark colors. She colors blended every few seconds to form the color black making the entire door seem to be a constant color. Upon evaluating the door with an even closer look, Tom could see that there were pin wide lines forming geometrical shapes. Each shape led to a place unknown to Tom. Only one would lead him to the right path, but which one was it?

  “What to do?” asked Tom to himself. “Perhaps I should close my eyes. The blackness of my mind has revealed to me already so many things, perhaps it could help to reveal more.”

  Tom closed his eyes, but before him was only the darkness of his physical boundaries. “No,” thought Tom, “that’s not working. What am I to do?”

  Then, remembering to use his intuitions, Tom thought, “How does one use his/her intuitions? Is it as plausible as Akemi says? Perhaps I must concentrate on what is before me in my mind.”

  Tom tried this, but nothing happened. However, just as he was about to claim failure, into Tom’s mind emerged the door before him. At each geometric shape lay a ferocious beast, such as lions, snakes, dragons, and other creatures of such horror.

  “Of course,” said Tom. “Each of these shapes have animals on them, showing that the animal is at that particular shape, and meaning that each of these is meant to be a hazardous obstacle.” Looking around the door, Tom saw in the middle of the door was a red brick house – his house, with a black creature.

  “The black creature means that this leads to the dungeon. Since my house is in the centre of the rectangular pattern with the schools made by Reilly A. Pete around them, they must be the same on here,” said Tom to himself, but as he looked for the rectangular pattern he saw that there was none. However, he did see one other place where there was not a beast. It was the only other place other than his house to not have a beast. At this place there was a pentagonal shape of a castle that seemed familiar to Tom. Tom moved his right index finger towards the shape with his eyes still closed. He could even see his hand moving towards it in his mind. His outstretched index finger touched the button. However, at that precise moment the door began to shake. The shaking could be resonated in Tom’s finger and arm. Suddenly, he was shoved backwards by someone behind him, causing him to open his eyes.

  Looking behind he could see it was Akemi. However, Akemi was not looking wildly at him, but at the door. Looking back, Tom could see that where his finger had been several steel blades had projected out of the door. Some were as long as two inches.

  Looking to Akemi, Tom said, “Is that why you wanted me to do it? Did you want a thrill out of hurting me?”

  Looking at Tom, Akemi said, “No, Tom, you are wrong. I have been past this door several times, but never once has this happened to me. Even it knows that you are foe to it, for where we are about to enter is the lair of Unop’s earthly abyss.”

  “Have you been at this door before?” asked Peter.

  “Yes,” said Akemi, “with Sherog. We have been at it several times, only to go to the various other places on the door which leads to many creatures that no-one in his/her life should have to go through. That is why Sherog’s hair was white, out of the fear he felt with each adventure.”

  “You call that adventure, nearly getting killed?” asked Kate. “I call that stupidity.”

  “Thrills for one person are very different than the thrills of another. I would rather have my thrills of fighting beasts and other dangers than live a sedated life at home. What is the point of being sedate? You were born living, and are meant to live that life alive.”

  “What about family?” asked Peter.

  “What about it?” asked Akemi. “There is no reason to have a family, they only disappoint you and inhibit your functioning of life.”

  “What functioning is that?” asked Tom.

  “A life purely of fun. That is what life is about. Having fun in every imaginable way possible and having no responsibility to it. That is freedom.”

  “No,” said Tom, “that is stupidity.”

  “If you lived it for awhile then you would not call it stupidity.”

  “No one has the right to kill animals just because they feel like it, even if they are beasts. Those animals did not even go looking for you. You went looking for them. How many of them have you tallied on your sheet of species to wipe out before you die. Your sense of adventure. Because of people like you who have fun many animal species, like the dodo, have become extinct. You do not care for anything but yourself, they are not the beasts, you are,” said Tom.

  Everyone was silent. Akemi looked angrily at Tom, but said, “We must continue
on our journey. If I were you, Tom, I wouldn’t be so callous with my tongue especially with the one who holds the sword.”

  “You called Norbis a coward,” said Tom, “but with your sword you are worse, a coward who thinks she is brave. At least Norbis is honest to himself. Only a lowly creature would lie to themselves, let alone others.”

