The Cursed Series, Parts 3 & 4: Now We Know/What They Knew

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The Cursed Series, Parts 3 & 4: Now We Know/What They Knew Page 40

by Rebecca Donovan

  “Anything you need,” he replies, kissing me again, lingering a little longer.

  Parker’s laughter breaks us apart, reminding us we have a young audience.

  “Are you guys going to get married?” he asks.

  “Yes,” Kaden answers without hesitating, making my heart flutter in my chest. “And you can carry the rings down the aisle.”

  “How old will I be?”

  “Older,” I tell him, still absorbing that this is real. This life. This love. This boy. It feels like a dream I’ve been wishing for my entire life. When Kaden flashes me his beautiful smile, I mouth, I love you.

  And the smile takes over his entire body, as if he’s exuding joy.

  Maggie arrives soon after the group returns from their sail. She’s dressed in a cute, strapless floral top with a pair of red shorts. Her hair is tamed for the first time ever. And she’s wearing a pair of vintage cat-eye sunglasses that make her look like she could be Audrey Hepburn’s sister.

  “I have to talk to you,” she says to me, glancing around nervously. Despite needing privacy, her mouth keeps fighting a smile, and she’s fidgeting with excitement.

  “Okay,” I say, knowing Parker is upstairs and the food is ready to be laid out once everyone has finished changing. I’ve transitioned into a pink-and-green halter sundress that screams summer and also flatters my not-so-curvy body with its A-line silhouette.

  I lead Maggie to the beach, knowing we’ll be well out of earshot by the water.

  As soon as we reach the bottom step and our feet hit the sand, Maggie blurts, “I’m pregnant.”

  My mouth opens, but nothing comes out. She’s practically jumping with elation, and I feel like I should be happy if she’s happy, but I’m … confused.

  “That’s … good,” I say without conviction.

  Maggie slides her glasses back to rest on top of her head and rolls her eyes. “I know what you’re thinking, and yes, I know who the father is. It’s the guy I met earlier this summer. The one I’ve been sneaking around with all weekend. And he’s going to be so excited, trust me.”

  “What’s his name?” I ask, suspicious of the lack of information she’s provided about this guy ever since she met him—other than their torrid love affair.

  “I can’t tell you just yet,” she says, biting her lip.

  “Why?” I demand warily.

  “Don’t judge me. It’s not what you think.”

  “He has a girlfriend,” I conclude easily, my heart sinking.

  “They’re over. They have been for a long time. It’s … complicated. But he’s ending it; he promised. They almost never see each other. And she isn’t any fun at all. Besides, he’ll definitely choose me now that I’m having his baby. He and I will have the most amazing life together.”

  “When are you going to tell him? What about traveling? Have you told your mother?” I ask in a rush, all of my concerns flooding out of my mouth.

  “You’re the first person I’ve told,” she confesses. “I was bursting to tell someone, and I know you can keep a secret. Also … I wanted you to hear it from me first … before I tell him. I need you to understand that we’re in love, so you’ll forgive me.”

  “Forgive you?” I ask, my chest tightening. “Why? What have you done?”

  “I just mean … I know how much you believe in love, and, well … with him being in a relationship, I thought you might not get it. But I do love him, so much.”

  “And he feels the same?” I ask, still not understanding why she’d be worried about my judgment, to the point of asking forgiveness.

  “Of … of course,” she answers, stumbling over her words.

  I’m doubting he’s ever said it to her, but I’m not going to make her admit that. I’m scared for her. For her future and that of her baby. I’m not convinced he’s going to choose her when she tells him.

  “And his family has a house in Europe somewhere, so I’ll move there. I’ll still get to travel. They’re loaded. We can hire someone to help with the baby. It’s going to be so amazing!” She twirls with glee. I force a smile, but she notices my apprehension. “Don’t worry, Faye. My life is going to be perfect!”

  “I’m happy for you,” I say, opening my arms to hug her. When she steps into them, I embrace her tightly with my eyes squeezed shut, silently hoping that I can forgive her when she breaks my heart. Because I have a feeling I won’t want to know who the father is when she finally tells me. Some things you can’t unknow.

