Soteria- The Crisis Forge

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Soteria- The Crisis Forge Page 18

by Roberto Arcoleo

  Allaceia turned off the screen and responded, “Yes, what is it?”

  “Our spies have discovered that Elgert has been in direct communication with The Prime and that the communication was initiated by The Prime itself.”

  Allaceia looked back at her assistant trying to appear unalarmed, but she was shocked. “Thank you. Please keep me informed of any new information,” she replied coolly.

  Allaceia could only assume that The Prime was upset. Its neural networks are in conflict, she thought. Something within its being is seeking other allies. But why? It has enjoyed a peaceful existence with me as Grand Mistress. Before I challenge Elgert, I need more information.

  Allaceia had long ago placed a “back door” into the consciousness of The Prime. It was a gateway that only she could access. It’s time for a little work, she thought. Let’s see what Elgert is up to.


  Mark and Jason waited for the hour to pass. Finally, at 6 PM sharp, Mark called.

  “Hello, Martha. It’s Mark again. Did you talk to the doctor? Yes, of course we can, tomorrow at our usual hour. Thank you so much, Martha. This means a great deal to us, really, more than I can express. Yes, a whole beautiful bouquet.”

  Mark hung up the phone and turned to Jason. “Well, we can’t see him until tomorrow, but maybe this will give us more time to prepare. In the meantime, what shall we do? You know, I have always wanted to go to The Dom and hear you play. Can we do that?”

  “Sure,” he responded, “That sounds great. You can meet the group and hang out. And you know, I’ve got some other women you could meet. They are all very pretty and a lot of fun.”

  “Yeah, I wonder if Gabriela is free. I would love for you to meet her. I know she would love to hear you play.”

  “Does she know about me?” asked Jason.

  “Well, I mentioned you, but that’s all,” Mark replied.

  Jason frowned. “Maybe we could call her later.” He paused. “You know, Mark, the people I hang around with are a bit out there. You should meet them first, and then you can make up your mind about bringing her to the club tonight. You can decide if it’s the right moment for her to meet all my crazy friends. Even meeting me alone might be, as they say, a bit much for her to swallow.”

  “Huh, I didn’t think about that. Okay, we can wait. But I want to go to The Dom with you.”

  “Okay, great!” he responded. “But first, let’s go into the portal together for a while. We will initiate contact for a meeting but let us experience being in there together. I feel it calling me. You know, I think we have more power to gain.”

  Mark acknowledged Jason with a nod. “Yes, let’s do it.”

  Chapter 29: A New Level

  Jason entered the portal first. Before he had faded into the pure energy state, Mark followed. They refused to acknowledge any efforts of direct contact from the Supreme Council. They just absorbed the portal’s power.

  They found that being in the energy flow together enhanced their sense of power exponentially. The effects of the portal magnified as it streamed between them. They each were able to understand how the other drew upon it. When they emerged, they both noticed that they had altered slightly in appearance and stature. They looked larger.

  “This is beyond a normal session.” Jason looked down at himself.

  “You look different, Jason,” replied Mark. “As do I. Yes, we have grown stronger. Maybe much stronger.”

  “It’s almost 10 p.m. People are arriving at The Dom now,” said Jason. “Ready?”

  “Yes. Let’s go!”

  “Well,” said Jason giving Mark a once over, “how about borrowing some of my clothing? That corduroy uniform of yours just does not make it in my world.”

  Once Mark looked suitable in his new outfit, they headed off for The Dom. As they walked together, Mark smiled and said, “It is a marvelous thing, us being together like this. I feel so completed by you.”

  “I feel that too,” responded Jason with his own grim. “The world seems new now. I can only imagine the possibilities of what we could do, what we could accomplish together.”

  When they entered The Dom, the first person they saw was Angela. She was moving from table to table with drinks in her hand.

  “There is my little Italian ball of fire,” Jason said as he pointed in her direction. “Her name is Angela. I want you to meet her. She is all life and no limits.”

  “She’s beautiful. I feel her energy, too. I can see why you like her.”