  Still looking to Tom, Akemi said, “Open.”

  Suddenly, the door opened to a hallway lit with only torches along its walls. Tom, Peter, Kate, and Akemi walked over to the door. Tom, as he looked to it, noticed something.

  “Wait a moment,” said Tom, “this place is familiar.”

  “Of course it is,” said Peter. “It’s Sudbury High. No one is allowed down here, or they get expelled.”

  “Where does it say that?” asked Tom.

  “In the disclaimer,” said Peter with a sigh.

  “Of course, what does the disclaimer not talk about. It all relates now,” said Tom. “These obstacles that we went through were the work of Reilly A. Pete to keep anyone who came into that basement from finding out a secret, but what is that secret?”

  “Where the Rubies of Quarduiz are located,” said Kate.

  “Yes, you figured it out. Aren’t you all very smart. Let’s go find it now,” said Akemi as she walked into the hallway. She brushed past Tom without looking at him. Kate, Peter, and Tom followed right behind her. As Tom entered the hallway, the door closed behind him, sealing it from the Teal Abyss.

  They walked through the corridor for about ten yards when, to their left, they saw stairs leading up to the basement of the school.

  “Let’s go up the stairs,” said Akemi.

  They all walked up the stairs. To their right Kate noticed something.

  “Hey, look over here,” said Kate as she pointed to the right where they saw a bluish light shining about a yard away.

  “Do not go over there if you want to maintain your soul’s peace,” said Akemi.

  “Whatever do you mean?” asked Peter.

  “Over there lie the souls of all of those who have disappeared in this school throughout the years.”

  “You mean they took their souls?” asked Kate.

  “Yes, but far worse they have placed them into a sort of purgatory, one worse than even the human mind can imagine.”

  “Why did they place them there?” asked Peter.

  “Sometimes because they were too clever to handle, other times because they were noted to be ones to help the Altinium cause, and finally because they made a mistake…,” said Akemi.

  “Like Martin, the boy who died mysteriously last year in the janitorial closet.”

  “Exactly,” said Akemi. “I was too late to help him, but I shall be ready to help you.”

  “Hopefully,” said Tom sarcastically. Akemi gave Tom a look of irritation, but continued to walk ahead leading them up to a place they were not certain of.

  • • • • • • • • •

  They all walked up another flight of stairs until they came onto the first floor where the school’s classes were located.

  “And I thought school was spooky enough,” said Peter.

  “Yes, the silence is eerie,” said Kate.

  “Now, we must split up into groups of two,” said Akemi to the shock of the others.

  “Are you out of your mind?” asked Peter. “Only you can fight. Without you we might as well as be made into the mince meat for Norbis’ spaghetti bolognese.”

  “Peter is right, we must stay together,” said Tom. “Besides, as you said before, you are the only one with a sword.”

  Akemi gave another look of irritation but this did not show in her voice when she said, “Fine then. I shall keep watch as you look for the ruby.”

  “That is a deal,” said Peter.

  For what seemed like a half an hour Akemi, Tom, Peter, and Kate travelled through the hallways on the first floor of the school. They searched through every plant, wall, painting, window ceil, and even the floor for any sign of it. However, their search had not found the ruby.

  “This is worse than the needle in the haystack story,” said Peter.

  “You are right,” said Kate, “I am so exhausted. Can we not find it tomorrow?”

  “NO!” yelled Akemi. Tom, Peter and Kate looked at her with astonishment. Realizing her tone and how it affected them, Akemi said, “I mean we must find it before Norbis does. If we do not, it could mean the end of our worlds and many others.”

  “Oh,” said Tom still unsure of Akemi’s loyalties. “We understand. Let’s continue to look for this ruby.”

  “Forgive me for talking is such haste,” said Akemi, “my nerves are causing me to have such a horrible tone….”

  “And the loss of your friend,” added Tom.

  “Yes,” said Akemi, “his loss most of all.”

  “It is all right, we all forget ourselves at times,” said Tom. “Let’s continue to search for this ruby.” Peter and Kate looked to Tom as if he was acting strange, especially by the way he acted to Akemi before, but they continued with the search.

  “Good choice,” said Akemi.

