Crossing Boundaries (Miles for Love Book 1)

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Crossing Boundaries (Miles for Love Book 1) Page 5

by Sandra Alex

“No.” I guffaw. “Why? Did you get a hard-on for any of them?” I pour myself a cold water and start drinking it.

  “That blonde with all the tattoos. She was fucking hot.”

  “Watch your mouth and get a haircut.” I say, putting the glass in the sink. “I’ve gotta go start this project, and I’ve got an early class tomorrow, so don’t make a ton of noise.” I warn.

  “Fine, dad.” He whines. “You know, you’re starting to become a real drag, Daniel. Whatever happened to the fun guy who used to chase chicks and jam tunes with me? We used to hang out all the time, and now you’re all business. What’s up with that?”

  I shrug. “I grew up. You should do the same.”

  “It’s more than that, man.” He stands at the sink with his arms across his chest. “Ever since…” he pauses for thought. “Na, it’s even before mom and dad got sick.”

  Growing bored, I sigh. “Don’t hurt yourself.”

  “Since you and that chick Anita split up.”

  I lift a hand and a brow. “Don’t even go there. She’s history and was never much to me, anyway.”

  Christopher is referring to the girl I dated before and while I was away in the military. We tried doing the long-distance thing while I was deployed, but it didn’t work out. I saw her a couple of times when I got back, both times I was deployed, but I was so busy looking after my parents, that whatever spark that might have still been there, fizzled. At least that’s what I keep telling myself.

  “You had it bad for her. I just didn’t notice.”

  “That’s because you were a little punk, and you still are.” I seethe. “Everything is all about you, man.” I pause, waiting for him to look up at me and pay attention for once. “You ever think it’s because I got a load of responsibility dropped in my lap out of nowhere? Fine, I get that the rest of the clan were away, still deployed, but you…you little pissant…you could have helped. And now, now I get to pick up the pieces. What’s worse is that you’re living with me. I have to look at your beady little eyes every day, and smell your stink all the time. You’re a lazy, selfish, immature little pain in the ass, and I wish like hell that you’d move out and leave me alone.”

  His eyes scan mine as I berate him. His gaze is almost dancing. He finds my meltdown humorous. “You finished?” he asks, almost grinning.

  “I don’t know why I waste my time with you. I shouldn’t have said anything. You don’t get it. You never will.” I walk away from him.

  Funny thing is…as I’m walking away…I swear I hear him say, “Yeah, yeah, I do get it.”

  Chapter 7


  As much as the nurses tried to keep mom awake, she’d fallen asleep a few minutes before I arrived. They bandaged her leg up, where she scratched it, and gave her a mild pain reliever. I didn’t even go in the room with her, I simply checked in with the nurse at the counter, who’d just been in to see her a minute prior. That was the shortest visit I’ve ever had. I felt guilty for leaving without saying something to her, but I know that for mom, rest is best. I’ll go see her tomorrow after work and class. She’ll be eager to know how my first few days are going at school.

  As I arrive home, I take a look at the project outline that Gladstone gave out. An idea strikes me. One option given for this is to do a fad diet and explain the findings and come up with conclusions as to why the body reacted the way that it did, and if the diet seems sustainable for good long-term health. Another is to administer a prescriptive diet to someone whose health problems would benefit from it. My mother comes to mind, but then, mom is too weak to be able to help me with a project like this, as much as she would push to. All mom needs is a pair of pom-poms when it comes to encouraging me to succeed.

  After doing some research, I decide I like the Keto diet best. I make up my mind to discuss it with Daniel and Greg, and a few others, and see if we can come up with something really good for the end of year project. As I make my way to the classroom, I see Daniel and Greg walking up ahead. They’re slow, talking while they walk, so I catch up to them.

  “Hey guys.” I say as I reach them.

  “Heeeyyyy,” Greg says, giving me a once-over that is a little disarming. “It’s Gladstone’s pet.”

  Daniel gives Greg a look.

  “Don’t remind me.” I snuffle.

  “Did you bring your numbers?” Daniel teases.

  “Yes, I did. Better yet, I’ve rigged them. You be nice to me and I’ll be sure to get you a good partner. Bribes are welcome.”

