SoCal Cuties Box Set: An MMM, Shifter, Mpreg Romance

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SoCal Cuties Box Set: An MMM, Shifter, Mpreg Romance Page 7

by Grey, Aspen

  I guess I sort of understood the idea of him being a beta and not wanting to upset me as his omega, worry me with things like money, but at the same time, we both worked and if he needed me to pick up more shifts or find some more houses to clean, I would have done it for him.

  But he wouldn’t want you to…

  I couldn’t help but feel bad, but I was still running on the adrenaline rush I’d had after the attack. Seeing them both standing there naked…the blood…the sweat…the danger…

  My heart was still racing and didn’t seem like it had any intent on slowing down. It felt like my calm, peaceful life had just been invaded by a tornado with fireworks spraying out of it and music blaring so loud my ears were ready to explode. To be honest, it seemed crazy to me that only a few hours ago we’d been worried about the rut we’d been in. That was nothing compared to the stakes they’d just been facing.

  You’re still in a rut, though, Max, I told myself as I went back into the bathroom to scrub my hands again. I’d already done it about five times, but the blood just didn’t seem to want to come off, and I was pretty sure it wasn’t all Sawyer’s either, so I wanted it gone.

  “Sons of bitches,” I growled as I scrubbed. “And now Sawyer’s involved…paying off our debts.”

  The red suds and foam slid from my fingers and I watched as they circled the drain and eventually vanished down the pipe. I couldn’t help but wonder what we were going to do now and how we would ever repay Sawyer.

  Ten thousand dollars…

  I couldn’t get the thought out of my mind, but I knew why. It was to distract myself from the real issue: why did I want him to breed me so badly?

  It had been undeniable. The desire was there, and it was stronger than anything I’d ever anticipated feeling. When I’d looked into his eyes, felt him inside of me, smelled his scent and felt the heat from his body and his sweat dripping onto my body, I just knew what I wanted—what I needed.

  “But it’s impossible, Max,” I said to myself as I washed the remaining suds from my hands. They were finally clean. “You have a boyfriend, and just because you are mad at him right now, just because you are in a rut, doesn’t mean you can just leave him for some alpha!”

  Even saying it out loud felt wrong, and I suddenly started to worry if Elijah and Sawyer had made their way home already and had somehow heard me.

  Don’t be stupid…

  Was it really that much of a long shot? There were “couples” out there that did that sort of thing, right? Threesomes, or swingers, or open relationships? I’d always thought an open relationship was just another way of saying one person allowed the other one to cheat on them, or they weren’t really in a relationship together at all. But maybe those were just bad examples? Maybe there was actually a real possibility that something unconventional could work?

  “But I can’t ask him about it,” I said to myself, quieter this time. “That wouldn’t be right. No—he has to bring it up.”

  I slumped down on the couch, my head reeling, and focused on my breathing. As I closed my eyes, I tried to will my heartbeat down, but it didn’t seem to want to listen. There was simply too much on my mind, and Sawyer’s scent was still everywhere inside the apartment.

  It seemed to hang in the air like a set of arms constantly embracing me with a power and weight to them that I wasn’t used to. Sawyer’s alphaness was undeniable, and as I took a deep breath, I really started to wonder if a three-way relationship could work.

  “Well, I guess there’s an alpha, an omega and a beta,” I mused quietly, my eyes still closed as Sawyer’s scent waltzed around my nostrils. “Seems kind of perfect, right?”

  We’d never even tried getting pregnant—Elijah and me. But the desire just came out when Sawyer was inside of me. His control, determination and lust. He was also obviously successful, smart and capable. There was no denying the spark between us, but I just wasn’t sure how something like that would work, and definitely didn’t know how to bring something like that up to Elijah.

  As I sat there, I felt something happening inside of me that I hadn’t even thought about being possible in years. A small orb of something warm and beautiful was beginning to form, to grow and swell within me, pushing its heat and light out through my limbs like a furnace roaring hot against the winter’s chill.

