His Someone Special

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His Someone Special Page 8

by Sammi Cee

  Rex shook his head and walked away, leaving me to see what both servers needed. Billy gave me his order, then made his slipper analogy to Davis who grinned and nodded. “Yeah, I get that. When I started, I worried I’d always stand out like a sore thumb, but the regulars help, especially when asshats come in.”

  Billy leaned an elbow on the edge of the bar and ran an appraising eye up and down Davis. I knew exactly what he saw since I couldn’t take my eyes off of him tonight. The purple skinny jeans were so tight I could see a dimple in his right butt cheek, which was distracting me with how bad I wanted to see it and touch it and lick it. I bit back a groan. “I bet you’re having a good night.” Billy was saying when I tuned back in. “What’s this, the third night in a row Hunt and his crew have been in to monopolize their favorite waiter?”

  Davis blushed under his scrutiny. I waited until Billy took his drinks and walked away before saying, “How’d he know they were here Wednesday? He wasn’t in.”

  The color in Davis’s cheeks went from a light rose to fuchsia. “Hunt asked if I was having a better night last night and Billy overheard, that’s all.” He grabbed the two beers I’d set in front of him and darted back out into the sea of people.

  “I bet he did,” I grumbled to myself. It took superhuman effort to keep filling orders and chatting with the customers seated at the bar instead of watching Davis whenever he approached Hunt and his friends. They were a good group; rough around the edges, but they’d always been respectful of my place and my employees. Hunt skated a line though with the attention he showed Davis; I didn’t like it—not even a little bit.

  “What the hell’s wrong with you?” Law asked as a couple got up and he slid onto one of the stools across the bar.


  Lawson ordered his usual, so I sent Billy back to the kitchen to put in his order for a burger, then popped the top off his beer and handed it to him. He drained half of it before saying, “Okay, seriously, you look like you’re gonna rip someone’s nuts off and wedge them up their own ass. It can’t be good for business. You need to talk about it?”

  Waving him off, I hustled away to deal with other customers. The last thing I wanted was Law figuring out that the delicious little morsel he’d already teased me about had me all up in arms. My best friend didn’t push for information with a full bar, but spun around and people-watched while I worked. He’d devoured his hamburger and another beer by the time Davis took a minute to run up and lean into his side. “Hey, Lawson. You’ve been here every night this week.”

  “Huh. I guess I have,” he said innocently, draping an arm over Davis's shoulder and earning a glare from me. The fucker winked at me and squeezed Davis in tighter.

  Davis giggled, then said, “Hunt and the guys need another round, Sarge.”

  “Hunt,” I mimicked, cocking a brow. The color bloomed instantly in his cheeks, and he avoided my eyes and focused on making small talk with Law.

  Law waited until Davis hit Hunt’s table before saying, “Guess I better up my game.”

  I tore my gaze from Hunt as he wrapped an arm around Davis's waist and pulled him in. What was with everyone touching him tonight? If I didn’t distract myself, I was going to end up cracking a beer bottle over a good, paying customer's head. “What are you talking about?”

  “Davis. It appears I have some competition. Hunt’s been coming around a lot since Davis started, so it stands to reason that he’s trying to charm Davis.” He glanced over his shoulder at the table. “Based on how Davis is giggling, I’d say it’s working, so I better ramp it up if I want my chance before Hunt asks him out.”

  My eyes narrowed, and I gripped the edge of the bar as I leaned across it to get in Lawson’s face. “That’s why you’ve been coming in more? To flirt with Davis? Are you kidding me?”

  Law blinked innocently. “Is that a problem? You said you weren’t ever taking another boy again, which is a shame, but your loss is my gain.” He rubbed his hands together maniacally.

  “No,” I spat.

  “Excuse me?” he asked.

  “No. Stay away from Davis,” I said with a growl.

  Law leaned forward so we were nose to nose. “Why?”

  “Because I said.” I seethed at his challenging tone.

  Suddenly, he sat back and smiled, crossing his arms over his chest. “Not good enough.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I asked, completely perplexed. “You’re my best friend.”

