One Unforgettable Favor

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One Unforgettable Favor Page 2

by Nicole Vidal

  “The florist next, which will be quick, then the bakery. After that, we’re done for today. Thank you so much for coming with me. I want details tomorrow after your date. When is the last time you went on a date?”

  I consider her question before answering. “I go on dates. The issue is the men around here are uber rich and arrogant. They don’t warrant a second date. I want the fairy tale. I don’t want to be a corporate wife, K. I love my career, perhaps not where I do it, but… I’ll find the guy eventually. I’m just not sure he’s here in this ritzy part of California.” In short order, Kate chooses flowers and we’re on to the cake tasting. My tote vibrates a brief time later.

  Cash: It’s a surprise. Casual clothes will work. It’s not fancy.

  Me: Okay. See you later.

  After a few too many tastes of yummy cake samples, Kate and I choose a vanilla bean with a fresh strawberry filling for the shower. There will be a single-layer, round cake for her sister to cut with cupcakes for the guests. Well after three, Kate drops me off, reminding me she wants details of my date tomorrow. I sigh after waving her off.

  Strewn around my room is almost every top I own. As the clock strikes five, the doorbell chimes. I don’t receive unannounced guests. I throw on an oversized sweatshirt to hurry to answer the door. As I round the corner, I see his profile in the sidelight. Dear God, he’s hot, and he clearly doesn’t know it.

  I open the door. “Hi.”

  Dressed in dark jeans and a thin, fitted hoodie, he looks dangerously sexy.

  “Hi, I’m a bit early. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. Come in. I just need to finish getting dressed.” I close the door behind him.

  “These are for you.”

  He hands me a bouquet of mixed flowers, including camellias, roses, lilies, and a purple flower I’ve never seen before. I’m sure my face is a perfect shade of pink.

  “Thank you.” I take the flowers into the kitchen and search for a vase. I don’t remember the last time I got flowers from someone other than my brothers. Maybe that’s one problem with the men around here. “Would you like a drink? I just need ten minutes to finish getting ready.”

  “No, thanks. I’m fine.”

  “Make yourself at home.” I motion to the living room before disappearing into my room. I need to pick a top and calm my heart rate. I love that he’s tall and I can almost look him in the eye barefoot. I almost never wear heels. Most men don’t like their dates to be taller than them; plus, preschoolers require flats or sneakers. After selecting an emerald, cold-shoulder top to pair with my skinny jeans, I spray my favorite perfume and return to my living room. Yet I don’t see Cash anywhere.



  When she answers the door, I’m taken aback. She isn’t even ready, and she looks gorgeous with her long, auburn hair cascading around her face. Nerves don’t usually play a role for me when I’m about to go on a date. In fact, I haven’t been nervous in years. Yet with her, I am. Her lips on mine was like fireworks exploding on the Fourth of July. It was amazing but impulsive, yet I felt heat.

  While she finishes getting ready, I wander onto her terrace. It’s a gorgeous space like mine. Well, it’s a perfect outdoor space for her condo. My wealth affords me a bit more space, but her home tells me she likes the outdoors, or at least fresh air.

  “That was quick,” I say when I see her standing in the doorway.

  “I just needed to pick a top. Your arrival just sped up the process. You should see the mess in my room right now. Generally, I’m neat, but I couldn’t choose.” As I move closer to her, jasmine and orchid tickle my nose.

  “You look beautiful and smell amazing.” I’m just a half step away from being able to kiss her.

  “Thank you. I’m ready when you are.” She takes a step backward.

  I’m not sure if it’s because I’m too close or she’s ready to leave. “It’s perfect out here. Do you sit out here often?”

  “This is my favorite spot. I bought this place for the terrace and proximity to the beach. The whole area is beautiful. The people, well, that’s a different story.”

  After locking the sliding door, I follow her out. Her hips sway just enough as she walks. The bottom of her locks skim the curve of her tiny waist.

  “Are you up for walking, or do you want to drive?” It doesn’t matter to me.

  “Walking is fine.” She takes my arm.

