SoCal Cuties Box Set: An MMM, Shifter, Mpreg Romance

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SoCal Cuties Box Set: An MMM, Shifter, Mpreg Romance Page 5

by Grey, Aspen

  “No,” he told me. “I won’t hurt you. Trust me.”

  Despite my fear, I did trust him, and slowly, I pulled my hand away and let him do it.

  “It intensifies the orgasm,” he explained as he thrust in and out of me. In and out. In and out. “I’ll ask you when you’re about to come, and then I’ll let you go, and you’ll come harder than you’ve ever come in your entire life.”

  Oh, fuck…


  As I couldn’t speak, I nodded. As Sawyer fucked me, I reached out and took my boyfriend’s hand. He clutched mine, concentrating on me and giving me the assurance I needed to keep focused on the moment. Without his support, I don’t know if I’d ever be able to go through with something so intense.

  Sawyer took my cock in his hand and began to stroke it in rhythm as he fucked me. I tried to catch my breath but couldn’t. My dick was beyond hard, and looked ready to burst. It was so full of blood that the tip was dark red, almost purple, and my slick was absolutely pouring everywhere.

  I’m so fucking wet, I told him with my eyes, and even though he couldn’t hear me, I felt as though he understood.

  His eyes were like laser beams that saw straight through me and into my soul, and I felt his power like a real force as he held me down and fucked me. I was beyond submissive now. I was in a new realm of existence, a place where I had never been and felt more like a real, pure omega than I’d ever felt.

  Elijah was a wonderful man, but he’d never manhandled me like this—never taken such control. Sawyer did with me what he wanted, not in a way that made me feel lesser than him, but in a way that made me understand my role. It was to please him, and in turn, that gave me pleasure.

  Come on, take me, I urged him on with my eyes as he fucked me, stroking my cock with undeniable skill.

  The lack of breath was making my head feel light, but my orgasm was approaching like a plane coming in too hot for its landing. I wanted to pull away, shake his hand off my throat, but at the same time, I wanted to see this through and experience something I’d never experienced before. Besides, this was his show. He was the director. So I let him hold me. I let his hand stay where it was, even as the world started to close in around me.

  “You’re getting close,” Sawyer told me, highlighting the feeling growing inside me. It was as though his words told me how to feel, or at least amplified what I was already feeling. “Aren’t you?”

  I nodded the best that I could as my peripheral vision began to blur. I was out of air and if he held his hand there any longer, I was going to pass out.

  “Sawyer…” I heard Elijah’s concerned voice, but squeezed his hand to let him know I was okay. “Just…be careful.”

  “You’re going to come,” Sawyer told me, throwing more fuel on the fire of my rapidly approaching orgasm. All I could hope was it would reach me before I passed out. “You’re close. Let it happen. Come for me, baby.”

  Baby…I thought. I smiled, my face feeling like it was about to explode, and then I came.

  Sawyer released his grip on my throat and I gasped, inhaled the deepest breath of my life as an orgasm shook me with such intensity I almost couldn’t process it.

  “FUCK!” I shouted as my cock fountained cum. It hit Sawyer’s delicious abs and spilled back onto me, covering my cock and balls with the milky liquid. But that wasn’t what I was focusing on—I was focusing on him.

  “Come for me,” he told me with a smile. I felt his cock, ready to explode as well, but he wasn’t letting himself get there—not yet. He was making sure I came while he was inside me. My hole clenched down on him, tugging him even deeper inside of me until there was absolutely no more room for him to go deeper.

  More cum sprayed out of me, bursting forth from my dick with an impossible intensity.

  “I’M COMING, BABY!” I cried out, my hand clenched so tightly onto Elijah’s that I thought I might break it.

  Finally, Sawyer could take it no more. He slid out of me and I finally broke our eye contact as his cock exploded and he busted all over me. All that sweet alpha seed shot across me, reaching all the way up to the base of my neck as he came with such incredibly power.