  “What kind of bribes?” Greg winks, using a sultry voice.

  I ignore the obvious innuendo, shrugging. “Cash works for me.”

  “Lay it on thick, man.” Daniel says to Greg. I detect a facetious tone. Daniel almost seems…agitated.

  It’s time to change the subject. “Hey, what do you guys think of doing the final project on the Keto diet? We can all explore different parts of the metabolism, blood-sugar levels, and all that other jazz, but we can all take the diet, and meet…I don’t know…once a week, to discuss our findings. What do you think of that?”

  “As long as Gladstone lets us work together, and doesn’t make the groups himself, I’m good with that.” Daniel says. “I was going to go another route, but this works, too.”

  “Where are we going to meet? And who else are we going to invite to the group? Don’t we need at least five people?” Greg adds.

  “I can ask Kyle. He seems cool.” Daniel suggests. “That makes four.”

  “And I can ask Brenda.” I interrupt. Brenda was the girl I worked with on the first assignment. She’s a little older, too, which means she won’t fart around…presumably.

  “Wait, that old broad?” Greg says. Daniel shoots him a look.

  “Sorry…” Greg touches his lip, as if ashamed. “That older lady? Well, she is kinda overweight. That might help.”

  “I was thinking more that she’ll take the project seriously.” My tone is direct.

  “Sure…yeah.” Greg winks.

  “Well, we can’t meet at my place.” Daniel chimes in. “My little brother is living with me, and he’s a slob and a pain in the ass.”

  “And I live in a basement apartment.” Greg says.

  “My place is fine.” I offer. “We can also meet at the library or something. But this way we won’t get kicked out.” I chuckle.

  Daniel smiles at me. “You don’t mind?”

  “Not at all.” I say and mean it. The company will be welcome. One thing I can’t get used to is the empty house all the time. Even though it might as well have been empty when Nick was living with me. He was so emotionally unavailable he could have been absent. A meeting once a week sounds divine.

  “Perfect. I’ll ask Kyle. You ask Brenda.” Daniel confirms.

  Turns out they both agreed to do the project. Brenda was a little hesitant at first but caved after the rest of the class had already assembled into various groups and had their projects planned. As I drive home from class that night, my Bluetooth beeps on the dashboard. It’s Heather.

  “Well? How’s it going?” she chirps.

  “Very well, actually.” I brag.

  “That’s what I figured. I haven’t heard from you in a couple of days. You weren’t kidding about being busy once this whole thing started.”

  “It gets better.” I gush. “The final project meetings are going to be at my place. You know how much I love to be the hostess. This is going to be so much fun!”

  “Oh…Lord.” Heather sighs. “You’re in your element now, girl.”

  I decide to tell her about Daniel. “Remember that guy at the bar that night…the one I made out with?”

  “Yeah,” her tone is flat, like she wonders what the hell I’m getting at.

  “He’s in my class.”

  She barks out a laugh. “You’re shitting me, right? You’re still in the class? I would have booked out of there in two seconds flat if that happened to me!”

  “Not a chance.” I shake my head, even though I
know she can’t see me. “I can handle it.”

  “I’m sure you can.” Heather laughs. “So, is he part of this group thing? How did you handle it when he figured out who you were?”

  “I told you I can handle it, and I did. He said to forget about it, and we have. And yes, he’s going to be here…along with three other people, so get your mind out of the gutter, I have no intention of continuing on in that tangent.”

  She guffaws. “Easy, killer. I wasn’t insinuating anything. I figured he would.”

  “No. To tell you the truth, I think he was actually irritated by the whole thing.”

  “Says the guy who had his tongue down your throat that night.”

  “Shut up.” I laugh. “He was drunk, too.”

  “He wasn’t that drunk.” Heather is matter-of-fact.

  “Well, whatever. What’s done is done. It’s in the past. We’re working together on this project and it’ll be fine. We’re past it.” I declare.

  “What are you going to do if the two of you are alone?” Heather probes. “What’s his name, by the way?”

  “Daniel. And…so what if we’re alone? We ate lunch together the other day…alone. We were fine.”