  Just then, Angela rushed over and threw her arms around Jason. “Hello, baby! Oh, I have missed you every second you’ve been gone!” She gave him a kiss.

  “Angela! I missed you, too, but we were just together. Are you being Italian with me? Crying at the doorstep when one says goodbye?” Jason chided.

  “Yeah, I guess you know me already. So, who is this beautiful boy you brought with you? I've never seen him before. He looks a lot like you. You related or something?”

  “This is my brother, Mark. We have not been able to hang out like this… I mean… He has been away. It’s kind of a long story. But he’s here now and I couldn’t wait to introduce you.”

  “He’s really cute. He’s your brother? Well, that’s a surprise.” Angela pushed her way in between them, her accent growing thicker with excitement. “Hi, I’m Angela, a very, very special friend of your brother. Where’s he been hiding you?” She smiled. “I am so happy to meet you. Jason, you bad boy, how could you keep this beautiful man such a secret? He’s so, so cute…” Angela reached over and touched Mark’s arm to feel his muscles. “And strong!”

  “He’s been busy with work and travel…,” began Jason.

  “Yes, I have been kind of unavailable,” continued Mark, interrupting Jason’s sentence, “but I am very happy to meet you, Angela.”

  “He’s kind of formal, so polite, Jason. Tell him to loosen up around me. I’m kind of like family, right?” Angela said, moving in closer to them both. “Your brother and I are, well, real good friends. Did he tell you? Did he tell you about me? Your brother, huh?” She looked at Jason. “I hope you did. So, you gonna show him a good time, Jason? Don’t forget to invite me if you’re gonna party!”

  “You’re always on top of my list, Angela. You know that,” responded Jason.

  “I better be,” she replied with a wink.

  In the background, the DJ started to play the Rolling Stones’ “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction.” Angela started to move with the music.

  The Dom was crowded with hippies; the smell of pot and hashish was everywhere. The strobe lights started to spin, and a kaleidoscopic light show began. The room’s walls were lush with plasmatic colors as the spectacle filled the dance floor. An entranced and throbbing mob of bodies wildly flailed into a ritualistic frenzy, overwhelmed by the beat. They started singing along: I can’t get no satisfaction . . .

  The voices roared from the floor while the music bellowed out from the speakers. Angela’s body was sweating, burning. She was swept away by excitement. The perspiration poured down her neck as she surrendered to the anarchy. Her body moved as sinuously as the scent of her lilac perfume, mingling with the moisture from her pores. Her rhythm sent forth her essence into the room. Glistening in the light, the outline of her bare breast showed through the thinly veiled Indian shirt she wore as her moisture overcame its texture. Swaying with the music, she moved closer to the twins.

  “We gonna be friends, right?” Angela nudged herself between them, moving rhythmically to the music. “So, Mark…” She looked at him in a flirtatious manner and spoke into his ear softly, “Did you two share your toys as children?” She danced away, her head bobbing to the music as she laughed out loud.

  “You are a real trip, Angela. But you better slow down a bit. You want to scare my brother off or something?”

  “Huh? No, he’s a big boy, no. And please, don’t you get pissy with me, Jason. I just think he’s cute. That’s all.” Obviously stoned, she smiled. “But it does feel
nice in here between you both.” She snuggled up to them, laughing again. Jason figured she had taken LSD; he knew she loved it.

  “Alright, Angela. Take it easy. My brother is the shy type. You know, my brother mostly spends his life in books. He just wants to hang out and hear me play tonight and meet my friends for right now. Okay?”

  “So, I’m a friend, right?” she asked, smiling.

  Jason looked at Angela critically and said in a strong tone only her name. “Angela.”

  “Okay. Okay. I got it. I was just being friendly, that’s all. I’m not trying to scare him. Anyway, I don’t bite… Not that much, anyway!” Angela cackled. She tossed a coy look in Mark’s direction. “So, I see you later, huh…? I gotta work now.” Angela kissed Jason and started to walk away. She then turned and blew Mark a kiss. “See you later, pretty brother.” As they both walked out into the hall, Angela again sought them out, shouting over the noise of the crowd.