  They continued to search along the corridors. Soon they were near to Reilly A. Pete’s portrait, which was opposite the rose garden. Looking at the portrait, Tom saw something strange had occurred. Instead of the figure that had been there before had come the picture of Norbis with his noted red eyes. Looking even closer, Tom could see that the eyes were moving very slowly.

  “Peter,” said Tom.

  “What is it Tom?” asked Peter.

  “Look at the portrait.”

  “In just a moment Tom, it is not like it is going anywhere.”

  Soon the eyes met with Tom’s and a grin came upon Norbis’ face. Suddenly, Norbis jumped out of the picture.

  Akemi, seeing the look upon Tom’s horrified face, looked towards the picture. She raised her sword as she saw Norbis. As he jumped out of the photo he raised his sword aiming to strike. Tom ran to his right to where Peter and Kate were, as Akemi met her sword with Norbis’s before he could hurt anyone.

  “You never give up,” said Akemi to Norbis.

  “Why should I, especially when it works so well?” asked Norbis.

  Tom, Peter and Kate looked at each other, puzzled by Norbis’ humorless diction.

  Akemi lunged out with her sword at Norbis, who blocked it effortlessly. They continued to fight, going further away from the picture and where Tom and the others stood. Tom walked over to the picture of Reilly A. Pete. Its face seemed different - hideous and in full evil possession.

  “Of course,” thought Tom, “what other place would contain such a tribute for this man?”

  Tom tried to pull the picture off of the wall, but noticed that the picture’s right side was securely attached to the wall. However he was able to move the left side from the wall to see a circular black door behind the portrait. Unlike the other door this one needed a specific key to be opened, which looked as though it was rectangular in shape.

  “Of course, that is why he could not get in,” said Tom. “He does not have the key.”

  “These stupid doors,” said Kate. “Now we do not have the key. What is the point? We have done all of this for nothing!”

  “Kate, calm down,” said Peter.

  “Calm down,” said Kate. “How can I calm down when any second Norbis or some other creature is going to come here and either kill or eat us, but I must calm down. We have been through snakes, Funits, spiders, and even the mirror man, and you want me to calm down!”

  “You are not helping,” said Tom. “I am sure we can find something.”

  Looking to his cross, Tom saw that it was glowing. “Perhaps….”

  Tom removed the cross from around his neck and placed it into his left hand. Using the biggest part of the cross, Tom placed it into the rectangular key opening. Suddenly the key slipped from Tom’s hand as if by a magnetic force and went into the key opening
. Suddenly the cross began to move in a circular pattern to the left and right in movements so fast that it seemed that it was moving in one direction in their minds. As it was doing this, the cross was becoming brighter, shining with white light. Tom, Peter, and Kate stepped away from the cross, even looked away due to the light’s intensity.

  Suddenly, the light began to dim down. As they looked back, Tom, Peter, and Kate saw that the circular door had opened and moved to its right, next to the portrait. The cross, however, was floating in the air near the door’s opening.

  Tom walked over to the cross and tried to take it into his hand but it just moved away from him into the circular passageway past the circular black door.

  “Peter, Kate, please help me to get into here.”

  “Are you going in - alone?” asked Peter.

  “Yes,” said Tom. “I think it would be best. If anything happens to me, at least you will be all right.”

  “All right with Miss Sword, please,” said Kate. “She would find it fun to have us race around the school as she gets her sword ready to harm us. If anything we should go together.”

  “We cannot,” said Tom. “It will be hard enough getting me in here. Besides, I am the reason why we are here. If I do die, though I do not think I will, it will just show that I am not the chosen one and Norbis will leave you alone. Upstairs is the hostel, so if I do not come back in thirty minutes go there for safety.”

  “All right Tom,” said Peter. “Be careful.”

  “I will,” said Tom.

  Tom took off his bag and placed it on the floor. Peter and Kate came over to Tom and helped him up into the passageway. Tom crawled into the passageway and followed the cross.

  “So,” said Kate to Peter, “do you think he will be all right?”

  “Tom,” said Peter. “Of course he will.”

  “Hopefully he will not mess up this time,” said Kate.

  Peter and Kate stayed behind in silence hoping no additional harm would come their way.


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