The Gate of Limbo

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The Gate of Limbo Page 10

by Donovan Neal

  Jerahmeel had been looking for his friend for several hours and it was unlike Raphael to not show for their morning communion. The whole Lumazi seemed on edge. Lucifer had been sent planet-side to for a task only known to him and El; while the rest of the council questioned the implications of Apollyon's query of the Lord’s goodness. Jerahmeel could use a cup of Honey-bell Tea and enjoy some manna leaf in the company of his friend.

  He walked from the upper level of the temple and made his way past the main entry way to depart the throne room when a shimmering blue light caught his eye. A sparkling blue mist seemed to creep across the floor and his eyes followed the source of the fog. He walked the path of the azure gloom and he found himself heading towards the basement of Heaven.

  Down winding stone stairs he roamed until a glowing blue light penetrated around the corner; light that flickered as iridescent beams that bounced through still water. The Prince of Harrada peered around the corner of a wall to see Raphael: his arms were spread wide and raised, and with his hands he gestured in the air in fluid-like movements. His pen, was at his command covering over fissures that emanated every second from a glowing blue lighted doorway. And fog swirled around the angel whilst his tome was opened as its pages flapped through the air as if by a great wind and sheets were being torn out and flew into the shimmering gate.

  Jerahmeel looked into the deep blue of the glowing doorway and power pulsed from it and through the mirror-like opening he could see himself smiling back at him while other humanoid figures crawled over the threshold from the other side as if they were searching for exit to escape. A dark figure lurked also in the center. He wore a crown, and even Jerahmeel could see that the figure looked menacingly at Raphael and the being simply stood there while the others of his kind slammed themselves into the invisible gate only to dissipate into mist then re-materialize behind their master.

  Raphael stood working feverishly sealing up any cracks that instantaneously manifested. Jerahmeel could hear the whine of the gate as if it was vibrating and its pitch was slowly raising in volume even as the seconds passed while he observed. Alarmed at the sight he raised his voice to his brother.

  “Raphael, what is going on here?”

  Raphael turned to see that Jerahmeel was behind him and when he did a fissure went unsealed and a mist seeped from behind the mirror and moved with swiftness and scampered towards Raphael and a figure, then materialized in front of him and it smiled with teeth but no face, and it was ignited in blue flame.

  Raphael turned back around and immediately pages from his book lifted from the tome and flew towards the creature mummifying it and it fell to the ground with a thud. The creature squirmed along the floor encased in the papyrus from Raphael's tome.

  Raphael’s pen had turned into a dagger and the blade that hovered near his ear dashed towards the thrashing body and in repeated downward strokes stabbed the enveloped creature. The form of the body then collapsed leaving nothing but a heap of crumpled papers. The leaflets then lifted from the floor and covered the fissure until they too melded and disappeared into the shimmering wall of energy.

  Raphael turned his face back to the glowing gate and more of the humanoid gaseous creatures pounded against the barrier and in its center still stood the crowned misty persona at their locus. His eyes, a brimming yellow.

  “Jerahmeel come to me… hurry,” said Raphael.

  Jerahmeel rushed to his friend’s side, “What can I do?”

  Raphael grimaced as an explosive wave of power hit the gate from the other side and Raphael was pushed back unto his knees but his hands were still up; as if he was keeping the opening from bursting open.

  Jerahmeel helped him to his feet and Raphael while rising did not take his eyes off the Gate but spoke to his friend “Jerahmeel there is a breach in the barrier that separates the realms. I must enter Limbo and restore the seals that hold its denizens in check.”

  Jerahmeel looked at him curiously and replied, “What denizens? Is not Limbo but the way to Aseir? A way now blocked by El?”

  Raphael looked at his brother through the periphery of his eye, “Nay, our choices have populated the realm: the manifestations of alternate choices reside here. He that stands at its center is King: the first choice; a choice to run counter to El. It is he that empowers them all.”

