Gryff The Griffin Rider 3 (A Fantastic Harem)

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Gryff The Griffin Rider 3 (A Fantastic Harem) Page 36

by Marcus Sloss

  “Make it an hour King Aves. I want a nice lunch to celebrate the birth of my boys.” I shouted as he broke the sound barrier with a crack that rang in my ears. I hope he heard what I said. It looked like he slowed down. I was going to take my time regardless. “Go keep the peace Urshoe. Barice wheel Priscilla, please. You will come with me when I go.” I ordered.

  There was a new steakhouse that had opened. I knew it was serving steak because I had to sign the permission to start the slaughterhouse for our cows, bison, and yakin. I was excited as today was the first day the restaurant had steak on the menu. I was sure it would be busy even with most of the new residents being poor. That was something that was rapidly being addressed. The slaughterhouse employed thousands. The fields, barns, and maintenance teams had millions working in them. It was a lot of labor to shovel cow shit, flip duck poop, pluck chicken eggs, and the list goes on. I scoffed at how much automation had reduced in an advance society. It would all take time to even out. Thank the creator we had a massive influx of silver being swapped for gold through Horde markets.

  I actually had been not only flipping the silver in the mines I had been removing it as a currency here in Fernlan. I was buying silver as quick as people would trade me the coins for the gold. This, of course, got a few smart bankers and traders to do the same and now silver had been removed as a middle currency between bronze and gold. The wives worked together with Roz and between the dvaren, elvath, human, and Horde it was decided to add platinum to replace silver. Silver was now being considered more valuable than gold. Which was exactly what I wanted. Because we sure were buying both gold, bronze, and platinum as quick as we could. Which led to tens of thousands of jobs for smelting, minting, and operating banks. We paid all our employees only through the banks and those banks needed lots of managers.

  We supplied the banks for now. We had to, there was literally no other option. Right now we were giving out stipends to all citizens to help disperse the coins into circulation and stimulate the economy. After a full week, it was starting to have an effect. There were open loans for about any and every business idea out there. The number one request was to set up mining expeditions. At first, I was hesitant. Our account balances thrived off the mines. Then Amber said we needed to let go, let the private sector establish itself, and then tax when they became profitable. Our family was overburdened with micromanaging work as it was. We did not need to strangle the mining by over regulating and managing it ourselves. I let her win this one because I indeed did not want to handle thousands of mines. Which was likely to be the case. Again more loans were made, more people spread out. More businesses tried their luck.

  The big turning point had been five days ago when the Trade Masters Guild approached me. I knew they were nobility. I did not know they had a guild which kind of made sense. I think these were the same ones who sent the envoy from Deltan. They were powerful enough to get a sit down with me. This was extremely rare and the only time Amber was very persistent on the matter. I let them convince me to give them a shaman to exploit the Horde markets. This opened up a whole set of new markets for traders to get into which required new employees. I did force them to set up their businesses here in Fernlan. That, in turn, meant less unemployed and more Deltan upper socialites flocking here with their influence and finances.

  The city boomed and I had the goblin hearts to build anything requested. One such place was a lovely steakhouse on the southside overlooking the brown river. You could see the monox, fishermen, and a flow of people heading across the river to dig into the large hills. This indeed was where the ogre and goblins had mined. Which Donnie had tapped out with the help of the dvaren. Still, there were plenty of other areas to try.

  We wheeled up to the front of the establishment that had a snaking line. I laughed at this until finally, Barice asked the question.

  “What has you in such a tizzy?” She asked.

  “You have been spending too much time with the new humans… I am joyfully laughing because I do not even need to be a rude guy who cuts the line.”

  “I happened to find the human race that was defeated fascinating. They fought so poorly, for such a warfare like race.”

  “Reliance on tech… You elvath were warned, even if we humans were. Nope… Not a chance. We would have said no way are we giving up computers, automation, and advanced technology. There was only defeat on our horizon regardless. I think the four gamed out the scenarios and probabilities trillions of times. I know Madam Mastermind would have.” I said while building myself a pedestal. I faced the awaiting crowd. “Afternoon Ladies and Gentlement. I am going to add a few new floors. I will bring in some help to serve free beverages donated by the Vin Empire while you wait.”