  The smile fell from his face. “Yeah, so?” He shrugged. “Davis is a sweet kid, and he needs a good man. One whose balls have dropped, preferably, unlike Hunt. He’s a nice guy and all, but Davis requires someone with more expertise, I think. Of course, you would’ve been better suited for him, but since you apparently lost your balls somewhere along the way… I guess it’ll have to be me.”

  I heard Rex yelling my name, but Law and I were locked in a staring contest I had no intention of losing. It was the sound of Billy snickering that caused us both to glance his way at the same time. “Are you two going to fight? Because if you are, can you take your shirts off? Oh. And oil, we need oil. Lawson, are you as hairy as Sarge? I love that sexy gray and black hair peeking out of his shirt collar. It’s so hot. Well, are you?” He blinked at Law.

  “We’re not—”

  I was cut off by Bull walking up and hovering behind Law. “Do you two need to be separated? Sarge, what are you doing? Rex's getting slammed over here and you’re dicking around with Law.”

  Law smirked. “I can assure you that Sarge isn’t who I intend to dick around with.”

  That was it. I half-climbed over the bar before I felt Rex's hands tugging me from behind as Bull jumped in front of Law. Behind Bull’s bulk, I could hear Law cackling. Bull’s eyebrows arched before he turned around, and I heard him ask, “What’s so damn funny?”

  Davis's head suddenly peeked over Billy’s shoulder. “What’d I miss? Who’s fighting?”

  I shook off Rex's restraining hands, snapping, “I’m fine. Let me go.” Then I jabbed a finger toward Davis. “If you didn’t know what was going on, what in the hell were you doing practically running into the middle of it, boy?”

  Davis's bottom lip popped out, pouting. “Billy’s over here, and I stayed behind him. If he can watch, how come I can’t?”


  “Yeah, Sarge. How come Davis can’t?” Law’s voice floated to me from the other side of Bull, who was still squeezed between Law and the bar itself.

  Rex’s irritated voice broke up our circle, as he said, “A little help here, please. I don’t know, the customers might like it if we had a couple of waiters working tonight, too. Jesus, is it a full moon or something?”

  Davis and Billy jumped to it, running over to where Rex was standing with a scowl waiting for their orders. Bull raised one eyebrow at me in question and I nodded, so he backed up and Law sat casually on his stool, a triumphant gleam in his eye and a smirk on his lips. “So again, I ask, why can’t I?”

  “Because he’s mine,” I said through gritted teeth.

  Law fist-pumped the air as Bull walked away muttering, “About damn time he admits it,” which got Law cackling again. It was like a three-ring circus in here, on a busy night no less, and it was my own damn fault. Watching Davis walk away, I finally let the truth that had been beating in my heart and echoing through every fiber of my soul plant itself in my mind. Davis was mine.

  Law scooted back up, and said in a soft voice, “Doesn’t it feel better to get that out?”

  “I can’t believe you goaded me into that,” I said before walking away to actually wait on my customers.

  Law waited patiently, and I set another beer in front of him between customers. “Aw, did we just make up?” he asked.

  I flipped him off, but chuckled as I walked away.

  Later, as I wiped down the bar-top in front of him, I said, “I’m not sure what to do from here.”

  Law shrugged nonchalantly. “What’s the big deal
? You’re both adults. You ask him out, and he says yes or no.”

  Billy popped up from behind Law and leaned his head on his bicep. “Based on how he moons over you every time he thinks you’re not looking, he’ll definitely say yes. You know, if you wanted my opinion.” Law bent his arm at the elbow with a clenched fist, which Billy promptly bumped, then skipped away giggling.

  “I do own this place. Does no one have any respect for me anymore?”

  Rex passed behind me with a new keg hefted up on his shoulder, and he stopped. “Not while you’re pussyfooting around about asking that sweet kid out,” he said dryly. “Hell, he’s so meek and shy that this deal should’ve been closed before the end of his first week.”

  “The end of his first week?” I snorted. “I wasn’t even…” I trailed off as I looked back and forth between the matching incredulous expressions on both men’s faces.

  A thought suddenly occurred to me. “You guys aren’t—”

  “Taking bets? Oh yeah, Ralph started a pool after Davis's first night.”