  He growled like a beast and without even thinking, I reached up and snatched him by the back of the neck and pulled his lips to mine.

  “Fucking kiss me,” I whispered. He slid his tongue into my mouth and I sucked it eagerly the way I’d sucked his cock earlier. I felt the warm shots of his cum landing on my stomach and chest and wanted to cry because it wasn’t being put inside me.

  You should have come in me! I thought, an idea that shocked me. A hookup from the bar and I want him to come in me—breed me?!

  “God—god—goddamn it!” he groaned, almost snarled as he came. I wanted to be absolutely covered by his sweet nectar, but at the same time, I wanted it inside of me.

  What is going on!?

  I couldn’t believe what I was thinking—what I was feeling. Had I lost my mind? Was I just completely dick drunk?


  As I looked up at him, and saw the intensity in his face as he succumbed to the orgasm that I had given him, I saw that there was more going on than just that. This wasn’t just a hookup to him either.

  He turned his eyes down to my mine as he started to come down from whatever higher plane of existence he’d entered as he shot his love juices all over me, and I stared into those beautiful blue eyes that seemed to gleam like the ocean. I felt a spark of connection between us like we’d just come together in something incredibly special—as though a golden river was raging from my chest to his, creating a bond that I’d never expected or thought possible.

  Beside me, Elijah cleared his throat and I realized I’d been staring at Sawyer for longer than I’d thought. I broke eye contact with him and looked over at my boyfriend. We were all an absolute mess, and I smiled at him.

  “How was that?” he asked.

  “A-fucking-mazing,” I replied. He smiled and squeezed my leg and nodded.

  “Good,” he told me. “I’m glad.”

  And he was, but there was something else behind his voice—something not so sure that what we’d agreed on had been the right move, and that scared me.

  “All right, Sawyer,” he said, getting to his feet. “I appreciate you helping us out with this. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. But if you don’t mind, I’m going to spend some time alone with my boyfriend now.”

  Sawyer glanced at Elijah, back to me, then back to Elijah again. “Oh, of course,” he replied, clearing his throat as he got to his feet. “Just, uh…let me clean up and I’ll get out of your hair.”

  Elijah nodded and Sawyer headed off to the bathroom. When the door shut behind him, I glared at my boyfriend.

  “What the Hell? Why are you kicking him out all of a sudden?”

  “What’s it matter to you?” Elijah hissed back. “We got what we wanted, didn’t we? Unless of course, you didn’t.”

  Chapter Eleven


  I was furious, and I couldn’t believe Max didn’t understand why. I’d seen the way they were looking at each other there when Sawyer came like a fucking fire hydrant. I saw their eyes, locked onto each other as my boyfriend told that alpha to “fucking kiss” him.

  A kiss!? I know it was stupid after we’d all been fucking each other’s brains out, but somehow that one kiss had been more intimate than everything else and had felt like a punch straight to my chest.

  What the fuck was that?

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Max asked indignantly. It upset me even more that he obviously had no idea what I was talking about.

  “Oh, fuck,” I groaned, sitting back and putting some distance between us on the couch. He propped himself up on his elbows and looked at me. The fact that he was absolutely drenched in Sawyer’s seed just made things even worse.

  “What?” he asked again.


  “Look, are you going to tell me or just be a ba
by and make me beg you to tell me what’s on your mind?”

  “That kiss!” I blurted out angrily. “What the Hell was that?”

  Max’s expression shifted from one of anger to one of utter bewilderment. I balled up my hands into fists and shook my head as I got to my feet and walked over to the counter to grab some paper towels. As I cleaned up, he didn’t say anything, but I could feel his eyes on me as he struggled to figure out what was bothering me.

  It doesn’t take a genius…

  “You’re mad that I kissed him?” he finally asked.

  “Why don’t you get cleaned up?” I replied, tossing him the roll of paper towels. “We’re going to have to strip the couch cushions and wash them too.”