  And it was then I knew that even if I didn’t know how to bring it up to my boyfriend, I had to. I no longer had a choice. But then again, did I ever?

  Chapter Sixteen


  As we drove, I actually wasn’t thinking of the ten thousand dollars in my hand, courtesy of Sawyer Reynolds; I was thinking of what I’d just told him and how I thought it might work.

  Do you want it?

  That’s the question he’d asked me, and at first, I hadn’t really known what to say. But I thought about it, looked into his eyes and came to a conclusion.

  “I do,” I told him. It felt strange to say, but I knew if I didn’t say it I would regret it. Like it or not, Max and I were in a rut, and I didn’t see one wild threesome getting us out of it. We needed something more. Our relationship lacked balance, and unlike most scales that leveled out with equal weight on both side, we needed something in the middle—an anchor or a compass to keep us straight, to light our fire, stoke our engines and keep us moving. Without that, we’d sink, and I couldn’t let that happen. Not with Max.

  I loved him. I really did. But I felt something for Sawyer too that was undeniable, and realized just why my jealousy had flared earlier when they were going at it. I knew how powerful Sawyer’s attraction was, and I wanted it to be aimed at me and not just Max. And now here he was, not only just helping me out (us out) but also on board with trying something so unconventional I almost couldn’t believe we’d even put the option on the table.

  “When we get back, you’ll call them and let them know we have their money,” Sawyer said from somewhere. I was so lost in my own thoughts that his words barely registered.

  “Sorry, what?”

  “When we get back,” he repeated with a smile. “You’ll call them—”

  “And let them know I’ve got their money,” I finished. “Right. Got it.”

  “Mind elsewhere?” he grinned as we pulled back into my neighborhood. As I looked over at my apartment building, I took a deep breath and cycled through the mental list of conversation starters I’d tried to come up with when broaching the subject of our new relationship with Max. They all seemed terrible.

  “I don’t know how to ask him,” I admitted. “Like—he’s my boyfriend. How do I bring this up without making him think I don’t love him?”

  “He knows you love him,” Sawyer assured me. “And I think he’s going to be more on board with this than you think.”

  “You would say that,” I sighed. “You’re actually confident with yourself.”

  “Oh, come on,” Sawyer replied, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me close. “You’ve got confidence too. We’re both just a little shaken up by what just happened with those dickheads.”

  “I mean—this is the most important moment in my life, and I’m all shaken up by that fight, which is something I brought on us! All my fault!”

  “It’s over now,” Sawyer replied firmly. “We’ll pay them their money and they’ll be out of your life. Right now, just focus on us.”

  I looked up at his eyes, blue as the Pacific Ocean, and felt the security there. His strength was infectious, and I felt it worm its way into my heart like an injection of pure confidence. I sat back up in my seat and looked at him with a renewed energy. His scent was all over me, and I could picture the future with him and Max that I wanted, and told myself, despite all my doubts, that Max would want it to.

  It can work! I told myself. It has to!

  “Okay,” I said as firmly as I could. “Let’s go inside.”

  “Atta boy,” Sawyer smiled. We got out of the car and walked quickly to the apartment. As I opened our door, I took another deep breath
and smiled as I stepped into the living room and found my boyfriend sitting on the couch as though he’d been waiting for me.

  “Hey, babe,” he said with a cute grin.

  “Hey, you,” I smiled, immediately taking a seat beside him.

  “Everything…all set?” he asked. Sawyer had taken the money from me, and waved the stack to show him.

  “We’re good,” I nodded, placing a hand on his knee. There was a moment’s pause. I didn’t speak right away. But when I finally opened my mouth to blurt out my decision, Max spoke too.

  “I think we should all be in a relationship!”—“I went into heat while you were gone!”

  My jaw dropped. So did his.

  “Holy shit,” Sawyer whispered.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Heat!” I gasped, nearly dropping the stack of cash I’d picked up at the office. “Did you just—did you just say you went into heat?”