  I was stared at, and a few people pointed. I was not well known because I rarely mingled with the masses. I was too busy training, spending time with family, having meetings, and signing paperwork. I let that thought fade as I focused on my task. I reached into my core and linked it to Vin. I then poured out brown tendrils onto the exterior walls of the steakhouse. When I felt they were reinforced enough it went from a two story structure to a fiver story one. I added a wrapping staircase around the exterior. The guests in line were in shock at the sudden additional levels.

  I moved Barice out of the way so I could get to Priscilla and wheeled here up the ramp first. I saw a portal spawn back where we were and Siliq popped out. She saw me with Barice and Priscilla. Siliq went back in probably to get a guard. I wanted to holler to get some ale while we waited for steak. I saw my guards and wives file out of the portal. I noticed a few were missing. There was no Bella, Ruby, and of course Yvette. They were either post recent birth or managing babies. Empress Amber was joined by the Queens Addilyn, Nautica, Emily, Pipi, and Velia. Amber quickly gave some orders to our servants that followed her everywhere. Our own food and ale were probably being prepared at our castle.

  I decided to wait for them as they approached. This was a ‘no baby’ lunch so I had to assume that was why Bella was at home. When our groups met we walked up the ramp and bypassed the second, third, and fourth floors. When we reached the fifth the guards halted the rest of the patrons from going further up. I glance down once I had Priscilla wheeled behind I table I crafted. There were stout dvaren rolling kegs and dvarettes hauling boxes of mugs.

  “Amber, you are marvelous. Are you going to want to negotiate with the Rarish Empire envoy?” I asked while returning to the table that had a decent view of the river. I had to be honest with myself. The river was brown, the trees were baren from winter and it was chilly cold. There were probably better views in many places. Except Fernlan was home. I felt Pipi snuggle into one side and Velia the other. My first two wives pressed against my noble shirt with my emblem on it. “Hey loves.”

  They greeted me back with soft kisses on my neck. Amber rolled her eyes and the duo winked while waving her in. A group hug was had while the keg was tapped and ale poured.

  “I think I will at least listen to a bit of what they have to say. My thing is, that over the last seven days we have made such amazing strides in integrating all the new people… Yes, I call them all people regardless of race. I find the term beings too static. I will give these elvath across the sea an hour of my time. No more. I would assume you came here for the steak?” Amber asked.

  I heard a gentle music that was escaping the lower floor. It seemed like some people were putting on a show to pass the time – maybe even working for tips. I grabbed Addilyn who was handing out mugs and started a basic dance with her. I opened up a section of the floor with magic to let more volume up. Then I did the same for the next floor. Perfect. The noise from the third floor reached us at a nice level. We danced while we waited.

  Between dances, the chugs of ale were greedy and deep. I loved the stuff, not enough to drink it every meal but this was a celebration. I shot two massive fireballs into the sky to let the people know two more of the Emperor’s children were delivered and safe. When I launched ice sh
ards into the arcing balls of flame they burst. It was an eruption high in the sky of orange, red, and pinks. It was nothing compared to real fireworks and I was okay with that.

  I was on a twangy fast pace tune that I spun Nautica to; when the steak arrived. I promise I dropped her because I had a muscle cramp… Not because I was starving. She laughed herself back to her feet and we sat.

  As the plates were set I had everyone wait. We were at a long rectangular table with me at the head and Amber at the foot. I had everyone join hands. This brought about confusion until I silenced the group.

  “I want to give thanks. Dear Icandria, Lily, Gravin, Sion, Perception, and our newest ally Glowvia. In your names, we pray…” I said. The other side of the river trembled as I built a temple from the ground up. I continued to talk as the structure rose from the ground. “In your names, I build this place of worship for you. Amen.”