  “Saya is running around here somewhere. If you like, maybe we could all hang out together later.” Angela gave him her overdone mischievous smile.

  “Jason,” said Mark. “What was she talking about? Was she inferring? That we would all have sex together, or something? What was that?”

  “Oh, don’t worry about it. She is a bit of a nut, fun, but a nut. Anyway, she is high on something. She’s really a crazy chick. That’s why I like her so much.” He laughed. “But you should really meet this Chinese girl, Saya.”

  Mark, shocked, looked at Jason. “What? What do you mean? How many girls are you involved with?”

  “Relax. Anyway,” said Jason, “let’s find my band. You have to meet them all.”

  Mark stared at Jason, bewildered. “Jason, is that the kind of stuff you are into? This is not my scene.”

  Jason just smiled. “Okay, okay. I know we’re different. Listen, I know you have seen a lot of my life, but it’s different when it’s real. It’s all in fun, you know. Let’s just relax and go with the flow. Let’s have a good time and forget about everything else.”

  “Okay. I’ll do my best. I’m just not as free as you are. You’re almost like these humans. I have been focused on learning what it means to love one of them, not learning to be free and wild like you. It must be your music that gives you all these capabilities. All of these friends you have… This place is really crazy. I have never experienced anything like this before.”

  “Wait until you meet the group. You are going to love them. They are a little unpredictable, but very endearing when you get to know them.”

  “Ummm… okay,” Mark responded not looking convinced.

  Jason started to weave through the crowd to bring Mark upstairs to meet the band. All of a sudden, he shouted out to Mark, “There! Mark, do you see them? Those furry little things! Over there, by those tables! Do you see them?”

  Mark turned. “Where? Where? I don’t see anything.”

  “Over there! Right over there… Damn! They’re gone now. They were just there. Didn’t you see any of them? They were waving at me.”

  “No, Jason, I didn’t see them.”

  “Something is going on, Mark…”

  Chapter 30: Elgert’s Ambitions Move Forward

  Elgert’s appointment with The Prime had arrived. As he approached the monolith in the center of the city, he felt uncertain. What will I find? Will I be seen as worthy?

  When he reached the base of the structure, the computer emanated its awareness. He raised his hand, hoping that the gesture would elicit some form of response, a recognition. Suddenly, he was within.

  Its inner domain was nothing like he had imagined. There was no hint of a machine. Instead, it felt liquid, a flowing rhythm of colors and vibrations, ever-changing, nothing in one place. He sensed a communication; an incomprehensible flow was affecting him, conveying information in manners unbeknownst to him. Allaceia was the only being versed in the subtleties of the quantum dialogues. He felt inadequate. Struggling to open a channel, he searched his mind for an answer. This is not a language. It is something else. Pushing forward, trying not to appear feeble, he searched for a way to communicate. He didn’t want to give The Prime a poor impression of himself.

  From a directionless source came words: “Communicate as you normally would in your own environment. It is not necessary that you comprehend me.”

  Elgert sensed his communication would be seen as primitive, but he knew no other course. In his most determined manner, he spoke, emphasizing that he should be the only one on the Council worthy of trust. He explained that Allaceia must be eliminated and that even Dronin’s role should be diminished in time, if not ended. He argued that his interests alone were in complete agreement with its purpose.

  He had no way of knowing how his dialogue was being received, standing before this faceless entity which stood in judgment, but he continued, in an almost endless stream of arguments, punctuating his logic with urgency. With cold indifference, The Prime’s voice periodically responded, “Continue.” The only hint of a positive response came when Elgert conveyed his argument that Mark and Jason were a threat. At the mention of their names, The Prime responded, “Yes.” Yet in the next moment, it was followed by the word simply, “Explain.” After his presentation, The Prime replied coldly, “We will contact you.”

  With those words Elgert found himself transported without warning, outside the monolith, still unsure of his position.

