His Someone Special

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His Someone Special Page 16

by Sammi Cee

  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Napoleon’s subtle nod toward the first man to speak. Napoleon remained seated as the other got up, along with two of their buddies. It registered that one moved away from the table, and in my gut, I knew he was heading for the bar after Davis. The other two who’d stood were in our faces yelling, though, and I didn’t want to leave Bull alone, even if he most likely could handle it. Ralph relieved my indecision by tapping the one on my left on the shoulder and holding up a baseball bat at the ready to strike his head. I took off toward the bar, meeting Sledge on the way. “Go get your boy. We’ll help Bull.”

  Without even nodding my thanks, I ran to where Napoleon’s wingman was being blocked from the pass-thru by Hunt and Rex. Both men stood at attention like sentries at the gates, stoic and immovable. Beyond them, still behind the bar, Davis clutched at Billy’s arms, his face pale and drawn with worry.

  This guy had to be the dumbest mother-effer on earth to go after my boy, and was shoving at Hunt and Rex’s shoulders trying to get past them. They gazed at him with amusement, immovable. Hunt lifted a finger, pointing at me. “You may wanna deal with him first,” he said with a snarl.

  Dumbass whirled around and charged me. I quickly sidestepped him, and he went barreling toward the rest of the crew who had come in with Hunt and Sledge, where they stood like a brick wall. Dude bellowed and turned. “You’re a bunch of pussies.”

  I raised a brow. “Wow. That’s pretty brutal. Huh, Hunt? Rex? What do you guys think? I may cry.”

  They chuckled darkly. Right when I was sure he’d charge me again, Bull’s deep voice growled as he approached, dragging the guy I’d kicked in the ribs. “Boss, why you screwin’ around? We’re already taking out the trash.” Sledge pushed a red-faced, pissed-off, little Napoleon in front of him. Ralph followed behind the three men gleefully, still wielding his bat. The first guy to challenge Bull was holding his nose and blood poured out through his fingers. Another staggered, dazed and confused, but still moving under the power of his own feet. His eye was swollen closed and his lip bloody. A quick glance at Sledge’s fist confirmed who’d dealt those blows. The third of them had his arms wrapped around his own stomach and rocked himself as he stumbled ahead.

  Napoleon barked at the idiot still posturing in front of me, “What’re you doing? Let’s go before their disease infects us.”

  Guffaws rumbled around the bar as someone yelled, “You may want to take middle school health. That’s not really how that works, asshole.”

  Before they were all the way out the door, I yelled after them, “Don’t show your faces in here again.”

  Another voice yelled out, “I wouldn’t show your faces anywhere.” There was a cacophony of laughter and joking after that.

  The atmosphere in the bar after they left filled me with pride. My regulars’ jovial moods swept away the last fissures of anger that coursed through me. Davis followed Billy’s lead, mocking and teasing the different tables of patrons for sitting and watching instead of jumping up and aiding us. More surprising than those asshats causing trouble was the blush that crept up Bull’s cheeks when my boy did his best to crush him with his small, thin arms, barely getting them around Bull’s body. I didn’t know what he said, but Bull’s gaze darted toward me, then back to Davis where he shrugged sheepishly.

  Ralph, however, beamed when Davis gave him the same treatment immediately after the bar closed. He launched into a boisterous tall-tale about what he’d been known to do with a baseball bat, and the rest of us let him have it since he had come running out of the kitchen, ready to swing. Davis would be even more impressed by Ralph once he learned that he didn’t normally get involved. It was Davis’s influence on all of us that had him exiting his own space to lend a hand—or a bat.

  “Law’s pissed he missed it tonight. Said he should’ve been there for us,” Davis said as soon as we walked into the house after closing down the bar.

  “How’d he even know?” I asked incredulously. I knew he’d find out, and even though he wasn’t an employee, I knew he’d feel guilty for not being there.

  “Did you forget his nephew works in the kitchen?”

  “Ah… yeah. I block it out, honestly.”

  Davis steered me toward the couch, pushing me down into the soft cushions before kneeling at my feet and unlacing my boots. “I don’t know why you say that. He’s been at the bar for months now, he’s always on time, and Ralph says he’s doing a decent job.”