  I wanted to be mad, but as I watched Davis wipe down a table on the other side of the building, I knew they were right. I’d been sunk the minute the kid walked in for his interview. His earnest expression and misshapen clothes had tugged at my heart. But it had been how scared, but determined he was to excel that had ultimately won me over. Davis had a desire to succeed and make others proud. There was so much more to him than what he knew, and we’d all seen it; apparently, so had Hunt.

  That last obscure thought rose up as Hunt approached the bar, and the others backed away to give us privacy. “Hey, Sarge.”

  I straightened to my full height and pasted a smile on my face. “Hunt.” I nodded.

  The man eyed me curiously, and I was sure he was about to state his intentions or attempt to stake his claim on my boy, when he said, “I hope you take care of him.”

  “Who?” I asked, playing dumb and picking up the dish towel to wipe at a melting piece of ice on the bar-top in front of me.

  Hunt smirked. “I may be a pup compared to you, but I ain’t blind,” he said. “Only a foolish man would try to get in between you and Davis. The pining looks you guys toss at each other all night, every night, are either disgusting or the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. The jury’s still out on that.” He hesitated, glanced toward where Davis was helping another customer, and fixed his gaze back on me. “I think you should make your move, though. He politely shot me down right from the jump, before I could even really ask him out, but lately, he’s warming up to me.” My right temple pulsed, and Hunt held up his hand. “Don’t worry, he doesn’t want me, but I think he’s starting to feel stupid or something. I’m not sure, but he definitely looks uncertain lately when he watches you, instead of just lovestruck.”

  Law laid a heavy hand on Hunt’s leather-clad shoulder. “That’s good advice, friend. I’m glad you see it, too.”

  Hunt started to open his mouth to reply, but I shooed them both away. They sauntered back to Hunt’s table and continued chatting. The rest of the night passed in a blur as my brain ticked through the pros and cons. Every con was dismantled when Davis came to order drinks for his tables, causing any negativity to flutter right out of my mind with his shy smiles and the softly spoken sirs he snuck in. The kid was truly gonna be the death of me.

  At the end of the night, I waited until Billy and Davis had said good night and were almost to the door. “Davis, can I talk to you for a second?”

  Bull held the door open for Billy, who waved fingers at me with a grin. “I’ll be in the car, Davis,” he said before him and Bull exited. Checking behind me, I saw that Rex had disappeared as well.

  “Is everything okay, Sarge?”

  Clearing my throat, I made my way over to stand in front of Davis. I stepped in close so that he’d be able to feel the warmth from my body and reached down to take his hands in mine.

  “I was thinking maybe I should share some things with you.”

  His hands trembled in mine. “Like what?”

  I rubbed my thumbs gently over the back of his hands as I said, “Things like my past and why I know so much about Daddies and their boys.”

  The air caught in his throat as his pupils dilated and his Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat. “I-I’d like that,” he said bravely.

  I squeezed his hands. “Good. So how about Sunday when we’re both off of work?”

  His eyes widened. “Like a date?” he asked.

  His tone was apprehensive, but there was an unmistakable breathiness underneath. Hope flared in me, igniting the desire for him I’d been striving to deny. “Would you like that, boy?” I asked.

  “Yes, sir.” He glanced down at my lips, then shyly returned his gaze to my eyes.

  “Me too.” I stepped the rest of the way in and kissed his forehead, inhaling the underlying smell that was uniquely Davis as I rested my head on his. He didn’t smell bad overall; in fact, I got a thrill at the faint hint of sweat that came from him working his ass off in my bar all night, but the smell of cheap shampoo had to go. My boy deserved better. “We can make plans tomorrow night after the bar closes. But I was thinking we could go to the Fourth Street Grill. Does that sound okay?” I felt him nod against me. I stepped back, and he studied our still joined hands for a moment, then a megawatt smile lit up his face. “You’re too cute. Go on, get out of here before Billy drives Bull crazy while he’s waiting for you.”

  “Yes, sir,” Davis said, then just like the first time when he pecked me, he shocked the hell out of me when he bobbed up on his tiptoes and kissed my cheek before turning and running for the door.

