One Unforgettable Favor

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One Unforgettable Favor Page 18

by Nicole Vidal

  “Holy hell, that feels good!”

  “Come again, sweetheart,” he commands.

  Pleasure spiraling from my head to my toes, I shatter.

  He brushes his lips across my shoulders before lowering my leg and guiding me forward and setting my hands on the ottoman. My feet remain on the floor.

  “I need you to tell me if you're uncomfortable.”

  Looking over my shoulder, I nod, noting his eyes are heavy with heat.

  With his tip grazing my core, he says, “Words please.”

  “I will. Now, Cash.” After my definitive words, Cash thrusts forward until he's fully seated. “Holy fuck!”

  “I love hearing you curse.”

  “I can feel you deeper inside me. I’m full. It's—"

  He effectively cuts off my words when he moves. My walls tighten around him before he pulls out before plunging forward repeatedly with deliberate strokes. My release swirls in my abdomen as Cash pulses inside me. Just when I feel I've reached the peak, Cash touches me and I fall deeper with more tantalizing sensations rolling through me. I crest the edge, bucking against him as he empties in hot bursts.

  Cash slowly lowers us onto the couch with me in his lap. I lean against him, recapturing my breath with his arms wrapped around me.

  “Should I be concerned if you don’t curse while I move inside you?”

  Turning to look at him. “No, of course not.”

  “A blush looks sexy on you,” he says against my heated skin. Standing slowly, I lead him into his huge shower.



  There is something about a woman who knows what she wants. No woman has even been raw with honesty both in and out of the bedroom like Noelle. After tangling up the sheets after our shower, Noelle and I made changes to her business plan. She’s genuinely excited about having her own center. I sent an email to Mallory to set up a time to talk with her tomorrow. After dinner, we sit on the terrace until sleep calls us both.

  Lately I have been waking before her. Today is no different. I study the curves of her face, the dip of her collarbones, and the freckles that mark her shoulder.

  “I can feel you staring at me,” she mumbles without opening her eyes.

  “You’re beautiful. I love waking up with you. Plus, you’re mine, which means I can stare whenever I want for as long as I want.” I watch her brow wrinkle as if she doesn’t believe she’s beautiful. Her ambivalence to her beauty makes her even more attractive to me. “We need to get moving or we’ll both be late for work.”

  “Fine.” She exhales and turns to get up.

  Pulling her back down to the mattress, I kiss her hard, making my head spin. She sighs against my mouth before cautiously dragging herself up again. “I’ll make the coffee while you take a shower.”

  “You could shower with me.”

  “Then we will absolutely be late. Go.” She presses her lips to mine again. As I shut off the water and step out of the shower, Noelle hands me coffee before turning the spray on. It takes restraint to refrain from stepping into the steamy shower with her.

  While Noelle showers, I make a second cup for her. When I return to the bedroom, I set her cup on the bureau. As I secure my tie into the perfect Atlantic knot, I watch her, raptured by her graceful movements.

  “Cash.” Her voice pulls me out of my head.


  “Do you want a cup to go?”

  “No, I’ll get one at the office.”

  We bustle around the kitchen and out the door. As we arrive at the lobby, we greet Arthur and go our separate ways for the day.

  Myles updates me as I walk from the elevator at my office. “Mallory stopped by already. She’ll give you a few options on Wednesday or Thursday in the afternoon. Do you have the plan for her to review?” he asks.

  After handing him Noelle’s plan, I drop into my office chair and tackle the day.

  When next I look up, Mal is standing at the threshold to my office.

  “You want to invest in a daycare? Seems a bit odd for someone who flies planes in his spare time.”

  “Good morning to you too, Mal. I don’t; my girlfriend does. Noelle needs the consulting aspect set up as soon as possible. She can do that from anywhere. Then an actual location.”

  “Back up. Your girlfriend? How long have I been out of the loop?”

  I smile. “Long enough.”

  “Does she explain your improved demeanor?”