  Maggie races up the stairs ahead of me. At the top landing, Nick has a camera with a long lens focused out at the roaring ocean. I turn to take in what has him so fascinated. The waves are more volatile than usual, in contrast to the sun shining overhead.

  “We’re supposed to get a storm tonight,” Nick tells me, lowering his camera. “If the ocean’s any indication, it’s going to be a bad one.”

  I peer out once again. There’s an ominous energy in the air, sending a shiver down my spine.

  “She’s pregnant, you know,” Nick says out of nowhere.

  I spin, my pulse racing. My huge eyes an indication that he caught me by surprise. “You’re the father?”

  He laughs humorlessly. “I think so. Not exactly sure after this weekend. But why else would she be marrying me?”

  “Cassandra?” I ask, utterly confused.

  Nick narrows his eyes, just as confounded. “Who did you think I was talking about?”

  I shake my head apologetically. “Sorry. It’s been a strange two minutes.” Now Olivia’s concerns over Cassandra drinking wine make complete sense. “Do you love her?” When I realize how that sounds, I quickly correct, “That’s not my business. I’m sorry.”

  “I did. When we first met. But … people aren’t always who they appear to be. And now … I don’t know. I try. But I do love this baby.” His dark green eyes are focused on the waves, his mind elsewhere. “And I want to be there for her—I’m her father. She’ll need me to protect her. Make her feel safe.”

  “You’re having a daughter?”

  “I don’t know for sure,” he says with a serene expression. “But I hope so.”

  “You’re staying with Cassandra for your daughter?” I confirm, my lips pressing into a comforting smile.

  “It may be her choice to have this child, but it’s mine to be in her life. You must think I’m the biggest pushover, letting her treat me like she does. Not arguing with her when she’s being a brat. But … I can’t risk her ending it, cutting me out of my child’s life. Because she can do that too easily, and it would kill me.”

  “That’s extremely selfless of you. And admirable. Your daughter’s lucky to have you.”

  “Thank you,” he says, his eyes glossy.

  “And she’ll need you. Especially with Cassandra as her mother. No offense.”

  Nick laughs, and it’s a wonderful sound. It’s full and loud. I don’t think I’ve heard it before, but it makes me laugh in return.

  “Oh, I know exactly what I’m getting into. Knowing will keep me sane, hopefully. Can’t go into this marriage blindly.” He looks at me appreciatively. “You’re a good listener, Faye. Not many people are. Thank you again.”

  I nod and walk past him, leaving him to the volatile waves and his wishes for his daughter.

  When I reach the lawn, everyone is engaged in some sort of game. Other than Damon, who’s lounging in a chair, drinking his dark liquor, looking as smug as ever. Julia and Olivia are playing croquet with the boys. And Kaden and Maggie are engaged in an intense game of badminton.

  I wander over to the blankets and sit to watch them all.

  “She’s quite fascinating, isn’t she?”

  I remain quiet as Damon stands behind me, his presence easily felt, igniting goose bumps along my neck as if he were breathing on it.

  “Full of life and exuberance. She’s definitely hard to ignore. Your boy seems to think so too.” Damon’s words pierce with venom and sink into my veins. “They always get along this well?�

  My heart tightens as I watch Maggie tip her head back and laugh in that carefree, infectious way she does. Kaden smiles openly, warning her he’s about to serve and she’d better pay attention.

  My thoughts can’t take them in and hear Damon’s words at the same time. Behind those words, I hear Maggie asking for my forgiveness. And it would destroy me to even think it, forget about discover it to be true.

  A finger skates along my shoulder. I shrug away.

  “Don’t be sad. You’ll never be alone, Peach. Not a girl like you. There’ll always be someone to keep you warm.”

  I stand suddenly. Julia’s frozen, her eyes trained on us. Averting my gaze, I rush into the house, away from Damon’s words, Maggie’s laughter and Julia’s accusatory glare.

  A short time later, I help Olivia lay out the platters of food along the line of blankets, and then I find a spot next to Kaden and Maggie. It took me some time to shake off the dread in my gut, convince myself I was being paranoid. Damon was poisoning me with his jaded views of love and fidelity. I needed to stay away from him.