  The temple was basic in its creation. A standard large church with a single star over the entryway was now visible from our fifth floor perch. After a few minutes of gazing upon the structure, we dug into our food. I devoured my plate and gulped some ale. The next slab of steak was slid in front of me as the first was removed. Ten minutes later with four empty plates and I was stuffed to the max. Amber left her seat and we all rose. I walked halfway to her to meet her in the middle.

  “Siliq, open a portal to the outside of Ooney bay. We will portal closer once we arrive. I have no idea what the city has turned into. Dvaren first. Duchesses. Meal time is over.” I ordered and the female shaman opened the black void.

  The dvaren marched in, then Poe, Colleen, Cora, Doris, and Lucy entered. I went in with Amber not sure what to expect.


  I let out a loud whistle followed by a long list of curses. Lord Nova certainly had been busy with Urshoe. We were in a park with trees and no grass. This was where the elvath slaves were corralled before. I recognized it and looked to the west to find the dock. There were flowing fishing ships going in and out. There was one ship that was not different from a large black and gold flag with a white bear on it.

  The ship looked like it was made from four sections of trees. Trees that would have reached hundreds if not thousands of feet tall. There was a wide bark railing that doubled as planters for small bushes. The masts made me tilt my head in confusion until I realized they were trees pruned to only have branches growing from port to starboard. I saw the trees that carried the sails were alive as a winter leaf fell to the deck. It was such a different style than the human vessels. I was taken aback by its crafting. I was also shocked they were so hostile if they valued life enough to make a literal living sea ship.

  Lord Nova thudded behind me. Sneaky giant griffin. Hai waved until my eyes focused on her.

  “Lord Nova wishes to say the misunderstanding was not all his fault. Well… He says differently but in the name of diplomacy, I will phrase only select words of his. Those not on their ship await in the castle. Have the filthy shaman get a balcony landing pad from me.” Hai said to us.

  “Her name is Siliq and she is a member of this Empire. Albeit still as a slave.” I said in partial defeat. It was not worth the effort to elevate my Horde allies. Urshoe was shown respect as was Virtue. That was enough because they earned that respect. Siliq walked over to Hai and retrieved the information like a professional and then opened a short portal.

  The dvaren guards clanked through and then I went with Amber holding my hand. We arrived on a tenth floor or higher balcony. The initial ship sight had distracted me from what Urshoe and Lord Nova had accomplished. The audacious griffin lord had built a miniature mountain to the east. It was only a thousand feet tall and not very wide, yet it was impressive. Urshoe had the city zoned beautifully. The docks went into a commerce and business section. Then housing in dozens of portioned zones.

  I saw my first bearfrii. They were exactly as described. A teddy bear that could fly. I wonder if they were the uppity bookworms they were described as. I was all for them assimilating into our empire. I was informed very strictly from everyone who encountered them to make sure children knew they were not to be treated like a pet. Screw keeping the children away, I kind of wanted to pet one myself.

  I noticed the loncri, who looked like the exact opposite of a snuggle buddy. They were black icraws the size of a horse. The big difference was they walked on two or four legs. It was weird in a head tilt way. I could rationalize a four legged predator moving to two legs, I still struggled to adapt to the image. They were full supporters of cleansing the Horde philosophy. So adamant, in fact, they were segregated from the lower Horde citizens. If a slave stepped into a zone that allowed loncri then they were dead. At least they gave us the good parts we needed when they were done. May the five bless them in their devotion.

  The branki were civilized whales that worked with a lizard humanoid to do tasks requiring thumbs. We had vast oceans so I allowed Urshoe to expand their numbers here. They did not contribute that much but really it was all a team effort. The wopax were working with them to corral larger monsters so there was that. And they would happily trade fish for books of knowledge.

  The foxumi she had brought here in exchange for Horde slaves had fleed to the colder south. They were self sufficient and residing on the far western end of the Saquin Mountains. I remember being briefed the were happy and thriving. That was good enough for me. I let the view of Ooney bay fade as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I exhaled my calm.

