Isn’t It Too Big

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Isn’t It Too Big Page 74

by Naomi Penn

  The days and nights continued on and Victoria slowly started to feel more at ease. It had been a month since the initial warning of an attack and even the women and children had returned to the palace. Victoria started to believe that the information had indeed been wrong and no one was going to attack them at all.

  Well she believed that right up until the moment she woke up with a knife to her throat and being pulled out of her bed.

  Victoria was naked and screaming when Robert woke up. The room was dark and he tried to focus on what was going on, but he could not see much. He did see several people standing in his bedroom though.

  Robert reached over and lit the oil lamp next to his bed. He could hear people in the room with them and although Victoria was calm now; she had the power to scream extremely loud. The scene in the room became clear almost instantly.

  “Hello King James,” said one of the men.

  There looked to be about ten men all wearing Scottish uniforms. One of them was adorned with many more medals and ribbons. Robert assumed he was the King or Commander.

  “King Salinger?” Robert questioned.

  “You will not speak directly with the King,” one of the other soldiers yelled as he hit Robert across the face.

  Robert didn’t know where his guards were or why they had not been able to stop this group of men. He looked around the room to try and figure out if there was a way out of this alive. As he looked around, his eyes settled on his wife. She was being held tight against a soldier, still naked.

  “Release my wife and you can have me,” Robert offered.

  King Salinger just laughed. He gazed around the room at all of his guards. It was clear he could have anything he wanted. Roberts plea meant nothing to him. King Salinger was in charge at that moment. Robert had absolutely no authority.

  “Your people have been oppressed for too many years. They yearn for a new King. Someone to lead them with an iron fist.”

  King Salinger let his fist fall in a motion of strength.

  Victoria had stopped screaming by now, but the guard holding her let his hand move down to her breast. She screamed out in surprise.

  “No. Don’t touch me,” she yelled.

  “Let the woman go,” King Salinger ordered.

  Victoria went straight to her husband and he wrapped her in a sheet from their bed. Robert whispered in her ear.

  “Just do whatever they say. It is more important to live than anything else.”

  “Stop whispering!” Ordered King Salinger.

  He came close to Victoria and got right down near her. Her sweet smell was intoxicating to the King and he instantly hardened with desire for the young woman.

  “What did he say?”

  Victoria looked at Robert and searched his face for an answer. Robert shook his head up and down, giving her permission to tell the man what he had said.

  “He told me to do whatever you asked, that my life was more important than anything else.”

  “Smart man, that husband of yours.”

  “What do you want King Salinger?” Robert asked in as respectful tone as he could muster.

  Robert did not know much about King Salinger, but he did know a lot about men. He knew King Salinger would be ridiculous in his expectations.

  “I want England. Plain and simple.”

  Robert chuckled a little. Both men knew that giving up an entire country would not come that easy. Robert could only imagine the uproar that would be happening throughout the land if King Salinger were to take over. As he said himself, he rules with an iron fist.

  “What is a more reasonable request that you might have?”

  “I want sole trade partnership to bring my countries goods to your citizens.”

  Robert knew this would upset many other countries and he wouldn’t be able to enforce it. There were plenty of countries that they did business with that were much more powerful than the Scottish people.

  “It can’t be done,” Robert said definitively.

  “My dear boy, anything can be done if the price is right.”


  King Salinger would not give up. For a good hour he made demands that Robert could not agree to. Finally King Salinger had had enough. He was not a man with patience and he wanted to feel Victoria’s body pressing up against his naked skin again.

  Let me show you something my dear boy. King Salinger wanted to prove to Robert that anyone could be bought if the price was right. You didn’t need a big house or a lot of money to be powerful, you just needed to power appointed to you by the people. The people are the only ones who mattered and the people would agree with almost anything you wanted.

  King Salinger grabbed Victoria and brought her to him.

  “What did your husband say again,” he asked Victoria to repeat herself.

  Victoria was shaking and she couldn’t stop. This whole event was terrifying. She just wanted these men to leave and for her life with Robert to continue on. She looked down to the ground and repeated what Robert had told her.

  “He said to do as you say.”

  The King smiled a wicked smile. He dismissed all but one of his guards and stayed in the room with Victoria and Robert. Victoria could see that something was going on, she just couldn’t determine what it was.

  “Young man, I’m about to show you the true nature of your power. You don’t seem to understand how to use it.”

  King Salinger grabbed Victoria by the hand gently and led her over to Robert.

  “Get on your knees.”

