An Ungoverned World

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An Ungoverned World Page 3

by Kip Nelson

  The most surprising piece of information he gleaned was from an unexpected source. Tanya and her friend were standing nearby, and Cosmo could hear snippets of their conversation. He was only half-paying attention when his ears suddenly perked up. The boy mentioned her going to Connecticut, but that wasn't where she had told Cosmo she was going. She'd said Alaska. His mind whirled with ideas. He knew she'd been hiding something.

  As soon as dinner was over Cosmo followed Tanya and grabbed her arms, making sure she couldn't run away. “What's your game? I knew you were lying about something,” he growled.

  “What are you talking about?!” she grunted, trying to wrest her arms away, but Cosmo's sinewy hands were too thick and strong.

  “I knew it was too much of a coincidence that you were there with those men. Did they send you? Are you spying on us for them? Tell me the truth!” Spittle flew from his mouth. He didn't take betrayal lightly, and he didn't care that Tanya was trembling with fear. It was probably another lie.

  “I don't know what you're talking about!”

  “Don't lie to me anymore!” Cosmo said.

  Anger ran through his veins and his grip tightened on her arms. She started sinking to her knees and shook her head. Tears ran down her cheeks. He had to stay strong. He couldn't let himself be manipulated by this false show of emotion.

  “What are you doing? Get your hands off her!” the boy came back.

  Cosmo knew he had been too loud, but his emotions had got the better of him. He tried to keep one hand on Tanya while also fighting off the boy, who was stronger than he looked. The boy punched Cosmo in the gut. Cosmo had to let go of Tanya as he doubled over. He blocked the next punch and fired one back in reply, slamming his fist into the boy's chest. The boy staggered back. Cosmo straightened himself up, remembering the rough and tumble days of his youth with his brothers.

  Cosmo had been the youngest, the smallest, the runt of the litter, but that meant he was the toughest, too. The boy ran in for another attack, snarling with anger. Cosmo grappled him to the ground and the two of them rolled about in a flurry of fists. Cosmo felt a knee in his stomach, and then heard the crack of a nose as he drove his elbow into the middle of the boy's face. In the midst of the fight Cosmo saw Tanya crawling away, just as a crowd came up. A sea of legs surrounded him, but all he knew was that he had been betrayed and people would pay.

  Chapter Four

  David felt as though he could take on the world. In one hand he carried a bag filled with guns. His trusty crossbow was slung across his back. The other hand was free for anything else. Power surged through his body. Never before had he been in this position. Even as a bank manager it hadn't been the same. Sure, he'd been able to have the power to grant people a loan, or see the hope fall from their face as he denied them the money they so desperately hoped for, but now he had the power over life and death. All he had to do was take out those guns and blast anyone who stood in his way into smithereens.

  Tori and Max were walking alongside him. The two of them had been quiet ever since they had left the police station. David didn't care. It was better if they were a little afraid of him. At least then they'd do what he said when the time came. He needed them to be obedient, and if they weren't...a cruel smile curled on his face as he thought about him pulling the trigger.

  It was so easy to see a bullet fly through the air and embed itself into human flesh, ending a life. There were plenty of people who deserved it. Nick most of all. It would be satisfying finally to plant a few bullets in Nick's body. David wanted to take it slowly. He would start with the kneecaps. He'd heard somewhere that it was the place that hurt the most. Then the stomach. He'd watch Nick bleed out.

  He almost chuckled to himself as he imagined Nick groping at his guts, trying to keep them inside. Then maybe he'd shoot at Nick's hands, then the damned dog. David had lost his best friend because of Nick, turnabout was only fair play. Then David would stride up to him and stand over his body, point the barrel of the gun on his head and the last thing Nick would feel was the cold steel on his flesh.

  Then everything would go dark, and David would have justice. It was a good feeling, but it still would take time. Until then, David would walk through the city knowing that nobody could hurt him again.

  It was like hunting, in a way. Whenever David was on the trail of his prey he imagined the shot of death. Then, when the moment came, all he had to do was act out what he had rehearsed in his mind. Yet, this was something more personal. When he hunted animals there never was any animosity towards them, unless they had proven themselves to be particularly elusive. Nick was different. The art of hunting was to kill the prey without them ever knowing they were in danger. That wasn't going to be enough for Nick. David wanted Nick to know the man who had gotten the better of him. That desire fueled him.

  Tori and Max were by his side. Occasionally, they whispered to each other. David smirked to himself. They probably were quaking in their boots. Maybe he had gone too far. Pointing the gun at Tori had frightened her, and that had been fine, because she could use a shot of fear. Girls like her had things too easy in the world. Max, though, well, maybe pinning him against the wall had been too drastic. It certainly had taken Max by surprise. It was good that they would not underestimate him from now on. David just couldn't help himself when people spoke out against the government. That was the very definition of treason, and he was not going to stand for it.