  We walk the first few blocks in silence. I glance over at her occasionally to make sure this is really happening. When I’m working, I don’t go out. Normally, I leave the airport and immediately crash at the hotel until the return flight. On rare occasions, I research investments for my day job while I’m in another state.

  We start speaking at the same time.



  “Ladies first.”

  “Tell me something few people know about you.” She looks over at me.

  That’s an odd question for a first date, but we spent twelve hours talking before her brother’s wedding.

  “I’m a homebody. When I was younger, I had some wild times with my classmates and friends. Now I prefer to be home.”

  “That’s surprising considering you wanted to go out tonight,” she observes.

  “It would have been a bit forward to assume you would be willing to cook for me.”

  She laughs softly. It’s a wonderful sound.

  “What about you?”

  “Most people don’t know that my brother Nicholas was my guardian for about a year after our parents died.”

  “How did he pull that off?” I interlace my fingers with hers.

  She inhales sharply, as if hesitant to answer.

  “You don’t have to share.”

  “It’s easy to share with you. I feel like I’ve known you longer than one day.” I nod as she continues. “Even though it’s been almost a decade, it’s still hard. Nicholas refused to let me go into the system for any amount of time. Mabel was our nanny, for lack of a better term. She helped my parents around the house. She was there when we got home from school and left just after one of my parents arrived after work. Mabel was instrumental in Nicholas being able to keep me out of the foster care system. He petitioned the court to become my guardian and moved back to Colorado until I came here for college.”

  “Is that why you’re so close to your brothers?” She fiercely loves her siblings like I do. Her adamance about attending the wedding made that noticeably clear.

  “They’re all I have. Even though Nicholas is well-known, he’s always there for me. Noah is a bit prickly, but he’s my brother. What about you? What’s your family like?”

  I release her hand to guide her across the street, retaking it after we cross. Her delicate hand with long, slender fingers fits in mine perfectly.

  “My parents were distant and absent during my childhood, even though my mother didn’t work. My father worked insane hours to provide for us. He still does, even at his age. I have two brothers and a sister. Sam is my older brother; he works in insurance for high-end art. Mina, my younger sister is a designer who just got engaged. My younger brother, Auggie, is finishing up culinary school in New York.”

  “It’s amazing to have a bunch of siblings. I gather those are nicknames, right?”

  “They are. My parents chose unique names for us: Samson, Wilhelmina, August, and Cassius.”

  “Cassius. I wondered where Cash came from. I love it. I suppose you don’t like it.”

  My full name falling from her lips is exquisite. The way she pronounces it makes me shiver.

  As we arrive at our first destination, I reply, “You can call me anything you want.” The hostess escorts us to a table immediately but not because of my family name. I pull out her chair before taking a seat.

  “Thank you.” She places her napkin in her lap. Nodding, I grab my menu.

  As we eat our dinner, we chat about several topics, straying away from our families. The food at
the quaint café is delicious. The conversation and the company are even better. I’ve never met anyone like Noelle. She’s easy to talk to, fun, and gorgeous. Too bad she lives in California. Although, I’m here at least twice a month, usually more.

  “Ready for our next stop?” I ask her as our server gives me back my credit card.

  “Are you going to clue me in?”

  “Nope, not at all.” I guide her outside, but leave my arm resting on her waist while we walk. As we get closer to our destination, I feel her energy tick up.

  “I haven’t been here in a few years. Thank you.” She leans over and kisses my cheek.

  We stroll hand in hand along the pier, stopping occasionally. The sights and smells surround us as we walk. As we pass the carousel, I raise an eyebrow. A huge smile spreads across her face. We hurry to purchase tickets and stand in line. While we wait, I pull her close to me, not only to feel her in my arms, but to make it clear to her two admirers that we’re together—at least we’re on a date. Together is a far-flung dream right now. As I clasp my hands around her waist, I hear a small inhale and her gaze shifts to mine. Holding her in my arms makes my heart race.

  “Tickets,” the teenage girl asks, interrupting the moment. I hand her the tickets before following Noelle as she chooses a horse. The sheer joy on her face is amazing to see. She opts for the only unicorn on the ride. I take the horse next to hers. Around and around we go. I should be taking in the scenery, but instead I’m watching her. Only her. As the ride slows, she glances over at me and leans in.