  Victoria did as she was told. She looked up at King Salinger and waited for her next command. She was committed to doing anything this man asked of her. There was nothing else as important as surviving this night with her husband.

  “Pull your husband’s penis out of his pants.”

  Victoria looked at Robert and then back at King Salinger.

  “Have you ever felt the sweet release of a woman’s lips on your penis?” The King looked at Robert.

  Robert did not like where this conversation was going and he certainly didn’t like that King Salinger was in his bedroom telling his wife to perform a lewd sex act on him. Robert stepped back away from Victoria. He didn’t want to make her do something like this.

  “You have proved your point. There is no need for this.”

  King Salinger stepped close to Victoria. He had not even begun to prove his point and he was going to make sure Robert and Victoria fully understood what he was trying to say.

  “I will gladly have her show you by using me as an example,” he laughed.

  Robert took a swing at King Salinger, who had quickly stepped back and away from Robert.

  “Let her do it. She wants to please her King. Right young lady?” King Salinger looked at Victoria.

  She didn’t know what to do. Her husband had already told her to just do as she was told. She would gladly wrap her lips around her husband’s penis if it meant they would both live. She would much rather do such a thing with her husband than have King Salinger force himself on her.

  “Yes. I would like to please my husband,” Victoria said as she looked up at Robert.

  “Let her,” King Salinger bellowed.

  Robert assessed the situation and felt he had no other choice but to allow the event to continue. He pulled himself out of his pants and Victoria wrapped her mouth around him. Despite the presence of such an ugly situation, Robert got hard with excitement very quickly.

  Victoria’s lips around him, brought pleasure beyond what he had imagined was possible. He and Victoria had not ventured to try new positions or explore their sexuality at all since their marriage. Although they did enjoy making love often and Robert felt like Victoria was starting to really enjoy herself as well.

  Robert tried not to look at King Salinger and his guard as they gawked at Victoria. He looked down at his wife as she moved her lips diligently up and down his penis. He wanted to close his eyes and enjoy the feeling of her lips, but knew that the men would only
get more pleasure out of seeing him have pleasure from this act.

  Soon Robert couldn’t help himself and he reached down for Victoria to stop. He did not want to let his cum release into her mouth. The thought of it was horrible.

  “Let her continue or I will let her continue on me,” King Salinger threatened.

  Robert did as he was told and allowed Victoria to continue. Soon Robert was feeling the buildup of excitement as it flowed through his body. He tried to be gentle, but the burst of cum sent a thrust in his hips and his cock pressing into Victoria’s throat.

  There was clapping from King Salinger and his guard. Pretentious clapping that Robert wanted to kill the both of them over. Didn’t they know that treating a woman with respect was an important part of being a man.

  “What a beautiful performance young lady,” the King said as he walked near the couple.

  Robert had to hold himself back from punching the man. But he hoped that now the embarrassment was over, they would finally leave. Robert wanted them to leave so he could hold his wife and ask her forgiveness for getting them into that situation.

  Victoria looked up at King Salinger. The King put out his hand for Victoria to grab and get up off of her knees. She reached for it and wrapped the sheet back around her body.

  “Leave. Now,” Robert insisted.

  “I’m not leaving without what I want.”

  “Well I cannot hand over all of England to you, so you will have to think of something else.”

  King Salinger agreed that giving over an entire country would be too difficult. But he had another idea. A much better idea, at least in his mind it was.

  “Then hand over your wife. I will keep her safely and we will work together and keep our countries at peace.”

  “No I will not give you my wife!”

  Robert was enraged at the thought. King Salinger certainly would not take his wife from him.

  “Then I will kill you both right now.”

  The guard that was with King Salinger pulled out a long knife and walked quickly toward Robert and Victoria.

  “Wait!” Victoria screamed.

  She looked at Robert and then back at King Salinger.

  “If you promise that no one will die, I will go with you.”

  Robert shook his head no. He couldn’t let her go. His beautiful wife would not be able to live with such a brute as King Salinger.

  “I give you my word milady. Nothing will come of her husband. I also give you my word that I will not hurt you if you choose to come with me.”

  Victoria looked at her husband and then back to King Salinger.

  “Can we have a moment?”

  King Salinger and his guard stepped over to the door to the room. Victoria put on her dress quickly while she tried to talk to Robert.

  “It is alright. I know you will come for me. I will do as he says and no one will get hurt.”

  “I cannot let you go. You are mine to protect,” Robert said as he held on to Victoria’s hands tightly.

