Thorns of Fate

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Thorns of Fate Page 13

by Hayley Todd

  “Did you ever think that he’s afraid that you won’t return the sentiment? Or that you’d think he’s a psycho? Or that it’s too early?” She asked, ticking off possibilities on her fingers.

  Was that it? Was he worried about rejection? Would I tell him how I felt right now? No. If I had more time, I probably would not. The way things are now, I would probably take advantage of every day of my next six months.

  “I don’t think those things, though…” I mumbled.

  She grabbed me by my upper arms and I returned my gaze to her. “Then, tell the man that, Ky. Don’t leave him wondering.”

  She released me and took a step back. Then she reached up and drew me into another hug. “There’s nothing wrong with loving him. But give the man a break. He’ll tell you all day about the doom and gloom but he’s afraid to tell you how he feels? That’s because he cares about you. Don’t keep him on the coals forever.”

  Then she released me and bounced her way over to the door. “I really do have to go get ready,” she said, looking over her shoulder at me. “Damien’s given me a room here so I can train. I’m going to go get dressed. You stay here and think about things if you want. You have twenty more minutes then the meeting starts. Don’t be late.”

  I opened my mouth to ask her where to go but she continued in a rush. “Door at the top of the stairs,” she interjected and then flounced out the door, swinging it shut behind her.

  What was I going to do? Tell this man that I loved him? Tell him that I had imprinted on him? I wanted to assuage his fears but I had my own insecurities too. Would he think I was too easy? Would he even still want me?

  I could feel a knot of panic forming in my chest. I dropped into a seat, staring down at the delicate material of this dress. I had my best friend back. That was something at least. Where my life would go from here, though, was still yet to be determined. I realized I shouldn’t be anxiously troubling over Carson. I should have been freaking out about this meeting. For a moment, I wondered if I should try to find Damien and ask him what I was supposed to do. I wished, silently, that I had actually gotten those answers instead of storming out. But he was also my father. I could never tell him that he was right.

  After fifteen minutes of stewing, I opened the door to find Anton standing there with his knuckles raised. He looked down at me, his eyes sweeping over my body in appreciation before coming back up to my eyes. “Well, there you are,” he said simply.

  “How’d you find me?” I asked, my heart hammering in my chest. I hadn’t anticipated there being someone standing there.

  He placed a hand over his heart. “I figured the beacon of anxiety might be you.” He grinned at me and really, it was a good look for him. For one moment, he didn’t seem like he was working out how to enslave me to his family forever. In that one moment, he just looked like a guy helping a friend.

  “Why’d you bother?” I asked, maybe a touch too harshly.

  He didn’t seem to mind. “I wanted your introduction to the Council to be smooth. And I could feel you freaking out and you were making me nervous,” he replied. “I also worried you’d never gotten un-lost,” he said, laughing.

  I smacked him in the chest, gently but firm enough to knock him back a step. “Thanks,” I mumbled and stepped out of the room, drawing the door shut with one hand.

  “Nice get-up,” he said, leading me down the hall toward the foyer.

  “Thank you,” I replied, smoothing my hands along the skirt. The dress really was something. It looked like it belonged on a runway, not on me.

  The foyer was barren, except for a man standing beside the door in a suit. It was actually the same man who had taken Kellic’s jacket. He caught sight of me and immediately bowed. I gave a half-hearted wave, not sure how else to react. Anton led me to the door at the top of the steps and we stopped before it.

  “Breathe,” Anton reminded me.

  I took a long, steadying breath and he reached forward and opened the door.

  Chapter Twelve

  The doors unfolded before me and the gentle chatter of the room immediately died away. The doors opened onto a long courtroom style building. At its back stood a raised dais that sported a long desk situated before seven raised seats.

  Along the outer six were an eclectic group of people of different races and genders. Four of them were men and two women.

  In the next seat from center, sat Henrick. He looked bored and leaned diagonally in his chair. It almost looked intentional, like he was trying to convey something with the gesture.