  Jerahmeel looked at the gate and ghostly figures ran and flew rampant into the barrier that separated the domains. Humanoid mist like persons who dissipated as soon as they hit the glass; each creating a shockwave: a shockwave… and a fissure.

  “What do they want?” Jerahmeel asked.

  Raphael looked at he who stood at the center of the Mists and replied. “To feed, to be free, and to conform this world into the image of the choices we have said no to. I need to enter and stop the Mist King within his domain. I cannot stand here and forever keep the way to the gate. He must be dwelt with. Reasoned with… I will need you to stay here and guard the way. They cannot be allowed to pass.”

  Jerahmeel panicked. “Me? How am I alone to stop that onslaught?”

  Increasing radiant waves of power crackled over the gate, and it glowed. And the hum from the waves; were like when a tuning fork is strummed. And more fissures crisscrossed the mirror like aperture of the gate.

  Raphael then reached into his robe and pulled out his Kilnstone. It looked like a tome and he reached for Jerahmeel's hand and placed it within his palm. “You will use this. If the gate fails smash, the stone into the earth and it will shatter. It will release me and my life-force will obliterate all things around me. For the word of the Lord is life and I am his journal.”

  “Wait!” said Jerahmeel. “What will happen to you if I smash the stone?”

  Raphael took off his robes and tightened his belt, preparing himself for the transition into Limbo. He then turned and placed his hand on Jerahmeel's broad shoulders and replied.

  “I will die. But my life is not my own, for I am but the construct of the imagination and the will of God. Do not dissuade me with what I must do. For, I go to retrieve several of the Grigori that are currently adrift within the realm. Their presence has alerted the Mists to this domains weakness. El’s power alone would normally make my presence unnecessary. But the removal of his immediate presence weakens the fabric of reality. And reality is deciding if it shall conform to El’s design or determine one of its own. I must convince it to remain faithful to El. To bring it into remembrance that we are all servants and to whom we yield ourselves servants to obey, the servant are we to whom we obey; weather to sin unto death or of obedience unto righteousness. For, the time when El seems most far requires us to remain most faithful. And I am the Lord’s servant and will not abandon Creation to degeneration.”

  Jerahmeel nodded in understanding. “Then do not die and bring our people home but should we not call the other Lumazi?”

  Raphael turned towards the pulsating gate; its vibrations increasingly becoming more constant. “There is no time; for if you must smash my kilnstone and if El has not returned from his rest. There will be no need to inform the Lumazi; for all of Heaven will be invaded with imaginations solidified from this alternate realm and it shall be known among all that we are overrun. There will be pages that will leave my tome and head into the gate. If the last page is used bring all of Heaven to this gate for we shall be invaded. For Limbo will then be the source of a fire that must at all costs be doused: do you understand me?”

  Jerahmeel nodded.

  Jerahmeel watched as the cloud like creatures continued to assault the gate coming in throngs and flashes of light that beat upon the glowing door more and more. And the ferocity of the attack upon the portal made him begin to unconsciously rock. Jerahmeel looked at the activity of those that entered his world and his voice quivered. “Raphael, what exactly lies beyond the gate?”

  “Unselected choices that now seek flesh… now stand back.”

  Jerahmeel did as bidden and when he took several steps away from Raphael. The head of house Gri
gori lifted his hands and his dagger quickened into his right hand and two sheets from his book which was now with Jerahmeel ripped from the journals binding and elongated into a transparent wall behind Raphael yet in front of Jerahmeel.

  Jerahmeel watched his friend and saw him mouth the words, “El, give thy servant strength.”

  “Raphael!” Jerahmeel cried.

  Raphael focused on the path set before him: sprinted with dagger in hand towards the pulsating gate and leaped into the entrance.

  A brilliant flash pulsed from the entrance and a wave of bluish and white light escaped from where Raphael entered and darted through the room; temporarily blinding Jerahmeel and he dropped to his knees.