  “I am and always will be yours.”

  Victoria wrapped her arms around her husband and kissed him passionately. She didn’t know when she would see him again.

  And with that, she felt the stern grip of King Salinger pulling her away from dear, sweet King Robert.

  “Come now,” Salinger bellowed. “The decision is made… you are mine to have! Ta-ta, Robert…” He cackled, as the youthful king felt his own fists clench tightly, making a silent vow to retrieve his wife at any cost. The pain of her departure was too much to bear, and so there remained nothing but silence between the two as he watched the lovely princess be escorted away.

  “I will find you…” King Robert whispered when all had left.

  Story 36

  Nobody said virgins couldn't be adventurous, even the shy ones. And that is precisely what Anna was. A good girl with a bad side. The kind your mother would see and say, “Oh honey, you should find a girl like that!”

  But the old gal would never suspect Anna's lingering desires of passion and lust. The girl hid it well, even to her best friends. They all tried helping the 20 year old, curvy Anna along – by offering to setup dates or arranging some kind of match-making scheme... stupid things that Anna could only laugh at, after blushing a bit of course.

  In fact, she'd been surprised more than a few times by random men being placed in front of her! Apparently brought over by her friends, as if they were attempting to get some wild, rare creatures to finally mate at last... Those incidents turned out to be a little more than awkward for the plump, attractive girl. She would be forced to politely decline the men, fake an illness, or sit through what would invariably be a tedious, boring ordeal. And all of this courtesy of her good friends...

  They didn't understand the beautiful woman, not at all. She certainly wanted to find a man. That much was true. But it couldn't be done on anyone else's terms... only hers!

  Or so she thought – and then one day he showed up...



  The day had started as normal as any other. There was nothing that would indicate today would hold any more meaning than those before it. Anna was used to living these kinds of days. The average, common, bland. Everyday life, walking about her errands without a care in the world. Showcasing her tempting virgin body as she went... The sexy woman was fond of dressing to present her curves whenever possible. Never in a slutty fashion, however, not at all.

  She simply preferred to look good. Anna spent a good deal of time trying to make her appearance as presentable as possible. Being a fashion of many fashion magazines, the girl had an easy time of keeping up with the current hot trends and flashy attires. This led to much jealousy and envy from her friends... and many stares from horny men! Don't you remember that the good girl held more than a few lusty longings?

  But of course...

  There was a reason she loved presenting her body in such immaculate clothes. Anna wasn't dumb, alright. She was coy, but not dumb! The enticing lass knew exactly what each article of clothing would do for her full-figured body. Like a carefully planned battle assault – predicting her opponent's every move, three steps before they could even think it. And so, when she ventured outside while wearing a tight top and even tighter pants... it was all but certain!

  How the men would turn and stare, with mouths agape, drooling over her large breasts. How her physique held such wide hips, yet possessed such a narrow waist. It was a dream body! Those thick thighs and her succulent rump! Anna's figure certainly wasn't the problem in securing a man. It was her own inhibitions which let go and be free. A case of the body is willing, but the spirit is not.

  Even though she harbored endless forbidden desires and naughty fantasies – generally about the gorgeous men she would see devouring her body with their eyes... the girl couldn't bring herself to commit to any of these fun-filled sex adventures! Some inner reservation, centered somewhere deep in her heart wouldn't allow it. Maybe it had been her upbringing. Maybe it had been because of a book she read some years back. Nobody knew... not even dear, sweet Anna herself.

  All she did know was that her southern slit ached to be filled! Knowing so many others were enjoying the carnal pleasures life had to offer... it plagued her endlessly!

  And luckily for Anna, today was actually quite a special one, despite her thoughts to the contrary. It would mark the beginning of her sexual liberation. And in the most taboo, unimaginable manner she could never have fathomed...



  You see, Anna worked as a receptionist for a rather lofty firm. She would sit at the front taking calls, directing clients, and addressing potential customers as they walked in the door. A rather tedious job, but it paid the bills and supposedly gave her and inside look into the business. At least that's what her boss had said during the interview... maybe he just wanted some eye candy at the front desk every morning!

  And the way she dressed... her certainly got more than enough! The man woul
d sigh heavily each time he walked into the room, looking over at Anna and noting her flawless figure. He was a fairly attractive man. It would be a lie to say that Anna had not had more than a fantasy or two about the fellow and some late night, after-hour sessions... but that, like always, is as far as they ever got. Stuck in the mind of this fanciful virgin.


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