  In the middle stood my father, speaking quietly to his side where Carson was leaning towards him and evidently sharing whispered words.

  Nearest to me were twelve long benches seating dozens of people. All of their heads swiveled up to me.

  Every head in the room turned toward us actually. There was a momentary silence. Anton dashed across me, walking toward his father. And I simply stood there.

  The entire room came to a stand in an instant. The quick shuffling of movement growing silent. They all stared at me endlessly, like they were trying to piece their imaginings to the real thing.

  A hollow horror swelled in my gut. Anton turned and his eyes met mine for a moment. For an instant he looked astounded. He simply stared at me. Then slowly, his expression changed to one of sympathy.

  My father’s eyes immediately turned to me, angry, then relieved. He took a deep breath as though he hadn’t been able to suck air into his lungs and his shoulders relaxed. He whispered to Carson again, who stood straight, his eyes meeting mine.

  He was dressed in that crimson shirt, clinging to his frame. Those brilliant green eyes were tracking me. For one moment his eyes went wide, then they traced down my body and narrowed. He stood straighter as a mischievous smile crept across his face.

  My face went alight. My eyes swept away from him, anywhere but him. I caught sight of Anton standing now behind his seated father. He was giving me a disapproving look.

  It was at that moment that Kellic sauntered up beside me and looped her arm through mine. She walked me toward my father, her cool hand gentle on my arm. I gave her a grateful look with my eyes. She smiled up at me.

  We crossed the room and she assisted me in stepping up to the dais gracefully in this perfect—but long—dress. She looked beautiful. She wore an equally long blue gown. It was embellished all along her left side with crystals. There was a high slit that went clear up to her hip and culminated in a blossom of differently shaped gems. It was strapless with a plunging neckline that exposed even more cleavage than mine. Her dark hair was pinned up behind her ear and her makeup was flawless. She was absolutely stunning. She commanded the room with her poise and eyes followed her. Even Carson’s eyes had followed us. I envied her.

  Otherwise no words were spoken, no other sound made.

  Carson was the first to unfreeze, bowing deeply at his waist. And then the room rippled into curtsies and bows. My face grew hotter.

  I couldn’t do this. There was no way I could do this. I could not be a princess. I couldn’t be treated like this. I couldn’t decide if it was humiliating or just horrendously awkward. I didn’t feel right up here.

  That hollow feeling in my chest expanded. My vision went briefly grey, and my arm reflexively tightened on Kellic’s arm. She reached up to me, her delicate fingers touching my chin. She swiveled my gaze to her and the panic receded a little.

  Damien stepped over to me bending and kissing the back of my hand. “My child, you look stunning,” he said. “I’m glad you could find your way back to us,” he said emphasizing the word. He glanced up to Kellic and straightened his body. “Thank you, Miss Santina.”

  Kellic nodded to him. I glared at her. I had found myself thank you very much. I remained silent.

  My father cleared his throat and raised his voice, “With our last member among us, council please retire to the council chamber.” Darius gestured to a set of double doors situated behind the dais. A pair of black clad servants
stood in front of the doors and opened them at the gesture.

  My father held his arm aloft until I took it and he directed the crowd from the dais through them and into a room with an oblong table and several seats. The council members gathered around, taking seats. My father gestured for me to sit in the seat to his right, Carson moving behind me. Henrick sat on my father’s left and the rest took their seats.

  “I would like to bring this council meeting to order,” my father said. “I would like to first introduce to you, my daughter and your princess, Kyra Lucius.” They pattered out applause. My blush deepened.

  Damien gestured at a woman across from us. She was dark skinned, her head shaved. She had bright aqua blue eyes. “Lady Evelyn Stark,” He introduced her quickly and continued, “have we made any progress in tracking down the individuals from the club.”

  My eyes flew wide. They were talking about me. Is this what they had been discussing? What had happened to me? I grimaced knowing they had to be aware of all of the sordid details.

