Wicked Forever (Wicked Bay Book 8)

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Wicked Forever (Wicked Bay Book 8) Page 14

by L A Cotton

  “Maverick,” she breathed, finally breaking the kiss. We lingered there, neither of us wanting to come up for air, too lost in each other.

  Until the officiant cleared his throat, breaking the spell.

  “Hello, my wife.” I grinned at her.

  “Husband.” Lo’s laughter filled the air. “Shall we?”

  I took her hand, leading her down the small aisle as our friends and family smiled and cried. We’d decided to have the ceremony at the Lakeview Resort, but I’d arranged something special for later.

  “Congratulations,” our family descended on us the second we were clear of the ceremony room.

  “Maverick, I’m real proud of you, son, real damn proud.” August, Kyle and Summer’s grandpa grabbed my hand and shook it.

  “And you,” he turned his attention on Lo, “get over here and give me some sugar.”

  Lo chuckled, accepting her grandpa’s hug.

  “Big brother.” Macey was next in line. “You did good.” She wrapped her slim arms around me. We didn’t see a lot of each other these days with Devon being on the road a lot, but she was still my sister, my blood. Despite our differences, Macey would always get me in a way that few would.

  “I gotta say it, bro.” Kyle nudged her out of the way. “I wondered if you were ever going to seal the deal.”

  “Kyle,” Laurie and Summer said in unison.

  “What?” He shrugged. “It’s taken him long enough.”

  I glanced over to where Lo was the center of her own fan club. She looked up, catching my eye and time stood still.

  She was a vision in the snow-white gown. It was simple with long lace sleeves and a neckline that cut straight across her collarbone. But the back was a deep V that finished at the bottom of her spine. Lo looked flawless. Her hair was pinned up in a loose, sexy style I couldn’t wait to bury my fingers in, and her makeup was subtle and smoky. She hadn’t wanted any fuss, keeping the ceremony simple and the guest list small. My teammates had almost pitched a fit when they realized they weren’t invited, but it hadn’t stopped them giving me a bachelor party to end all bachelor parties.

  Today hadn’t been about declaring our love in front of everyone though, it was about the promises we’d made to one another.

  Vows of loyalty and love until death do us part.


  I was floating on clouds as I watched Maverick beckon me to the dance floor. Picking up the modest train of my dress, I walked toward him. Camera flashes went off around us, as our family and friends gathered to watch us take our first dance as husband and wife.

  My lips curved.


  I was married: to my best friend, my partner, my man.

  I still couldn’t believe it, and yet, in some ways it felt like my whole life had been leading to this point.

  “Mrs. Prince,” Maverick grinned down at me as he slid one arm around my waist and pulled me close, threading his other hand with mine.

  The opening beats of the acoustic version of Florence & The Machine's You’ve Got the Love played out over the speakers.

  “Husband,” I replied around a smile as we began to sway to Florence's sultry voice.

  “You know, there was a time I didn’t think I’d ever get to do this,” he admitted, brushing his nose over mine and stealing a kiss.

  “But you did.”

  “I did. You never gave up on me, Lo. And that means more to me than you’ll ever know. I love you, so much.”

  I pulled my hand free and glided it up his chest, pulling his collar and anchoring us together. “You were worth it.” Butterflies tickled my stomach.

  “It hasn’t been confirmed yet, but I wanted to tell you first. Coach Callahan offered me an assistant coaching job at Wicked Bay High. I’m going to coach high school basketball.”

  “Oh my god, Maverick... that’s incredible.” He’d been coaching at the local community centre for the last few months, but I knew it wasn’t giving him the challenge he needed.

  “It’ll mean putting down roots in Wicked Bay and I know we still hadn’t decided—”

  “It’s what I want,” I rushed out, nervous energy humming through me.

  “Lo?” Rick asked, frowning. “What is it?”

  I should have known he’d sense something was wrong.

  “I actually wanted to talk to you too.” I graduated in less than five months and I had no firm plans post-college. After the accident, I was all too happy to go with the flow and see where life took us.

  Apparently, we’d been a little too happy to go with the flow though.

  “London,” Rick growled when I didn’t continue.

  “I know we’ve never really talked about when... but I missed my period, and well, I took a test yesterday and it’s positive.”

  He reared back, studying my face. “You’re pregnant?”

  “Surprise.” I forced a smile.

  “A baby? We’re having a baby?” He was still now, the blood drained from his face.

  “I know we didn’t plan it, but I think it happened the other month when I was sick, remember—”

  “Lo, stop talking for a second.”

  “Okay.” I pressed my lips together, aware that we had an audience, probably wondering what the hell was happening.

  “Maverick?” I said when he didn’t move. God, he was traumatised. I’d known it would be a shock, but I didn’t think—

  “A dad? I’m going to be a dad?”

