Isn’t It Too Big

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Isn’t It Too Big Page 69

by Naomi Penn

  Faster and faster her mouth went, as her head bounced up and down along his glistening hardness while being watched by James. Robert caressed her pert breasts harder finding her rigid nipples with his fingers and squeezing them gently. Karen groaned as she sucked his huge cock faster. She felt his strong body tense momentarily as he flooded her wet mouth with his sexual release, Karen looked up at him as she licked his erection clean, he smiled down at her and ran his fingers through her long wavy red hair. She’d never done that before, but guessed by the end result she’d done it well.

  “James, have you learnt enough now?” Robert asked.

  James replied, “Yes more than enough. I know how to satisfy Karen now. I can fuck her and lick her clit, thanks to you.”

  “The pleasure is all mine. Karen you’re a natural at all things sexual, and you’ve more than satisfied me today,” Robert smiled at her as he helped her to her feet.

  She blushed, and after all they’d done she had no idea why she was embarrassed now, it was ludicrous. It had certainly been an exceptionally weird day, and not the day they had expected at all. They’d both learnt a lot from Robert, and as they said goodbye they had the feeling they’d be repeating the experience again in the future.

  “You okay?” James asked Karen when they were alone.

  “Yes I’m fine, are you?” she asked him back.

  James looked a bit awkward as he said, “I am, but it was a really strange experience seeing you fucked by another man and by Robert of all people.”

  “Yes, a strange experience is one way of putting it,” Karen giggled at him as they settled down for the night.

  The rest of their short vacation passed by with no major events, and they had sex several more times and in every room in the summerhouse. James had been taught well as he made Karen climax every time he entered her wet pussy. She had the time of her life as James fucked her, licked her and loved her. It was the best vacation Karen had ever had.

  They returned home to their normal lives and whenever they saw Robert, they shared little innuendos between themselves and the odd sly wink.

  Life settled down and Robert suggested another vacation soon, which they both eagerly agreed to.

  As James went around to see Karen one evening, he saw her coming out of the bathroom holding a pregnancy testing stick and looking as though all the color had been drained from her pretty face.

  She looked up at James and whispered, “I’m pregnant so either you or Robert is now a father!”

  Story 34

  Callie flipped her brown hair over her shoulder and took a closer look at the outfit covering her svelte body. It was her first day of college and she was excited, but nervous too. She’d gotten there the day before, much later than most of the incoming freshmen, and she had a private room because her roommate had already fled the premises, something Callie didn’t understand at all.

  She fussed with the edge of her pink sweater and then checked to make sure her skirt was perfectly lined up so that the thin slit showed just enough leg but not too much.

  “I’m all grown up today. Eighteen and in college.” Her hands clapped together and a grin broke out on her face. This had been what she’d worked for and now that it was there she was excited, something she wasn’t often.

  The summer had been good to her. That extra thirty pounds she’d carried had finally melted away thanks to a stiff exercise and diet plan, and the clothes she wore now were several sizes smaller.

  She’d gotten a golden colored tan, and the hair, that had been a stroke of genius. The hairdresser had mixed blonde and brown together to create the burnished waves hanging around her heart-shaped face.

  “I look like someone else, and thank God.”

  Her brow wrinkled. In high school she’d been the nerdy girl with too much weight, thick glasses and a brain constantly tackling the toughest mathematical questions. She drove teachers crazy, incensed students because they found themselves having to spend entire classes listening to her argue a point with the teacher who then had hurry through a rapid explanation of the work that they would have to do that night as homework because she’d taken up all the time in class.

  But she’d left all of them behind. This was college, and they appreciated genius. They might really appreciate it now that it came in a much nicer package than the one it had been wrapped in in high school.

  Much nicer.

  Feeling confident now Callie set out, her smile huge and her hair swinging across her shoulders. Her first class was an easy one, and she wasn’t really interested in it but she was very interested in the class she’d be taking later—a ridiculously hard Mathematics class that only had a twenty five percent graduation rate. She had every intention of being in that graduating percentage.

  No matter what it took to do it.


  The class she was most interested in was Advanced Mathematics. She wanted to be a physicist, and so she needed the class. She had drawn Hunter as her professor and she was eager to hear what he had to say.

  She knew a little about him. He had won many awards in the field and had created algorithms that had set the Mathematics community on its ear. She’d seen his picture of course but she’d not really noticed what he looked like because she was far more interested in his lecture notes and findings than she had been in him as a man but as soon as she sat down in her seat that all changed.