  Amber had been patiently waiting for me and we entered the castle from the balcony. The hallway we walked down was drab and undecorated. A goblin happily sang a song as it escorted us. I really… really… wanted to punt it out the balcony we had just passed. I had it lined up and everything when Amber snickered. She was not discouraging me, merely she pointed to the busy market it would probably crash into. I sighed. I was in an excellent mood already. The birth of my twin boys, the fine meal, and my dashing Empress on my arm.

  Two double doors vaulted open and we did not slow our walk as we made our entrance into the ballroom. Seven hells did Urshoe need a decorator. There were not even curtains in here. Everything was one hundred percent the dull clay I had grown so accustomed to. Even the chairs were mage crafted. I mean there were trees everywhere she could reduce for furniture. I kept my smile on my face as we stepped up to a small platform with two thrones. There were no back chairs for my other wives. It was more than okay, damn hall would be filled with chairs by now.

  Emily and Trish had found replacements which meant there were two new mages seeking to be wives. Both as impressive as those before them. Both highly recommended by Amber… Ouch. I left my zone out to realize Amber as pinching my hand that she held.

  “Let the court of Ooney Bay commence.” I bellowed and we seated ourselves. I had a few lines Amber had dictated I say. “Now that court is open. I summon the envoy of the Rarish Empire to open diplomatic talks.”

  At the back of the room, a young female elvath walked with her routine. She wore a green leafy dress that flowed like plants woven to cover her. They looked like they were real, the plants not her breasts. I knew her tits were real and chuckled at my own line of thought. That was where the pleasantness of the lady ended. As I studied her I noticed wooden daggers woven to connect the plants located all over her body.

  “Halt right there!” I demanded and she paused. “Seven hells Urshoe, are you going to let this elvath this close with weapons. What were you thinking?”

  “You are a demigod my Emperor,” Urshoe replied. Clearly, she was not thinking.

  I summoned an air shield over Amber. I was not going to risk the linchpin of my entire empire at a meeting. “Siliq get her out now. Get Virtue. Send him to my side. NOW!” My anger seethed as my voice shook the halls.

  Amber did not object. She lifted her regal fine ass out of her chair and into a portal waiting for her. When it was gone I kicked her chair with such a force it shattered the chair. And my leg. I healed the bones back toget
her as I clenched my teeth while bearing the pain. I was beyond pissed off to the point I was steaming mad.

  “You dare!”

  “You dare to steal our people,” the young lady retorted.

  Okay, that was not entirely untrue. I could handle the truth. “I am Emperor Gryff of Vin. Demigod of Lily the god of magic. The foretold Harbinger. What is your name envoy of the Rarish Empire?”

  “I am Leaflet Flutter of the Rarish Empire. Victor of the hamlet Shruu battle. Do you not deny stealing our people?”

  “Stealing no, that was the Horde… I admit I saw your people leave a portal for other worlds.” I said. I could lie but chose not to yet. “Is it true you enslaved our refugees who fled the very foes you let capture your people? Were you not warned?”

  “You humans are full of half truths and open lies. We doubted some barbaric culture capable of crossing the seas. We have seen with our own eyes you aided the enemy…” Flutter paused her speech as I drew my sword.

  A dagger clattered across the ground accepting my challenge. Thank the five, and bless the seven hells. Finally. Flutter removed herself from the central part of the hall as my opponent stepped forward.

  “You do realize you challenged a part god correct?” I asked the old elvath in light armor as he retrieved his dagger.

  “I Pebble of the Rarish Empire, do recognize that the elvath are the only god race. We are immortal unlike you. I have watched your kind shrivel and die from age. There are no gods except us…”

  I did a body roll that followed my eyes. Was this idiot serious? Fine. So be it. This was going to be fun.

  “I accept your challenge Sue Pebble.”

  “Sue Pebble?”

  “What you name a boy in hopes he becomes tough because you give him a girl's name. A few of my kind might get the reference. I doubt you will though.”

  Pebble ignored my banter and unsheathed his sword. He deftly twirled his sword around. A dvaren drum sounded. One… Two… Three…


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