Tame Me: A Mafia Romance (The Rossi Crime Family Book 5)

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Tame Me: A Mafia Romance (The Rossi Crime Family Book 5) Page 10

by Cassandra Hallman

  I don’t know what to think when he’s like this...what to say. Part of me wants to hug him and tell him he’s going to be okay while another part wants to slap him.

  A few moments later, he returns with Ivan, Violet trailing behind him. They walk into the kitchen, smiles on their faces, completely unaware of the fight we just had. Once they see me, both their smiles fade. Ivan’s face turns into a mask of fury. His fist is clenched, and he looks just as scary as Roman does when he gets mad.

  “Did you fucking hit her? I told you to stop taking that shit. It fucks with your head. Makes you act out in violence,” he yells at Roman, who has his own mask of fury in place.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Are you seriously accusing me of hitting her?”

  Violet’s face turns ghostly pale as she steps in front of me and inspects my face up close.

  “What happened?” she asks quietly, sitting down next to me.

  “Roman didn’t hit me,” I say loud enough for Ivan to hear as well. “I got hit when Roman took me to his fight. It’s all right, though. It’s nearly healed.”

  “You took her to one of your fights? That’s almost as bad. God, what are you thinking?” Ivan keeps complaining, and even though I know Ivan is right, I have this irrational urge to protect Roman, even if it’s just from a verbal assault from his brother.

  “Don’t tell me you came all this way to insult me. If so, you can go right out the fucking door you came in,” Roman snaps. I can’t really blame him for being angry. It’s apparent Ivan doesn’t think all that highly of his brother.

  Ivan takes a deep breath, attempting to calm himself. “No, I didn’t. I came for something very important. Can we all just calm down and take a seat?”

  Roman huffs in annoyance, but sits back down in the free chair next to me. Violet takes my hand under the table and squeezes it gently as Ivan takes the seat beside her.

  “I have a reason to believe some of the men at the compound have formed an alliance against me. There have been rumors about some of the men being unhappy about the changes, especially about not doing the auctions anymore. Unfortunately, I don't know who exactly it is, and even worse…I think there are some men outside the compound involved as well. Most likely, they’ve established their own business using buyers Rossi used to sell women to. A lot of people are missing out on a lot of money and they are not happy about it.”

  “And what am I supposed to do about it?” Roman snarls.

  Ivan grits his teeth his dark eyes piercing Roman’s, “You’re supposed to keep an ear to the ground for me. Maybe show up at the compound a few more times. I need someone I can trust Roman, someone who I know will have my back when and if the time comes. None of the men there want me as their leader. They’re pissed, and if something happens to me...”

  “Nothing’s going to happen.” Violet speaks, her big blue eyes filled to the brim with love as she stares up at Ivan.

  “I know kitten,” Ivan answers with a sad smile. “Nothing will happen because Roman will be there to help me if I need it...right?” He raises a thick brow, waiting for Roman to answer him.

  “If anyone’s going to kill you, it will be me, and we both know that.”

  Ivan rolls his eyes and chuckles.

  “That’s about right.”

  “What do you need me to do? I can ask around in the underground, listen to see if anyone’s discussing flesh sales?”

  Listening to them talk about it so out in the open makes me sick. It reminds me that there are other people like my parents out there. Willing to do anything, even the most unethical things for money.

  “Yeah.” He rubs at his scruffy jaw. “Don’t draw any attention to yourself. Simply keep your ear to the ground, listen for any details, and if you hear something, let me know. Let me deal with it. I don’t want you getting dragged into it.”

  Roman nods and crosses his arms over his chest. His muscles bulge and tighten, and my mouth waters. When I see Roman’s eyes clash with mine, I look away, embarrassed to have been discovered ogling, even more so after just arguing with him.

  Wanting him is inevitable, but having him, keeping him as mine, it’ll never happen.

  Roman’s not the settling down type. He’s not even the kind of man who would have sex with a woman more than once. And even though I don’t know much about dating, from what I do know, that’s not the typical relationship between a man and woman.

