Isn’t It Too Big

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Isn’t It Too Big Page 50

by Naomi Penn

  Mandy turned her head to look at the two college hunks standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. She had found it an incredibly difficult experience to remove her jumper and bra in front of just Doctor Heffernan the previous week and now she was being asked to allow three men to view her breasts. She did not like this at all.

  She felt butterflies build up in the bottom of her stomach as she inspected the boys from head to toe. She could not help but feel particularly attracted to John. Standing at just over six feet tall and with short blonde hair, similar in shade to her own, she could not contain herself. Her nervous anxiety increased as he flashed her an impeccable smile and she felt herself melt inside.

  “Um, I guess that’s fine with me”, she mouthed, completely ignoring the reserved nature that had been engrained in her from a young age for interacting with men.

  Calvin began by explaining exactly what he was going to do and how he would be treating her ailment. To begin, he asked her not to remove her heavy jumper as he explained that he could get a better sense of the severity of the trauma by feeling it, without being influenced by the heavy bruising his eyes would immediately be inclined to pick up on. Mandy seemed assured by this well-rehearsed line as she shut her eyes and attempted to picture herself in a different place than in a practitioner’s office as he delicately lifted her jumped with his left hand, running his right hand towards her breast to cop an un-professional feel.

  “Ah yes, that’s exactly what I thought. Quite common in fact so everything looks okay so far. Could you come here for a moment Matt?”

  Matt walked confidently over to the table and stood at the doctor’s right shoulder.

  “Would you mind, Mandy, it’s just that it’s very important that he can understand this for himself.”

  Mandy nodded as Calvin beckoned Matt to move to the edge of the table. Mandy inhaled deeply, as Calvin held Matt’s wrist and guided it under the woman’s wool jumper. Matt felt his fingers slide over the virgin woman’s gloriously soft abdominals as the doctor guided it north towards its intended target. He felt Mandy’s heart pounding furiously, as he looked up to her face and noticed that she had her eyes clamped shut and was mouthing to herself. A prayer he assumed.

  “Can you feel how the contortions of the breast are extremely unbalanced and out of equilibrium there. Notice how the skin is significantly harder to touch, it almost feels as though it is cracking, doesn’t it?”

  “Ah yes, I can feel it Doc. That’s extremely interesting.” Matt replied, smiling at the Doctor as he knew Mandy would not see him.

  “Actually that’s the wrong breast Doctor Heffernan, it’s the other one that’s injured!” Mandy blurted out awkwardly, as she had been thinking about correcting the doctor for some time but could not summon the courage.

  Heffernan’s face blushed red as he attempted to regain his composure.

  “Oh yes, of course”, he eventually responded, “we need to feel how both breasts have reacted to the trauma. Now we can move across to the affected area” he declared, as he navigated Matt by the wrist, across the young woman’s exposed breast. With that, the doctor beckoned John over. He took up his place on the far side of the table as Calvin instructed him to join both men on their “medical adventure”. Mandy shuddered as she lay on the table, feeling a third male hand reach under her jumper and meander its way towards her breast. She felt a particular chill run through her veins, knowing that this was John’s hand, whom she had been particularly interested in upon entering the room. She tried with every fibre of her being to maintain her self-control and not depict any of the “immoral desires” she felt coursing inside of her.

  Upon Calvin’s instructions, all three removed their hands following the “inspection stage”. Mandy felt her body begin to sweat up as she opened her eyes for the first time in minutes, allowing her mind to return to the room.

  “You’re doing just great here Mandy, now if you wouldn’t mind just turning around and sitting up on the table for us please, so we can continue with the diagnosis and treatment procedures.”

  Mandy sat up, looking physically shaken as the two college students shot a glance at each other. Mandy looked like the type of woman they regularly brought home to their shared rental apartment during the summer: radiant and beautiful but particularly vulnerable looking and inexperienced. She was shaking slightly as it dawned on her that she was about to remove her top, displaying her breasts to three hot men for the first time in her life. She weakly gripped the bottom of her jumper as she uneasily removed it over her head, allowing it to fall down behind her. Instinctively, she covered her breasts with her hands straight away, attempting to maintain some sense of moral decency.