  “Elijah!” he cried out, getting to his feet. “Will you just tell me—”

  “Woo!” Sawyer announced as the bathroom door opened and he stepped out in all his beautiful, naked glory, the light behind him silhouetting his physique like he was some kind of angel come down from heaven. “Now that was awesome, am I right?”

  I couldn’t help but shake my head slowly, although I tried to do it in a way that he wouldn’t notice. I didn’t reply, but of course Max did.

  “It sure was,” he said, almost as though he was talking to me. “We should do it again!”

  “Hell, yes,” Sawyer replied as he started to get dressed. “What do you think, Elijah? I could probably go again in a few minutes if you wanted to let me stick around.”

  “No, that’s fine,” I replied quickly.

  No fucking way is what I wanted to say. I moved to the door and unlocked it for him and gave him the eye, in a slightly firm manner, letting him know that it was time for him to head out. He looked a little put-off, but maintained his politeness.

  “One and done,” he joked. “That’s all right with me.”

  He headed for the door, but before he did, he leaned over the couch and kissed Max again as though they had known each other for years. Max sucked his lower lip gently, and as he did, brought his eyes to mine. It was all I could do to restrain myself, but I didn’t want to make a scene.

  “Okay, thanks, Sawyer!” I said, this time letting my tone be heard. “We’ll talk to you later.”

  “All right, Elijah,” Sawyer replied, again sounding like he wasn’t bothered by my obvious annoyance. “Thanks for choosing me for your fun.”

  I nodded and he pushed past me and headed out the door. It pissed me off that I still found him outrageously attractive and wanted to bury my nose in his armpit and inhale his strong, masculine scent. But as soon as he was out of the apartment, I slammed the door shut behind him and locked it.

  “Okay, what the fuck was that?” Max practically shouted, rising to his feet, still dripping with Sawyer’s juices. I rushed over to him, snatched the paper towels from the floor and started swabbing his abs clean.

  “Are you kidding me?” I growled. He slapped my hands away and took a step back.

  “No, Elijah,” he snapped. “No, I’m not kidding you. So stop being a fucking baby and tell me what’s the matter! You were on board with this, remember?”

  “Yes, with us fucking some alpha to spice things up in our relationship!” I bellowed. “Not with you falling in fucking love with the guy!”

  Max’s expression was one of shock, but I could see by his reaction that he had also been caught. Sure, maybe it wasn’t love yet—keyword being yet—but there was more there than just a wild and crazy sex act like we’d planned on. I suddenly felt myself wishing we’d found someone on that damned website.

  “I didn’t…fall in love with him,” Max replied sheepishly.

  “You know what I mean!” I roared. “That kiss? The way you were looking at him! That was more than just you getting some good dick!”

  “And so what if it was?” Max snarled, surprising me as he leapt to his feet. “So what if I felt something for him? Is that a sin? You and I have been in a rut, haven’t we?”

  My jaw hung open. I didn’t know what to say. I hadn’t expected a response like that, and honestly, I couldn’t believe he’d say something so…cruel. Pinpricks of sweat began to form all over my body. I felt some kind of panic beginning to claw at me as the risk of Max slipping away from me began to feel like a real possibility.

  What have you done? I thought. Why did you agree to this?

  “What are you saying?” I said slowly. “You want to leave me for this guy?”

  When Max shook his head, I felt a warm wave of relief slide up my body and begin to beat back the panic that had started to charge across my limbs like an invading army.

  “That’s what you’re worried about, Elijah?” he said, stepping close to me. He reached up and gently took hold of my left shoulder and looked into my eyes. “I would never do something like that to you. You’re my boyfriend, and I just met him!”

  A deep breath forced its way through my body and I closed my eyes for a moment before looking back at him. “You really mean that?”

  “Of course I do,” he assured me, and I could tell by his tone that he did. “But I’m not going to pretend like there wasn’t an attraction there. Of course there was. You felt it too—didn’t you? Don’t try and tell me you didn’t.”

  Fuck…he got me there.

