The Lion Loves a Lady (A Second Chance Christmas in Bear Creek Book 3)

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The Lion Loves a Lady (A Second Chance Christmas in Bear Creek Book 3) Page 14

by Harmony Raines

  “Do it. It’ll just prove what a complete asshole you are. And while you’re speaking to them, why not tell them your other name, Paul Taylor.” Her voice rose as the blood pumped through her body. This was the fight or flight reaction. She’d seen it in the young people she worked with. Well, she was not running from Laurence. “Maybe I should call the person who put you in the hospital and tell them you’re up to your old tricks.”

  His face paled. “You have no idea who you are dealing with. You have no idea how much pain and heartache I can cause you.”

  Penny made a quizzical face. “Yes. I do. You married me and then dumped me. That was painful. But not as physically painful as a broken arm and a handful of broken ribs.” She leaned forward. “Maybe next time he might not stop at a few broken bones. Let me think who the suspect was. They never did charge him, did they? Oh, yeah, Marston Kellard. Something to do with the mob. Not the kind of person you mess with. And you messed with his wife.”

  “Are you threatening me?” Laurence asked.

  “Are you trying to blackmail me?” Penny asked in return. “I’m not frightened of you, Laurence. I’m going to dig and keep on digging until all your sordid little lies are exposed.”

  He shook his head, his hand rubbing his chin. “You think you’re so clever.” His fist clenched at his side and a shiver of fear passed through her. They were hidden from view, no one would see if he attacked her.

  “No, the people investigating you are clever. And if anything happens to me, they’ll know it’s you.” She walked backward, not taking her eyes off him. “If I were you, I’d run and hide in a nice little hole somewhere and hope no one finds you. Because I have a feeling what we’ve found out about you is just the beginning.”

  “I’ll drop the story,” Laurence blurted out. “If you drop yours.”

  Penny’s breath came out as a huff, her lungs deflated at his words. This was it, she could make it all go away. “No.” With that, she turned on her heel and walked quickly away. Each step she took brought her nearer to safety. The hairs on her neck stood on end as she listened for him, but he didn’t follow.

  She broke out onto the main street, relieved to see the stores and the people walking up and down the street. With trembling hands, she took out her phone and called Charlie. “Hi, I’m on the main street, where are you?”

  “At the diner. Shall I come and meet you?” Charlie paused. “Is everything okay? You sound out of breath.”

  “I’m fine.” She looked up and down the street. “I see the diner, I’m on my way.” She ended the call and crossed the street. As she was halfway across, Charlie appeared from the diner and stood on the sidewalk watching her.

  Penny lifted her hand and waved, a smile spreading across her face.

  “Good interview?” he asked, still a little perplexed.

  “Yeah, really good.” She fell into his outstretched arms. “I just saw Laurence.”

  Charlie’s arm tightened around her. “Did he hurt you?”

  “No. And I don’t think he’ll be a problem again.” Penny looked up into Charlie’s face. “He’s scared. This article will expose him and whoever beat him up last time left a lasting impression. I think he’ll go into hiding.”

  “Wow, I would love to be the person he is running from,” Charlie admitted.

  “I know, but this way we can put it all behind us.” She lifted her face to his. “We can focus on the future.”

  “Are you going to pull the article?” Charlie asked, his large, warm hand cupping her face.

  She shook her head. “No. I believe it’s important to own our mistakes, not hide from them. Maybe it will make someone else feel better about themselves. Help them feel as if they are not alone in the world.”

  “Did I ever tell you how proud I am of you?” He brushed his lips against hers. “And how much I love you, Lady Penelope Granger?”

  “And did I ever tell you how much I love you, Mr. Lion?” She buried her head in his chest and laughed. “That is never going to get old. It’s like I fell into a fairy tale or something.”

  He tilted her head up so she faced him. “This isn’t a fairy tale, Penny. This is real life. And this real lion loves a real lady.”

  He kissed her, as all around them people went about their day, buying gifts, talking to friends and loved ones. For that moment, the world stood still for Penny. The past no longer mattered, and her future was yet to be written.

  But the present. That was the greatest Christmas gift of all.


  “Merry Christmas.” Charlie leaned over and kissed Penny on the shoulder.

  “It’s morning already?” She turned over in his arms. “It’s still dark out.”

  “I wanted to give you my gift before everyone else wakes up.” He pulled her into his arms, where she lay against him, warm and safe, and loved.

  “You’ve already given me the greatest gift,” Penny stroked his chest.

  “You mean my body?” He rolled her over onto her back and slipped between her thighs.

  “Just this part of your body.” Penny slid her hand down between their bodies and curled her fingers around his hard length.

  “All of my body.” He captured her lips with his and kissed her, his tongue exploring her mouth, while his hand cupped her breast and rubbed his thumb over her nipple.

  “Oh, your hands are definitely a gift too.” Penny gasped as their kiss ended and she writhed beneath him as her arousal intensified.

  “I’ll return the compliment.” He kissed her fingertips as he shifted the weight of his body. Penny guided him into her wanting to feel him filling her, stretching her. Charlie thrust his hips forward slowly, teasing her, tempting her. She could not resist him, and her arousal grew, the tension in her body almost too much. She felt like a child waiting for Santa to come.