  Lady Stark opened a folder before herself on the table. “To recap for our newest attendees—my lady,” she dipped her head to me before continuing. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to respond so just nodded my head back. “Liam had assessed the area and found witch’s magic to have been performed there,” she said in a sultry British accent. “We have had scouts searching the area for a pair like this and individuals questioning local covens. We have a clue at long last. There has been chatter of a human coalition poised against vampires that have a coven of witches working with them. Word of our princess’s existence reached them and they dispatched a team to eliminate her. We’re now chasing the movements of the team to find out who hired them.”

  Damien nodded, knowing all of this already. “Lord Aron Valencia.” He introduced the man beside Henrick.

  He was tall and deeply tanned with pale periwinkle eyes. He had golden blonde hair that hung about his face and a well-trimmed blonde beard. “Miss Santina and her retinue actually discovered an underground location filled with conspirators. They captured several and her aid in questioning them has been invaluable.”

  I shot a glance to Kellic. She stood behind us and nodded towards his accolades, stubbornly not meeting my eyes.

  She had been going out and trying to track down my almost killer? What was she thinking?! In a room full of what I was sure were ancient vampires, why was she doing anything dangerous? It’s not as though the people she were going after were all rainbows and sunshine. They were literal murderers. And she was questioning them. What in God’s name had happened to my best friend?

  And witches anyway? Witches were out to get me. As though vampires weren’t outlandish enough, now I had to add witches to the mix.

  My heart started hammering in my chest, pounding against my ribcage. Anton’s head shot up to me, catching my eyes for just a moment. I stared at him for a moment. His eyes were wide, as though they were trying to tell me something. I took a long deep breath, trying to remain quiet.

  My father hummed beside me. “Okay, we will speak more about our next steps privately,” he said, overlooking them all. “Our next topic of discussion directly involves our princess.” He looked down at me. His eyes were playful. “Our princess has reached the time where she needs to be probably recognized. On the coming weekend, I propose we host a coronation ball to introduce her to the vampire people and deliver her crown.”

  The room erupted into oohs and aahs and a dozen over exclamations of affirmation. The room became abuzz in so many voices that I couldn’t probably divide them.

  Finally, Damien stood, “It is decided then, Saturday the ball will take place here, in Kyra’s home.”

  I stabbed a glare at him. I had just been prisoner to this place’s walls. I didn’t consider it much of a home.

  Henrick leaned forward in his seat, silent until now. He propped his elbow against the tabletop. “And with what assurance do we have that the princess will be safe?” He asked, his voice gruff.

  He was such a sour man. His disposition always seemed negative.

  Damien looked down at me sadly before answering. “The princess will stay here, within my care until the coronation ball. Her exploits after will be decided with her input.”

  A commotion rang out amongst them again, Henrick complaining loudly.

  “Albeit it has been a brief meeting but I would like to call it to close,” Damien promoted.

  The group agreed and separated, heading back out to the main room. Everyone had filtered out but myself, my dad, and Carson. I moved to follow after Kellic and a warm hand clasped my arm.

  I turned to see that Carson had grabbed me, pulling me to a stop.

  He looked over at my dad. “May we have a word?” He asked. My father looked at me, and I nodded. He exited the room.

  Leaving me. And Carson. Alone.

  He turned away from me at first, pacing the length of the table. Finally he swiveled around to face me. His turn was so abrupt that I’d have taken a step back could I not tell that he wouldn’t hit me in the process.

  “I’m doing this wrong. All wrong,” he mumbled, looking me over but talking to himself. He seemed to be stuck in a panic so I reached up and cupped my palm over his cheek.

  He hesitated, looking down at me, searching my eyes. “I’m in love with you,” he said, barely breathing the words.

  I felt my heart stop for a moment. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t speak. I’d say something wrong. I’d find a way to ruin it.

  Only a second had passed but it felt like a lifetime. He said it. Anton was right. He loved me. This beautiful man that I had in no way earned loved me.

  I pressed my palm to his chest, feeling his heartbeat thump beneath my fingers. It was moving quickly. He was anxious. I splayed my fingers, feeling the warmth flood through my body.