  Chapter 31: Spinning in an Eddy

  Saya was trying to make sense of what had just happened with her landlady. Did I really hear her thoughts? Is such a thing possible? As she walked down the street, she felt like her mind was being invaded by the people about her, as if in a crowded room, hearing every conversation at once.

  What’s happening? Am I going mad? No matter how fast her mind ran ahead to hide from the cacophony about her, she fell deeper into the abyss of other people’s secrets.

  She thought back to her teaching at the temple, Okay, relax. Breathe. I can stop this. I can hear other people’s thoughts, but why? It’s Jason! He did something to me.

  The sounds of people’s minds kept crashing into her. Many were harsh, wreckages, darkly heartsick and empty; some were full of fantasy, bubbling childishly at play, but most were simply routine thoughts of things that had to be done. I have to stop listening, or I will go mad!

  She turned the corner. I will meditate to make my mind blank. I can do this. I know how. Then I will find Jason.

  Saya started to chant silently, focusing on one word, Soba… Soba, Soba, Soba she chanted. The voices in the air dimmed. I can do this. I can control this.

  Soba! I’ll just think about Soba! She started to picture the noodles, a beautiful wooden plate piled high with cold soba. In her mind’s eye, she poured the tamari over the noodles, gathered them with her chopsticks and brought them into her mouth. She could smell the sauce and taste the freshness of the noodles as she slurped them down, making the familiar joyful swishing sounds that recalled the shops in Japan. She repeated the words out loud, “Soba, Soba, Soba…” Her mind grew peaceful, and she smiled. “There.”

  Chapter 32: Concerns Blossom on Eldern

  “I have made repeated efforts and they are not responding to us. Perhaps they are not in the vicinity of the portal,” Elgert announced to the other two members.

  “Or perhaps they are and are not responding on purpose. That tells us something,” Allaceia interjected. “If they are not communicating with us, we can deduce that they are now able to walk together. We had already detected that they had entered the portal together, had we not? Walking together means they have fully developed.”

  “They may have reached a high state of power, but we have existed for thousands of centrons,” snapped Dronin. “I hope time will bring with it perspective and wisdom. They are far from understanding their abilities or the extent of their powers. They will continue to develop, and we will have to deal with this eventually. Further, their rapid development concerns me. It’s possible that they wi
ll question the mission and our judgement.”

  “We are about to ask them to place their lives at risk. We should have faith in our original judgments of Mark and Jason. I believe that our teachings will guide them and that they will value our advice when the time comes and complete their mission.”

  “Why do you think they left the portal, especially now?” said Elgert, again baiting her to reveal herself.

  “I am not sure, but it is my guess that they are questioning things, who they are, their purpose. Maybe they wanted some time to think before we spoke to them. Maybe they fear that the task will start soon, and they want some time to themselves before it begins. They really do not know each other on this level. More than likely, they just want to experience each other. They are brothers, after all. And then there is all that life on Earth, its richness, and all that emotion and passion. If I were there, I might like to see more of it myself. I have faith in them, Elgert. I have seeded them well, and we have educated them finely. They will not stray from their purpose; of that I am sure.”

  “Can you see them?” asked Elgert. “Do you know where they are?” With every word, he thought, she seals her fate.

  “I can pull them up on the screen if you’d like. There they are at Jason’s favorite hangout, The Dom. They are there together, enjoying each other’s company. See, it is as I said. They both just needed some time with each other.”

  “Oh! And what is that?” said Elgert, pointing to the screen. “It’s those damn Triptonians again. I thought you said this was under control, Allaceia.”

  Chapter 33: Meeting the Band

  Jason and Mark walked upstairs and entered the private room to find BoBo and Gary jamming. They were improvising on a blues tune that Jason had written the other day. Helena was sitting in the corner, listening and bobbing her head to the beat. She hummed the melody softly as Gary’s guitar cried out the notes as if in mournful pain. Gary could play. “Hey, Jason, what’s up? Who is this guy?” she asked, looking at Mark critically. “I thought we weren’t bringing people in while we were working on new stuff?”


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