  Penny stifled a giggle and hid her face in his chest. But her body shook with laughter she could not control.

  “I amuse you.” He took hold of her hands and pinned them to the pillow on either side of her head. But he didn’t stop his slow, deliberate claiming of her body. He gazed into her eyes with what she assumed was meant to be a stern stare, but which really was a look of love, love he could never hide from her.

  She lifted her head off the pillow and kissed his bottom lip, her teeth grazing the soft sensitive fullness. “You know what one of the greatest gifts of all is?”

  He shook his head as he kissed her neck and nuzzled her skin. “Tell me.”

  She wriggled her hand free of his and cupped his cheek and lifted his head, so he faced her. “You make me laugh. You make me feel alive, as if I can do anything, conquer anything. You make me feel as if it’s okay to be me.”

  His eyes softened, filled with longing, filled with desire. “Right back at you. When I found out you were a Lady, I figured you wouldn’t want a man like me. But you made me feel as if it’s okay to be me. It’s enough. You know?”

  Penny nodded as he stroked her hair back from her face. Charlie held her eyes captured in his as he pulled his hips back and then thrust forward, filling her with his hardened length. In and out, their arousal grew, matched stroke for stroke. Penny kissed his jaw and stroked his chest, tweaking his nipple between her finger and thumb.

  The breath hissed through Charlie’s teeth and he jerked forward, lunging into her. Penny urged him on, her mouth and her hands exciting his flesh, increasing his arousal.

  Sally would soon be awake and filled with excitement and Penny didn’t want to miss a second of her childish enthusiasm. But she didn’t want to miss a moment of making love to Charlie.

  He was a gift who would keep on giving until they grew old and gray together.

  Charlie moved inside her, claiming his mate as the first rays of sun crested the mountain. They rose together, inching closer to their climax, just as the sun inched higher in the sky. Charlie came first, a growl emanating from deep in his chest as he filled her with his seed.

  Perhaps this would be
one more gift he gave to her today. And one she would give right back to him. A child, an heir to her family name and a continuation of both their bloodlines.

  Charlie lowered his head and grazed his teeth over her nipple, the sensation setting off a chain reaction in her body and she climaxed, her nails digging into his back as she urged him on. They were one body, one soul, at this moment, two mates joined together by fate. And no man would ever tear them apart.

  Completely spent, Charlie rolled to the side and turned his back on her. Penny lifted herself onto one elbow and stroked his back. “Are you okay?”

  “Yep.” He reached for something in the nightstand, and turned back to face her, with a small box in his hand. It was carefully wrapped, if not perfectly wrapped. “This is for you.”

  “What is it?” Penny couldn’t think of a gift he would give her that he couldn’t have presented in front of Lilly and Sally.

  “Open it.” His eyes were fixed on hers as she carefully slipped her finger under the paper and tore it open.

  Inside was a small handmade wooden box with their initials carved into the top. As she lifted the lid, Charlie slid out of bed and down on one knee.

  “Charlie.” Tears misted her eyes as she looked down at the diamond and emerald ring.

  “Lady Penelope Granger, will you marry me?” He sighed. “Please.”

  A smile tugged up the corners of her mouth even as she wiped away her tears. “You didn’t have to ask. I’d marry you in a heartbeat.”

  She threw her arms around his neck and showered him in kisses, a squeal of delight filling the room. A squeal that was mirrored along the hallway by Sally as she woke to Christmas morning.

  Charlie took the ring from the box and slipped it onto Penny’s finger. “A perfect fit.”

  “Just like us.” Penny looked at the ring on her finger. “It’s beautiful, such attention to detail.”

  “My father worked extra shifts for a month to buy it for my mom.” He held her hand, his face filled with sadness.

  “I wish they were here, I’d have loved to meet them.”

  “Part of them is here.” He rubbed his thumb over the ring. “And maybe we both should look to the future rather than the past from now on.”

  “I agree. This is our new start. Our new life. With old friends and new.” Penny kissed him once more and then reached for her robe. “Come on, let’s go downstairs and see Sally open her gifts.”

  Charlie pulled on a pair of jeans and a shirt, then waited for her at the door. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” she asked as she floated to the door, her hand held out in front of her as she stared at the ring on her finger.

  “Letting all of us in. Allowing Sally and Lilly to remain such a big part of my life. Our lives.” He slid his arms around her neck.

  “It was never about allowing them to be part of our lives. They are your family.” She smiled mischievously. “You haven’t met my parents yet.”

  “If they raised a daughter like you, I like them already,” Charlie told her, lowering his head to kiss her.

  “Oh, my dad is going to like you, you charmer.” She pulled away from him and walked to the door, her hand reaching for the doorknob, and opened the door.

  “I can’t wait to meet them on New Year’s.” He followed her out of the room and downstairs to the sitting room, where Sally was waiting impatiently.

  “I thought you were still asleep in bed.” Sally pointed to the stockings hung up on the mantelpiece which were now bulging with gifts. “Santa came.”

  “Wow, I can see.” Charlie went to Sally and hugged her close. “Merry Christmas, Sally.”