  I snorted, sighing as Davis tugged off my boot. “What’re you doing, little duckling?”

  “You had a long, hard day. You had to go in early, then the nonsense with those guys; tonight you’re going to let me pamper you a little. Okay?” He tilted his head, smiling sweetly.


  “Great. I’m going to get you a drink, and I’ll be right back.” He jumped to his feet and half-skipped toward the kitchen.

  “Walk, boy.”

  “I’m not running, Daddy,” his voice sang back as he disappeared out of sight.

  With a deep exhale, I let my body melt into the couch, rolling my shoulders to ease the tension that had settled there throughout the day. I didn’t open them again until I heard Davis padding back across the floor. To say I was surprised to see him returning naked, every bit of his milky-white skin on display, wearing only a teasing smile, with a glass of water in his hands, would be an understatement. “What are you up to, boy?” I growled.

  “I told you, I want to pamper you tonight.” He handed me the water, then dropped to his knees, spreading my legs so that he could kneel between them.

  “And what does that mean exactly?” I asked curiously. Davis had been a quick study when it came to sex. While his inexperience hadn’t bothered me to begin with, I’d been a little shocked by how much it turned me on once we started exploring. It had been a thrill to hear his gasps and moans every time I touched him in a new way. It had been even headier the night he flipped it on me and asked if he could explore my body with his tongue like I had done to him. Watching him overcome his nerves and be brave enough to communicate, to ask for what he wanted, was proving to be the biggest turn-on of all.

  “Well, Daddy, tonight that means I’m going to peel off all of your clothes, and then you’re going to fuck my face like I’ve seen those guys do in porn, and then we’ll go into the bathroom so that I can give you a shower.”

  A dark chuckle rumbled out of my chest as I pictured my boy watching porn, stroking himself under the privacy of his blankets, wanting and desperate. I leaned forward and ran my thumb down his cheek and across his mouth, pushing it past his soft lips into the moist warmth of his mouth. My boy knew what I liked and he immediately sucked it in, stroking his tongue down the length of my thumb. “Wouldn’t you rather clean me first?” He shook his head no. “Why not?” I mumbled.

  He popped off my thumb and smiled coyly. “You worked so hard today, Daddy. You got all sweaty, and then those guys made you so angry. Your shirt was soaked through with perspiration by the time they left. You know what that means?” he said softly.

  “What, boy?”

  “It means you’ll smell so good to me, Daddy. I want to bury my nose in you and inhale your essence, taste your vitality. Please, Daddy. Let me have this.”

  His words hit me like an aphrodisiac, desire overwhelmed me and my dick strained to be released from its confinement and buried in the haven of his sweet, filthy mouth. “Would it make you happy?”

  “Yes,” he whispered.

  I cupped my hands behind my head and relaxed back, letting my legs fall open even wider. “Well, you know I live to make you happy. Go ahead, boy. Let’s see what you got.”

  Davis’s hands were working my shirt up before I finished speaking. He didn’t talk again, but hummed appreciatively as he disposed of each item of clothing, revealing my body to his eyes. My wanton boy teased with nips to my ears and sucking playfully on my nipples, the whole time tempting me to take over with how he shamelessly rubbed up
against me as he moved. As my arousal spiked, I wondered if I’d be able to maintain control or if I’d do like he asked and fuck his face. I’d wanted to, but my dick was the first one he’d ever had in his mouth and it was by no means small, so I’d happily let him practice whenever he’d wanted. Which had been often, thankfully.

  By the time his lips wrapped around my cock, the control I kept on myself with him was tenuous at best. The first tentative swipe of his tongue over the head of my engorged length calmed me, but then he sucked me into the back of his throat, hard. The suction of his mouth, mixed with the brazen look in those blue eyes, snapped any composure I had left. “Are you sure this is what you want, boy?”

  In answer, he released me and leaned back on his haunches, opening his mouth wide with his tongue stuck out.