  The angel covered his eyes and as vanishing silhouetted images of his surroundings dissipated from his temporary blindness. He rubbed his eyes to see that the gates fractures had been sealed and a lone humanoid figure with a crown examined with his hands the contour of the gate from its side. The entity eyed the angel as if inspecting him and scowled. Tentacles could be seen in the background behind him. Wings extended from him and he turned into the darkness and gloom and disappeared.

  Jerahmeel raised himself from the ground and in front of him a shimmering wall of power stood between him and the entrance to Limbo. He too took his hand and began to touch the wall until the heat made him draw it back.

  A small fissure appeared in the crack of Raphael’s wall and a slight sizzle emanated from the barrier. Jerahmeel looked as another page ripped from the Grigori’s tome flew from its bindings and dissipated into the barricade: slowing the spider like crack.

  Jerahmeel armored himself and the thought occurred to him that he needed to fashion himself a weapon.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Lucifer-Chi made his way to the throne of the Ophanim and landed within the Aerie.

  Hundreds of flying Ophanim looked at him and some spoke.

  “The chief angel is here?”

  “What does Kilnborn desire with Ophanim?”

  “Hath this one not caused enough trouble?”

  “Rewind him,” said one.

  Lucifer continued his procession undeterred towards the King of the Ophanim.

  Escorted by two electrified balls of living lightning, each crackled and small bolts of plasma arced in front of the angel as an ever-present reminder that he was in the presence of those gifted by God to arbitrate times and seasons: the ones upon whose backs the constellations moved.

  Lucifer approached the throne of Eladrin-Chi and bowed. The great ancient being lifted into the air; a circular ball of lightning, surrounded his person with gyrating rings that swiveled in several directions around his body; each wheel never touching the other. Each ring contained eyes that faced a four faced being. And the voltaic creature spoke.

  “With what cause does the Chief Prince of Angels stand before the King of the Ophanim?”

  Lucifer stood unmoved by the spectacle before him and replied. “I request passage for the host to travel to the land of Limbo.”

  Eladrin looked upon Lucifer and replied, “The way to Aseir is forbidden. For thou and thy kind have made schism with the Seraphim. What thou ask I cannot do.”

  Lucifer then knelt before Eladrin and pressed his case further. “I do not seek passage to Aseir Great One. Nor do my people intend to breach the shores of the fire lands. But there are some who have defied the Parliament of Angels and have sought sanctuary within Limbus. This action cannot stand. Therefore, I go to lead my armies and to recover those who have seceded and reunite my people under a single banner. I need only a gate wide enough to take a legion into the realm.”

  Eladrin’s giant rings slowed and Lucifer could see the glyph like tattoos that the Lord had written by hand upon the living wheel within a wheel.

  Each of the twenty-four letters of the Elomic alphabet wrapped themselves around his two rings. Eladrin was the living gate to all realms. The localized being who could travel everywhere at once. Upon his shoulders the Lord had placed the responsibility of times and seasons. From the rotation of stars to the movement of galaxies, Eladrin and his people moved at the will of the Lord to do his bidding; creations who were reflective of God’s power, wisdom and presence. The four faces of Eladrin turned and spoke as one.

  “Why Lucifer Draco do I foresee blood and death in your future?” said the Eagle’s face.

  “Why art thou not content to abide in thy calling?” queried the face of the man face.

  “Know that if you do this thing… to hunt thine own people...” warned the bear face.

  “… your own stone may very well become darkened.” the Ox face said.

  Lucifer guffawed and rebuffed him. “Will you grant me passage for my cause or no? Or do you declare yourself to be in breach of your duty to carry my people when summoned?”

  The four faces of Eladrin frowned and replied. “We will abide by our duty to carry thee; even if it be to thine own demise. If a gate thou so desire. A gate thou shalt have: so be it.”

  Eladrin'-Chi’s rings then spun and he and Lucifer disappeared and then reappeared at the portal of Argoth.

  The great King of the Ophanim then turned upon himself and spoke. “Know that you will wrought folly in this act,” said the Eagle face.