  Seeing the city for himself had been a wake-up call. He'd expected the government to have sorted things out already, or at least have had a plan in place. Yet, the city had been abandoned. He was sure, though, that the President was working hard in the White House to see to his people. All it would take was time for measures to be taken, and until then, people like David had to take on the role of the law enforcers. Civilian justice was the only way this city was going to be salvaged. It needed salvaging, from what he could see. He and Mikey had missed out on so much while they had been out in the forest. They assumed that everything would be in order when they had finished their adventure and returned to the city, but people had gone wild. Shattered glass littered the streets, and smoke billowed out from the tops of buildings, presumably where people had set up their new homes.

  They had been walking along for a little while and hadn't seen a soul yet, when they suddenly came across some survivors. There were a few adults looking the worse for wear. Their faces were smudged with dirt and they smelled as though they hadn't bathed since before this thing had started. They huddled around each other and tried hiding their food. They looked up at David and the other two with great fear.

  “We're not here to hurt you,” Tori began.

  Her voice was soft and gentle. She was a stupid girl. They could do whatever they wanted and these pathetic wretches could do nothing to stop them. David dropped his bag and pulled out his crossbow, pointing it at the three survivors. They cowered. David pointed the crossbow over each of them, enjoying how they flinched in fear. His heart raced, and it felt as though he was going to explode. A powerful fire flew through him. It blazed like an inferno.

  “Give us your food,” he growled. Tori and Max glared at him.

  “But it's all we have,” one of the men replied meekly.

  “I don't care,” David said. He marched forward and snatched the food from them, “and if you try anything, that bag is filled with guns,” he added.

  He moved back and picked up the bag, still pointing the crossbow at the weak people who weren't going to last much longer in this world. Better that he have the food, given that he actually had a purpose in this life. They were a waste of space, and it was better that they be culled. Once the world got back on its feet it would be in a better position as only the strong would survive.

  He laughed to himself as he walked away. Tori and Max were in tow. He tossed them some of the food. Max snatched it out of the air and rounded on him.

  “What the hell was that?” he yelled.

  David shrugged. “Just havi
ng some fun.”

  “That wasn't right.”

  “I say what's right. I'm the one with the power now. Whatever you think is right doesn't matter in this world, and you either can get used to that, or keep living in an illusion. But if you do, you're going to end up like those people back there, worried about a piece of bread. I have the guns, and that means I have the power. That's always been the way of the world, but now it's just more pure. I'm going to be the one who decides who gets what. I am the strongest, and until order is restored, I am the order.”

  David could feel his eyes bulging as he spoke, the vehement passion making his words fly. Max and Tori looked aghast, but he did not care.

  “Then I want a gun, too. It's only fair. You have enough to go around, and I think I should be allowed to defend myself,” Max said.

  David stopped walking. They were in the middle of a quiet sidewalk. There were no other sounds around. David smirked. If Max wanted a gun, then he would give him one. It was a natural right of an American to arm himself and be able to defend himself. David crouched down and unzipped the bag, rummaging around until his hands curled around a pistol. A satisfying feeling flowed through him as he took hold of the weapon. It was almost orgasmic.

  David marched up to Max and pointed the gun at his head.

  “Can you handle a gun?” David asked, his hand straight.

  Not trembling at all. He'd always had a steady hand. Even when he was younger. The days of hunting had come in handy. David had found his true calling. It was as though all these years he had been masquerading as a responsible, reliable bank manager for the sake of appearances. The world had been clean and pure and needed people to fit into boxes. It rubbed away rough edges like sandpaper. The only regret David had was that he had fallen into that trap -- hook, line, and sinker. No longer, though. That façade had been dropped.

  David was now more aware of his true nature than he ever had been. He was a man of action, one who could make the real decisions. He had the power over life and death. He was a hunter, and everyone else in the world was his prey. No longer was he going to let manners or politeness get in his way. He had spent too long in the world trying to please people. Now it was time for him to get what he wanted.

  He didn't even look at Tori. She probably was liking what she saw. This is what women like, men who could take the world in their stride. Tori came up to him and tried to wrench his arms free.

  “What are you doing? You're crazy!” she wailed.

  Yes, David had been crazy. Crazy to think that he had to wait for the government to take action. Crazy to think that there was anyone else in the world looking out for him. Now he was sane. He could see things clearly. Until everything was back to normal he was the only sane man in the world. He would do everything he could to make sure people got what they deserved, and if Max wanted a gun, then he would get it. He pushed Tori away. The girl was so weak. She stumbled and fell to the ground. He almost laughed at her pitiful attempt to fight him. Max was no better. He just stood there with his fists clenched in impotent rage. His eyes watered with tears. David wondered if his life was flashing before his eyes. It would be so easy to pull the trigger and taste the blood spatter on his lips. He could almost hear Tori's screams.

  “Answer my question,” David said. “And you, stay there,” he told Tori, who just was pushing herself up.

  “Yes,” Max said tersely.

  “Yes, sir,” David said, a serpent smile creeping over his face. The power was intoxicating. He was becoming delirious.

  “Yes, sir,” Max said through gritted teeth.

