Isn’t It Too Big

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Isn’t It Too Big Page 52

by Naomi Penn

  Harmony nodded, but them shook her head and looked away as they spiraled up. “Well, good to know. Does he keep the entire kingdom populated with his own manhood?”

  “He does his best, my lady,” the driver said.

  Harmony narrowed her eyes, but did not look away from the stairs. She was not certain whether the driver was jesting or not. “Are there really no men in the kingdom, but him?”

  “As far as you are concerned, he is the only one.”

  Harmony swallowed as they reached the top of the stairs and the driver pulled a ring of keys from her pocket. She rummaged through them.

  “Is the king the only man you see in your service, driver?”

  The driver unlocked the door and pushed it open. “Men have their place under King Girthton’s rule, but it is a different sort of place. Enter, my lady.”

  Harmony stepped inside.

  There was a large four post bed. It was large in the sense that the stack of mattresses rose above her head and had their own stairs to reach the top. The bed was as wide as a dozen beds formed into a wide square. The red covers were one continuous cloth that covered the entire structure and draped to the floor.

  There was a wooden horse with a leather saddle on its wooden back.

  There was a swing suspended from metal chains that extended from the high ceiling to the wooden seat.

  Mirrors lined the walls and made her feel dizzy seeing herself from so many angles.

  “Am I to live here or simply wait here for something?”

  “That is up to the king as with all things.”

  Harmony shook her head. “I can’t live here. There is no closet for my clothes. The windows are too high for me to see out. The bed is like something from a nightmare fairy story. I will roll off in my sleep and die from the fall.”

  The driver shrugged causing the keys to rattle in her grasp. “Sleep closer to the middle, I suppose, my lady. Take it up with the king, but be sure he is well pleased before you ask him for gifts.”

  Harmony gritted her teeth. “Don’t speak to me about such intimate things.”

  “As you wish,” the driver said. “You will need to remove your clothes and give those to me.”

  “Excuse me?” Harmony took a step away.

  “The king allowed you to wear this gown on your way inside, but it is not something he gave you, so you may not keep it. He will give you other clothes when he so wishes.”

  Harmony licked her teeth and then said, “I’m not undressing in front of you and especially not without something else to wear.”

  “It is the king’s wish.” The driver held out her hands.

  “I will speak to the king about this myself when he comes,” Harmony said.

  “I have been ordered,” the driver said in a lowered tone, “to take them off of you, if you do not give them up willingly.”

  “You would put your hands on your queen?”


  “Queen consort and, yes, if I was ordered by the king, which I have been. Remove them, please, my lady.”

  Harmony swallowed and placed her gloved hands on her hips. “You wish to see the queen consort naked, do you?”

  “You already showed most of it in the carriage,” the driver said, “and my wishes matter not. This is the king’s wish and it matters greatly.”

  Harmony stared into the driver’s eyes, but saw no give. Harmony looked away and slipped her gown down off her breasts. It dropped to the floor and she stepped out. Her nipples were still hard and sensitive from her rough play earlier.

  “Here you go, driver.”

  The driver bent and folded the gown over her arms. Harmony saw the curve of the driver’s buttocks in her trousers and down her open shirt as her breasts hung. Harmony wondered if she could order the driver to undress as well. She suspected not. Maybe she could ask the king to make her do it.

  The driver stood back up holding the gown. “Your undergarments, my lady.”

  Harmony smiled and drew fingers through the lace over her magic button. “Do you like them? They are my finest decoration so seldom seen.”

  “Remove them.”

  Harmony dropped her hands and her smile. “You are not serious.”

  “All your clothes. The king was quite clear.”

  Harmony stuck her gloved thumbs into the material. The feeling of the rough texture made her want to touch herself despite the driver watching. Harmony pulled them down as she bent over. She stepped out of one side and balanced as she lifted them up on the end of one foot. The driver lifted them off.

  Harmony set her foot back down and spread her legs slightly apart. She rested her gloved hands on her naked hips. The exposure made her feel dirty and she thought about spankings she had taken from her father’s attendants just for showing her undergarments. How much would she be spanked had she ever stood before anyone like this?

  “The shoes.”

  Harmony licked her lips, but her mouth had gone dry. She stepped back out of each shoe. “They are slippers. They are finely crafted. If you take them, do not lose them. I will be demanding them back.”

  The driver bent to lift them. Harmony watched again and tried to decide if she preferred to ask for her slippers back or for the driver’s clothes.

  When she stood again, the driver said, “Are these glass?”

  “They are. Do not drop them.”