  “Merry Christmas, Charlie.” Sally crossed the room to hug Penny. “I’m glad you are spending Christmas with us.”

  “I’m glad too,” Penny hugged Sally tight. “I hope you get everything you wish for.”

  Sally smiled brightly. “I already have.” She turned around to look at Penny, her eyes resting on the ring on her finger. “Charlie asked you to marry him.”

  “He did.” Penny held up her hand and showed them her ring.

  “I’m so pleased for you both.” Lilly flung her arms around Charlie and Penny and pulled them together. “You make the best couple ever.”

  “Thanks, Lilly.” Penny looked at Sally’s excited face. “There is one thing I’d like to ask Sally before we open gifts.”

  Sally frowned. “What?”

  “I wanted to ask you to be my bridesmaid.” Penny broke away from Lilly and Charlie as Sally ran back toward her.

  “Yes. I’d love to. Thank you.” Sally hugged Penny so tightly she couldn’t breathe. “I’ve never been a bridesmaid. I’ve never been to a wedding.”

  “You can help my mom with the arrangements.” Penny let Sally go and took her hand and walked toward the stockings which had been forgotten in the excitement. “Shall we open these?”

  “Yes.” Sally took a small gift out of Penny’s stocking and handed it to her. “This is from Charlie.”

  Penny examined the small package, which was expertly wrapped. “What is it?”

  “Open it,” Charlie instructed as he and Lilly joined Sally and Penny. He took down the stockings one by one and handed them out before sitting down on the sofa. Lilly and Sally sat down on the floor, all of them watching Penny.

  Nervously, she carefully lifted the flap of the wrapping paper and pulled out another small jewelry box. Opening the lid, she gasped at the jewel-encrusted brooch. “It’s a lion. It’s perfect.” She took it out and pinned it to her robe. “Thank you.”

  Penny hugged Charlie and sat down beside him. “I thought it would remind you of me. The other side of me.”

  “It will.” She cupped his face in her hands. “But I don’t need reminding, you are right here beside me and always will be.”

  “Forever and always.” He kissed her and then turned to Sally. “Let’s see what Santa brought for our favorite girl.”

  Sally excitedly began opening her gifts as Penny took a moment to be thankful. Not for the material things in her life, but for the love and friendship surrounding her. And most of all she was thankful that the lion shifter loved a lady, with all his heart.

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  If you love Second Chance Shifter Romance read

  Silverbacks and Second Chances

  Complete Box Set...

  Other Books By Harmony Raines

  Other Books By Harmony Raines

  Visit Harmony Raines Author Page On Kindle


  ***UK Harmony Raines Author Page On Kindle***



  Bear Creek Clan and Bear Bluff Clan

  Complete Box Set

  Or available individually

  suggested reading order

  (each can be read as a standalone

  but why not start at the beginning and get to know all of the characters?)

  Rescued by the Bear (Bear Creek Clan Book One)

  Finding Her Bear (Bear Creek Clan Book Two)

  Tamed by the Bear (Bear Creek Clan Book Three)

  Snowbound With The Bear (Bear Creek Clan Book Four)

  Biker Bear Billionaire (Bear Creek Clan Book Five)

  Bound To Her Bear (Bear Bluff Clan Book One)

  Doctor Bear (Bear Bluff Clan Book Two)

  Stranded With Her Bear (Bear Bluff Book Three)

  A Bride for the Bear (Bear Creek Clan Book Six)

  Home Or Her Bear (Bear Bluff Book Four)

  Fated To Her Bear (Bear Bluff Book Five)

  Lonely Bear (Bear Bluff Book Six)

  Wolf Valley Raiders

  Complete Box Set Out Now!

  Or available individually

  suggested reading order

  Redeem the Wolf

  To Catch A Wolf

  Reclaim the Wolf

  Awakening the Alpha

r Bears

  Forbidden Bear

  Secret Bear

  Christmas Bear Brothers

  Complete Box Set Now Available

  Or available individually

  suggested reading order

  Santa Paws

  Christmas Catastrophe

  Bear Humbug

  Fated and Mated

  Love at First Site

  Her Scars To Bear

  Her Choice To Bear

  Her Russian Bear

  Who’s the Daddy?

  Complete Box Set Available

  Or available individually

  suggested reading order

  One Bear and a Baby

  Her Bear and a Baby

  Second Chance Bear and a Baby

  Baby Protector Bear

  Return to Bear Bluff

  Complete Box Set Available

  Or available individually

  suggested reading order

  The Bear is Back in Town

  His Bear’s Necessity

  Black Bear Down

  Who Bears Wins

  When Bears Collide

  Wish Upon A Bear

  Cowboy Brother Bears

  Complete Box Set Available

  Cowboy Bear Blues

  Cowboy Bear’s Mate

  Cowboy Bear’s Fate

  Return to Bear Creek

  Daddy Bear

  Mountain Bear

  Honey Bear

  Forever Bear

  Storm Bear

  Silverback Dragon

  P.I. Bear

  Doctor Daddy Bear

  Bad Boy Bear

  Silverback Bear

  Ranger Bear


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