  I find myself touching Kaden more than I usually do publicly. Needing the affirmation of his affection to put me at ease, and he is more than eager to participate—kissing my shoulder, a hand on my knee, a cuddling embrace.

  “You two are extra disgusting today,” Maggie notes, wrinkling her nose.

  “It’s our last day together,” I attempt to explain, threading my fingers through his and kissing his knuckles.

  “Only for a few months,” Kaden adds, trying to sprinkle my statement with optimism. “I’ll be home for three weeks over the holiday break. Maybe we can convince Niall and Olivia to let us stay with them. I’m sure they’ll need the help.”

  I sigh with contentment, leaning back into his shoulder as he kisses my cheek. “That would be perfect.”

  I glance at Maggie out of the corner of my eye to gauge her reaction. But she’s distracted, not paying any attention to us. Her eyes float toward where Damon’s saying something to make Cassandra laugh, while Nick stands by uncomfortably.

  “Nick, can you set up your camera to capture a group photo?” Niall asks, his voice easily carrying across the lawn.

  Nick looks up, eager to do anything to get away from his current situation. “Yeah, I’ll get the tripod.” He retrieves his black case beside a hydrangea bush next to the pool house.

  “Oh, let me find Isaac,” Kaden says, remembering Isaac asked to use his bathroom so that Parker wouldn’t trail after him. I couldn’t quite follow his logic, but Kaden agreed regardless.

  He jogs off toward the cottage as everyone is settling into a pose on the blanket. Parker refuses to sit, and Niall is chasing him around the blankets that are strewn with empty and half-eaten platters of food.

  “Do you ever try to imagine what people look like naked?” Maggie says quietly in my ear.

  “What?” I reply, laughing at her absurd question.

  “Sometimes, when I’m bored at the store, I watch people in the aisles and try to picture them naked. It’s extremely entertaining. And oddly erotic, especially when they’re old and wrinkly.”

  I burst out laughing, and she joins me. “You are so weird.”

  “Always,” she promises, planting a sloppy kissing on my cheek.

  We laugh again as Kaden and Isaac race across the lawn to settle in for the picture.

  “Sorry, I think I took that,” Nick announces. “Let’s try this again. Setting the timer for thirty seconds. Everyone in place.”

  Kaden slides between Maggie and me, Isaac propped on his lap, as Nick walks over to sit beside Cassandra. The smile comes easily with Kaden’s hand on the small of my back and Maggie’s hand cupping mine on top of the blanket. When the camera clicks, I continue to smile, my heart finally at ease.

  Nick walks into the kitchen while we’re placing the leftovers in the fridge, asking, “Have you seen Cassandra?” Everyone shakes their heads. “The pilot just called. He wants to fly out before the storm arrives. Says he doesn’t want to wait until morning, so if we’re going with him, we have to leave tonight.”

  My heart plummets. “Tonight?” I confirm, knowing Kaden is meant to go with them.

  Nick looks at me apologetically and nods. I leave the kitchen and go out into the yard in search of Kaden. There’s no one out here, so I continue down toward his cottage, noticing a window on the first floor emitting a glow of light.

  That’s when it occurs to me that I haven’t seen Maggie in a while either. I chase away the suspicious thoughts before they can form. They would never …

  I quietly enter the cottage and pause, hoping to hear only silence. But I don’t. There’s a squeak of springs and the low murmur of a voice. Closing my eyes, I release a shaky breath before walking toward the bedroom.

  I hear a soft moan and freeze. My heart seizes.

  “Yes,” the indistinguishable female voice utters in pleasure.

  Please no, I beg silently.

  My feet involuntarily find their way to the door. It’s open a crack, just enough to see the movement inside. I squeeze my eyes shut, knowing I will never be able to take this moment back. But I choose to know.

  I peer in through the slit. The oval mirror reflects the female’s arched back, her spine curving over the top of the man beneath. I cover my mouth to keep the cry from escaping.

  When she rises up, she flips her long golden locks over her back. My eyes widen.