  “Now, let’s take a look here, shall we doctors?” Calvin said gently, as he lightly gripped Mandy’s wrist and lowered it to one side, revealing two perfectly proportioned breasts. Her stomach was flat and toned and her hips curved subtly, covered by green panties, the top of which peaked out just above the waist line of her skinny jeans. The three man leaned in around the young woman, who was finally becoming increasingly at ease, exposed in their presence. First, Calvin readjusted his positioning in his chair and caressed her swollen and discoloured breast. Despite the deformity, the two students had never seen such perfect breasts. Calvin pushed both of them up, disguising his predatory feeling as medical inspection. As previously instructed, John walked around the back of the table again and gently rested his hands on the patient’s delicate shoulders. She shivered again as she felt his soft arms gently massage her neck and shoulders, while Calvin still fondled with her breasts. Standing behind the doctor, Matt noticed a distinct stirring in John’s pants as he viewed Mandy’s jiggling, plump breasts from above.

  For the first time since she had entered the room, Mandy allowed herself to relax under the touch of the gorgeous men. Her head rolled in slow, sensual circles as her blonde hair fell over John’s beautifully soft hands as Calvin increased his intensity massaging her breasts. John’s hands began to wander from her shoulders down her back, rising back up and under her armpits as he reached around to the front and worked on her breasts along with Calvin. Behind the doctor, Matt had begun to undo his pants in anticipation for what was to come.

  Mandy’s eyes remained closed as she surrendered her body to the three men. Calvin changed his point of attack from her breasts, heading south where he began to undo her pants. Eventually, Mandy summoned the strength to open her eyes and take in what was happening. The first thing that she saw was Matt, standing almost nose to nose with her wearing nothing but a pair of jet black boxer briefs. She felt her body turn to ice as he climbed up beside her on the table and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, leaning in forcefully to kiss her. Her head told her to resist and run from the room but her body remained almost motionless. In fact, her only movement was towards him. She leaned in and opened her mouth, accepting his warm tongue deep into her mouth, it travelled around, their tongues spiralling together, as the warm embrace of four other hands send her body into over drive.

  It wasn’t long before Matt flung his leg over the grateful body and John positioned himself in a kneeling position behind Mandy as he continued to explore her perfect breasts. Calvin rose from his seat and pulled her pants down around her ankles, as she assisted by dismissively kicking them away to the floor. Calvin began slowly unbuttoning his Armani shirt, as Mandy stared at him transfixed, maintaining her passionate kiss with Matt and now guiding John’s hands around her body by his wrists. Calvin revealed a gloriously sculpted body, which he had maintained impeccably since his high school days as a basketball player. His pecs bounced as he removed his belt from his slender, yet muscular waist. He threw his belt on top of Mandy’s trousers as the button exploded from his tight pants, such was his ferocity and determination to strip for the hot virgin. Mandy began pleasuring herself with her hand, rubbing her fingers along the lining of her green, silk panties, as the muscular doctor stepped out of his boxers and advanced towards her.

>   From behind, Mandy felt the buttons of John’s shirt popping off, showering around her like hail. Such was his enthusiasm not to be left behind, he powerfully ripped his expensive shirt from his body. He grabbed Mandy roughly by the wrist and forced it behind her, reaching up to explore his young body, her fingers lightly grazing over his chest and abs as she continued to pleasure herself with her remaining free hand. John stepped down from the table and walked around while removing his pants. By this time, Mandy, Matt and Calvin were locked in a three way kiss, both studs competing aggressively for the attention of the young virgin.