  Heather draws in a deep breath, as if taking it in. “Oooohhhh…do tell.”

  “Go take a cold shower. We ate in the school cafeteria. And I was more interested in eating the rest of his sandwich than I was at…what you’re thinking.” I guffaw. “What’s with you, anyway? You’re never this…naughty. Horny much?” I laugh.

  “Oh, honey, this Daniel guy…did you not see him? His ass is like two scoops of butter pecan ice cream.”

  I laugh so hard I almost have to pull over. “Heather!” I wipe the tears from my eyes with my thumbs. “What’s gotten into you?!”

  She ignores me and continues. “He’s built better than goddamn Sylvester Stallone in the Rocky movies.”

  “I gotta have a convo with Barry, my love. He not keeping you satisfied lately?”

  “Never mind…Barry’s got a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. He’s having trouble in that department.”

  “I don’t want to know.” I giggle. “Oh, that reminds me…Daniel is pre-med.”

  “Oh! You’re killing me! Jesus! A hot doctor! Mercy!” she’s laughing.

  “Stop it.” I argue, good-naturedly. “I have no interest in him. This is about doing well on a class project. Besides, I just got divorced. The last thing I need is another relationship.”

  “True enough. Hell, you can’t blame a gal for living vicariously.” Heather says. “Let me know how it works out, okay? Don’t be a stranger.” A pause. “Your mom doing okay?”

  “Fine. I was just over to see her. So, dare I ask…what’s wrong with Barry? Nothing serious, I hope.”

  “Na, he’s just got some trouble peeing. It burns. He’s terrified it’s his prostate, so he won’t have sex until he gets it checked out. I’m sure it’s a bladder infection, but I’m no doctor.”

  “Well, I’ll pray for him. Can’t hurt.”

  “True enough. I’ve been praying for you for a long time, and it seems like it’s finally paying off.”

  “Thanks. You’re the best.”

  “You too.”


  His hands, so big and warm, travel down to my waist from my mid-back, as his soft tongue gently sweeps the inside of my mouth, mating with my tongue in its wake. A wall of chest meets my breasts as he draws me closer to him. As our lips part, he leans his head sideways and trails kisses up my neck, leaving delicious chills down my flesh. Nipping my lobe, he stops to whisper that he wants me, in my ear, giving me goosebumps.

  “I want you, too.” I say, pulling back to kiss his neck, making sure to leave marks…my mark that he’s mine…all mine. As I suck his flesh, he softly moans, and the vibration from his throat sets me on fire. Squeezing my rear, he pulls me into him, being careful to put pressure in that special spot between my thighs, and an involuntarily groan escapes me.

  “You like that…” he breathes. Oh, yes…yes, I do.

  I can feel my thighs dampening further. My heartbeat quickens there, too. I don’t remember the last time I was this aroused. Maybe never. He lifts me in the darkness, and ravages my lips against his, as our tongues softly dance together in the silence. The gentle slapping sounds coming from our kisses are so erotic, I mentally record them in my mind, as he lowers me to the bed slowly, and rests his weight gently on me. His hardened bulge is right where it needs to be to set me off, as he pushes his pelvis into me in a motion that is so swift yet smooth, I barely move on the bed.

  As he lifts my shirt and bra, uncupping my breasts, he begins kissing me in my second most sensitive spot, making me writhe underneath him. His naked chest is covered with my hands, as I touch every inch of his muscles and girth. While his tongue flicks and bathes my nipples, my back arches, and reaches for the mark…his most sensitive spot. Sensing this, he lifts slightly, giving me access, and I undo his button and unzip his fly. Sliding my hand inside, I feel his movement quicken in response.

  His hand reaches down, mirroring my actions on him, as I pump his hardness, and he circles my swollen bud. As I feel the certain waves of pleasure, I feel the need to call out his name. But this man, in the darkness, is a mystery to me. Moments ago, he was faceless, but now, I can see a shadow of his features. His fingers move faster, as if he doesn’t want me to figure out who he is before I find my release, as if me knowing who this mystery man is will ruin the effect.