  Max’s eyes flashed from Elijah’s to mine and I saw an undeniable look of pride on his face. He nodded vigorously, like a child who’d just given his parents the news of his acceptance to college. He looked back at Elijah, but I could tell he was mostly interested in my reaction.

  I did that to him…I thought. I made him go into heat.

  “Well, Elijah,” I smiled. “I guess you can see by Max’s reaction here that you don’t have anything to worry about!”

  “Worry about what?” Max asked, glancing over at Elijah with a look of confusion on his face.

  “Did you not hear what I said?” Elijah replied. Max shook his head.

  “Sorry, I was too worried about telling you my news!”

  Elijah and I both chuckled. It seemed like everyone was a bit on edge, but in reality, there was nothing to worry about. Elijah took Max’s hand and motioned to me. I set the money down on the counter and went over to them and took a seat on the couch between them both.

  “Sawyer and I were talking,” Elijah said slowly, but without fear. “And we thought it would be a good thing for us all to try something…unconventional.”

  “Unconventional?” Max repeated, but I could see he understood where Elijah was headed with things.

  “The three of us,” I said, finally interjecting. It felt appropriate. If I was going to be part of this new relationship, I deserved a voice too. “As a ‘couple.’ A threesome, but not like a typical threesome…”

  “Not like the kind we already had, you mean?” Max laughed.

  “Exactly,” I replied. “Something real that works for all of us.”

  “It—works for you?” Max asked hesitantly.

  “It does,” I replied. “I come from…a very broken family and never thought I’d find someone to actually settle down with. But then I met you two and I started to question my own assumptions.”

  “I figured a guy like you could have any guy he wanted,” Max told me. It was almost enough to make me blush, because he was actually pretty spot-on. Most omegas who saw me, and most betas honestly too, thought I was a catch. I was tall, handsome, strong, smelled great and was a total success. But then again, many of them were gold diggers and just looking for someone to take care of them. Elijah and Max didn’t truly know the extent of my success and wealth, and even if they did, I could tell the connection between them was real.

  Hell, I’d sent Max into heat, hadn’t I?

  “I don’t want any guy,” I replied sincerely. “I want you.” I turned to Elijah. “And you.”

  They both smiled, and as I sat between them on the couch, I started to feel at home, like I was getting the first glimpse into what our lives could be like together. Their scents mixed together to form the sweetest perfume, and as I leaned closer to Max, the smell of his heat rampaged through my nostrils like an invading army.

  “Oh, fuck!” I blurted out without thinking.

  “What?” he stammered, taken aback by my outburst. “Is something wrong?”

  “Oh, no,” I chuckled, leaning closer and pressing my nose against his neck. “Something is so right.”

  “He can smell your heat, baby,” Elijah said, leaning across me and planting a kiss on Max’s lips.

  “That’s right,” I whispered into his ear. “And it smells delicious.”

  “Yeah?” he asked, feigning innocence. He liked hearing my lust for him.

  “I saw it in your eyes before,” I told him as I slowly ran my fingers underneath his shirt and began to lift it up. “That you wanted me to breed you.”

  “I—I wasn’t sure if you could tell or not,” he replied quietly. I felt Elijah’s hand on my back and smiled as his other began to take down Max’s pants.

  “Oh, I could tell,” I told him, pressing my lips against his. A flame of passion ignited between us as we embraced, and although my plan had been to pull his shirt up and off of him, a surge of lust seized me and I simply tore his shirt in half, exposing his beautiful body beneath me.

  He gasped in shock then quickly kissed me, pressing his tongue into my mouth with a hunger even greater than what I’d felt from him before.

  He wants this, I thought as our tongues danced together. They both do.

  Elijah was like my little helper as he took down Max’s pants and revealed his tasty omega dick that was steadily rising. I pulled back and looked down at it as it filled, blood pumping into it and causing it to swell in sync with his arousal. I spit on my hand and snatched it and began to stroke it, giving it a helping hand.

  “Baby…” Max whispered in a moan.

