Into the Darkness: A Fantasy LitRPG Adventure (Axe Druid Book 4)

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Into the Darkness: A Fantasy LitRPG Adventure (Axe Druid Book 4) Page 63

by Christopher Johns

  Dinnia (Dih-nee-uh) – An elven druid who takes pity on poor Zeke and brings him into Mother Nature’s good graces. Zeke’s trainer.

  Sharo (shah-row) – Another panther who assists his partner in crime Dinnia in training her student. Not a walking back of assholes.

  Kyra – Queen of the bears and good friend of Dinnia’s. We like her.

  Marin (mare-in) – We, uh… we don’t talk about her. 10 out of 10, though. Kickass dire bear.

  Rowland – Blacksmith in Sunrise, who decides he likes the travelers, especially the one with the tail—no bias.

  Maebe (may-buh—soft buh—if she hears you talking shit, I’m not responsible, yeah?) – Unseelie Queen of Winter and Darkness, who somehow gets thrown into the mix. Also, Zeke’s girlfriend. I know, right?

  Thogan (ThO-gun) – Champion of the Unseelie Fae, and a rather clingy dwarf with a rough complexion.

  Titania – Queen of the Seelie Fae, who has a predisposition of being a raging bitch to anyone and everyone she doesn’t like. Like outsiders.

  Craglim (Crag-limb) – Rowland’s cousin. Racist piece of shit—but he’s a good fighter.

  Zhavron (Zah-vrun) – Orc fighter with a sordid past. Muu’s trainer in all things fighting. A little intense at times.

  Pharazulla (Far-uh-zu-la) – A bard of some renown, though a bit of a stuck-up asshole.

  Vrawn – A lovely orcish woman with a soft spot for our local druid. She’s built like a busty, brick shit house.

  Sam – Mayor of Sunrise village. A fair man whose bear-kin wife and half bear-kin children believe in him wholeheartedly. Prefers to hunt for the village rather than govern.

  The villagers of Sunrise – Great people who recently went through a lot of bullshit. Go easy on ‘em, yeah?

  Set – A decent little Fae-orc kid, duped into hunting a Belgar.

  Ampharia (Am-far-ee-uh) – An elder green dragon friend of Mother Nature’s who comes to Muu with her blessing and teaches him how to fight dragons.

  Natholdi, Granite, and son (Nath-ol-dee) – A good, humble dwarven family that both Muu and Zeke love dearly. Newest additions to the Light Hand Clan.

  Farnik Mugfist (Far-nick) – Leader of the Mugfist clan and good friend to the party. Loves a good cup of mead and song.

  Shellica Light Hand (Shell-ih-cuh) – Leader of the Light hand clan and a Grand Master Enchanter. Crazy as shit with a diabolical wit. Zeke’s trainer, unfortunately.

  Silvannas (Sill-vahn-us) – Queen of the High Elves on the prime plane of existence. Sort of a role model to Maebe.

  Questis (Quest-ihs) – A high elf Druid enchanter who has a soft spot for kitties and bait. Pretty awesome guy. Seriously loves cats, though.

  Fern (Like the plant) – A sabertooth cat that has a serious god complex. Loves to be fed and worshipped. Gives his druid Questis hell all the time.

  Telfino (Tell-fee-no) – Son of Queen Silvannas, and inheritor of the throne. He’s a good kid with a seriously strong class.

  Manly Warbottom – A rascal bounty hunter halfling with a weird motley crew of badasses. Good lady, likes money. A lot.

  Braves of the Thorn – Manly’s peeps and party, consisting of Dawn, Nick, Nic, Bonnie, and Manly’s best buddy Humphrey. Quality people.

  Milnolian (Mill-Gnoll-Ian) – Goes by Servant, but he’s a loyal servant of Maebe’s who she passed to him as a gift.

  Eiran’a (Ee-rahn-ah) – Maebe’s momma and a highly skilled ice mage. She doesn’t really care for the loving protagonist, but hey—beggars and choosers, am I right?

  Westwind Royalty – The royal family of Zephyth, good people with a lovely daughter. Aboye (A-boy-Eh), the king, and Chareen (Shareen) his wife.

  Villeroa Westwind (Vill-er-oah) – Princess and water mage, with her elemental friend.

  Zygnal (Zig-nahl) – Water Elemental assigned to protect and help train Villeroa.

  Jafrik (Ya-frick) – A Drow boy chosen by the Primordial Light Elemental to become the first of a new race, the dawn elves.

  The Bad

  War – Galactic conquerer who probably suffers from only child syndrome. Probably needs a hug, or he will keep trying to take over the universe.