  Mandy leaned in towards the more experience Calvin as she dismissively pushed the humiliated Matt away. He reverted back behind her began to sensually suck on her exposed neck after carefully removing a lock of her blonde hair out of his way. John moved in to work between Calvin and Mandy. He quietly creeped in, moving Calvin’s right leg, which he was using in a half mount position on Mandy, to one side, as he reached in with both hands and began to slowly remove her silk panties. Mandy instantly straightened her legs as she felt John go to work down there, allowing him to easily slip them off. He held them in his hand as he walked around behind Calvin. With no warning, he pulled the doctor by the hair, roughly parting the intense kiss that had been maintained ever since the dismissal of Matt. He pulled the doctor back and slipped his left arm underneath his chin, cutting off his air supply.

  “Get a load of this!” he exclaimed as he forced the green panties into the experienced doctor’s mouth, leaving him gasping for air. Calvin submissively accepted, dropping to his knees on the cold hard floor with the ferocity of the attack. John now assumed the role of the alpha male as he climbed up onto the table and mounted the young blonde.

  Mandy collapsed back on the table under the pressure exerted by John. He mounted her fully as his became the third tongue in as many minutes to invade her mouth. Matt continued to suck on her neck, causing it to become blue and discoloured. John slowly began to make his way up Mandy’s body until his crotch was directly in line with her face. She gulped deeply as she stared at the growing bulge in his boxers, Matt continued his work only inches away, causing Mandy to roll her head with pleasure, her chin rubbing against John’s ever expanding cock. He slowly lowered his boxers and kicked them off, landing them right beside Calvin who remained defeated on the ground. John grabbed his large cock in his hand and slapped it against both of the young woman’s cheeks before gently placing it to her lips. She happily opened her mouth, granting him access, as Matt moved behind her head, placing one hand on either side of the back of it. John gently eased his cock into the virgin’s mouth as she struggled to come to terms with its size. Calvin picked himself up from the floor and sat on the chair that he had started on, rubbing his bruised neck. Behind Mandy, Matt gently eased the back of her head further onto John’s cock, preventing her from gagging and reflexing away from it. John’s eyes began to roll to the back of his head, as the young blonde began to roll her tongue around his shaft, sending waves of pleasure rippling through his young body.

  After a couple of minutes, John winked at Matt and the two traded places. John stepped off the table and proceeded to walk around it, picking Mandy’s panties up on the way and forcing them back into Calvin’s mouth, who remained rooted to the chair. Instead of standing back up and walking around the table as John had done, Matt decided on a more direct approach. From kneeling behind Mandy’s head he lifted his hips and sat down directly on her face. His red boxers smothered her as she began to buck wildly underneath his pressure before adapting to her new environment and enjoying it for what it was. He soon turned around and planted his crotch right at her chin just as John had done, with his friend assuming his position behind her head in order to feed her his cock. Matt began by moving completely over Mandy’s face, allowing his balls to rest on her face, as his bulge grew in his red boxer briefs. Mandy inhaled deeply, enjoying the intoxicating scent as Calvin looked on from his remote position, wondering who the interns were and who was supposed to be the experienced sexual stud.

  After a few moments enjoying his position of power, Matt removed his boxers, revealing a sizeable shaft which he wasted no time in delivering to the young blonde’s mouth. She adapted more quickly this time as she allowed her throat to open, accepting its full length as his ball’s slapped against her chin. With every powerful thrust, John pushed the young virgin’s head further in, as Matt’s cock was expertly pleasured and Mandy’s eyes bulged from her sockets as a result of the air that she was being denied. Eventually, Calvin mustered the strength to advance from his chair as the two young studs expertly worked over his beautiful patient. He mounted the table and placed his head between the young woman’s thighs before beginning to run his tongue from just above her knee right to her hip. He continued licking up the inside of both of her thighs as the young hunks continued their assault on her mouth. With unnerving accuracy, he plunged two of his fingers deep into her dripping pussy, expertly massaging her clit, causing her to thrash her hips wildly and graze Matt’s cock with her teeth. Both young men adjusted their body positions to view what was going on below.