  “I’m having a wonderful time. Thank you.” She lightly kisses my lips.

  “I am too,” I manage to reply. The warmth of her lips on mine is a heady feeling. I dismount my horse and offer her my hand. As she turns, her foot slips, causing her to fall into my arms. Her curves feel perfect in my grasp. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, thank you,” she replies in a shaky breath. I’m not sure if it’s from falling or me. Just like before, she inhales. The next group of riders is already moving around us. Taking her hand, I guide Noelle toward the exit. As we step through the gate, a tiny blonde girl with a cherub face tugs on her shirt.

  “Hi, Miss Noelle.”

  Noelle releases my hand and crouches down to her level. I join her at eye level of the little girl.

  “Hi, Annaliese. How are you?”

  “I’m great. I rode the carousel and the Ferris wheel. We ate ice cream, and is he your husband?” She looks over at me, her words staccato like.

  “He’s my—”

  I wonder how she will answer her student. How would I answer her student? There are maybe three options: friend, date, boyfriend. Boyfriend certainly doesn’t apply, but it would be a clear explanation for the little girl.

  “Annaliese, leave Miss Noelle alone. You’ll see her on Monday. I’m so sorry,” her mother states, rushing up to collect her daughter.

  “It’s no problem. I’ll see you Monday,” Noelle replies as Annaliese throws her arms around Noelle’s neck.

  “He’s cute,” she whispers with a giggle.

  “He is,” Noelle whispers back. Noelle stands and waves to her student. I rise too. Taking her hand, I lead her back to the end of the pier.

  “You think I’m cute, huh?”

  “Maybe. Maybe I was just agreeing with my precocious student. I’ll never tell,” she replies with a smirk.

  “Do you want to sit here or go onto the sand to watch the sunset?”

  “Sand.” She takes a seat on a nearby bench to remove her shoes. I join her, doing the same. She’s a breath of fresh air. No woman from home would even consider stepping onto the beach without all the necessary accoutrements. The beach isn’t crowded right now, so there’s plenty of empty sand to choose from. We walk side by side, stopping just above the wet sand. Taking a seat, I set my shoes beside me.

  “May I?”

  I’m unsure what she’s asking but nod anyway. Noelle drops her shoes with mine before sitting between my legs, facing the water. I wrap my arms around her waist and hold her close. She sighs softly as she relaxes against me, and I kiss the top of her exposed shoulder.

  The sun is showing off tonight. Glorious colors streak across the sky. Reds, pinks, orange, and some yellow dance on the horizon. Generally, silence, especially on a first date, would concern me.

  “Are you always this quiet?” She cranes her neck to look at me.

  I want to kiss her to see if the sparks from our friendly, impulsive kisses were real or if they were in my head. “Not exactly. I carefully choose my words. Right now, I don’t have words to sum up everything that’s going through my mind.”

  Her eyes drop to my mouth as she licks her perfectly pink lips. “Start small,” she whispers, twisting so she’s facing me, her legs bent over my thighs.

  I rest my hands on the curve of her hips. “This is by far the best date I’ve ever been on.”



  “That’s small?”

  I agree with his assessment. However, the bar is terribly low.

  “It’s a small part of what I’m thinking. My recent dates haven’t made it past one. I haven’t been on a second date in a few years,” he replies, searching my face for a reaction. How on earth do his dates not see this sexy-as-sin man as he is?

  “Same for me. The men here are arrogant and presumptuous. One fancy dinner doesn’t equal sex, at least not for me. Where do you live?” I ask softly.

  “That’s another part of what’s floating in my head. I live in New York City. I have a day job in the city, and I fly most weekends.”

  Undeterred, I ask, “How often are you in California?”

  “Are you asking me on a second date?”

  “Maybe, if you’re interested.”

  “I’m interested. I’ve never met anyone like you. I feel like I’ve known you much longer than I have. This may be the second time we’ve been together, but we were talking all night while we waited at the hotel the first night.”

