Pack -The Beginning

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Pack -The Beginning Page 25

by R.A Cullison

Chapter 20


  Honeymoon from Hell

  Our plane arrived in Hawaii on time, I was so tired I wanted to get to the hotel and sleep.Matt was so excited from the wedding, he has stopped smiling since.

  We arrived at the hotel at 2am, the hotel lobby was quiet. We were at the check-in when a herd of college partiers showed up, obviously drunk. I was watching them stumble to the elevator, Matt began to laugh.

  “Check them out!” he said with a chuckle.

  “I know, they’re drunk.” I commented.

  We finally got our key and headed up to the room, Matt carried the bags. It took me no time to fall asleep. I didn’t even bother getting in my pajamas I just stripped down to my panties and bra.

  I woke up around 9am, Matt was sound asleep next to me, he was drooling and snoring, I giggled at him. I sat up in bed to check the room out, I was so tired last night I didn’t even bother to look at anything.

  I heard the sound of waves crashing, I made my way over to the double doors that led out to the balcony. The waves were pretty high, even at 9 am there were surfers on the water, sunbathers and swimmers. I heard Matt grunt, I turned and looked at him.

  “Good Morning baby.” I greeted him, He looked over at me and smiled.

  “Good Morning Mrs. Hanson.” we both smiled at the sound of that. We hugged and kissed, “mmm ready for your honeymoon to begin?” I looked up at him, “can you believe this? we are on our honeymoon.” he put me down, “ I have to piss.” he chuckled. He went into the bathroom, not even bothering to close the bathroom door.

  I picked up my suitcase and dug out some cooler clothes, a bathing suit and a wrap with my flip flops. I stood in front of mirror and began to wrap my hair up in a bun. I heard the toilet flush. I was dressed by the time Matt came out of the bathroom.

  “Aww I missed you getting dressed!” he looked me up and down, “you look great tho.”

  “Thanks, I wanna go hit the beach.” I grabbed a towel out of the linen closet.

  “Ok, I’ll be down shortly.” he smiled, I walked over and kissed him.

  I stepped outside into the salty, warm air, I took a deep breath, I loved it. I walked a short distance to the sandy beach. I felt the spray of the ocean mist against my skin. It felt like a dream to me. I found a spot alittle ways down the shore.

  I laid my towel down and began rubbing some coconut scented sun tan lotion on me.

  “Can I help you with that?”I looked up and it was Matt in a pair of blue swim trunks.

  “You sure can.” I handed him the bottle of lotion, he began to rub it on me, he was so gentle.

  “There you go all lubed up.” he handed the bottle back to me, “ I think I am going to try the water out.”

  “Ok, let me know how it is.” I watched him walked towards the water. The waves where pretty high and to me they looked dangerous, but I figured Matt could handle it.

  He slowly waded out alittle bit more, then I seen a big wave engulf him. I didn’t see him come up, I jumped up and scanned the water. Then I seen his head pop up, then disappeared again. It did that several times.

  I began to panic, “Matt!” I yelled, I knew he wouldn’t hear me from the sound of the crashing waves.

  “Can I help you?” a mans voice made me turn, it was a life guard.

  “Yes, my husband is out there.” I pointed to the water. We both scanned the water, he even stood on top of the life guard tower to search for him.

  “There he is!” he called out. Matt was almost towards shore, I ran to him and jumped into his arms crying. I pulled back and slapped him.

  “Don’t EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!” he rubbed his cheek, “You scared the shit out of me.!”

  “Sorry babe, but it was hard getting back to shore.” he started toward the spot I had my towel. He dried off, I had enough of the beach. I picked up my towel, shook off the sand and we headed back towards the hotel.

  I took a shower to get off all the sand off me. I was still alittle upset with him, even though I had no right to be, but he scared me, I thought I was going to be a widow before I got a chance to become a wife.

  He came out of the bathroom, “You wanna go catch a movie and then go out for dinner?” he asked fastening his watch.

  “Yeah, sounds like fun.” I was brushing my hair.

  “Alrighty, let see whats playing.” he picked up a newspaper off the table, “there is Troubled or Kill Me Twice or Ammo, which one do you wanna see?” I looked at him, to me they all sounded like guy movies.

  “I don’t care you choose.” I really didn’t care either.

  “How about Troubled?” he looked down at the paper again.

  “Sure.” I slipped on my sandals.

  “We better leave, it starts in 15 minutes.” I grabbed some money out of my purse and I watched him put his wallet in his front pocket of his jean shorts.