  “Aside from the fighting, how is everything else going?”

  Roman shrugs. “Fine. Sophie is adjusting well.”

  “Well, then I guess I can tell you I have a place set up for you,” Ivan looks at me as he speaks this time.

  “What place?” I ask, confused. My stomach twists into knots at the thought of leaving Roman. It feels like we just crossed a bridge, like we were getting to know each other. For once, I feel safe, secure, without the need to look over my shoulder every five seconds, but now...now I’m going to have to start all over again.

  “You know you were only supposed to stay here temporarily. Until I could find somewhere safe for you. The good news is I found a place. It’s being renovated right now, but it will be done very soon…and don't worry about anything. Everything will be paid for, and I’ll make sure you have enough money to live off for a while.”

  I force a smile, only because I feel obligated to. I know Ivan’s only doing this to help me. He’s being extremely nice taking care of me and I should be grateful, and I am. But knowing this doesn't change how I feel about the thought of leaving.

  Being away from Roman. Violet smiles at me wildly as if she is genuinely happy for me and I feel incredibly guilty for not being able to appreciate what they’re doing for me. My heart hurts so much, I can’t even stand to look at Roman right now. I wonder what he’s thinking. If he feels the same way I feel. If he wants to see what could happen for us. Or if he’s ready to get rid of me.

  Roman jumps up, startling us all.

  “I’m going to the gym,” he growls before making a hasty exit. Ivan shakes his head, while Violet looks utterly confused.

  “He’ll be in a better mood when he gets back from the gym,” I lie trying to smooth over the situation.

  Ivan shakes his head, disappointment reflecting in his eyes. “His mood swings are getting worse. He needs to stop taking that shit before it fucking kills him. If he ever loses it on you, call me. I won’t hesitate to bring you to the house with Violet and I.”

  My heart stops before resuming an unnatural rhythm.

  Before it kills him?

  The thought of Roman hurt or dead floods me with dread. I can barely deal with the thought of me leaving this house and being away from him. But the thought of him dying…of him not existing anymore…I can’t even fathom it.

  I could never live in a world where Roman isn’t alive…never.


  I’m curled up on the leather couch in the media room downstairs, half awake, watching some random TV show, when I finally hear the front door open. Roman has been gone for hours, so long that I was close to calling Ivan to gather a search party.

  I turn off the TV and get up, stretching my aching muscles, hoping to be able to talk to him about what Ivan said earlier. But once the sound of the TV is gone, I hear Roman’s voice echoing through the house. My stomach drops, when the sound of a second voice touches my ears. It’s a male voice, one that I don’t know. Things seem to only get worse when they walk into the living room and I can see that they are clearly intoxicated.

  “Hey babe,” Roman smiles when he sees me, catching me completely off guard. It’s almost like he is a completely different person from when he left the house this morning.

  “Yeah…hey babe,” the other guy greets me, looking up and down my body. “You didn’t tell me you had someone to warm my bed.” He nudges Roman in the side with his elbow as if he’s joking, though the look on his face says otherwise.

  Roman’s smile turns into something that looks like that of a snarl fro
m a wild cat. “She is mine! Don’t fucking look at her, talk to her, and I swear, if you ever touch her, I’ll cut off your fucking hands!”

  His possessiveness takes me by surprise, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy him claiming me as his. I want to be his. I want him to be mine. I just don't know if that's in the cards for us.

  “Calm down man,” the guy holds up his hands palm first as if to show he means no harm. “Message received…babe is off limits.”

  Roman walks up to me, his gaze softening when our eyes meet, and I melt just a little into his touch. This is the side of him I like most.

  “I’m sorry I left you for so long. I had to…blow off some steam.” I just now noticed that his speech is slurred. When he leans in to kiss me on the cheek the strong smell of alcohol assaults me.

  “It’s okay,” I lie. It’s not okay, but I don’t want to fight again. Especially not in front of some guy I don’t know.