  Leaning in closer, I realize the guy is staring into the mirror … his penetrating dark eyes connecting directly with mine.

  “Oh, yes,” she exclaims louder. “Oh, Damon … I love you.” Her voice is breathy, and her words are filled with emotion.

  Damon’s eyes haven’t wavered, not letting me go. My face heats with embarrassment. His mouth curves into an arrogant smirk, like he’s proving a point, just as he winks at me.

  Everything I ever believed to be true was slipping through my fingers like sand. Love had been desecrated before my eyes. My friend had thrown herself into the arms of an unfaithful man without conscience. The weight of obligation was forcing a man to remain with a poisonous woman. And what I was so confident in—my love for Kaden—was being threatened by barbed words and a forked tongue. I was emotionally decimated—scared that love was a farce. That I’d been trapped in an illusion of my own making, and when Kaden stepped off that island, it would be the end of our story.

  I rush out of the cottage and race across the lawn, determined to put distance between me and what I just witnessed. My heart is beating so fast, I feel light-headed. I’m forced to sit on a chair on the patio, for fear of passing out.

  What if Cassandra isn’t carrying Nick’s baby? Maybe it’s Damon’s. And Nick is planning to marry that woman and raise some other man’s baby, thinking it’s his. I shake my head, my stomach churning.

  “Faye, are you alright?”

  I turn my head to find Julia standing by the slider, watching me curiously. Her eyes narrow when she takes in my frazzled state. She glances toward the dark pool house.

  I scramble for an explanation. “Uh, I’m just upset Kaden has to leave tonight. Have you seen him?”

  “Yes, he and Maggie are looking for you. They said they had something important to tell you,” she says. “I’ll let them know you’re out here.”

  My breaths come out in short bursts. Each inhale harder to take in. I grip the edge of the table, my lungs closing. It feels like I’m drowning.

  “Faye?” Olivia calls out in alarm.

  Black spots flood my vision. Cool hands rest on mine.

  “Try to relax, love. Nice, easy breaths,” Olivia’s soothing voice sings. “Focus on my words. Breathe in through your nose. Out through your mouth. Nice and slow.”

  I find my way back to her. My surroundings coming into focus. Everyone is gathered around me, their faces mirrors of concern.

  Kaden is crouched by my side, his face distraught. Maggie is behind Olivia,
just as worried. Nick and Niall hover by the door, giving me space, while Julia … has disappeared.

  I search Kaden’s eyes, seeking the slightest reassurance that he’s not about to break my heart.

  He sets a warm hand on my cheek, caressing it gently with his thumb. “How are you feeling?”

  “Okay,” I whisper, suddenly very aware of all the eyes on me.

  “Can you tell us what happened?” Olivia asks calmly.

  “I don’t know.” I try to explain, “It felt like I couldn’t breathe. I thought I was suffocating or something.”

  “I think you were having a panic attack,” Olivia says. “Were you upset?”

  I burst into tears and throw my arms around Kaden’s neck. He stumbles, catching me in his arms.

  “It’s okay. I’m here,” he coos reassurances, rocking me against him. “I’m here.”

  Everyone retreats into the house, giving us time alone.

  “I’m so afraid of losing you,” I stutter in my hysteria. “I can’t lose you, Kaden. I will die.”

  “You’re not losing me,” he vows passionately. “Not ever. I promise. You’re my entire world, Faye. From the blades of grass to the stars in the sky. They all belong to you.”

  I slowly raise my head to take him in. His face is crumpled with unease.

  “Please don’t cry,” he begs. “My heart can’t handle it. Not when I know I have to leave you tonight.” He pauses. “Maybe I can leave tomorrow. I’ll figure out another way.”

  I swallow back the tightness in my throat and wipe away the tears. “No, your mother will never forgive you if you miss lunch with her. You’re flying back to London tomorrow night. I don’t want her hating me.”

  “She is difficult to win over.” He offers a small, teasing smile. “But you’re more important.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say weakly. “I’m being so emotional. I feel ridiculous, causing a scene like that.”

  “You’re passionate. It’s one of the many things I love about you.” Kaden brushes his lips gently against mine. “Are you feeling any better?”


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