  I nodded, tears glossing my eyes. I couldn’t wait to see Maverick with our son or daughter. I knew we were still young, but life felt different since the accident. We’d come so close to losing everything and I knew without a shadow of doubt I wanted to experience life to the fullest with Maverick.

  Without warning, Rick hoisted me into his arms and spun me around. For a man who could barely walk unaided a year ago, his strength was impressive.

  “You’re not mad?” I asked unable to contain my happiness.

  “Mad?” He lowered me the floor, pressing a hand to my stomach. “You’re growing my child, Lo. Our child. That is the sexiest thing I could possibly imagine.”

  “I’m not sure it’s supposed to be sexy.”

  “Pregnant...” he breathed, a dumbfounded expression on his face. “I don’t think I could be happier now if I tried.”

  “You’re really okay with this?”

  He brought a hand to my face, rubbing his thumb over my cheek. “Lo, I love you. I want a family with you. I want crazy mornings and sleepless nights. All of it.”

  “We’re still young.”

  “Good, we can get started on our basketball team.”

  “You want five kids?” I balked.

  He nodded. “Four boys and one girl.”

  “If her brothers are anything like their dad,” I grinned, “she’ll be the luckiest girl alive.”

  “And if she’s anything like her mom, I’ll be the proudest man alive.” He kissed the tip of my nose.

  “We’re really doing this?” My heart was racing, pure elation coursing through my veins.

  Maverick curved his body over mine, his mouth hovering over my lips. “We are,” he breathed. “You, me, and a houseful of kids.”

  “You’re crazy.” I threw my head back, laughing.

  “Crazy about you.”

  “Always.” My gaze found his again, love tethering us together.

  Maverick swallowed thickly and smiled. “And forever.”

  Six months later...


  “Where is she?” I skidded to a halt in the hall, my heart almost beating out of my chest.

  “You just made it in time, Mr. Prince,” the nurse smiled at me. “Are you ready to have your babies?”


  They were coming.

  Almost eight weeks early.

  I’d been in a meeting with Coach Callahan when I got the call that Lo had been rushed to the hospital. She’d been on bed rest for the last couple of weeks, complaining of a lot of Br
axton Hicks. I almost didn’t go to the meeting, but she'd insisted, so I’d left her with my mom.

  “Maverick?” the nurse said, and I blinked out of my trance.

  “Yeah” I swallowed. “I’m ready.”

  She beckoned me into the room and Mom leaped up. “Thank God, Maverick. We almost thought you weren’t going to make it. These babies are coming right now.”

  My eyes landed on Lo and everything slowed down around me. She was so busy sucking on the gas like it was her lifeline, she barely noticed me.

  “What can I do?” I asked, suddenly feeling very out of my depth.

  “Owwww,” her screams of pain filled the room, jerking me into action. I rushed to Lo’s side, grabbing her hand in mine and brushing the damp hair from her face.

  “I’m right here.”

  “I can’t do it, Maverick... it hurts...” She looked so vulnerable, so lost. I wanted to take away all her pain and carry it as my own. But this was one thing I couldn’t help with.

  “You’ve got this, Lo. You’re strong and beautiful and soon it’ll all be over, and we’ll get to hold our babies.”

  She whimpered, pressing her head into my arm. “I’m scared.”

  “You don’t need to be scared, you’re going to be an amazing mother.”

  We were young, too young by most people’s standards, but Lo had shone throughout the pregnancy. Even when we discovered we were having twins, she never let it faze her, even for a second.

  It was as if finding out she was going to be mother had fixed something inside her. Something she hadn’t even realized had been broken.

  And I couldn’t wait to see her with our babies.

  “Okay, Lo, baby number one is coming. Are you ready to push for me?”

  “You can do it,” I encouraged, stroking her face gently. “Push, Lo.”

  She roared, her body locking up with exertion. Everything grew blurry, the nurses working together, barking orders at her to push harder. Until tiny cries filled the room and Lo sagged against the bed.

  “Okay, that’s baby girl out safely. Dad, do you want to cut the cord?”

  “I… what?”

  Someone chuckled as I sat dumbstruck by the scene in front of me.

  “Here you go, a perfect, healthy baby girl.” They handed me a small bundle of towels. “You can hold her, Dad, while we help Lo get the second baby out.”

  “Oh my god,” Lo breathed, reaching to stroke our daughter’s face. “She’s… perfect.”

  And she was. So tiny but perfectly formed.

  “Baby two is coming. Another big push, Lo, okay?”

  “You’ve got this, Lo, sweetheart.” Mom took over for me while I held our daughter, my heart expanding to accommodate the love I felt for her and her mother.

  I didn’t even realize the second baby was coming until more cries filled the room.

  “Baby two is a boy.”

  A boy.

  The words slammed into me. I had a daughter… and a son.

  “Oh, Maverick, they’re here,” Lo sounded so fucking exhausted, “They’re finally here.”

  “You did so good,” I said, leaning over to kiss her.