  “Odd. That can’t be at all comfortable,” the driver said. She did not wait for an answer. “And the gloves.”

  Harmony dropped open her mouth. She ran the material up and down her naked body one last time. She brushed over her nipples and then pulled off the gloves.

  The driver turned and walked out the door with Harmony’s things. “You will wait here.”

  “For how long?”

  The driver closed the door without answering and Harmony heard the keys turning in the lock.

  There was nowhere in the room where she could look without seeing her nakedness reflected back by one of the mirrors. Her breasts from the side. A hint of nipple looking at her breasts from three-quarters turn. Her buttocks as she walked from every angle. The way he folds between her legs moved and pulsed with her muscles with every step. She saw herself in ways she had not imagined before. She was embarrassed and fascinated.

  Harmony sighed and slapped her own buttocks. The sound carried around the broad room. She slapped harder. The mirrors showed the rosy glow of her own handprints.

  She pushed the swing by its chains. It rocked to and fro. She wagered that it could swing quite high in this space from these great lengths of chain. Were she not naked, she would have tried it to pass the time.

  Harmony considered climbing on the bed to nap. She sometimes slept naked. She decided against it though.

  She walked up and actually petted the wooden horse’s head. She felt the leather and knobs of the saddle. “That would be a bumpy ride.”

  Harmony tingled between her legs as she thought of mounting up.

  She narrowed her eyes and bent down to look underneath the saddle. “It appears you are female as well, old girl.”

  Harmony stood up and laughed at the wooden carrot in the wooden horse’s mouth despite her situation. She pulled at it and it popped loose. It had green ribbons looped at one end and was rounded instead of pointed at the tip.

  Her mouth dropped open. Harmony realized this was designed to be a hidden treasure. Unlike the ones she had hidden, this was carved and smoothed solely for a woman’s secret pleasure. She never knew such things were crafted on purpose. “Maybe in a kingdom of all women they are.”

  Harmony brushed the looped ribbons over her breasts and she shivered.

  The keys raddled in the door behind her and she startled. Harmony tried to cram the carrot toy back into the horse’s mouth. It fell to the floor with a clatter and she shook her hands in panic.

  Harmony thought about hiding herself behind the horse. The door rattled open and Harmony spun about to face it with her hands folded behind her back.
It only occurred to her later that she was showing the new arrival everything.

  A man with a weathered, rugged face stared at her from the doorway across the room. He wore shiny, silver armor and a long cape of crushed velvet. In each curve and fold, the cape alternated from deep purple and crimson darkness. Black sword stitches marked the furred edges. His armor was sculpted to appear like naked muscle made of metal. There were even veins formed in the metal to stand out between the rippling metal muscles.

  Harmony stared at the cod piece and wondered.

  The man ran his fingers through his gray hair and adjusted his silver crown, but did not remove it. His hands and head were the only parts of his flesh showing.

  The same driver that escorted Harmony in held the door for the man she assumed was the king. He stepped in and the driver closed the door back leaving Harmony alone with the man.

  He spoke with a smooth tone that could have been that of a singer. He was at least as old as her father. Still, Harmony wanted to see what was below the armor that teased nakedness and manly muscle. “I welcome you to my kingdom. I am Girthton. You will soon be my wife and consort. I’ll introduce you to the concubines and other consorts. I have daughters, but they do not reside in the palace. They will be here for the wedding feast. Our union will avert a war and protect two kingdoms along their shared border. That is quite a feat for one trip to the church, don’t you think?”

  Harmony licked her lips and looked at the light reflected off the metal muscle. “How am I to address you?”

  He smiled. “My lord or sire will do.”

  “And how will you address me, my lord.”

  His smile wavered. “Any way I like.”

  “And how do you like, sire?”

  His smile returned full. “Harmony is a beautiful name. I would not mind saying it often.”

  “I would not mind hearing it, my lord.”

  “You seem to adjust well to our ways and your new station, Harmony. That makes me happy.”

  “I am adjusting, sire,” she said. “It is a bit drafty.”

  He laughed and approached across the floor where she stood by the horse. His rattling approach made her nervous, but she held her ground and stood tall.

  King Girthton looked down at the carrot on the floor and looked up at her face. “The horse appears to have dropped his carrot.”

  “Yes, my lord, he is a very naughty horse.”

  He smiled. “Naughty? Indeed. How should I discipline her?”

  Harmony noted he said “her.” There was something there about this man in his veiny armor surrounding himself miles deep in woman, but she could not wrap her mind around it all and its meaning. She determined to please him and stand out among the rest. She was overshadowed by brothers and sisters in her old kingdom. Now she was traded to secure a map to this strange ruler in his dark castle. She was used to making herself stand out even at the cost of her hide at times.