  “Yes.” I have never been happier, and she is the sole reason.

  “I have available appointments on Wednesday at two or Thursday at three.”

  “We’ll take the Wednesday at two. Do you need anything else before then?”

  “Just a standard new client information sheet.”

  “No problem. I’ll have her fill it out tonight. Thanks, Mal.”

  “She lives with you?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “Just surprised. When you jump in, you opt for the deep end. I’ve never seen you like this. I’m happy for you, Cash. The four of us should have dinner sometime.”

  “Dinner would be great.”

  Mal doesn’t realize that wherever she finds a center for Noelle will be my home too. I don’t want the circle to be any bigger yet. I message Stacy for an update and plow through my day.

  In a blink I’m meeting Noelle in the lobby of my office for her meeting with Mallory on Wednesday afternoon.

  “Hi, tesoro. How is Mason?” I kiss her softly. I’m all for everyone knowing she’s mine; I just don’t plan to make a statement doing it. The chatter will be about her anyway.

  “Hi. He’s great. Making progress each day. It’s all I ask of him. One of his neighbors, Elizabeth, is great. She walks each morning. We joined her on a walk today, working on finding things in nature and naming them. It also helps him with handling having people around other than me and his grandparents.”

  I escort Noelle to Mal’s office, and we take a seat.

  After introductions, Mal gets right down to business reviewing the information sheet and discussing all the options for the consulting aspect of the business. Noelle answers her questions carefully and thoroughly. She’s amazing. As much as she doubts her ability to make this business successful, she looks confident and ready to take this challenge on. I know she can handle it; plus, I will be there to help whenever she needs it. I doubt she’ll need help, but the offer is there. I note an extra number of passersby during the meeting. Stacy, Myles, and even Kip meander past Mal’s office door. None of them have a reason to be anywhere near this side of the office. Only an office-wide meeting would necessitate coming over here for the largest conference room next door. There is no meeting today. I smile inwardly and focus on Noelle.

  Noelle chooses the structure for her consulting business, and they move on to the physical center location. She narrows it down to the same areas I did without a second thought. Mallory tempers her expectations about a time frame for finding a location and an interested investor, indicating it could take a few months to almost a year.

  “Thank you, Mallory. I’m excited for this.” Noelle shakes her hand.

  Threading my fingers in hers, I lead her to my office. Myles follows us in. I officially introduce them and take my messages before chatting with Noelle a bit about her meeting with Mal.

  “How are you feeling about all of that?”

  “I’m nervous, but there’s no reason for me not to give my dream job a shot, right?”

  “None at all. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thanks. I’ll let you get back to work. I’ll see you at home after you spar with Evan.”

  Did she just say “home”? I love that she feels like my home is hers now.

  “Okay,” I reply, rising from where I was leaning against my desk. Sliding my hand to cup her cheek, I pull her against me. It doesn’t matter how often I’m able to do it, it still feels like the first time. Her luscious curves in my arms are unmatched. I kiss her tenderly. “You should
go. There isn’t a lock on this door, and I want to strip that dress from your body and have my way with you on my desk.”

  “You have a desk at home, don’t you?”

  Well, isn’t she adventurous? She continues to surprise me daily.

  “In fact, I do. Perhaps we should put it to use, and soon.”

  “We should. Get back to work. I’ll see you later.”

  While I should focus on something unappealing, I watch her walk to the elevator. As the door closes, she smiles at me. Every day with her is exactly what I want.

  Evan was in a mood tonight, his pace frantic instead of measured like normal. When I asked, he shook me off. Kip and Stacy took a few jabs at me in the locker room after our gym sessions.

  “How did you manage to land her?” Kip asks.

  “I have the same question, but however you managed it, I’m happy for you,” Stacy chimes in.

  “Thanks, guys. Don’t worry, Kip. Whenever you’re ready, you’ll find the right one for you. I decided I was ready and that she wasn’t in New York. I would say fate stepped in a tiny bit, but except for that, it was all me.”

