Pack -The Beginning

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Pack -The Beginning Page 5

by R.A Cullison


  Like I was saying before, Corbin loves you, don’t go out with Carter he has the tendency to make moves on a girl and I was told to tell you that Corbin will be watching, and that all I was suppose to tell you, good luck on the test


  I looked back at Jane, and she was shaking her head yes, I shuddered at the thought of Carter making moves on me, then I seen Corbin’s face. I smiled slightly and turned around in my seat,

  “Ok people I hoped you studied because this is your exams.” Mr. Patterson said as he held up a big stack of papers, “You have 45 minutes to complete it and hand it in, you may start as soon as you get the test.” I got the test read the first questions, and thought to myself; this is going to be easy.

  At lunch I sat at the table by myself, I need time to think, I picked at my sandwich, picking the bread apart watching it crumble in my hand.

  “Hey,” I heard an unfamiliar voice say, “Can I sit here? The rest of this place is crowded.” I looked up and there was a very good-looking guy, around 18 had to be a senior, dark, jet-black hair with pale blue eyes, with a small mustache, he was holding a tray of food, I smiled

  “No, have a seat; I’m not sure I will be great company.” I said still picking at my bread.

  He sat down looking at me, “Guy trouble?” he asked while opening his can of Coke.

  “Is it that obvious?” I said sarcastically,

  “Kind of must be bad because you’re murdering an innocent piece of bread.” I laughed, for the first time in a week, “great laugh, by the way my name is Parker Raptner; I just transfer here from California.” I looked at him,

  “Must be different from the lavish streets of California huh?” I asked, he just shrugged,

  “I never really lived that life, my dad was lawyer there, he worked of some big wigs, you know, he got a job offer here in Portland, and he decided to take it.” he shoved a chip in his mouth, I smiled,

  “Well Parker, the bell is going to ring in a few minutes, it was nice talking to you, see ya around.” I grabbed my bag and tray and headed to the trashcan, emptied my tray off in the trash, tossed my tray on the ledge and headed out into the hall to my locker.

  I wanted this day to end, I wanted to go home and go to sleep, I wanted to vanish, why did I feel so alone? why did it seem like since I stopped talking to Corbin, I didn’t want to exist anymore? I knew it was wrong to feel this way. I wasn’t really looking forward to my date with Carter today.

  I was in the library on the computer when I heard a familiar husky voice, “Why are you so depressed?” I looked and it was Matt,

  “Do I look depressed?” I asked as I crossed my arms,

  “Yeah, kind of look likes someone ran over your dog.” I laughed,

  “I have a date,” I took a big sigh,

  “Oh, with who?” He asked leaning closer,

  “Carter.” I said not looking at him,

  “Carter? Seriously?” He held back laughter,

  “Yeah.” I looked at him suspiciously.

  “Carter is a loser.” He was still holding back a smile,

  “Matt please,” I looked back at the computer monitor,

  “Ok, fine, fine, but you’ll hate it,” He scooted back to his computer, I smiled and realized Matt was jealous.

  7:45 Carter pulled up in the driveway, I checked myself in the hall mirror, I wore a jean shorts and sandals with a floral t-shirt.

  I walked out, Carter was beside his car; it was a red convertible,

  “Nice car.” I said he smiled

  “It’s my moms.” He opened the door for me, which surprised me, not use to that. I sat down on the velvety seat covers. Carter shut the door and hurried to the other side.

  I was glad it was a convertible, that means he wasn’t going to try anything,

  We pulled into the drive thru; Carter excused himself to get us some popcorn and sodas. I looked around and to my surprise; there was Matt and Paw on the hood of a black car. Matt seen me and smiled, he was good looking, his eyes were killer blue, Paw seen me too but he glared, Matt turned away.

  He and Paw were beginning to talk, must have been some intense conversation because Matt looked annoyed. Carter returned with the popcorn and sodas,

  “Here Nora, I remembered you liked coke, so that’s what I got you.” He handed me a medium size cup and then a small bag of popcorn,

  “Thanks Carter.” He smiled.

  We sat there in awkward silence, I kept hearing him sip his soda, “Wow, how long before its going to start.” I laughed,

  “A few minutes, so are you and Corbin really over?” He asked nervously,

  “We were sort of a couple more like good friends,” I answered, he relaxed alittle,

  “I didn’t want to get him mad knowing you were here with me,” I looked over at him and I could see his face he was debating something, running it over and over his him mind, “Did you know that Corbin asked Piper to the Homecoming dance next week?” I felt my insides fall; my heart was now in my stomach,

  “He asked Piper?” I asked feeling a ball inside my stomach. “Oh yeah, I heard they are going out now.” I looked around; I could see Matt staring at me, as if he could feel my pain.

  I held back the pain I was feeling, “Oh well good luck to them.” I tried to sound believable but I don’t think he was buying it,

  “Piper is snobbish bitch; she is only trying to beat you for Homecoming Queen.” I looked over at him with a stun look on my face,

  “Homecoming Queen? I don’t want to be Homecoming Queen! I’m not even going to go!” I was shocked and it could be heard in my voice,

  “Why don’t you want to go? Haven’t found a date?” He looked at me and smiled,

  “No, but that’s not the point, I don’t like dressing up all fancy to just go meet some kids who see me in jeans everyday.” I sipped my soda, the movie wasn’t thrilling to me, and all I could think about was Corbin and Piper dancing together, but then it hit me, I was going to ruin his night, I looked over to Carter, “Umm.. Carter do you have a date for homecoming?” he turned at looked, stunned, I heard him swallow hard, It must have been the way I had asked him that made him aware of what I implying.