  “I was often spanked when I was naughty, sire.” Harmony confessed.

  “Is that so?”

  “It is.”


  He shook his head. “If it happened often, then you apparently did not learn your lesson well.”

  “Maybe, my lord, I just learned that I enjoyed a spanking from time to time.”

  The king tilted his head. He reached out and took hold of her hips. His fingers were coarse like her gloves, but warm. It made her tingle, but she stood firm as he held her.

  “There is no one else here to spank you now,” he said. “You may just have to behave.”

  “I’m naked, my lord. I can barely behave when fully clothed. Is there no one that can spank me when I need it … or want it?”

  “I deliver all punishments and pleasures in this kingdom.”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  He looked down at the carrot and back up at her as he held her hips. He pulled her against the cold metal of his armor. It was hard against the warm folds of her magic area. Her breasts cooled against his chest and her nipples bent against the metal. She drew in air and pressed against him harder.

  “Did you use the carrot, Harmony? Did you start without me?”

  “No, my lord.”

  He turned her around away from him. In the mirrors she could see lines of moisture on his armor marking where her flesh had touched it. He bent her over the saddle. She let her breasts rest on the leather and she quivered. Harmony held the knob of the saddle and the wood of the horse’s back.

  “You understand how the carrot is used.”

  “I do, my lord.”

  “May I touch you?”

  “Please, my lord.”

  His fingers traced over the curves of her buttocks and even down between. She shivered and moaned.

  “Have you used objects like it before?”

  “Yes, my lord.” She spoke between deep inhales. “I hid things to play with inside myself, but nothing crafted like the carrot.”

  “Have you ever had another man inside you, Harmony? Did you ever start without me?”

  “No, my lord. You are my first, I swear it.”

  “But you thought about it before?”

  “Often, sire.” She breathed.

  He stopped stroking and clutched one cheek of her buttock. She gasped.

  He said, “Did you think about using the carrot?”

  “I stroked my breasts with the soft ribbons, my lord, before you arrived. Then, I tried to put it back before you knew.”

  “I think that calls for a spanking,” he said. “Do you agree?”

  “Yes, my lord, spank me.”

  He drew his hand back and brought it to her right buttock with a clap. It was not nearly as hard as she had spanked herself earlier. But he did it again and again. She could see herself bent over in the mirrors. She could see her one naked bottom as he drew back and reddened it for her. Being able to watch it all made her feel warm through her middle.

  “I was told you touched yourself in the carriage ride over here. Is that true?”

  Harmony’s mouth dropped open. The driver had told on her. That made her feel the glorious swirl of anger, naughtiness, and excitement. “It is true. I did?”

  He spanked her again and she said, “Yes, sire, thank you.”

  “What did you think about while you did it?”

  She swallowed and said, “I thought about my father’s captain and how I always wanted to see below his cod piece, but never got the chance.”

  She watched in the mirror expecting this to bring the harder spanking she was waiting for. Instead he leaned over her back close to her ear. The cool metal soothed her warm buttocks. He whispered. “May I tie your hands, Harmony.”

  “Anything you wish, my lord. I am yours.”

  He pulled up a leather strap from the saddle. She put her wrists together without being asked. He wrapped them in the leather and tied them off tight. She liked the feel of the leather and wanted to feel it across her bare buttocks.

  He said, “Is that too tight?”

  “It is perfect, sire.”

  Instead of spanking her, he walked around the other side of the wooden horse. He unlatched the cod piece and dropped it to the floor with a clatter. His shaft hung out straight. It was bigger and longer than the carrot. He looked to be at least as hard. Age had not softened him. His balls hung down smooth below.

  “Will you take me into your mouth, Harmony?”

  She licked her lips and leaned over, but could not reach even with his impressive length. “I can’t reach, sire.”

  “If you want to, you will find a way.”

  She smiled and grabbed the horn of the saddle with both hands. She pulled herself up off the floor and leaned over. She slid her mouth down over him and bobbed her head.

  “Less teeth.” He commanded.

  She folded her lips over and obeyed.

  He reached over and spanked her once and then twice.

  In the mirrors she could see her own raised bottom, she saw herself sucking him, and she saw h
is fingers crawl down to enter her magic area just as she had done to herself moments ago. Seeing it made it more intense. She took her mouth off and licked along the sides of his shaft. She reached down with her bound hands and raised his balls to lick them too.

  She wasn’t sure if this was right, but he moaned, so she kept going.


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