  We arrived on time at the movie theater, not many people inside. Which was great, didn’t really want to deal with many strangers. Armed with popcorn and sodas we sat in the middle row, perfect spot.

  A young couple around our age sat in front of us. Through the whole movie they did nothing but make out. I looked over at Matt, he had this weird look on his face.

  “Matt, you ok?” I asked

  “Can you believe them two.” he pointed to the couple, then they began to have sex, Matt was pissed, “Hey!” he yelled at them, “Stop screwing!” they both looked back at him then at me and turned red.

  “Matt.” I was embarrassed myself. I watched them dress fast and leave.

  “There now we can enjoy the movie, he shoved a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

  “O..k that was embarrassing as hell.” I said to him.

  “Yeah well I didn’t want to see that.” he sipped his soda.

  We got back to the hotel, I wasn’t exactly tired neither was Matt. He seemed to be in a crabby mood which was rare for him.

  “Matt, what’s wrong?” I asked getting a nightgown out of my suitcase.

  “Nothing really, just this isn’t turning out like I wanted it to.” he sat on the bed, looking depressed. I sat beside him,

  “Yeah, not for me either,” I looked up at him, “don’t be depressed about it, we can make our own fun here.” I didn’t sound to sure, at least my tone didn’t.

  “Yeah, what kinda fun?” he asked looking down at me.

  “Well, we can order room service and have alittle picnic or we could order some movies or we can go on the boardwalk and by some momentos.” I had to really think of something.

  “Maybe, but….” he trailed off.

  “What? What’s wrong?” I asked

  “This honeymoon sucks, lets face it.” he walked into the other room.

  “Matt, don’t be like that, I want this to be a great honeymoon.” I was right behind him.

  “Ok, how do we do that?” he asked plopping down on the sofa.

  “Lets get dressed and go for a walk on the beach.” I suggested, standing in front of him.

  “Ok.” he said eagerly. Ok I thought that was easy. We got dressed and headed to the beach.

  The breeze was coming off the water was cool, it felt good. The moon looked huge over the water, the water looked like glass making the moon look twice its size with it reflection. I held Matt’s hand walking along the beach, there was no one there. Matt stopped alittle ways down the beach and looked at me.

  “What?” I asked, he pulled me close to him and began kissing me, “I knew you wanted something.”

  He smiled, “Oh what do you thik it is?” he asked teasingly.

  “You want to get lucky.” I said kind of gitty.

  “your right.” he lowered me on the sand and we started making out. Matt stopped and looked down the beach, “Look.” she said pointed to the right. I looked there was a couple already doing what we were going to do.

  “Shit, lets go.” I said trying to get out from under Matt.

  “No.” he looked down at me, we c

  We made it back to the hotel, we jumped in the shower together to wash off the sand. I wrapped a towel around me and dried off, Matt did the same thing. We went to bed naked, it was cooler.

  The next morning we woke up at the same time. I looked over at Matt who was staring at me.

  “What?” I asked

  “That was fun last night.” he had a big smile on his face.

  “Yeah, it was interesting, we should of brought a blanket with us.” I said teasingly.

  “Good idea, we can do that later tonight.” he stood up and stretched.

  “Maybe, but let s go shopping today..please?” I gave him a pouty lip.

  “Ok Ok, after breakfast, we will go hit the boardwalk.” he rolled his eyes then smiled, I smiled too, that was easy.

  We arrived at the boardwalk, I was in awe at all the booths people had and the stuff that was for sale. I found a booth with bathing suits and wraps. I bought a bright pink and green one. Matt found some tropical shirts with matching shorts. I bought some homemade jewelry. We also ate some pineapple prawns at the little eatery there.

  We watched some children play with the dolphins just off the shore.

  “Are they wild dolphins?” I asked the man running the eatery stand.

  “No, they are owned by the local aquarium.” he answered, “they let them swim in the cove until just before dark then they go back.” he walked away.

  “Matt..” I only had to say his name.

  “Ok lets go see the dolphins.” he said, like he knew what I was going to ask.

  We got up and walked to the beach, I was fastinated with them. I watched them jump out of the water and do tricks. I waded out into the water, feeling alittle uneasy. One of the dolphins swam up to me, wanting me to touch it. I placed my hand on it. Its skin was smooth alittle slippery, I could feel its heartbeat, it was exciting. The other one jumped out of the water, did a couple of backflips, the one near me was swimming circles around my legs. In the distance a buzzer went off, very loud buzzer. The dolphins splashed, made a few high pitched squeals and swam off.