  “Oh, fuck.” I pushed off of the couch and plunged my cock into his mouth, groaning when those already puffy lips sealed around me. “I hope you’re ready, boy.” I began to pump my hips lightly at first, not pushing too far down his throat. “You’re right, you know? Daddy did have a hard day, and this is just what I needed.” I thrust a little harder, a tad faster, asking, “Are you sure, boy? Because I’d love nothing more than to see your drool mixed with my cum seeping from the corners of your lips.” I moved faster. “To see those eyes water with tears as you take my cock so beautifully.” He opened his eyes, focusing his gaze the best he could up at me. His pupils were blown, and his elbow jerked out to the side as he pleased himself.

  “Oh yeah, I knew you were going to end up being a dirty boy. Look at you, so turned-on by what Daddy’s doing to you.” I thrust faster, letting my dick go farther down his throat, eating up the sounds of his moans as he choked on my length. I carded my fingers through the long hairs that had been left on his head. “I’ve been so turned-on all night anyway with this new haircut you got. I can see your gorgeous face so clearly, no more hiding from me, boy.” He hummed, and I groaned with the vibration. “Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck. Are you ready, boy? Are you ready to drink my cum down? Ahhh…”

  My release burned through me and I tried to ease back, but Davis followed me, keeping me buried inside his mouth, right where I wanted to be. I felt the splash of his cum on my shin and foot, and my pleasure doubled with the knowledge he’d enjoyed it, too. When he finally gave me one last lick and popped off of my cock, I cleared the spit and cum trickling from the corners of his mouth away with my thumbs, growling low in my throat.

  Davis cleared his throat, then said, “You sound like a caveman, Daddy.”

  “I can’t help it. You were so good to me.” I fell back onto the couch and tugged him up to curl on my lap. “I don’t know what brought that on, but thank you.”

  He turned and buried his nose in my armpit. “Thank you, Daddy.”

  I ran my fingers soothingly across his legs. “Did you enjoy that? Was it as good as it looked on the screen?” I teased.

  “Better. We have to do it like that again. A lot.” His sex-roughened voice was scratchy and faint as he nestled even closer.

  “Okay, little duckling. I think it’s time for a shower and then bed.”

  He tilted his face up, and his lips were tipped up into a sleepy smile. “I have to give you a shower, remember?”

  I kissed his forehead. “I think you’ve done enough for tonight. Remember one of Daddy’s rules is that you get proper rest. We’ll take a quick shower together, and then bed.”

  When he didn’t answer, I decided to enjoy this moment of silence, him asleep in my lap after giving me a brain-numbing orgasm. He hadn’t been wrong, it had been a tough day, but with him in my life, no day was insurmountable.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  The idea of reaching out to my maybe-friend from college had been weighing in the back of my mind for weeks. I, at first, had been hesitant because I didn’t want him to see how far I’d fallen. No job, living in a crummy apartment, and barely being able to afford food wasn’t exactly conducive to getting in touch with someone. Then, I was trying to get settled into my new life with Daddy and learning to be a bit more confident with myself and the new relationship. But the more I thought about reaching out to him, the better the idea seemed.

  Daddy was out in the garage working on his motorcycle, having made himself scarce after I told him I’d thought about reaching out to Russell. Not that I needed the privacy, he just respected it.

  “I think it’s a great idea,” Daddy had said when I told him.

  “You do?”

  “Of course. Even if you two don’t kindle a true friendship, at least you’ll have reconnected.”

  With those words, he gave me a kiss on my forehead and left me alone with my thoughts, and my cell phone.

  Daddy had gifted me with a new phone that didn’t require minutes to be added and had more gadgets and gizmos than a computer. It was intimidating to hold a device that cost more than what I made in a few months, but after Daddy sat me down and showed me how to use it, I felt more confident with it.

  My fingers shook as I swiped through the phone until I found Russell’s contact information, and then I went to bite on my cheek. Remembering Daddy’s rule, I disengaged the hunk I had between my teeth and focused on my breathing instead—something Daddy had instructed me to do.

  When I felt more at ease, I pushed the button on the phone to connect the call. My hand shook only slightly as I raised it to my ear, and I could hear the ringing. I wasn’t sure why I was so nervous. I had no reason to be nervous. Russell used to seek out my company, not the other way around.