  “This is Andi, he is a good friend of mine. He is going to stay here for a few days. Andi this is Sophie.” My heart sinks.

  I only met this Andi guy a few minutes ago, but there is something about him I already don’t like. I can’t put my finger on it, but I feel like there is something off about him.

  “Hi Sophie, I would shake your hand but then Roman would cut them off and those are way to useful to have some crazy person cut them off.”

  I just nod, not even able to muster up a smile.

  “Come on, let’s get a drink.” Roman takes my hand and starts pulling me into the kitchen. Once there sit down on one of the bar stools at the island and watch as Roman takes out some liquor bottles and three short glasses.

  “I don’t want to drink anything,” I announce, nervously placing my hands in my lap.

  And I don’t think these two need to drink anything else either, but I know they won't listen to me, so I hold my tongue.

  “Suit yourself,” Roman mumbles and puts the third glass back into the cupboard. He pours the remaining two glasses full to the rim, handing one to his friend and sipping on the other one himself.

  For the next half hour, I listen to the guys talk, joke, and drink. They include me in casual conversation, but I also find myself enjoying the times they talk about some of the stuff they had experienced together when they were younger.

  I feel myself loosening up a little with each passing minute and then I start wondering if I was maybe wrong about my first impression of Andi. Maybe he's not as bad as I thought.

  “Ugh, I got to take a leak…I’ll be right back,” Roman murmurs and stumbles out of the room and down the hall. As soon as Roman is out of earshot, Andi turns to me. There's a sinister glint in his eyes and it makes me shiver.

  “So, what room do you sleep in?”

  I blink slowly, unsure of why he cares what room I sleep in. The uneasy feeling I had about him earlier returns with a vengeance. What kind of question is that?

  “I sleep in Roman’s bedroom…with Roman,” I clarify, refusing to answer anymore of his creepy questions.

  “Oh well, if you ever get tired of him, you are more than welcome to sneak into my room,” he almost drools while talking.

  His eyes roam down my body again and even though I am fully clothed, I feel exposed. Like he can see every inch of me.

  “No thanks.” I try to keep my voice even, not wanting to show any weakness.

  “I see how it is, you want both of us, don't you? That’s okay too. I can be a team player. You’re pretty enough after all. I can fuck your ass while he fucks your pussy if that's what you’re into.”

  I jump up from my chair almost tripping over my own two feet. My instincts kick in, telling me I need to get out of here. Backing away from the creeper before anything can happen, I run out of kitchen as fast as I can. He grabs for me but I'm much too fast and he is way too drunk.

  I turn the corner in the hallway, and nearly scream when I collide with Roman’s muscled chest.

  “Hey, where are you going?” His hands find my hips to steady me, and even with him drunk I still feel safe, and protected. Roman won’t let his friend hurt me.

  “I…I’m going to bed,” my voice comes out shaky but Roman must be too intoxicated to notice because all he does is give me a little frown.

  “Okay, I’ll be there soon.” He presses a kiss to my forehead and releases me. I brush past him and make it into the bedroom closing the door while clutching a hand to my chest directly over my erratic heartbeat. I don’t like that Andi guy and I already can’t wait for him to leave.

  Forcing myself to calm down I strip out of my clothes and grab a fresh pair of panties and one of Roman’s t-shirts. I shower in his bathroom, dry off, and get dressed in my pjs before crawling into the bed. The sheets are cold beneath my bare legs and I hope Roman comes to bed soon.

  I lay there in the dark for what seems like forever...my eyes drifting closed briefly and then I hear the turning of the door knob. My heart starts to race, and panic floods my veins. That Andi guy certainly wouldn’t be stupid enough to come in here, right?

  When the door opens and Roman walks in, I nearly sigh into the bed sheets. He closes the door quietly behind him and starts stripping off his clothes. When he catches me staring at him, he smiles, and it makes my entire body burn up in flames.

  “I could get used to having you in my bed every day and every night.”