  I hurry out of the locker room and head home to my woman. I don’t know what the rest of this year looks like for us, but I do know I want her in it every single day.

  “Hi, honey. I’m home,” I say with a laugh.

  Noelle steps into the living room wearing one of my dress shirts. It hits high on her toned thighs. If my hunch is correct, she isn’t wearing a bra. It’s hard to tell if she’s wearing panties though.

  “Hi. How was boxing?” She moves in front of me, pressing her lips to mine.

  “Good. Evan was off today though. Do all of my clothes look better on you?”

  “Probably.” She smiles as she moves into the kitchen. “Go shower. I’ll cook something.”

  With ingredients from the fridge, Noelle puts together an amazing meal. We talk about her new businesses and discuss my update from Stacy.

  “Did he find another opportunity?”

  “Possibly. One of the owners of the airfield in Portsmouth is looking to sell his stake, just not right away. Overall, the opportunity could be great, but I may not be able to make my deadline of this year if I move forward. The other drawback is it isn’t for the whole business, just 60 percent.”

  “What would it mean if you don’t finish it by this year?”

  “I don’t want to only have income from flying coming in, but that might be the case if I take the deal.”

  “But there are advantages too, right?”

  “Such as?” I’m intrigued how she sees this deal.

  “You would be closer to Billie, out of the city, in charge of your schedule, and you would have your dream job.”

  I take in her words and let them settle. The only drawbacks are the timing and that I’m not the sole owner. There is no such thing as a perfect deal; I know that. This one has almost everything I want. Everything we want.

  “What if you ask Stacy to approach the other owner to see if they are willing to sell to you as well?”

  “You’re a genius.” I hop up from my chair, take her hand, and lead her into the office to email Stacy. Perched on the edge of my desk, she watches as I type. “Will you review it?”


  “Of course, this involves you too.”

  She twists slightly forward to read the draft. While I wait, I skim my fingers up her calf and thigh. Briefly she closes her eyes as my hand slides north. Before I get close enough to determine if she’s wearing panties, she answers me.

  “It’s perfect. You should send it before you continue moving your hand any higher.”

  I press send before sliding her in front of me, leaving her ass perched on my desk. “Are you naked under my shirt?”

  Her eyes widen before she whispers, “Maybe you should find out.”

  Grasping the hem of my shirt, I consider slowly unbuttoning each one. Instead, I send buttons off in every direction, baring her gorgeous body.

  “You’re a bit vixen, Miss Barnett.” Shimmying out of my shorts, I rise from the chair.

  “Only with you, Mr. Morgan.”

  Pressing my lips to hers, I set her further back and climb on top of her. I plunge into her in one thrust, taking her hard and fast on my desk. Panting, I look down at her. Her skin is flush, her breath ragged, and her walls are still pulsing around me. I’ve fallen for this woman, and I’m ready to build a life with her. Even if Stacy can’t get me the rest of the ownership stake, I’m going to take this huge leap. Then I’m going to marry this spectacular woman and we’re going to have a huge family.



  Since Mrs. Waller isn’t travelling to California to see Mason, Cash is flying a bit less. Unfortunately, he’s flying this weekend. My preordered new releases will download tonight at midnight, so tomorrow after work, I’ll have something to keep my mind occupied.

  I don’t like that he’s on edge leaving me alone. I don’t plan on going anywhere alone this weekend. Tomorrow after work, I’ll stop for baking ingredients, and then I’ll stay put until Sunday.

  Snuggling deeper into Cash’s arm, I hear him sigh. “Tesoro, we don’t have time before you need to leave for work.”

  I groan loudly. “Can’t I be a little late, just this once? I want to stay here naked with you.”

  It doesn’t help when Cash drags his tongue along the slope of my neck, chilling beneath my skin. “As much as I want that too, you can’t. Mason needs you to meet your own expectations.”