  “Hello?” a cheerful voice asked in my ear, causing me to gasp.

  “Er, is this Russell?” I asked stupidly. Of course, it was Russell. Who else would it be? Daddy and I had made sure the number was still his before I contacted him.

  “Yup. Unless you’re a telemarketer, then my name is Henry.”

  I chuckled. Russell was still the same. “Uh, it’s Davis. Uh, we had a couple of classes together, and I mowed the lawn at the college.”

  “Davis! Holy shit! How are you? I thought you fell off the face of the Earth.”

  “Hardly. After you left on your trip, I got laid off, and then, you know, life happened.”

  “I tried to call you after Kenny and I got back.”

  “Oh?” That wasn’t a surprise. I felt bad because I’d purposefully ignored his calls.

  “Yeah. I wanted you to finally meet my Daddy. He’s the best Daddy ever. He makes me so happy,” Russell gushed.

  “That’s great. So you’re doing well, then?”

  “More than well,” Russell said as he launched into telling me about the new job he had lined up as a preschool teacher and how his Daddy treated him like a king. It was great to hear how well he was doing. “What about you?”

  “Oh, well, I’m working at a bar. And I just recently moved in with...well...my Daddy.”

  “What?” Russell gasped. “You have a Daddy? Who is he? Spill!”

  I told him all about Daddy and how he was my boss at the bar. I left out the details of him rescuing me from the dumpy apartment, but I made sure to include how happy he made me.

  “It’s still relatively new,” I added.

  “That’s great, Davis. I’m so happy for you. I might have to check out that bar sometime.”

  “I’d like that. Then you can meet Sarge, my Daddy.”

  “I’d like that. Have you been a brat yet?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, he gave you a set of rules, right?”

  “Yes,” I said slowly.

  “So did you test his limits, yet? Every boy needs to test his Daddy to see how far he can push. You should try being a little bratty.”

  “I’m not sure…” I glanced toward the door where Daddy was on the other side working on his bike.

  “Trust me. See how far you can push him. Punishments are often a reward.” He giggled. “But I need to get going. It was great to hear from you, so let’s keep in touch now.”

  My mind was reeling after I disconnected the call. It was great to catch up with Russell and talk. It was the reassurance I needed that he really had been my friend. But all I could think about was being a brat. How did I go about that? Daddy had been nothing but kind to me from the beginning. He’d taken care of me and had given me a home and safety, and I really liked him, maybe even more than like. Did I want to risk things by pushing him? But then again, it would be interesting to see him lose his control a bit. Even when he fought those guys at the bar, he kept his cool. I decided not to go out of my way to be bratty just yet, but if the opportunity presented itself, I’d take it.

  Opportunity knocked a few nights later. I overheard Billy talking about needing an extra night off for his mom’s birthday. It was perfect because it gave me the excuse that I needed to be a little bratty and test Daddy’s cool. Daddy held fast to my rule about not working over four nights a week. In fact, I’d tried to cover the new waiter’s shift one night so I could work with Billy because I was bored, and Daddy told me to find a hobby, or just even ask Billy over to hang out, that I needed to stop feeling guilty when I wasn’t working.

  “I’ll do it,” I piped up. “I’ll take your shift.”

  Billy stared at me with a furrowed brow. “That’s nice of you, Davis, but would Sarge be okay with it?”

  I shrugged as if it wouldn’t matter, but it did. It really did, especially since I wasn’t discussing it with Daddy. “It’ll be okay. You need to spend time with your mom, and I could use the extra money. It’ll be okay.”

  “Well, if you’re sure. That’d be great.” The face he made let me know he knew better.

  “I’ll let him know, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

  I kept the extra shift to myself until it was almost time for me to go in. Aside from a new phone, Daddy had also gifted me the car he’d promised. It was a gift I hadn’t been allowed to refuse, and he said it made him feel better knowing I had my own set of wheels to get around if he was ever called into work early or an emergency popped up. I no longer had to rely on him or anyone else for rides, and the task of going to the grocery store had become mine. Evidently, Daddy would rather go to the dentist than the grocery store, and I didn't mind it.


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