  Professor Hunter was gorgeous in person. All his pictures ever showed was his admittedly handsome face but they could not show his broad shoulders, his lean hips and long legs, clad in rebel-professor jeans worn just a shade too tight. His shirt was a plain button-down but it clung to ever lean and elegant angle and she knew he had great abs just by the way he moved.

  All thoughts of math flew right out of Callie’s mind as she stared at him. He had a head full of wavy dark brown hair, and a way of moving that made her panties flood with juices. His voice was a low, sexy baritone, and his eyes were clear and sharp. Callie heard the girls behind her giggling and she turned her head to give them a quelling look but they ignored her.

  Hunter raised one hand and said, “Okay, so let’s talk math. Who’s familiar with the most advanced concept in mathematics?”

  Hands went up all over the room. Callie’s was the highest. Professor Hunter pointed to her, “You…”

  “Callie,” she supplied. “Callie Lewis. The most advanced mathematic concept is zero.”

  His eyebrow went up. “Oh really? And why do you feel that that is so?”

  She smirked. “Because when we figured out that zero was actually a number we then made one of the great advances we have made in human history so far. Thinking of zero as a number instead of a null and void thing led us to the idea that we can study concepts. It also helped us to conceive the idea that we can study concepts that are not necessarily in the world.”

  Professor Hunter smiled, “Great. So who else in here was going to say zero?”

  The hands that had been up shot back up but Callie saw the confusion on some of the faces around her. She also had a feeling that quite a few women who were in there weren’t in there to learn but to ogle the teacher.

  Not that she blamed then, she had almost forgotten that she was there to study for a minute herself. Still, no matter how hot he was, and he was hot, she had to keep her mind fixed on her goals—which was to pass that class so she could get into the classes she needed the next year.

  The other students glared at her but she didn’t care. They should have known the answer was zero, and they should have known it long before they got to class!


  That evening as she was walking back across the campus she spotted a group of girls standing under a tree giggling. In high school she’d been the geek and the girl that had always been made fun of. Well, it was time to change all of that, and right then. She put a smile on her face and started toward them. One of them gave her an annoyed glance as Callie said, “Hi, I think you have …”

�Hunter’s class with you.” The girl said, flipping her long golden hair back with a careless hand.

  “Yes. Great class.”

  “Great teacher,” One of the other girls said and they all giggled.

  “I’m Callie, by the way.”

  The girl who’d been in class with her didn’t say anything back, at least, not to Callie. She pointed to a trio of guys coming across the campus, “Hey! Look, it’s the guys from the frat.”

  “Oh my God,” a pretty brunette standing beside Callie breathed, “That’s so hot, and I hear they are having a huge party tonight. Come on, we have to get in!”

  The four girls practically ran to get to the guys walking toward them. Callie was left standing alone. She clutched her books and stared around. Then she got bold.

  She thought, I spent all summer dieting and working out. I know I look way better than I used to. It’s time to stop being so shy and try to get out there!

  She took a deep breath and walked up to the group of mingled guys and girls and said, “Hi there.”

  The boy who’d been talking to the blonde in her class gave her a long assessing look. He looked like a model for a high-end department store, all glowing skin and streaky brown hair. His teeth were even and white. “Goodbye, nerd.”

  Callie blinked. Had he just called her a nerd?

  “I’m sorry?”

  Oh come on, you’re the brainiac that Hunter was all smiling at today in class. Nobody takes that class to pass except the nerds. The rest of us just take it to get a drop card.”

  She blinked. “A drop card?”

  The blonde sputtered and then the others began to laugh too. She said, “Yeah, a drop card. When the easy classes are all taken you have to take something and so you get into the hardest class you can so you can get a drop card and then you’re excused from classes during those class times because there’s like, nothing open.”


  They all turned and walked away, and again Callie was left standing alone.

  Her eyes filled with tears but she blinked them away. An amused voice spoke from behind her. “Nobody told you about the drop cards I take it?”

  She knew that voice. Her face burned and she turned around slowly, her teeth biting into her bottom lip. “Hi Professor Hunter.”

  “I’m actually happy that you don’t know about the cards, and that you knew about the concept of zero. It tells me I have one dedicated student anyway.”

  “I am dedicated.” She looked away then back at him. The wrinkles around his eyes were nice, sexy even. He had laugh lines around his mouth, and now that he was closer to her she could see a faint trace of gray in his hair, right near his temples.

  That gray was incredibly hot too. He said, “Good. You know, I have a rather complex problem I’m working on right now. Maybe you’d be willing to give me a hand with it sometime.”