  I’m torn between the flood of pleasure and the need to know who is pleasuring me. When my release comes, I cry out, grabbing his face. As I look into his eyes, I see the same blue eyes that stared up into mine a few weeks ago, and I bolt upright in bed. “Daniel!” I pant, in my half-asleep state. “Holy fuck, Daniel!” I breathe, chest heaving. My eyes widen as I realize what just happened. “Jesus Christ!”

  I haven’t had a wet dream in a long time, and never one this hot. A bead of drool is traveling down the corner of my mouth. I wipe it and jump out of bed, knowing that I’ve overslept, and my project group is going to be here in a couple of hours. Quickly, I pick up the phone and call Heather. I’m going to need her help today.

  Greg arrives first. He gives me a friendly hug hello and pulls back, giving me a once-over. “Hey, you look really nice.”

  I’m wearing jeans and a white button-up blouse with a red camisole underneath, just poking up through the buttons in front. My hair is tied back in a half-knot, with the rest hanging down in loose curls. I ditched the glasses for today, opting for my contact lenses, with just a touch of mascara to finish things off. “Thanks. My grandmother bought me this blouse in Spain a couple of years ago.” I notice there is no car parked on the street; just mine is in the driveway. “What, did you walk here?”

  “No, I had a friend drop me off. Daniel said he could bring me, but I felt bad since he’s been trucking me everywhere lately. I lost my license. DUI.” He shrugs.

  “Oh, wow, I’m sorry.” Is all I can think of to say.

  “Don’t be.” He waves. “I should be getting it back soon. Not sure if I’ll be able to afford the insurance, but we’ll worry about one thing at a time.”

  “That sounds like a good idea.” I pause, letting him remove his shoes at the door. “Are you hungry? I made Keto-friendly cake, sweetened with Stevia.”

  “Sure.” He smiles. Greg is tall and skinny, like he hasn’t had a decent meal in a while, either that or he’s the type that can eat and eat everything, and never gain a pound. He has a receding hairline, with fine blonde hair kept short in a crew-like cut. His skin is kind of flushed, like he’s just run a mile in hot weather. He has light brown eyes. “Did you make it?”

  I nod. “Last night.”

  “I’ll put all the food out once everyone arrives, but I thought we’d keep the cake on the counter for now.”

  “Whatever works.” He shrugs. “Can I help with anything?”

  “Did you do your homework?” I ask, staring d
own at him from my nose, like a librarian, minus the half-moon shaped glasses, of course.

  “Busted. No, I didn’t do it. But I will.” He explains. “I was visiting my daughter last night and I had to work the night before that.”

  “How old is your daughter?”

  “She’s four. Sweet little thing.”

  “I take it she doesn’t live with you?”

  “Na, she lives with her mom and her fiancé.”

  “That must be rough.” I say, cutting him a slice of cake.

  “It can be. But at least I get to see Shyla now. I wasn’t allowed to for a while after the DUI.”

  “I didn’t know they could be related.” A ‘v’ forms between my brows.

  “Tina, her mom, didn’t want me around until I cleaned up. It wasn’t anything legal. I didn’t fight her on it. She was right.”

  I hand him a plate with cake on it, and a fork. “Eat wherever you like.”

  “How about right here?” he says, as though he’s afraid to make a mess.

  I hear a knock at the door and Heather’s voice calling from the other side as she enters. “Hey, sweetie. Come on in.” I call back. I make the introductions and show Heather the cake.

  “Looks like normal cake to me.” she says, examining the cake that has a striking resemblance to pound cake.

  “That’s because it is. It’s just sweetened differently. Wanna try a piece?”

  “Maybe later. When is everyone supposed to be here?”

  “Any time now.” I say, looking at my watch. Ten minutes later, both Brenda and Kyle are here as well, and I’m wondering where Daniel is. The food is out on the table and we’re assembling our notes. Brenda and Kyle have already reviewed their homework when the doorbell finally rings.

  “Hey,” Daniel says. “Sorry I’m late. I had to help my dad with something. We’ll have to swap phone numbers later so I can let you know next time.”

  “Is your dad okay?” I ask, closing the door behind him.

  “Yeah, he’s fine. He wanted to move some furniture around and help my mom clean up behind the couch. He called me last minute and I didn’t think it would take that long.”


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