  I felt him for a moment longer. An idea struck me. I could see his curious gaze out of the corner of my eye, watching me carefully.

  I reached up, unbuttoning his shirt slowly.

  He didn’t stop me but still watched, wary.

  Once most of his chest was exposed, I slid my fingertips beneath the fabric so that my palm touched his skin. He felt like fire. The kind’ve fire you’d gather around with friends. I touched him for a long moment, focusing. I wasn’t sure what I was looking for but—


  It was like something shifted, something let me in, and then I fell.

  I swirled through a hazy cloud of color. It was dizzying, the spectrum of light filtering through my backdrop. But my body, lazily drifting through the atmosphere was alight with emotion.

  I felt the hum of two perfectly timed heartbeats. I felt the endless pit within that existed without the other to fill it. I felt passion like the crash of a wave. I felt desire for only one other. I felt deliciously agonizing pleasure tear through my entire being, molecule to molecule. I felt wanting no other.

  I felt him.

  I felt crushed beneath the weight of his love. I could drown in his sea of passion. I could be with him forever. I could be his. He could be mine.

  I blinked my eyes, feeling my back arched over someone’s arm. I was stiff and my legs didn’t respond at first. Carson rested me in a chair.

  “Hey, you okay?” He was asking. It didn’t sound like the first time.

  “I-I...Jesus,” I muttered, bracing my elbows on my knees and cradling my face in my hands. He grabbed my wrist, gently, his warmth clearing my mind. His shirt was still unbuttoned, exposing nearly his entire torso. The sight distracted me.

  “Hey, what was that?” He asked, still trying to snap me out of my haze. He pulled my hand away and I looked up at him. His eyes were confused and worried.

  “I-I felt it. I felt you.”

  His eyes went wide. Then he sagged. “You know. You knew.”

  I shook my head. “I suspected. You confirmed it.”

  “I didn’t want to burden you with this,” he mumbled.

  I turned his f
ace to me again. “Burden me? I’ve found my damn soul mate in maybe the last few months of my freedom. What burden am I getting?” I said it more angrily than I had meant to.

  “Because I know it would come to an end. I could weather this pain. I couldn’t do that to you.”

  I stood up and he stumbled back. He righted himself, eyes never leaving me. He watched me like I were a predator, he was my prey.

  “We’ve imprinted,” I said. Quiet.

  His eyes were wide on me. “I have imprinted.”

  “And I’ve imprinted back.”

  He looked like I’d punched him in the gut.

  He stood there for several seconds, stunned into silence. When he did finally speak, it was barely intelligible. It consisted of a lot of nonsensical “I-I”s and “but”s and “w-what”s. He finally stopped and grabbed my face, crushing his lips into mine.

  My father and Kellic were waiting for us in the outer room. They stood together, away from the crowd, speaking quietly. Kellic even chuckled at one point.

  As we approached, they quieted. My father looked meaningfully at Carson.

  Carson nodded sheepishly, a small smile on his face. Damien clapped him on the shoulder and beamed at me. “Everything will be fine, my daughter,” he said, looking deeply at me. “I do need to speak with the lot of you. And unfortunately, we need to include Henrick and Anton.” He met eyes with Henrick and jerked his head toward the door.

  Henrick caught his eye, hissed something to his son and exited the room. Anton followed after him like a lost puppy.

  Carson stepped off of the dais and held his hand out to me, gently lowering me and making sure the long train of the dress didn't trip me. Damien and Kellic exited and we followed. He led us back down the hall to his office door. Henrick and Anton were waiting their already. There was a couch in the corner of the room that I didn't recall having seen before.

  I sat in one of the chairs, Kellic sat in the other, and Carson stood behind my right shoulder. Damien settled into his seat. “I wanted to speak with you all in regards to the attack on my daughter.” He looked over at me and his expression actually kind've twisted my heart. He looked like he was in agony at the thought of my injury.


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