  Her heart thundered in her ears. “I’d love that!”

  She knew she would. She loved math yes, and helping to solve a problem with a man who was already established in the field would give her a leg up in her academic career, but more than that—it would give her time with him.

  Things were looking up.

  Who needed to hang out at some really cool party with a bunch of hot frat guys? That thought was not as encouraging as she had hoped it would be.

  Professor Hunter said, “Great. See you in a couple of days, enjoy your first week in college, it’s always hard to adjust but you’ll get the hang of it.”

  She nodded. He walked off and when she started to walk again there was a smile on her face.

  Things would get better. Those girls were just bitches, and there were bitches everywhere. So she’d thought that they wouldn’t be here, but she should have known that they would be. She should have considered the bitch to normal girl ratio, she told herself and a girl played out on her lips.


  The next few weeks were difficult and yet exciting. The girls on the hall of her dorm weren’t too bad, and she found she actually liked a few of them, and that they liked her. That none of them would have gotten invited to that party either had not escaped her notice.

  Hunter had not mentioned his working with her on that problem since and while she sometimes tarried after class so did numerous other girls—some of them actually there to work and study—and he was always in a hurry to get back to his office or he was so crowded by the others she couldn’t get to him.

  Frustrated by that she decided not to pursue it. Instead she worked hard on the assignments, making sure she got the highest marks in the class so she could impress him. As the days and nights went by Callie found herself nursing fantasies about Hunter and her, in her dorm room making passionate love.

  She also had a few nasty fantasies about him asking her to stay after class, bending her over the desk, and taking her hard and fast from behind. She had another fantasy too, one about a ruler and her in a schoolgirl uniform. That one made her blush every time it popped up in her mind, and she often masturbated furiously when she was alone while she played that fantasy out in her head over and over.

  More than a month into the semester Professor Hunter stopped her on the quad and said, “I know I asked you to do this a while back and you might be a bit overwhelmed by your current course load but…”

  “Oh no! Not at all! Other than your class most of my classes are very simple. I am just taking core things I missed while in high school to make sure I have the proper credits for my graduate degree.”

  “Planning for the future are we?” His brown eyes twinkled and his mouth canted upward, making the little lines around his lips and eyes deepen, and sending a bolt of desire through her body.

  “Yes, but of course.”

  “I admire that in a student.”

  “Why, thank you.” She was flattered and pleased by his attention, and his deciding to have her help him. She realized he had not yet asked her so she prompted, “Did you want my help on that problem we discussed before?”

  ‘I’d love it.” He opened his stylish messenger bag and pulled out a thin yellow folder and handed it to her. “I seem to be stuck and I am hoping you would see why. Let’s discuss after class before I have to go to my office. I’ll make sure to carve out a minute or two to discuss where you are then if that is okay?”

  “Yes, of course.” Her spirits fell a bit. Those fantasies had been so hot and for a moment she had had some hope that they would meet somewhere private, like his office to have that meeting. She said, “I could come to your office…”

  “No, no that’s okay. My office hours are really scattered and I have appointments all week.”

  “Oh, well. I’ll see you after class.”

  “Great, thanks a lot.” He strode away and her eyes followed him. She looked down at the file in her hand and then she started walking too.

  How could she seduce him? She was shocked by that thought, and titillated too. She wanted to seduce a much older man!

  A ridiculously sexy older man who was crazy intelligent. That intelligence was even sexier than his body, and his body was super-sexy.

  She could seduce him by being just as intelligent! He had to be tired of really pretty girls throwing themselves at him, and with good reason, but they had nothing under that. She, on the other hand, had a lot to offer.

  I’m pretty now. But I am also really smart. I can seduce him!


  Her fantasies changed and she worked harder than she had in her entire life. His classes were harder than she had ever anticipated, but the problem he had given her was incredibly difficult.

  She spent her nights in her room, working out the problem and dreaming about walking into his office wearing that nasty little outfit—short plaid skirt, crisp white blouse, knee-high socks and high heeled Mary Janes—and leaning across his desk, letting the skirt ride up her tanned upper thighs and her shirt gape open so that her bad girl black lace bra showed just a little more, the bra that would cup her pert breasts pe
rfectly so that they would almost—not quite but nearly—overspill the cups.

  Her desire for him was higher even then her desire to pass the class with an A. She was almost desperate to find an outfit that would arouse him but all she had was the pretty sweaters, jeans and skirts she’d finally been able to buy after she’d lost the weight.


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