  “You like that, babe?” Elijah asked as I continued to stroke. Max turned his eyes from mine to Elijah’s and nodded vigorously. I felt like a beast—a wild, possessed animal with another one (Elijah) by my side, the both of us overcome by the desire to breed, our hands all over the tender omega whose heat had us both in a frenzy. But of course, I would be the one to spread my seed today.

  My cock was threatening to stretch my pants until they burst, and I sat back and indicated to Elijah with my eyes. He instantly obeyed and undid the fly on my pants and tugged. I had to lift my hips from the couch, but then my pants were free. As they went down, my enormous erection was free. It stood tall in all its glory, and I realized that never in my life had I felt so dominant, so wanted and so alpha.

  This is what you were made to do, I thought as Max looked up at me with fuck-me eyes and slowly spread his legs, inviting me to do what fate wanted us to do.

  “Let me get it nice and wet for you,” Elijah said, and before I knew it, he was bending down and wrapping his lips around my shaft.

  “Oh, wow!” I groaned. I was not expecting that. His mouth was warm and so wet and he didn’t even hesitate before taking as much of me down his throat as he could. It wasn’t all of it, of course, but it was most of it.

  “That’s so good, babe,” Max told Elijah, rubbing the back of his head with his fingers. Elijah opened wider, coughed and gagged, but kept going. Max urged him on, pressing his head down on my shaft, forcing him to go deeper. “You can do it. Come on, babe.”

  Elijah coughed again but he stayed there and I felt my cock press even deeper down his throat, slipping past a sticking point.

  “That’s it,” I moaned, linking my fingers with Max’s as we both pressed Elijah’s head down on my dick. He coughed, gagged again and tapped out by slapping my thigh quickly. We both released him and he lifted his head from my cock and took a deep breath.

  “Fuck, that’s huge!” he exclaimed, coughing again. His mouth was dripping with spit and precum and Max eagerly kissed him, sucking his lower lip like he’d never been hornier in his entire life.

  “You got it nice and ready for me, baby, didn’t you?” Max asked. Elijah nodded, one of his hands still stroking my cock, which was more than wet enough to slide into Max, and I was burning to be inside him.

  “You ready for this?” I asked him, but I didn’t wait for a response. I knew what it would be. Instead, I grabbed his ankles and bent them up over his head, exposing his sweet pink hole to

  Chapter Eighteen


  It’s going better than I ever imagined…I thought as I gave up control and completely submitted to Sawyer and his alpha dominance. Any sliver of anxiety I’d had about doing this in the first place, or about whether or not something like this would even work, or whether Sawyer would be into more than just a casual hookup with the two of us, was completely gone, and I found myself lost, swimming in a sea of pure bliss and eroticism that I would be more than happy to drown in.

  When I looked down through my legs, and saw the absolute monster that Sawyer had coming for me, it was like I was seeing it for the first time again. My heat was amplifying everything; the sensations of my body were heightened, I felt a tingling sensation rushing through my limbs and it was like a glowing ball of lava was spinning at my core, begging to be touched by Sawyer’s proud erection.

  “You ready for this?” he asked again. I knew he’d said it once before, but somehow I’d missed it or been unable to respond. This time, I nodded vigorously and reached out and grasped both of his strong hips and pulled him towards me.

  I was absolutely sure it was going to sting when he put that enormous thing in me, but to my complete surprise, it didn’t. Instead, his dick, glistening with spit and precum, slid into me as though my ass was made for it. It was like two pieces of a puzzle and he fit right in.

  Like the three of us, I thought, smiling and closing my eyes as he pressed deeper inside of me.

  That had been the problem. Elijah and I hadn’t been in a rut; we were two pieces of a three-piece puzzle, and we’d been missing our third. Now that he was here, everything felt right. It was like the laws of the universe had been out of whack and he’d appeared to set things right.

  “Oh, you take it so well,” he praised me as he bottomed out inside me, his balls pressing against mine. My slick was pouring—it even felt different now that I had started my heat. It didn’t make any sense really, but it somehow just felt more eager, as though it wasn’t just the regular slick meant to get me laid, it was something special.


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