  David threw his head back and laughed. He knew in that moment that Max and Tori would do anything he wanted. In that moment he knew true power, and it was wonderful. He also knew they were not the only ones. Others would fall into line, just like they had when they were faced with the power he wielded. He could threaten them and force them into servitude. He could have a legion of minions to do his bidding. It was so easy, and he wondered why he hadn't done it before.

  Maybe it was a good thing that the old world was no more. He was a man reborn, and his mouth watered at the prospects that waited for him. On the way back to the city through the storm everything had seemed like it had fallen apart. He had been lost, but now he was found. Now he knew his true purpose. He would go around the city and gather people like Tori and Max, those who had been forsaken by the world. He would force them to fall in line with his plans. Then he would build an empire. After that he would hunt Nick to the four corners of the Earth if necessary.

  All his life he had been a man who hadn't mattered. Not in the grand scheme of things. People came to him for help because of his position in society, but he never felt he had garnered the respect he deserved. He'd never been in love. He'd never been desired. That was all about to change. This new world was going to offer him a new beginning, and he was going to make the most of it.

  David pulled the gun away from Max's head. It was almost too easy. Now wasn't the time. There still was much to be done, and he needed their help for the time being. But as soon as the time was right he would take their lives and let them know that their purpose in this world had been fulfilled. They were only there to help raise him to his position of authority. Once that was accomplished, they could be disposed of.

  “You'll get a gun when I say you'll get a gun. Now come with me. We have work to do,” he declared, grabbing the bag of guns. He wasn't about to let either of them get their grubby little hands on it. He took a few steps when he realized they weren't following. He turned, his face a picture of fury, and swung the pistol at them.

  “Follow me, or I'll kill you where you stand,” he said.

  The two of them glanced at each other. If they had taken a moment longer to move David would have pulled the trigger, but move they did. They fell into line, and David wore a smug smile as he stuffed the pistol against the small of his back and walked ahead, whistling. Today was a good day, and it would bring many more to come. The storm was over now, and the sun was shining brightly. It was a new beginning and David would make his mark on this world. He'd do it for himself, and he'd do it for Mikey.

  It was a shame that his friend wasn't able to see the heights David was reaching, but perhaps it was for the best. Mikey always had been a softhearted soul, and probably didn't have the required steel to see this task through. David's footsteps thudded against the sidewalk, and the weight of the guns and the crossbow felt good against his body. He peered into the buildings to see if there were any other people he could show his commanding presence to. Some would come along, he was sure of that. He barely even bothered to look at his two companions. They couldn't do anything to hurt him even if they tried.

  Chapter Five

  The night seemed to be relaxing and cozy. Nick was enjoying the company of all his new friends. The stories they shared had been heartwarming, and he felt as though he was connected to each and every one. It started to feel as though he could make a real home with these people. It may take some time for everyone to come to grips with the idea, but it was certainly a better alternative to the city. There was not a trace of hatred or malice in these people. They all had taken to him and Backdraft amicably, and he was sure they would do the same for Tanya and Cosmo, as long as the two of them gave the community a chance.

  Nick made a mental note to search them out after the meal to talk about staying on instead of going deeper into the forest. It made sense to Nick. There was strength in numbers and safety in the known. There was no telling what they may find if they ventured deeper into the woods. Sometimes it was best to stick with what you had, rather than gamble for more. In these people Nick saw a welcoming kind, ready to bring newcomers into the fold, rather than treat them with suspicion or disdain. Perhaps to a man like Cosmo this was something to worry about, but for Nick it was something that assured safety.

  While he was in this camp he could forget about the ills of the world, or at least put them to the back of his mind. His belly
was full, his faithful companion was by his side, and he was surrounded by smiles and laughter. There was nothing more he could have wanted.

  Then it all kicked off. Just as the lazy evening drifted in and a calm mood descended upon the community, a shrill scream could be heard through the trees. Nick knew it to be Tanya. Backdraft perked up a moment before Nick and they raced over, along with just about everyone else. Maybe Cosmo had been right about these people, Nick thought. If that was the case, then Nick wasn't going to trust anyone ever again.

  When he reached the source of the scream he paused with surprise. Tanya was shaking, knees drawn to her chest, but then near her Cosmo and Jake were wrestling on the ground. It looked as though Cosmo had the upper hand. At first Nick assumed that Jake had been the one to accost Tanya. Nick was ready to turn on Gillian. But then he heard the two men hurl insults at each other. Nick had to check his ears, but from what they were saying it seemed as though Cosmo had been the one to attack Tanya first. Guilt flooded through his body as he looked at Tanya and how vulnerable she was. He'd assumed that Cosmo could be trusted. Maybe he had been wrong all this time. Had he made a mistake with Cosmo, just as he had with David? There was something about this world that set Nick on edge. He was usually so decisive, yet now every decision had to be questioned.

  Without a second thought Nick leaped in and dragged Cosmo away. In his fury Cosmo twisted away and socked Nick in the jaw. Nick's head jerked to the side. The taste of blood filled his mouth.

  “Stop this,” he said, spitting out blood. Now that Cosmo realized it was Nick, the anger faded from his eyes. Still, his body was rigid.

  “I don't know what got into you, but you'd better have a good explanation for this,” Nick said.


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