  “Walk,” I said sternly to his retreating back. He slowed to a trot and then disappeared into the night.

  While I waited for Bull to come back in and have a drink with me, Rex emerged from the kitchen. “I surrender,” he said.

  “To what?” I asked, completely clueless.

  “Please, please get a barback. Or hell, maybe another bartender. If this is how it’s going to be until you get through the honeymoon stage of your relationship, I need help. It was hell working all alone tonight.”

  “Hey, I wasn’t that bad.”

  He low-key sneered at me as he went back to stocking the liquor for the next night, and I contemplated my next steps. Getting a barback had been pushed down the to-do list because of Rex’s resistance to the idea, but it jumped back to the top spot. Wooing my boy was now priority number one.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Well?” Billy asked when I floated through the parking lot and met him beside his car. “Are you going to tell me what happened, or are you going to make me beg?”

  “I… I think we just agreed to go on a date?”

  Just hearing the words spoken out loud had me nearly pinching myself to make sure this wasn’t a dream. Sarge asked me out. I agreed to go. And he...he knew how to be a Daddy. The last thought sent the all too familiar shiver through my body.

  “So, when did you finally admit to yourself that you wanted to jump Sarge’s bones? Before or after he took you to work?”

  “I… Wait. How did you hear about that?”

  Under the streetlamp, I could see Billy grinning wolfishly at me. “Sarge told me, of course. Which makes me wonder why you didn’t.”

  I shrugged. “It never came up. I’m sure I’m not the only employee he’s given a ride to.”

  Billy finally unlocked his car and we both pulled our doors open. “True, but you’re definitely the only one he’s asked out. Where are you going?”

  I waited to answer him until after we were both seated with our seat belts buckled. “Fourth Street Grill.”

  “Great place. They have amazing food, and it’s relaxed, so you don’t have to dress up unless you want to.”

  “Which I’m assuming you did when you went?”

  Billy laughed. “You bet your sweet ass, I did. If I’m going out, I’m going to go all out.”

  “I’m not surprised,�
� I murmured, but my mind wasn’t really on the conversation.

  I’d never been to Fourth Street Grill before, but I’d heard about it. Even though Billy said it was low-key, I wasn’t sure what the hell I should wear. I was trying to do a mental inventory of my closet, while Billy rambled beside me, and I got increasingly frustrated by the second. Sure, Billy had given me lots of clothes, but I still didn’t want to embarrass Sarge because of my limited wardrobe.

  “Hey, we’re here,” Billy said as he poked me in the arm.

  “Oh, s-sorry. I was thinking about what to wear.”

  “When are you going?”


  “Great. Leave it to me, sugar, you’re going to knock his socks off.”

  I wanted to tell him not to worry about it, that whatever I had in my closet would be sufficient. But the way he was thrumming in excitement beside me was contagious. I didn’t want him to see where I lived, but I figured since Sarge had seen it and still wanted me, then my apartment wouldn’t matter to Billy, either. All I could do was thank him profusely while reminding myself I would pay him back for everything…one day.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow night, boy,” Sarge’s gravelly voice told me Saturday night after we’d closed the bar. The tone of his voice was a bit softer, as if to say with unspoken words if I wanted to back out that he’d understand, but his penetrating gaze told a different story. They were daring me not to.

  “Yes, sir,” was my automatic reply.

  Of course he’d see me tomorrow night. I’d be stupid to back out. I’d been pining after him from the moment I saw him rounding the bar when I walked in for my interview. Why in the hell would I miss the opportunity to spend more time with him? I could hardly think of anything else but going to dinner with him.

  Knowing we’d be seated in a restaurant together and sharing a meal with the possibility of more afterward was the ultimate distraction, but I’d pushed myself to focus harder and work better tonight. I threw myself into being the best waiter possible as I bounced from table to table, delivering food, refilling drinks, and keeping a smile on my face while enduring forced conversation. Why? Because I didn’t want Sarge to think he’d made a mistake by asking me to dinner, and I was worried fucking up at work would prove that to him.


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