  “You didn’t think you could get rid of me that easily did you? I’ve been pleasuring women like this since before either of you were born you know!” he said as he slapped Mandy on the abs before again plunging a finger into her sensitive clit, causing a muffled scream behind Matt’s thick cock.

  Before long, Matt pulled his reddened shaft from Mandy’s mouth, leaving her gasping for air as she looked up at him. He wrapped the fingers of his right hand around it and with a few quick blasts, spurted mounds of cum all over Mandy’s perfect face. She raised her hands to her face as she attempted to wipe the semen from her eyes but before long she had another problem to deal with. While Matt remained positioned on her chest, Calvin had plunged his thick cock deep into her. He eased it in until his balls slapped against her and held it in this position as her hips began to flail in all directions, begging to be fucked unmercifully for the first time. As her upper body remained pinned down by Matt’s weight, Calvin began pumping in and out of her as she screamed with a mixture of pain and pleasure. Matt moved further up her young supple body and buried his balls into her mouth, winking at John as he had succeeded in subsiding her screams. John removed himself from the table and walked around, taking his place on the seat as he watched the experienced doctor expertly fuck his new, satisfied patient. Calvin increased the rhythm of his pounding until his face contorted and he released streams of cum which he aimed across her stomach. She reached down and placed her hand against the warm, sticky liquid as Matt looked down at her and smiled. Calvin collapsed on her, exhausted from his efforts for a few moments before he triumphantly rose up and turned to John:

  “Time to let the young studs have their fun!”

  John stood up and pumped his cock a couple of times with his hand, attempting to return it to its optimum size. He rose onto the table and mounted the blonde, teasing her by placing the head of his cock against her dripping wet pussy. Matt remained in control of her head, staring deep into her eyes as her lips formed a circle when John’s cock invaded her. Her eyes rolled and her brow furrowed as he slowly and gently inched his cock in. The tone of her moan increased gradually as he moved in deeper and deeper. Unlike Calvin, when he felt his balls slap against her, he wasted no time. He immediately removed his cock right to the tip before slamming it forcefully back in. Mandy bucked and writhed around on the table as Matt’s weight kept her pinned down firmly. He pounded into her without respite over and over again as Calvin provided a running commentary from the side line. Eventually he stood up and walked to the head of the table where he traded places with Matt.

  “Remember me?” he said as he climbed on top of her and forced his still cum-soaked cock into her mouth. For the third time, she opened up, content to take a third cock in her mouth in the same day. She cleaned him of the dried cum as she bent her tongue around him, causing him to buck his hips against h
er face. He gripped the back of her head with his strong hands as John continued pounding his massive shaft into her with relentless vigour.

  Matt watched on, enthralled by what he was witnessing on his first day of “work experience”. John maintained his momentum continually until he eventually removed his cock and erupted all over her stomach, just as Calvin had. He nodded to Matt who finally received his chance to have some fun with the spent young woman who had already climaxed several times since her arrival at the practitioners office that day. Matt climbed up onto the table and assumed his position before the young blonde. He began by spreading her legs as far apart as they would go. He leaned up over her while Calvin continued pounding his manhood into her mouth. Matt plunged deep into her, completing the treble for the three studs. John collapsed onto the chair beside the table, his legs completely giving way following his impressive exertions. Matt continued to punish the young woman, his hands supporting him on either side of her hips, his biceps bulged as he supported his weight expertly on top of her. Calvin swung a leg over Mandy’s head and stepped down from the table, slowly pulling his boxer briefs back on as he sat on the floor beside John, watching his old friend’s son expertly pound the hot young patient. Matt continued his endless thrusts as Mandy’s fingers and toes both curled at either ends of the table in complete ecstasy. Finally, Matt’s face contorted as he left his shaft lodged deep in her and unloaded his seed. It dripped out of her as Matt collapsed down and Mandy inhaled and exhaled deeply, her pleasurable punishment finally at an end.


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