  “True. You’re a great listener.” The breeze picks up as the sun falls below the horizon.

  “Are you cold?”

  Not this close to you, not at all. Warmth rolls off him in waves.

  “Not even a little, but maybe we should start walking back.”

  Cash slides his thighs out from under me. The loss of body heat makes me instantly cold. He offers me a hand and assists me to my feet. I brush the sand off my jeans. After grabbing our shoes, we return to the same bench and put them back on.

  “To answer your question from before, I’m here at least twice a month. One of my clients from New York visits her grandson every other weekend. Those are on my schedule indefinitely. The rest of my flights are at the whim of my clients.”

  After sliding on my flats, I take Cash’s hand and he leads me back toward my condo. His hand moves to rest on the small of my back to guide me across the street, and I notice he makes sure I’m on the inside away from the street. He’s gentlemanly. It’s refreshing considering how my recent dates have gone.

  “When will you be here next?’ I ask as we round the corner on my block.

  “In two weeks. Are you free?”

  “I think so. I need to check my schedule when I get home.”

  I notice he hasn’t checked his phone since he arrived. That’s rare. We arrive at my condo, and Cash follows me inside.

  “Would you like a drink?” I ask, grabbing a water out of my fridge.

  “No, thanks. I’m fine. Are you free for a second date in two weeks, Miss Barnett?” He steps close to me, resting his palm on my hip.

  “Bothered you just a tiny bit that I asked you first, huh?”

  “Maybe a little,” he replies with a smirk.

  Those dimples, oh my!

  “So, you’re a bit traditional.”

  He shrugs.

  Grabbing my phone from the counter, I check my schedule. “Yes, I would like to go out with you again. What time do you need to be at work tomorrow?” I d
on’t want this amazing date to end.

  “I need to be at the airport by eleven. Mrs.—my client likes to be home in the early evening east coast time.”

  “Will you sit outside with me?” My voice is shaky.

  “Yes. I’m not ready to leave yet.”

  Why am I nervous? I’ve already kissed him, but the heat from that friendly kiss was a lot to handle. I follow Cash onto the terrace, grabbing a throw blanket off my couch as I pass. He takes a seat with his back against the arm of the rattan couch. As if he sensed my desire to be held, he opens his arms to me. I curl up with him, covering my feet with the blanket.

  “The view here is nice. It’s surprising you can see so many stars considering you’re in the city.”

  “It’s relaxing out here,” I reply, internalizing his fingertips running up and down my upper arm. That feels nice. We chat about varying topics as well as Nicholas’s wedding after I thank him again for going out of his way to stay with me.

  “I’m glad I was able to get you there in time. Like you, I would do anything for my siblings. Sam doesn’t like to rely on anyone. When he asks for help, it’s usually big. My sister was in an awful car accident a few years ago. Mina ran away to follow her dream of fashion designing. Sam and I were sending her money each month to make sure she had everything she needed.”

  “That’s generous.”

  “I needed to make sure she was okay. Auggie is the youngest. He’ll finish the Culinary Institute in the spring. He plans to open a farm-to-table restaurant after graduation. I don’t know if that’s feasible in the city, but I’ll help in any way I can. You mentioned that Nicholas took care of you before college and you grew close. What about now?”

  “I can take care of myself. I don’t need Nicholas’s money.” Just when I thought this was going well, he acts just like the rest.

  “Whoa, that isn’t what I meant. I can see you’re independent. It’s an attractive quality. Let me try again. Is it hard to spend time with your brother due to his profession?”

  “I’m sorry. Not many people know that he’s my brother. I don’t tell anyone that Ellis Barnett is my big brother. I say my brother’s name is Nicholas, which it is. Most people don’t pry or put together that they are the same person. As I mentioned when we talked before the wedding, we agree to get together for at least one major holiday and weddings. We text every few days and video chat at least once a month. Noah, on the other hand, we text occasionally, but that’s it. I think part of it goes back to after our parents died, Nicholas chose to take care of me, but Noah was already out on his own. My bond with Nicholas grew a lot during that time.”


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