  The clouds began to get dark and the wind began to pick up. One of the vendors had his radio up pretty loud, “Residents are urged to take shelter. Hurricane Marion is heading toward the islands of Maui, Kahoolawe. If you are in them areas please seek shelter immiately.” I waded into shore as fast I could, we grabbed our bag and headed back to the hotel. I was getting scared, Matt was acting alittle worried himself. That didn’t help me, I was use to him being the strong one.

  The hotel personnel went from room to room telling everyone to head down to the storm shelter. We packed all our stuff and headed down. Lucky there weren’t that many people in the hotel, maybe 25 people that included the spring breakers we saw when we first checked in.

  I sat down next to Matt, he put his arm around me and pulled me close to him.

  “Here on your honeymoon?” I turned toward the woman’s voice, it was an older woman.

  I smiled, “Yes, ma’am.” I answered.

  “Such manners, that rare now days, we are here on our 50th anniversary.” she said smiling.

  “Wow, congratulation, what your secret.” Matt said nicely.

  The older man began to chuckle, “Patiences, you have to have a lot of it and a place to hide when things get hairy.” he smiled at his wife.

  Matt began to laugh, “Thanks for the tip.” we all chuckled. One of the partiers looked at Matt oddly then turned towards me, “Do I know you?” she asked him.

  “I don’t think so.” he answered.

  “Yes, I never forget a face.” she stood in front of him.

  “Can I help you?” I asked her.

  “I am sure I know you from somewhere.” she said again, she sounded so sure of herself. She went and sat back with her friends.

  “Matt?” I whispered, “do you know her?” I asked him quietly.

  “I think so, I think she is Shelbys sister.” he said softly. That’s a name I havent heard for awhile. I knew Shelby was human now and wondered what she is doing with her life. Then that wondering was answered, Shelby walked into the shelter with a man arm in arm. Matt’s eyes got big, “Oh no, look who it is.” I couldn’t believe it myself. She looked different, no more piercing and her hair was a light almost white blonde, she was dressed elegantly, but there was no doubt who she was.

  Shelby seen Matt, “Matthew!” she said excitely, “is that you?” she asked.

  “Hey Shelby.” he greeted her, He stood up giving her a hug. Then she seen me, I thought she would go nuts, But she kept her cool.

  “Nora Treeman? Wow! what are you guys doing here?” she asked, she treated us like a bunch of long lost friends.

  “We are on our honeymoon.” Matt answered.

  “What happened to Corbin?” she asked, like she didn’t know.

  “He’s dead, he died that night.” Matt answered.

  “Oh, I don’t remember much about that night, except that I use to be a total bitch to everyone, but I am happy now.” she put her arm through the man she was with arm. “ this is my husband, Harold, Harold this is my friend Matt and his wife Nora.” she introduced us. He shook our hands, they excused themselves and sat next to her sister.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off her and she couldn’t take her eyes off me. “Matt, can you believe how much she changed?” I asked him, still in shock.

  “Yeah, she is human now, she cant heal like she use to, so I guess she figures she better get along with everyone or get hurt and actually feel pain?” he said having a humorous tone to his voice.

  “Maybe your right, but she looks different, even though she is staring at me.” I said pulling my eyes away from her to look at Matt, he looked in her direction.

  “She isn’t looking at you angrily thou.” he said studying her facial expressions.

  I ended up dozing off on Matts shoulder, a loud crash woke me up. Matt had his head resting in a corner. I looked around. Shelby was sitting there looking at the floor. I got up and stretched.

  “Nora?” She said my name.

  “Yes.” I answered.

  “I want to apologize to you, about how I acted in the past.” she stood up and walked towards me.

  “That’s the past.” I said.

  “I know, but you never did anything to me, it was Noah, I was jealous of you, how he wanted you, I knew you loved Corbin. I just….. Just treated you badly, I should of helped you. I loved him so much I just wanted him to be happy with me.” she reached out her hand, “Can we start over?”

  “Sure.” I took her hand and shook it, we smiled at each other.

  “I am so happy we could get past that, I also want to think you, I wanted to be human for along time, now I have a great life and I have a 18 month old son, he is my life. I want to thank you for that too.” she hugged me, it took me by surprise.

  “Oh, ok.” I patted her back.

  The manger of the hotel came down and told us that the storm blew over, it was safe to come out. I woke up Matt, he stood up and stretched.

  We walked around and checked out if there was any damaged done, there was no real damage just a lot of tree limbs and leaves. Matt called the air port to see if planes where running and they were. We decided to go home, both of us were homesick.


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