  “No, but would you go with me Nora?” I looked at him and he was nervous, I smiled

  “Yes, Carter I would love to.” He smiled and we then started to watch the movie.

  I walked into the front door of the house, I heard the TV on, it was alittle too loud, so I walked into the living room and there was my grandpa asleep in his recliner, he looked so peaceful so much like my dad, then I started to miss my parents, I could really use my mom right now. She would know what to do; she would be a understanding shoulder to cry on.

  I took a deep breath and headed up to my room, I suddenly felt really tired, emotionally drained, too tired to cry, too tired to think, I took off all my clothes and slid into a pale pink nightgown, I climbed in bed and fell fast asleep.

  I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing, “Nora Phone!” I heard my grandma yell; I ran to the hall phone and picked it up,

  “Ok grandma I got it,” I yelled downstairs then I waited for the click, “Hello?”

  “Nora, I need your help.” I was shocked,

  “Jane? Why? What’s wrong?” the sound in her voice left a panic feeling in my chest.

  “Tony asked me to the dance and I have no idea of what to wear or what to do, I am going crazy.” I laughed at her; she was talking so fast,

  “Jane calm down, I’ll help you, first did you get a dress?”

  I heard a long silence,

  “No, I don’t know what to do and I don’t have any money for one.” Her voice cracked, I looked over to my full closet,

  “Jane, why don’t you come over here and we will find you something, Ok?” I waited for her to answer

  “Really?” her voice had a high pitch then I heard her sigh,

  “Yes, you are my best friend of course, come over in an hour.” I heard her giggle alit

  “Thanks Nora, you’re the best.” We hung up. I took a shower and got dressed before Jane came over.

  I sat on the front porch waiting for her to ride up on her bike like she usually does. Forty-five minutes later, she showed up with her red hair flowing behind her.

  “Hi, Jane.” I greeted her, happy to see her outside of school was always great, she was my closest friend in Portland.

  “Hey Nora, ready to start the hopeless act of picking something out that will make me suitable for Tony to take to the Homecoming?” I raised my eyebrow and shook my head at that comment because to me Jane was really pretty, but she was like me, she had low self esteem.

  “Oh please Jane lets go upstairs and raid my closet.” We walked into the house and the smell of fresh cookies fills the air,

  “Wow, what smells so good?” She asked sniffing the air again,

  “Grandma is baking some chocolate chip cookies; you want to go get a few with some milk?” I saw Jane’s smile big,

  “Could we?” she smiled; I started towards the kitchen where the smell was stronger. On the counter was a big plate of chocolate chip cookies. I grabbed some glasses out of the cabinet, went and got the milk out of the fridge then poured our glasses full. Jane and I grabbed a handful of cookies and headed upstairs.

  Jane was munching on hers by the time we got to my room, “Ok, so what do you want to try on first, I have a couple of formal.” I asked her she shook her head yes. I reached into my closet and pulled out a dark blue dress it was almost floor length, Jane liked it from the look on her face she already found the one she was going to wear, she grabbed it and went into the bathroom to try it on. After a minute or so, she came out with it on and it fit perfectly, “Whoa! That looks great on you ,Jane, hold on I got shoes that match, do you wear a 7?” she shook her head yes.

  Jane looked great, I almost didn’t recognize her, and she stood there looking at herself in my full-length mirror,

  “Do you think Tony with like this?” she sounded unsure,

  “Yes, Jane you’re beautiful.” She looked at me, “So let’s get you out of this dress so we don’t ruin it, and I’ll take you home, you can put your bike in my trunk.” She changed and I put the dress back in the protective plastic.

  I dropped her off in front of her house, “Thanks Nora, you been a life saver.” I smiled

  “What are best friends for if you can’t raid their closet once in awhile?” We laughed and said our good-byes.

  Monday at school I was standing outside of my locker getting my math book when Carter walked up to me looking down,

  “Nora.” His voice was low I smiled at him,

  “Hey Carter, what's up?” I noticed his face seem like he was about to do something he was going to regret,

  “I can’t go to homecoming.” I was kind of shocked and relieved at the same time,

  “Why not?” I asked, I heard him take a big sigh,

  “Because I’m grounded, so you’re going to have to go with someone else.” I felt bad for Carter, all he did was talk about going to the dance and now he had to stay home,

  “Ok Carter, what did you do?” I asked him, he smiled,

  “I wrecked my mom’s car.” I gave him the OOO man look,

  “Carter wow, but it’s ok, I don’t know who else would ask me.” He shrugged his shoulders

  “I’m sorry Nora.” he turned and walked away with his head down.

  I grabbed my math book, slammed my locker door shut and headed to class.

  I sat in class with my head a blur, not paying attention to the teacher, I wanted to go to the dance bad but looks like that wont be happening. I heard a soft thud on my desk, I looked down and there was a note on my book. I picked it up, unfolded it and read it,


  Will you go to the homecoming with me?


  I turned and looked at Parker, He was staring at me with a crooked smile, I smiled back and mouthed the words yes, his crooked smile became a huge smile.



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