  “Is that so?” My mouth waters, looking over every inch of his body. If perfection had an image, he would be it. He looks like a statue with all his sculpted muscles, defined and lean. It’s no wonder I feel safe with him he looks like a brick house.

  “It is, Sophie. You have no idea how badly I want to keep you. How badly it hurt me to think of you leaving today.” Hearing him say that make me feel a little better, at least he still wants me here, at least he feels somewhat of the way I do.

  “I don’t want to leave either.” I drop my gaze to the comforter.

  “It’s okay, you deserve better...better than me.” I can’t help but frown at his response. He has no idea how wrong he is. With him I am safe, from my father’s rage, from the clutches of evil. It doesn’t even bother me as much as I know it should that he kills people. The best thing that ever happened to me was having him walk into my cell.

  “Don’t say that.” I look up at him and see the sadness in his gaze.

  “I’m going to shower, and then I’ll crawl into bed with you.” I listen as the shower turns on and a few minutes later a still somewhat drunk Roman appears in the doorway wearing nothing but a pair of low hanging shorts. My need for him overrules all my other thoughts. I can feel my arousal in my panties and when he slides under the blankets next to me and pulls me closer the wetness only grows.

  Normally I just lay my head on his chest and cuddle into his side, but tonight I have other ideas. If I’m going to be leaving soon then I want to make the best of what little time we have left.

  I lift my head and press my lips against his. He tastes like minty toothpaste with a hint of leftover whiskey. Deepening the kiss, I drag my tongue over his bottom lip, nudging him to let me in. His lips part and our tongues meet. He strokes my tongue with his gently, caressing me, making the heat in my womb bloom. Following my body’s instinct I press up onto my hands and knees, throwing a leg over his body to straddle him.

  I feel his erection pressed up against my thigh, but when I start moving Roman grabs my hips, gripping them hard enough to stop my movements.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, confused. I can feel how much he wants me, and clearly, I want him, so I don’t understand what the problem is.

  “Let’s just go to sleep okay?”

  “Why? Did I do something wrong?” I pout, rejection slamming into me. I know I’m inexperienced, but I thought I was doing okay. Our first time was days ago, and I’m ready to do it again.

  “No…you didn’t do anything.” He lifts my chin, forcing me to look up at him. “I just…I can’t do this right now. It has nothing to do with you.
Your safety is the most important thing for me, and in my current state, it would be too easy to lose control.”

  “You didn’t lose control last time, plus I trust you.” I shouldn’t trust him. Not when he’s taking these drugs that mess with his mind, but I could never picture him hurting me. I want to argue with him, tell him to stop taking the stupid pills and then he won’t have to worry anymore, but I won’t. There’s no point.

  “Last time I wasn’t as high as I am now. It’s not safe, and I don’t have the patience to argue with you. Just go to sleep Sophie.”

  Defeated, I slump down next to him and re-adjust the blanket on top of me. It takes me a long time to drift off to sleep, but with Roman’s arm holding me tightly against him, I finally do.

  Chapter Nine


  A blood curdling scream rips me from my dreamless sleep. My eyes fly open, but it takes me a few moments to register the mass chaos taking place around me. My chest rises and falls rapidly as I take in my surroundings. I’m in my bedroom, the only light coming from the night, making it hard to see.

  My still drug hazed mind makes me slower than usual...my mind is whirling when a fist connects with my jaw. My head snaps back as pain shoots through my cheek. I stagger back a step, but then another scream just as loud and frightened as the last one pierces my ears.

  At the sound I find my footing again, and everything becomes crystal clear inside my mind. I whip my gaze around the room, finding two guys in the bedroom. One is standing in front of me, the one that just punched me in the face. While the other one is standing a few feet away, maintaining a tight grip on Sophie.


  The guy swings at me again, but this time, I see his fist coming. I duck to the side, twist and jab him in the gut. He bends over and I take this opportunity to follow up with a right hook. He goes from bending over to bending backwards in half a second. His whole body contorts in pain before he crumbles to the floor like the sack of shit he is.


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