  The nurses cleaned up our son and handed him to Lo. “They’ll probably want to feed. They’re a good weight considering they’re early, but we’ll need to check them both over. Enjoy some cuddles first.”

  “Congratulations.” Mom came around to kiss me. “So precious. I’m going to leave the four of you and go tell everyone they’re here safely, okay?”

  “Thanks, Mom.” I grabbed her hand. “For everything.”

  Tears glossed her eyes as she gave me an understanding nod. “Take care of your family, Maverick.”

  “I can’t believe how tiny they are.” Lo stroked our son’s cheek and he wriggled in her arms, his tiny hands grasping at air.

  “Have you decided on names?” We’d gone back and forth but had decided to wait until they were born.

  “He’s Elliot Ky Prince, after my brother.” She gazed down at him, taking a deep breath. “And she’s Imogen Ava Prince, after my mum.”

  “Perfect, they’re perfect,” I choked out, unable to stop the tears trickling down my face. “I love you, Lo. All of you. Thank you.”

  “What for?” Her eyes grew wider.

  “For loving me, for never giving up on me, but most of all, for giving me a family.”

  The End.

  I hope you enjoyed the conclusion to the Wicked Bay series… you can read more about Zach Messiah in On The Rebound, available for pre-order now


  Need You Now – Lady A

  Lonely Again – gnash

  Wrong Direction – Hailee Steinfield

  Sometimes – Chelsea Cutler

  Don’t Say A Word – Ellie Goulding

  Break My Heart Again – FINNEAS

  Sights – London Grammar

  3:00am – Finding Hope

  Grace – Lewis Capaldi

  All I Want – Kodaline

  Us – James Bay

  You’ve Got the Love – Florence and the Machine

  Other Books by L A Cotton

  Verona Legacy Series

  She’s the Capizola heir, he’s the Marchetti prince, and their love is forbidden . . .

  Prince of Hearts

  King of Souls

  Black Hearts Still Beat Series

  The sweetheart of Country is about to show the bad boys of Rock, it only takes a single beat for everything to change.




  Rixon Raiders Series

  Cocky football players, school rivalry, and the girls who get in their way. Get ready... The Raiders are here!

  The Trouble With You

  The Game You Play

  The Harder You Fall

  The Endgame Is You

  Wicked Bay Series

  Rich bad boys, a town full of secrets, and a family who will do anything to protect the ones they love… Welcome to Wicked Bay!

  Wicked Beginnings

  Wicked Rules

  Wicked Lies

  Wicked Games

  Wicked Needs

  Wicked Surprise

  Wicked Hearts

  Wicked Promises

  Wicked Forever

  Liar Liar Series

  Running from her past, seventeen-year-old Becca Torrence is determined to do whatever it takes to fit in at her new high school. Even if it means losing herself in the process.

  Liar Liar

  Truth or Dare

  Chastity Falls Series

  In a town where the football team reign supreme and nothing is as it seems, college freshman Ana Parry finds herself in a tangle of secrets that might just destroy her…

  Loyalty and Lies

  Salvation and Secrets

  Tribulation and Truths

  Redemption and Regrets

  Penance and Promises

  Affliction: A Chastity Falls Spin-off Novella

  Absolution: A Chastity Falls Spin-off Novel


  Lucky Penny

  Author’s Note

  Eight books, one novella, one spin-off story, and one short story later, here we are… the end of an era. I hope you enjoyed the conclusion to Lo and Maverick’s, and Kyle and Laurie’s stories. I know some of you will want more… that you’ll want to know how things turned out for Summer and JB, Macey and Devon, and Keira and Trey. Sadly, I couldn’t write perfect endings for every couple, but rest assured they are happy! And if you’re in my readers group, you’ll know that this isn’t the final goodbye to some of the characters…

  I may have said this before, but Wicked Beginnings was my last shot at ‘making’ it as a full-time author. I had so much riding on that book and to my pleasant surprise (and absolute relief) it flew. The love and support for these characters and this series has been nothing short of life changing. It isn’t my bestselling series anymore, but it will always be the series that kept my dream al

  I’m going to keep my list of thanks short and sweet because this really was one for you, my readers.

  Thank you to every single person involved in making this series a success (readers, bloggers, editors, betas, proofreaders, graphic designers, my author friends, and my family).

  Wicked Bay will always own a piece of my heart…

  Until next time,

  L A xo

  About the Author

  Angsty. Edgy. Addictive Romance

  Author of mature young adult and new adult novels, L A is happiest writing the kind of books she loves to read: addictive stories full of teenage angst, tension, twists and turns.

  Home is a small town in the middle of England where she currently juggles being a full-time writer with being a mother/referee to two little people. In her spare time (and when she’s not camped out in front of the laptop) you’ll most likely find L A immersed in a book, escaping the chaos that is life.

  L A loves connecting with readers.

  The best places to find her are:

  Official Website




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