  Minions of War – Not the lovable minions everyone loves. You know, not the yellow ones, or that fish from that one Will Ferrell animated movie. These guys seek to undermine the strength of the gods by eroding the world around them slowly. And serve the other assholes in this list.

  The Generals – A Number of War’s better warriors capable of taking out the strongest people open the planet—and together they did. Dick move.

  Rowan – I’m not gonna say much about this guy—read the book, then you’ll know what a dickbag he is. Haha, was—sonofabitch is dead now.

  Pastella (Pahs-tell-uh) – Crazy elven woman with a taste for torture and violence.

  Tarron Dillingsley (Tair-run Dill-night-slee) – Gnomish enchanter who—let’s face it shall we?—sucks as a teacher for various reasons and lest we forget, the asshole in charge of the Children of Brindolla.

  Children of Brindolla – A group of misguided citizens who believe they are the only ones who can truly save their world. They found themselves on the receiving end of an ass-kicking—but was that all of them?

  Decay – A greater Fiend who held his own against the party and Maebe. Fell due to a brilliant plan and a little bit of finesse. Okay, the plan was half-cocked, and the finesse resulted in some bullshit—happy now?

  Spiders – just a bunch of overgrown pests that needed an ass-kicking. Nightmare fuel FOREVER.

  Lothir (Low-theer) – Big ol’ wanna-be snake goddess who has a village of elves, orcs, and Fae-orcs under her command and demands sacrifices to restore and keep her beauty. All of that means that she’s coo coo for Cocoa Puffs.

  Melvaren (Mel-vah-ren) – General who took claim over Balmur and tortured him in the Hells for his entire tenure there. We killed the shit out of him. But not before he whipped our asses. Still dead though.

  Archemillian (Ark-em-illion) – The demon who Yohsuke summoned and gets his warlock powers from. Has a huge hard-on for souls, but he helped us this once. Didn’t mean he was a fucking good guy, though.

  Riktolth (Rick-talth) – The great black dragon who killed a mother red in a bid to die in combat. Yeah, you guessed it. We kicked his ass.

  Governess Belltree – The lady leader of Lindyburg with a serious distaste for magic. Like genocide level crazy.

  Lilith – Drow queen and crazy manipulative, also a spider lady—creepy as hell.

  Vampire Lord – Vampires, right? Yeah, she was on some serious minion shit, but had beef with her sister that saw her die.

  Xaenth (Shane-th) – drow guide and a general dickhead.

  And The Ugly

  Insane Wolves – Think crazy wolves, but you know, crazier and angrier for some reason. Due to proximity to a minion of War, the minds of these animals have eroded to nothing but the drive to kill and eat anything that is not them, or another wolf.

  Undead creatures – As you can imagine, due to proximity to a minion of War, these poor bastards rose from the dead in order to protect their alien masters. Even the stronger versions are worthy of a small bit of sympathy—they sure as hell didn’t get any, but they were worthy of it.

  Bone Dragon – I mean, pretty self-explanatory, right? It’s a bone dragon! No skin, no muscle—all bleached bones and hate for the living.

  General of War (Blight) – The asshole who did some truly terrible things, sent us on a supposedly one-way trip to the Fae Realm, and got his ASS kicked. Yeah. That guy.

  Ursolon – Think of a giant, striped bear with an anger management issue the size of North Dakota. Yeah. Now go fight one.

  Werewolves – The hero’s in some tales—but not this one. Oh no. These guys suck, big time! Hairy, needy pieces of crap.

  Alpha Werewolf – The jerk in charge of the the other jerks above. Bigger, badder, stronger, and usually way more cunning and ruthless.

  The Wild Hu
nt – A flock of assholes (read demons) who patrol the realm of the Fae and take out anything they believe doesn’t belong there.

  Order of the Prime – A bunch of human wizards bent on controlling the elements and restoring mankind to their rightful place as rulers. Some real xenophobic asshats, these ones.

  Spiders – Oh, I mentioned these already? Because there were a lot of them. With fangs. And all the feet. Seriously, I need to book an appointment for therapy now.

  Belgar – A rhino-like Fae creature with a surprising sense of honor and code that it lives by. Big as shit, and it will run anyone in its way through.

  Dofilnarr (Dough-fill-nar) – A Fae creature thought to have been hunted to extinction that takes the forms and abilities of creatures it touches while in its base state. Highly vulnerable to Fae Iron.

  Vampire bats – ugly bastards that looked like man-bats that did a number on the party.

  Hulking vampires – Vampires on steroids that would make Dr. Banner feel normal.

  Dungeon baddies – Doing what they were designed to do, right?

  And other random jerks too unimportant for now to mention—they know who they are. Bunch of assholes.

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