  I sag against him knowing he’s right. Throwing the covers back, I pad to the shower. Once I’m dressed, I find Cash in the kitchen plating scrambled eggs and toast.

  “Thank you, but I don’t have time to eat that.”

  “You do. I’m going to drive while you eat. I’ll run back and then get ready for work.”

  “There is no point in arguing with you, is there?”

  “No, let’s go. Plus, it gives me at least twenty more minutes with you and another kiss to hold me over until Sunday.”

  “Sweet talker.” I slip my arm through the handle of my tote before grabbing the plate and utensils. While I eat, Cash drives to Mrs. Waller’s. He parks in the small lot behind the building with eight minutes to spare. “Travel safe. I’ll see you on Sunday.”

  Cash leans toward me, dragging his thumb across my lips. He kisses me softly at first, but then it turns possessive and needy.

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “How do you know I’m worried?”

  “It’s in your kiss. Whatever went through your mind, I can handle it. Your ‘she’s mine’ protective instinct goes into overdrive when you leave. I’ll be fine. Please call me when you land. Where are you going anyway?”

  “Florida.” He presses his lips to mine again before handing me the fob. We walk to the entrance where Cash kisses me again. The next few days are going to be boring without him.

  “Go,” I whisper, forcing myself to step away. I take another quick peek as he runs away from the staircase, his perfect ass in motion as his pace increases.

  “Good morning,” Elizabeth says in her normal chipper tone. She’s a bit later than usual. Generally, we chat a bit on the stoop before I go in. Today she is just coming down the stairs. “Who is he?”

  “My boyfriend.”

  “Good for you, honey. Have a wonderful day.”

  “You too.”

  Mason is in a great mood today and the day flies by. On the way home, I stop by the market close to home to procure a bottle of wine and the ingredients for the clafoutis recipe that Auggie left from our dinner. I’m nowhere near as capable as Auggie, but he said it was simple. I’m going to change the fruit, but otherwise it’ll be the same. At home, I peel off my work clothes and dress in another one of Cash’s shirts. Luckily, he has enough shirts for both of us to wear. I snap a quick photo and send it to him before attempting the recipe.

  An hour later, I pull my peach clafoutis out of the oven an
d snap a photo.

  I text it to Auggie and realize I won’t have enough milk for breakfast. I decide against going out now. I’ll take a walk first thing in the morning.

  Grabbing my Kindle, a full glass of wine, and a bowl of popcorn, I settle onto the couch on the terrace. As I sit, my phone chimes. I know it’s too early for it to be Cash.

  Auggie: It looks perfect! Great job!

  Me: Thanks. I’ll let you know how it tastes.

  Auggie: See you at the gala.

  A few chapters in, I decide to soak in the hot tub. I slip out of Cash’s shirt and drop into the scalding water. It’s glorious, especially with the stars twinkling above and the peacefulness of this space. I don’t mind being alone. He’ll be home on Sunday, but I miss having him near me. I know that sounds sappy and a tad over the top for the length of our relationship, but I don’t care. He feels right. We feel right. It may seem fast to others, but to me, it’s perfect.

  Climbing the steps, I surround myself with the towel. Cleaning up, I set my glass and bowl in the sink before retrieving my Kindle and Cash’s shirt. With my phone plugged in, I burrow under the covers with my Kindle. I hear my phone ringing in the haze of sleepiness.

  I fumble to answer the video call.

  “Hi, tesoro. I’m sorry it’s late. We had issues before takeoff.”

  “It’s fine. I’m glad you called anyway. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Are you naked?”


  He knows full well I sleep with the least amount of clothing possible. “Why must you torture me?”

  “Why must I put on clothes when you’re not here when I don’t wear them when you are?”

  “Fair point. It’s just unfair that I can’t touch you right now.”

  “I agree, but you’ll have to deal with it until Sunday like I do.”

  “Sleep, tesoro. I’ll call you in the morning.”

  “Good night, Cash. Sleep well.”

  I curl into the bed, inhaling Cash’s scent from his pillow.


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