  It was pointless to pretend I didn’t. Sawyer’s alphaness was undeniable. His scent, his body, the way he fucked—all of it was sublime. But…we already were in a relationship, Max and me. It wasn’t like I was going to leave Max for him, and I didn’t want Max leaving him for me either.

  “God, why did we get ourselves into this?” I groaned, letting my head drop forward. Max reached up and lifted my chin, forcing me to look at him.

  “Elijah,” he said sweetly. “I’m not going to leave you for him. And I’m pretty sure you’re not going to leave me.”

  “I’m not,” I replied quickly.

  “Okay then,” he smiled. “So…have you considered the third option?”

  Chapter Twelve


  Well, that was a little bit awkward, I thought as I stepped out of the apartment and walked over to my car. What was his problem?

  Everything had gone well, or at least I’d thought it had, until the end there when Elijah had obviously gotten a bug up his ass about something and basically thrown me out, and not too subtly either. Max had definitely noticed that, and I couldn’t help but wonder if they were all tied up in an argument right now.

  “That’s the risk of threesomes,” I muttered to myself, gazing up at the sky. It was a bit cloudy, or maybe hazy, and I couldn’t see too many of the stars. But then again, that was life in San Diego. It wasn’t as bad as Los Angeles, but it still made me yearn for the country sometimes—somewhere away from the lights.

  Part of me wanted to get in the car and leave, forget about everything and just pretend it never happened. It would be simpler that way, and I liked my life simple—in control. But I just couldn’t do it. Something had happened back there. I’d felt it with Elijah, but I’d felt it even more strongly with Max, and I knew why: it was because I could breed him.

  My life was exactly where I wanted it to be, career-wise at least, but there was one thing I was missing. A child. Max could give me that, and I’d felt the urge to spill my seed inside him while I had him there on the couch taking my dick. What I’d thought would be a simple threesome, some fun with a couple of good-looking guys, had turned into something more—a real connection that I just couldn’t ignore, even if I wanted to.

  And the worst part of it all? I could tell Max wanted that too.

  His eyes had told me everything I needed to know. He wanted my cum and he wanted it inside of him. He wanted me to breed him, like Elijah couldn’t (or wouldn’t), and that meant staying with him—with them.

  I’d never considered something like that. I’d never even met anyone who had a real romantic relationship involving three guys, but it could be possible…couldn’t it?

  “Hmmm…” I grumbled as I walked to my car
as slowly as I could, giving Max and Elijah all the time in the world to come out and tell me not to leave. It wasn’t going to happen, of course. Those kinds of decisions needed time, and even if they were discussing it right now, it wasn’t the kind of conversation that would be over in a few minutes.

  How would that work exactly? I wondered, already imagining what our future together could be. An alpha, a beta and an omega. It seemed kind of perfect, didn’t it? I’d keep working, of course—I didn’t even know what Elijah did for a living—but Max wouldn’t work. Not unless he wanted to. I’d never be one to tell my mate what he had to do with his life, but I’d be more than happy to provide for him.

  He was just so sweet and beautiful, and I couldn’t understand how Elijah hadn’t already put a baby in his belly. Maybe the rut they were in was really a canyon, a chasm between them, depriving them of the real intimacy you need with a person when you want to start a family with them. They reminded me of an old married couple that was just a little too used to their routine and had lost, or forgotten, the spark that had originally flared between them.

  Or maybe they’re just missing something? I thought. Like an unbalanced chemical equation, and maybe I was just the thing they needed.

  The loud, obnoxious cough of an engine across the street got my attention, and I turned to see an old, decrepit jalopy pull up beside the car and park. By the looks of the four guys inside, I could tell they weren’t here for anything good.

  They were all wearing torn-up wife beater tank tops, two of them were smoking, three had gold chains (fake, no doubt) and they were all wearing black jeans. From the smell of them, there were two alphas and two betas. As they got out of their ride, they crossed the street and headed towards me.

  They weren’t there for me, so I casually leaned against my car as though I was going to get in, and watched out of the corner of my eyes as I pretended to go for my keys.


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