  “Folly will surely come to you,” said the Bear face

  “The denizens of Limbo will not tolerate your presence,” warned the Ox face.

  “Gather your host Chief Prince.” They all said as one, “And when you are ready. I will open a portal.”

  * * *

  Henel James sat fascinated over the words that came from Argoth's mouth. Questions upon questions raced through his mind. But one question above all others rose to the top.

  “You actually spent time with Lucifer? You mean to tell me that you protected him. Sheltered him?”

  Henel shook his head as he mentally wrestled with questions which wrought confusion and dismay, “But why? Didn’t you not know what he would eventually become?”

  Argoth sighed and responded as he looked out a window into the great library and poured himself more honey-ale.

  “No, son of James, I did not know.” Argoth was quiet for a second and turned from looking out his window to turn to Mr. James and tilted his head in waiting. “But we both know the question that you desire to ask me… so ask.”

  Henel also breathed in deeply and released his thoughts into the air for review. “Would you… would you have killed him had you known?”

  Argoth nodded, “I have at times wondered of my own past; wondered about the choices given me. Such is the pondering that comes with the complexities of Limbo. But such is also the way of God. When you consider His ways; consider that Yeshua when he walked the Earth in flesh once fed five thousand souls. Often I have found that your people have been far too quick to read though the biblical scrolls of the encounter; often, too simple and occupied to consider those that were ministered by him. For was it not Yeshua who spoke so long in discourse that He kept the people in his presence for so long that they eventually grew hungry? Consider when his disciples came to him did they not ask him to allow the people to depart that they might obtain food?”

  Henel pondered Argoth’s words and replied. “This is true. My memory of the scriptures tell me that he told the disciples no. Yeshua had the people remain where they were.”

  “Indeed, Mr. James, he told them no. So consider Mr. James that Yeshua was aware of the people's need for food yet for a time kept them hungry and even denied his disciples reasonable request to have the people leave. Now consider the ways of Yeshua Mr. James and be wise. Could not Yeshua have fashioned food needed from the dust of the earth by each family? Could he not have but spoke and the molecules in the air themselves would at his command fashioned wheat if he so desired?”

  Henel nodded as he mentally recalled the gospel account of the story. He thought to himself and spoke aloud. “Yeshua is the Word made flesh. Of course he could have done whatever he desired.”

rgoth nodded, “Exactly, but instead he utilized the people present and the resources they brought with them to do a miracle. He positioned them so they were dependent on the one thing that only he alone could give them… a miracle. He allowed them to experience faith in action, to see it multiply in their hands: to participate in something… with their God.”

  Argoth paused and took a sip of honey-ale to soothe his throat.

  “You see Mr. James there is one thing that El hath given all; one thing unique to all men, and angels; one thing unique to those gifted with sentience… choice. And unlike some, I have known who Lucifer was prior to his fall. So no Mr. James; I would not have killed him. For, to do so would be to extinguish the goodness of God that at one time was manifested even through him. Moreover, who is Argoth? Am I God, Mr. James? Who would dare be God and take a life that God has created when the image of God stands before you in obedience to his creator? Your line of logic would have had El extinguish the human race Mr. James. For from the moment Adamson disobeyed: his path before him was set. As for me, I would be like the Lord; has God any pleasure that the wicked would die? And not that he should turn from his wicked ways and live? No, Mr. James I did not kill Lucifer; who was at that time not a thief who sought to kill, steal and destroy. He was not always Satan. But I digress. There is a reason I have brought you here. I have watched your Mr. James and have noted that you are also a Grigori of sorts. And because of this affinity I will soon give you a gift that no human has ever been offered.”

  Henel was taken aback and replied, “What gift?”

  Argoth looked Henel in the eye and replied. “The infinite gift of choices.”

  “I don’t understand,” said Henel.

  Argoth took another sip of his tea and set it down on the side table near him. “You will Mr. James—in time you will.”

  * * *

  Michael-Theta had called the Lumazi into the council chambers. Lilith stood to his right and the rest of the Lumazi sat themselves down.


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